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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #245, comment 2

Jan 17, 2014, 3:53:10 PM (11 years ago)
Rafael Delgado López


  • Ticket #245, comment 2

    initial v1  
    33This helps me. I can easily divide the hard disk consumption by a factor of 50. And I think I will be able to reduce it even more. Setting cuts into some parts of the reconstruction machinery can also reduce the space consumption.
    5 However, what I would like to do is not only set a cut which avoids writing some parts of the event into disk (this is what cuts in detector_card do, isn't it?). But one which "discards completely" the majority of events, based on the lack of a particle (including, maybe, the missing transverse momentum) which fulfill certain constraints in the reconstruction of the event. For example, the presence of at least one photon with Et>=XXGeV.
     5However, what I would like to do is not only set a cut which avoids writing some parts of the event into disk (this is what cuts in detector_card do, isn't it?). But one which "discards completely" the majority of events, based on the lack of a particle in the reconstruction (including, maybe, the missing transverse momentum) which fulfill certain constraints. For example, the presence of at least one photon with Et>=XXGeV.
    77This would simplify certain analysis. Is it possible? Or, would be necessary to modify, for example, DelphesHepMC.cpp or DelphesPythia8.cpp in order to avoid writing such events into disk?