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Oct 31, 2012:

5:13 PM Changeset in svn [702] by Michele Selvaggi
add pid to tracks
3:26 PM Changeset in svn [701] by Michele Selvaggi
2:13 AM Changeset in svn [700] by Pavel Demin
add ParticleFlow module
1:38 AM Changeset in svn [699] by Pavel Demin
reset input iterator
1:27 AM Changeset in svn [698] by Pavel Demin
add partcicle flow
1:20 AM Changeset in svn [697] by Pavel Demin
add particle flow
12:44 AM Changeset in svn [696] by Pavel Demin
add BTag, Eem and Ehad

Oct 30, 2012:

11:44 PM Changeset in svn [695] by Pavel Demin
remove CalorimeterForNeutrals
11:08 PM Changeset in svn [694] by Pavel Demin
fix EOL symbols
1:10 AM Changeset in svn [693] by Pavel Demin
fix compilation errors
1:04 AM Changeset in svn [692] by Pavel Demin
remove PythiaFix module
1:01 AM Changeset in svn [691] by Pavel Demin
add collection with all particles
12:36 AM Changeset in svn [690] by Pavel Demin
use Candidate for the particle collection
12:16 AM Changeset in svn [689] by Pavel Demin
add collection with all GenParticles

Oct 29, 2012:

11:55 PM Changeset in svn [688] by Pavel Demin
remove ExRoot prefix from all Delphes classes
11:48 PM Changeset in svn [687] by Pavel Demin
move ExRootClasses, ExRootModule, ExRootFactory to classes, move …

Oct 28, 2012:

1:21 AM Ticket #127 (compilation of Delphes_V_2.0.3) created by christophe.delaere@…
Hi, I am unable to compile Delphes 2.0.3 on Fedora release 17 (Beefy …

Oct 23, 2012:

12:14 AM Changeset in svn [686] by Pavel Demin
remove printout from ExRootCandidate
12:12 AM Changeset in svn [685] by Pavel Demin
fix copying of ExRootCandidate

Oct 22, 2012:

11:06 PM Changeset in svn [684] by Pavel Demin
remove ExRootCandidate includes
11:04 PM Changeset in svn [683] by Pavel Demin
add virtual destructor to ExRootCompare
10:56 PM Changeset in svn [682] by Pavel Demin
remove ExRootCandidate includes
10:52 PM Changeset in svn [681] by Pavel Demin
simplify ExRootCandidate and move it to ExRootClasses
10:50 PM Changeset in svn [680] by Pavel Demin
simplify ExRootCandidate and move it to ExRootClasses
9:38 PM Changeset in svn [679] by Pavel Demin
definitely fix candidate's mass and charge
5:39 PM Changeset in svn [678] by Pavel Demin
fix charge and mass calculation

Oct 19, 2012:

10:33 PM Changeset in svn [677] by Pavel Demin
use ExRootTrack and ExRootTower classes for Track and Tower branches
10:32 PM Changeset in svn [676] by Pavel Demin
add link to initial particle
9:53 PM Changeset in svn [675] by Pavel Demin
add fgCompare to ExRootTrack and ExRootTower

Oct 17, 2012:

2:44 PM OutDated/ModulesDevelopmentStatus edited by Pavel Demin
2:43 PM OutDated/ModulesDevelopmentStatus created by Pavel Demin

Oct 16, 2012:

9:50 AM Ticket #93 (Problem when running Delphes version 2.0.3) closed by favereau
9:49 AM Ticket #122 (KeyError: 'recaptcha_challenge_field') closed by favereau
wontfix: Cannot reproduce. Googling suggests it is related to the captcha …
9:41 AM Ticket #126 (Linking External Class) closed by favereau
fixed: I believe this is solved now, please reopen if needed

Oct 11, 2012:

12:11 PM Ticket #126 (Linking External Class) created by Michele Selvaggi
Dear Experts, I have implemented a class (called LeptonPair) that …
11:10 AM WikiStart edited by favereau

Oct 10, 2012:

10:49 PM Changeset in svn [674] by Pavel Demin
fix usage messages
10:48 PM Changeset in svn [673] by Pavel Demin
add TreeWriter methods to output tracks, electron ,muons, jets, etc.
10:46 PM Changeset in svn [672] by Pavel Demin
add isolation module

Oct 6, 2012:

6:18 PM Ticket #125 (Unable to handle Herwig++ events) created by holdom
Herwig++ 2.6.0 ThePEG 1.8.0 HepMC 2.06.09 Delphes 2.03 Delphes …

Oct 4, 2012:

2:22 PM Ticket #120 (installation problem) closed by favereau

Oct 2, 2012:

3:19 PM Ticket #124 (Segmentation violation) created by Shibi
Hi, I was wondering if I could get some help in finding out why the …

Oct 1, 2012:

5:37 PM Ticket #123 (treeReaderRec->GetEntries() not working correctly in created by anonymous
Hi, I have run 500k monojet events using MadGraph, fed them to pythia …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.