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Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1023 Delphes with ROOT files as input new herwig, root, fpmc How to minor
#1517 How to set the splitlevel for branches in the output root file new splitlevel, ttree, tbranch, root How to minor
#1522 Cannot install Delphes on MacOS Monterey new Installation, MacOS, ROOT Bug minor
#703 error during analysis of a .root file using Delphes 3.2.0 compiled with root 6.02.05 new ExRootResult Bug major
#1412 Branches in Delphes Root File and Distinguishing Among Particles. new mother, daughter, branch, root How to major
#1588 How to access positron branch and make Et plots for positron using delphes.root file new Root, Delphes, TTree structure How to major
#1356 Fail to create LHCO events from DELPHES in Madgraph, using macOS 10.14 new root, mg5 Bug critical
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; new Muons, ROOT How to critical
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