12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix time in ParticlePropagator
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
read time from ProMC file
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
uncomment fEFlowTowerOutputArray->Add in Calorimter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix fTower->AddCandidate in Calorimeter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix Eem and Ehad
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
reorganize new energy flow cases
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add missing energy flow case
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use the first version of the logo
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
new energy flow that compiles
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
new energy flow
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add margins to logo and diagram
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
logo with wider bottom lines
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change delphes logo
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check tau's daughter index
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
calculate tau momentum without neutrinos
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change plot colors
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
start graph points from 0
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use filled area for processing time plot
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
increase jet multiplicity in processing time plot
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change processing time color
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add comment to processing time plot
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set memory usage units to MB
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add memory_usage.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set memory usage colors to black
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
increase font size for performance plots
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add MemoryUsage.C
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
back to previous version of Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace particle.statusHepMC() with pythia->event.statusHepMC(i) in …
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace status with statusHepMC in DelphesPythia8.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use mass from input file
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use mass from input file
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add workaround for MadAnalysis bug
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
link Pythia 8 with LHAPDF
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
name event counters as in other readers
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix DelphesPythia8.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add event information
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add stop watches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix DelphesPythia8.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add DelphesPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add modules/Pythia8LinkDef.h
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add DelphesCMSFWLite, DelphesProMC and DelphesPythia8 to Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Pythia config file to PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove DelphesCMSFWLite.sh and DelphesProMC.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add external/ProMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
move DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp and DelphesProMC.cpp to readers
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add empty line after Pythia8 make rules
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix genMakefile.tcl
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix genMakefile and PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use better name for event counter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace stable with all stable in delphes_diagram.svg
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove trailing spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unneeded semicolon from DelphesProMC.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix daughters indices in DelphesCMSFWLite
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check tau's daughters indices
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
copy ProMC files to external/ProMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
delphes diagram with simplified internal structure and new logo
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add RandomSeed parameter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove trailing space
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Delphes diagram
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix ProMC includes and check PROMC variable
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix particle loop in DelphesCMSFWLite and DelphesProMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix several problems in DelphesProMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
optimize LogNormal
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EnergyScale to Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace <event with <event>
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use log normal for calorimeter resolution
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EnergyScale
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add DelphesProMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tau-tagging input collection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tau-tagging input collection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix b-tagging input collection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix particles status selection in DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix pz in DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix include of Example1.C
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EG library to examples/DelphesCMSFWLite.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add MaxEvents and SkipEvents
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use xdr_opaque when reading pipe
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update Makefile
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Example1.cpp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.10
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add module Weighter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add configuration for Weighter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Weight branch and Weighter module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add more AreaDefinition parameters for active_area
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.9
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix STDHEP reader
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace --evelibs with --libs in DelphesCMSFWLite.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
simplify lepton selection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add more particles to StatusPidFilter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Rho branch and HepMCEvent::Weight
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
read Rho as TLorentzVector::E()
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Rho branch
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add python directory to the tar file
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add DelphesAnalysis
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add pileup rotation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
read momentum and position units from HepMC file