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Apr 3, 2015:

5:51 PM Changeset in git [4f34105]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
fixed Makefile

Mar 31, 2015:

11:11 AM Contact edited by Michele Selvaggi

Mar 26, 2015:

7:00 PM Ticket #444 (Issues running Delphes examples) created by Vince Pascuzzi
Hi, I followed the README in order to install Delphes (simple …

Mar 25, 2015:

7:13 PM Ticket #443 (Delphes doesn't see new (external) classes) created by Peter Winslow
Hi, I'm a little new to Delphes and have run into a problem. I've …

Mar 24, 2015:

2:49 PM Ticket #442 (electron efficiency) created by namgyun
Hello delphes team. I meet some problem for electron analysis.I know …

Mar 20, 2015:

9:01 PM Ticket #440 (Delphes not matching generator) created by Christian Laner
Hi, I have generated a Dark Matter sample in Powheg with 2 jets and 2 …
5:57 AM Ticket #438 (MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 b-tagging) created by namgyun
hello. My data sample is produced with MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 …

Mar 19, 2015:

5:44 PM Ticket #437 (Delphes with ideal detector) created by Riccardo Torre
Hello, I would like to use Delphes with ideal detector, mainly to just …
3:38 PM Ticket #436 (DelphesPythia8) created by sarah malik
Hi, I recently came across a thread on DelphesPythia8 …

Mar 18, 2015:

12:56 PM Ticket #435 (no b-tagging with new model) created by namgyun
hello. My data sample is produced with MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2 . …

Mar 16, 2015:

5:17 PM WorkBook/Modules edited by Michele Selvaggi
5:16 PM WorkBook/Modules edited by Michele Selvaggi
4:39 PM Changeset in git [de6d698]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
added Trimming, Pruning and SoftDrop in FastJetFinder
2:53 PM Changeset in git [666d795]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
replaced N-sub by array in Jet class (same as in Candidate class)
2:47 PM Changeset in git [1f1f858]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
added RecursiveTools package from fastjet contribs
2:16 PM Ticket #434 (LHCO conversion fault) created by fan
Hi, I am attempting to analyze the 100 TeV pp samples for the FHC …

Mar 12, 2015:

5:17 AM Ticket #432 (ParameterR and DeltaR) created by namgyun
hello I confuse ParameterR and DeltaR. now I study about ttbar …

Mar 11, 2015:

11:56 PM Ticket #431 (Problem installing Delphes) created by sarellis
When installing Delphes in the madgraph5 environment, I get the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.