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Jan 9, 2020:

1:40 AM Changeset in git [7939c6c]Timing by Kaan Yüksel Oyulmaz <kaanyukseloyulmaz@…>
TimeSmearing Module is updated for neutral particles

Jan 6, 2020:

10:13 PM Changeset in git [03b9c0f]Timing by Kaan Yüksel Oyulmaz <kaanyukseloyulmaz@…>
New Time Smearing Module for Neutral Particles and FCC-hh Detector …

Jan 2, 2020:

4:57 AM Ticket #1416 (Loose and tight photon identification) created by Chih-Ting Lu
Dear Delphes authors, Recently, I would like to recast the following …

Dec 20, 2019:

10:03 AM Ticket #1415 (Forward tagger) created by Mohsen
I am going to do some study using the information of very forward …

Dec 18, 2019:

2:34 PM Ticket #1414 (Possibility of preventing leptons (the true electron and muon) from ...) created by Abdualazem Mohammed
Dear Delphes experts, I just wanted to make sure if there's …

Dec 13, 2019:

8:29 AM Changeset in git [3051358a]ImprovedOutputFile by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
update IDEA tracking resolution with correct formula

Dec 12, 2019:

3:16 PM Changeset in git [d4e5b6a]Timing by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #4 from kaanyuxel/master Addıng various timing …
3:08 PM Changeset in git [584e2e9]Timing by Kaan Yüksel Oyulmaz <kaanyukseloyulmaz@…>
FCC-hh Vertex Card is updated with PileUpMerger
3:01 PM Changeset in git [2b5ff2c]Timing by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
take Olmos Timesmearing and use TFormula as time resolution parameter
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.