11 years |
Pavel Demin |
revert to log-normal distribution for calorimeter smearing
11 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove sigma cut and switch to gaussian distribution for calorimeter …
11 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unneeded assignments for energy flow tower
11 years |
Pavel Demin |
compare energy excess to sigma
11 years |
Pavel Demin |
store all track hits
11 years |
Pavel Demin |
new energy flow
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
added PileUpDistribution parameter to the PileUpMerger module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
added UsePTSum and PTSumMax parameters to the Isolation module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix time in ParticlePropagator
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
uncomment fEFlowTowerOutputArray->Add in Calorimter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix fTower->AddCandidate in Calorimeter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix Eem and Ehad
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
reorganize new energy flow cases
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add missing energy flow case
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
new energy flow that compiles
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
new energy flow
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check tau's daughter index
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
calculate tau momentum without neutrinos
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add modules/Pythia8LinkDef.h
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Pythia config file to PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix genMakefile and PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add PileUpMergerPythia8
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check tau's daughters indices
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add RandomSeed parameter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
optimize LogNormal
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use log normal for calorimeter resolution
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EnergyScale
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add module Weighter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Weight branch and Weighter module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add more AreaDefinition parameters for active_area
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
simplify lepton selection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add more particles to StatusPidFilter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
read Rho as TLorentzVector::E()
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Rho branch
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add pileup rotation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Cloner
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
define BTag and TauTag as UInt_t and use them as a set of bits
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
move branches/ModularDelphes to trunk
copied from branches/ModularDelphes/modules
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change MissingET::Phi direction