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Jul 2, 2021:

3:36 PM Changeset in git [5c257a5] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #100 from jmhogan/master Implement max/skipEvents …

Jul 1, 2021:

1:54 AM Ticket #1509 (ATLAS pile-up card) created by Simon Knapen
Hello, My colleagues and I were studying low mass diphoton resonances …

Jun 28, 2021:

8:56 PM Changeset in git [910bd98] by Pavel Demin <pavel.demin@…>
update genMakefile.tcl and Makefile.arch

Jun 24, 2021:

9:02 PM Changeset in git [0799cd1] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Implement max/skipEvents in CMSFWLite reader
8:36 AM Ticket #1508 (Delphes does not make on M1 MacBook Air) created by Siddharth Yajaman
When I download the Delphes tar.gz file, untar it and then make, I get …

Jun 22, 2021:

10:26 AM Ticket #1507 (Compatible versions of MadGraph5 and PYTHIA8 that Delphes can read? ...) closed by Pavel Demin
8:57 AM Ticket #1507 (Compatible versions of MadGraph5 and PYTHIA8 that Delphes can read? ...) created by Matthew Feickert
Hi. Are there known upper limits on compatible versions of MadGraph5 …

Jun 12, 2021:

12:51 PM Ticket #1506 (status code for b-tagging) created by antara001
Hi Delphes Team, I am trying to study events where a Higgs decays to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.