12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix ParticleFlow input
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add examples
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add event timer
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add event timer and output messgaes for module initialization and …
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix formula reading
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TrackFinder module and uniformize includes and formulae
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
add pid to tracks
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ParticleFlow module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
reset input iterator
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add partcicle flow
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add particle flow
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add BTag, Eem and Ehad
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove CalorimeterForNeutrals
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix EOL symbols
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix compilation errors
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove PythiaFix module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add collection with all particles
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use Candidate for the particle collection
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add collection with all GenParticles
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ExRoot prefix from all Delphes classes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
move ExRootClasses, ExRootModule, ExRootFactory to classes, move …
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove printout from ExRootCandidate
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix copying of ExRootCandidate
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ExRootCandidate includes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add virtual destructor to ExRootCompare
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ExRootCandidate includes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
simplify ExRootCandidate and move it to ExRootClasses
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
simplify ExRootCandidate and move it to ExRootClasses
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
definitely fix candidate's mass and charge
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix charge and mass calculation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use ExRootTrack and ExRootTower classes for Track and Tower branches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add link to initial particle
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add fgCompare to ExRootTrack and ExRootTower
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix usage messages
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add TreeWriter methods to output tracks, electron ,muons, jets, etc.
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add isolation module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
improve a couple of comments in the config file
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
declare constants as static
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove *Type and *Mass methods, add *PdgCode methods from/to …
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
working optimized calorimeter module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
working optimized calorimiter module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tower momentum calculation
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
clear fECalFractions and fHCalFractions in the Calorimeter module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix iterator check for photons and electrons
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
try to optimize Calorimeter towers
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
delete phi bins properly
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
try to optimize eta and phi bins
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add PartonPTMin and PartonEtaMax parameters to BTagging module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add PartonPTMin and PartonEtaMax parameters to BTagging module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add output array to BTagging module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
set inputFile to 0 by default
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add HepMC library
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ExampleModule
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add BTagging module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add BTagging module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove number of entries display from ExRootProgressBar
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
several minor fixes
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
first working version of DelphesLHEF
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
print FastJet banner from FastJetFinder::Init
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace EtaBins parameter with EtaPhiBins
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ExampleModule
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add HepMC converter
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add NewPermanentArray and remove NewInfoMap methods
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add LHEF library
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
working DelphesSTDHEP
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ExRootCandList
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ExRootEventLoop
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove dependency between ExRootFactory and ExRootTreeWriter
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove dependency between ExRootFactory and ExRootTreeWriter
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
call Clear method for new objects
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix PermanentCandidates
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ClearConstituents method
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix Clear method arguments
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add new modules' parameters
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
adapt to new ExRootAnalysis dependencies
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add OutputArray parameter
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
put energy smearing inside Calorimeter module
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add check for NULL TParticlePDG pointer
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
convert resulting position back to mm
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
reset iterator before for each event
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
adapt to new ExRootAnalysis interface
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
it now inherits from ExRootModule
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix GetPosition and SetPosition comments
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
better implementation of eta and phi bins
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix segmentation violation after exception
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace all error messages with throw runtime_error
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
many fixes needed to make DelphesSTDHEP run
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
initial commit
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
initial commit
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
use one formula for all eta values
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
optimize filling of output array
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add tower index to PseudoJet
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add phi bins array for each eta bin
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
initial commit
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add more jet finding algorithms
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
intermediate buildable version
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
intial commit
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
initial commit
13 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Merger and TreeWriter modules