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{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (3 matches)

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Francisco Casa (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#1578 Delphes Branches Delphes code How to 22 months ago


1) What is the difference between electrons/quarks/muons/etc from the Particle Branch and the same type of particles from Jet, Electron, Muon, and Photon Branches?

2)Also, what is the difference between GenJet, GenMissingET from Jet, MissingET?

(I'm using MG5+Pythia8+Delphes)



Ali YILMAZ (1 match)

#866 some questions on DelphesAnalysis ( python ) Delphes code How to 9 years ago


I have some questions to bother you, in the file Delphes/python/DelphesAnalysis/ :

  1. self.BuildIndex("Event[0].Number") #: why Event[0].Number ? we have a tree named Event.Number but no tree named Event[0].Number
  2. how a TObjArray behaviour like a 'real' array ? This question may not be a Delphes's question but I find that in root's guide , it said using operate[], but I failed. I just want to display the content of the array as the 'real' one.
  3. return self.Event.At(0).Number #: when added branch Event, a bug:AttributeError: 'TObject' object has no attribute 'Number' . Also the same question, why it is Event.At(0).Number but not Event.Number 4. self._weightCache = {} self._weightEngines = {} self._collections = {} self._producers = {} I have some confusion about the usage of _collections and _producers , what are they used for ? And I am confused about since we have _weightEngines to store our weight dictionary , why we need a _weightCache ?

When I go through the file I got many confusions. Maybe I can learn something from your examples and understand your idea of design DelphesAnalysis better. But now I am so confusion why you not just provide a python version of ExRootAnalysis or something to read Trees using python. The way ( using a configure file , plot file ..etc) really bother me now.

And I can not follow the README:

. ./
cd python
# run the analysis
DelphesAnalysis/ -i ../files/ -o controlPlots_demo.root --all -c

since I don't know the meaning of ". ./" , I guess I can instead it by "sh" ? and I don't know "DelphesAnalysis/ -i ../files/ -o controlPlots_demo.root --all -c

" , as the bug said:

ui@ui:~/tools/package/Delphes-3.3.2/python$ DelphesAnalysis/ -i ../files/ -o ../zhh.root --all -c
bash: DelphesAnalysis/ Permission denied
ui@ui:~/tools/package/Delphes-3.3.2/python$ sudo DelphesAnalysis/ -i ../files/ -o ../zhh.root --all -c
[sudo] password for ui: 
sudo: DelphesAnalysis/ command not found
ui@ui:~/tools/package/Delphes-3.3.2/python$ python DelphesAnalysis/ -i ../files/ -o ../zhh.root --all -c
Error in <TUnixSystem::DynamicPathName>: libDelphes[.so | .dll | .dylib | .sl | .dl | .a] does not exist in :/home/ui/tools/root/lib:.:/home/ui/tools/root/lib::/home/ui/tools/root/cint/cint/stl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "DelphesAnalysis/", line 45, in <module>
    import Delphes
  File "/home/ui/tools/package/Delphes-3.3.2/python/DelphesAnalysis/", line 14, in <module>
    _root.MakeRootClass( "Event" ).__str__    = _Event__str__
TypeError: requested class 'ROOT::Event' does not exist

I want to turn to python coding and I really appreciate you have provided a python interface for Delphes. But now I need some help to be familiar with it.

Best, Li

Avirup Ghosh (1 match)

#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon Delphes code How to 8 years ago


I am looking at a BSM scenario where a final state particle is a heavy stable charged particle.I have treated it as a muon so that in my root file it is identified as a muon.If additionally I have actual muon in my final state I want to distinguish between them.Is there any accessible variable in Delphes 3 using which I can distinguish between them??

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