12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove MagneticField module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
reorder branches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace strcmp with strncmp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove strnlen and replace strcmp with strncmp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
re-enable Track and Tower branches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove MagneticField
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
increase version
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update root tree description
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove Nhit from Photon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove Nhit from Photon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix colors
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix root tree description scripts
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove old scripts
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
automatically load libDelphes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update ATLAS card
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add an example of how to use references to Particles and Constituents
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set UniqueID for muons
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
split eflow into eflowTracks and eflowTowers
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix plot margin
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add jet constituents
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
trim trailing spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add particles to splitted towers
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix comment
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace CosTheta with Overlaps
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
split towers hit by tracks and photons
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TRefArray to Particles for Photon, Tower and Jet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tau jets
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tau jets
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
removed tau stuff from root2lhco and lhco2root
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TauTag to Jet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add electron hits without track to photon candidates
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove muons from calorimeter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TRef to Particle for Photon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add data flow graphviz script
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set Particle UniqueID
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TRef to Particle for Track, Electron and Muon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix Candidate's UniqueID
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix energy smearing
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace RECREATE with CREATE
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add LeptonDressing module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add LeptonDressing module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unneeded spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix electron resolution
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
declare DelphesDisplay destructor as virtual
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set smeared particle momentum to its value at vertex
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix energy resolution for electrons
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix electron resolution
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix magnetic field direction
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unused variables
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unused variables
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
separate electrons and muons from other tracks in the ParticlePropagator
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
several minor fixes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
enable tracks in the 3D view
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix lego view
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add classes for event display
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add jet radius in eta and in phi
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add event display example
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add tower edges
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove empty lines
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use P4() method for ee invariant mass calculation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
sort all objects in TreeWriter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix ParticlePropagator, fix isolation, add ScalarHT
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace mother with GetCandidates()->At(0) and add ScalarHT
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unused modules
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix Overlaps method and add ScalarHT
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
adapt cards to the new eflow algorithm
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set propagated particle momentum to its value at vertex
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix momentum
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Overlaps method and fix GetCandidates method
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add track filtering to calorimter
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use only neutral energy for photons
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add P4 method to all classes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix calorimeter bins
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
switch off particle flow in the ATLAS card
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add an example card for ATLAS and fix CMS card
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add missing xrd include
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
working isolation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix BTag comment
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update RootTreeDescription.html
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace DeltaR with DeltaRMin and DeltaRMax
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace TRootJet with Jet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace TRootJet with Jet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix TauTagging
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add pt, eta, phi variables
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace TauJetFinder with TauTagging
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TauTagging module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change MCFIO_STDHEP4 formatting
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ReadSTDHEP4
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change static_cast formatting
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Reading input file message
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unnecessary endl from error messages
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check if configuration file is open
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add update_fastjet.sh script
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix includes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update fastjet to version 3.0.3
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
revert to local fastjet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
revert to local fastjet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
put back external/fastjet
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set x-axis limits