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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#285 new How to

Problem with b-tagging

Reported by: Diptimoy Ghosh Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


I am facing some problem with b-tagging in Delphes.
I have used the ATLAS detector card provided with the latest Delphes distribution.
I am using the following line to get b-tagging information

if( jet->BTag & (1 << 0) ) { jet is btagged... }

But it seems to me that it does not work. In fact, with the same event file (generated using Delphes-3.1.2) I am getting very different answers when I am analyzing with Delphes-3.1.2 and Delphes-3.0.8.
I am new to Delphes and would really appreciate your help as soon as possible.

Attachments (5)

events.root (13.5 MB ) - added by Diptimoy Ghosh 10 years ago.
delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl (17.5 KB ) - added by Diptimoy Ghosh 10 years ago.
events_new.root (10.7 MB ) - added by Diptimoy Ghosh 10 years ago.
analysis.cpp (1.5 KB ) - added by Diptimoy Ghosh 10 years ago.
Makefile.alt (811 bytes ) - added by Diptimoy Ghosh 10 years ago.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by Alexandre Mertens, 10 years ago


The parametrization of the b-tagging in Delphes is described in the card "examples/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl" after the following lines

# b-tagging

Indeed, as you can check, the parametrization has been different between different releases.
Since the b-tagging efficiency is analysis dependent, it is better to modify those formulas and write efficiencies corresponding to the algorithm that you want to emulate.

comment:2 by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply.
I now generated a small sample of ttbar events in order to check the b-tagging.
In the ATLAS card I changed the efficiency to 1. But I get only very little b-jets.
The root file and also the detector card are attached.
I will appreciate your help in sorting out the problem.

by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Attachment: events.root added

by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Attachment: delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl added

comment:3 by Michele Selvaggi, 10 years ago

What kind of events are you looking at?
I don't think there is anything wrong with your root file.
Keep in mind that only reconstructed jets that match a produced b-parton within
the acceptance will be tagged as "b".


comment:4 by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Thanks a lot again for your reply.
A a check, I just wanted to count the number of events with 1, 2 b-tags.

I am using the following piece of code

for(int i=0; i<branchJet->GetEntries(); i++)

Jet *jet = (Jet *) branchJet->At(i);
if( jet->BTag & (1 << 0) ) { btag = btag + 1;}


As the event file is for ttbar and the b tagging efficiency is set to 1, I expect almost all events to have 1 or 2 b-rags. But this is not happening.

I must say that I am new to Delphes, so I may have done some mistake.
If the above piece of code is not correct then I would request you to provide me with a small piece of code which can be used for my purpose.
Thanks a lot for your time and the help.

comment:5 by Alexandre Mertens, 10 years ago


There is a combination of two effects here:

As Michele just said above, a jet might be tagged as a b-jet only if a jet is reconstructed (so if it is in the acceptance of the detector).

Then, there is a pt cut on the jet reconstruction. (no jets with sufficient pt -> no b-jets)

424	############
425	# Jet finder
426	############
428	module FastJetFinder FastJetFinder {
429	  set InputArray Calorimeter/towers
431	  set OutputArray jets
433	  # algorithm: 1 CDFJetClu, 2 MidPoint, 3 SIScone, 4 kt, 5 Cambridge/Aachen, 6 antikt
434	  set JetAlgorithm 6
435	  set ParameterR 0.4
437	  set JetPTMin 20.0
438	}

To validate the procedure, you can access the generated particle in the Delphes output rootfile.
There is an example on how to access the generated particle in the Example3 (examples/Example3.C).

Concerning the code:
Since you're applying only one b-tagging algorithm, you can simply use

if( jet->BTag )

I hope this can help.


Last edited 10 years ago by Alexandre Mertens (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Thanks a lot again for your time and help.
I have now generated
p p > b bbar with all the b's having pT > 50 GeV and |Eta| < 2.5.
The parton level distributions generated by Madgraph are also consistent with this.

So I guess that the jets should pass the selection cuts easily.
The root file attached has 250 events. Even then I am only finally getting a few events with b-tag.
Somewhere I must be doing a mistake.

I am attaching the new root file again.
I request you to please help me with this, may you can check how many events with b-tags you are getting. This will confirm the confusion.

I again thank you for the help.

Last edited 10 years ago by Diptimoy Ghosh (previous) (diff)

by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Attachment: events_new.root added

comment:7 by Alexandre Mertens, 10 years ago


If you look in the rootfile and check the number of b-tagged jet:

root -l events_new.root
root [1] TBrowser 
root [2] Delphes->Draw("Jet.BTag")

You can see that you have more than 450 jets which are b-tagged in your sample.

here is an example of macro that you can try :

root -l examples/btag.C\(\"delphes_output.root\"\)

after having copied the following line into a file "examples/btag.C"


void btag(const char *inputFile)

  // Create chain of root trees
  TChain chain("Delphes");

  // Create object of class ExRootTreeReader
  ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&chain);
  Long64_t numberOfEntries = treeReader->GetEntries();

  // Get pointers to branches used in this analysis
  TClonesArray *branchJet = treeReader->UseBranch("Jet");

  // define the number of B-jets in the event
  int NofBs = 0;

  // Loop over all events
  for(Int_t entry = 0; entry < numberOfEntries; ++entry)
    // Load selected branches with data from specified event

    // set the number of B-jets in the event to 0
    NofBs = 0;

    // If event contains at least 1 jet
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < branchJet->GetEntries(); i++)
      // Take first jet
      Jet *jet = (Jet*) branchJet->At(i);

      if (jet->BTag == 1) NofBs++;
    cout << NofBs << endl;

comment:8 by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago


Million thanks for the help.
I could use your code without any problem.

Now I think that it was probably some stupid problem in my code, although I do not know what.
I am attaching a small piece of code (basically adapted from yours) and a Makefile which I use.
With this code I do not get the correct answer. The code compiles and runs and gives some warnings.
I do not get these warnings in Delphes 3.0.9 but they do appear in the latest version.

As I do not get any linking or other error I am unable to spot the problem.

I will really grateful if you could help.
I am again sorry for my ignorance.
The analysis code and Makefile are attached.

Thanks again.

Version 0, edited 10 years ago by Diptimoy Ghosh (next)

by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Attachment: analysis.cpp added

by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

Attachment: Makefile.alt added

comment:9 by Diptimoy Ghosh, 10 years ago

This is just to add that I get the same answer with my analysis.cpp program as your code with delphes 3.0.8 but completely different result with delphes 3.1.2 (as I explained in my previous post).
Although I get the same warnings.

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