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Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#306 closed Bug

Error compiling Delphes 3.1.2 on lxplus — at Initial Version

Reported by: locci Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Delphes Team,

Following the instructions I successfully installed Delphes 3.1.2 on lxplus.

But running the make step "make -j 4", gave the following errors:

Generating tmp/classes/
Generating tmp/modules/
Compiling classes/
Generating tmp/external/ExRootAnalysis/

classes/ error: TDatabasePDG.h: No such file or directory
classes/ error: TParticlePDG.h: No such file or directory
classes/ In constructor â:
classes/ error: incomplete type â used in nested name specifier
classes/ In member function â:
classes/ error: â was not declared in this scope
classes/ error: â was not declared in this scope
classes/ error: invalid use of incomplete type â
./classes/DelphesHepMCReader.h:24: error: forward declaration of â
make: * [tmp/classes/DelphesHepMCReader.o] Error 1
* Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Compiling classes/

classes/ error: TDatabasePDG.h: No such file or directory
classes/ error: TParticlePDG.h: No such file or directory
classes/ In constructor â:
classes/ error: incomplete type â used in nested name specifier
classes/ In member function â:
classes/ error: â was not declared in this scope
classes/ error: â was not declared in this scope
classes/ error: invalid use of incomplete type â
./classes/DelphesLHEFReader.h:23: error: forward declaration of â
make: * [tmp/classes/DelphesLHEFReader.o] Error 1

I use ROOT 5.34/18, working fine for any other stuff.

Any idea about how to solve that problem? Any new tutorial session foreseen (I unfortunately missed that for FCC)?

Best regards,

Elizabeth Locci

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