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  • display/

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
    4242using namespace std;
    44 Delphes3DGeometry::Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom) {
     44Delphes3DGeometry::Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom, bool transp) {
    4646   //--- the geometry manager
    5151   TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0);
    5252   TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7); // placeholder
    53    matVacuum->SetTransparency(85);
    54    matAl->SetTransparency(85);
     53   if(transp) {
     54     matVacuum->SetTransparency(85);
     55     matAl->SetTransparency(85);
     56   }
    5658   //--- define some media
  • display/Delphes3DGeometry.h

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
    3535class Delphes3DGeometry {
    3636   public:
    37      Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom = NULL);
     37     Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom = NULL, bool transp = false);
    3838     ~Delphes3DGeometry() {}
  • display/

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
    156156       TEveCaloLego *lego = new TEveCaloLego(container);
    157157       lego->InitMainTrans();
    158        lego->RefMainTrans().SetScale(TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::Pi());
     158 //    lego->RefMainTrans().SetScale(TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::Pi());
     159       lego->RefMainTrans().SetScale(100, 100, TMath::Pi());
    159160       lego->SetAutoRebin(kFALSE);
    160161       lego->Set2DMode(TEveCaloLego::kValSizeOutline);
  • display/DelphesEventDisplay.h

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
    111111    }
    113     void DisplayProgress(Int_t p) { //TODO replace by a progress bar
     113    void DisplayProgress(Int_t p) {
    114114         fStatusBar_->SetText(Form("Processing... %d %%",p), 1);
    115115         gSystem->ProcessEvents();
  • display/

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
    4949    histograms.push_back(h);
    5050    histograms_[(*data)->GetName()] = histograms;
     51    // the event histograms
     52    TH1F* h1 = (TH1F*)histograms[0]->Clone(); h1->Reset(); h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
     53    TH1F* h2 = (TH1F*)histograms[1]->Clone(); h2->Reset(); h2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
     54    TH1F* h3 = (TH1F*)histograms[2]->Clone(); h3->Reset(); h3->SetLineColor(kBlue);
     55    std::vector<TH1F*> hv;
     56    hv.push_back(h1);
     57    hv.push_back(h2);
     58    hv.push_back(h3);
     59    eventProfiles_[(*data)->GetName()] = hv;
     60    // the event markers
     61    TMarker *m;
     62    std::vector<TMarker*> mv;
     63    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     64    mv.push_back(m);
     65    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     66    mv.push_back(m);
     67    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     68    mv.push_back(m);
     69    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     70    mv.push_back(m);
     71    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     72    mv.push_back(m);
     73    m = new TMarker(0,0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
     74    mv.push_back(m);
     75    eventMarkers_[(*data)->GetName()] = mv;
    5176  }
    95120        eventProfiles[i]->Draw("same");
    96121      } else {
    97         if(eventMarkers.size()>(unsigned int)(i-3)) {
    98           eventMarkers[i-3]->Draw("same");
    99         }
     122        eventMarkers[i-3]->Draw("same");
    100123      }
    101124    }
    106 void DelphesPlotSummary::FillEvent() { //TODO make it faster... try to reuse objects and simply change the values
    107   // clear previous markers
     129void DelphesPlotSummary::FillEvent() {
     130  // clear event histograms and markers
     131  for(std::map< TString, std::vector<TH1F*> >::iterator hv = eventProfiles_.begin(); hv!=eventProfiles_.end();++hv) {
     132    for(std::vector<TH1F*>::iterator h = hv->second.begin(); h<hv->second.end();++h) {
     133      (*h)->Reset();
     134    }
     135  }
    108136  for(std::map< TString, std::vector<TMarker*> >::iterator mv = eventMarkers_.begin(); mv!=eventMarkers_.end();++mv) {
    109137    for(std::vector<TMarker*>::iterator m = mv->second.begin(); m<mv->second.end();++m) {
    110       delete *m;
     138      (*m)->SetMarkerSize(0);
    111139    }
    112140  }
    113   eventMarkers_.clear();
    114   for(std::map< TString, std::vector<TH1F*> >::iterator hv = eventProfiles_.begin(); hv!=eventProfiles_.end();++hv) {
    115     for(std::vector<TH1F*>::iterator h = hv->second.begin(); h<hv->second.end();++h) {
    116       delete *h;
    117     }
    118   }
    119   eventProfiles_.clear();
    120141  // loop over the elements and fill markers with event data
    121   TMarker *m;
    122142  for(std::vector<DelphesBranchBase*>::iterator element = elements_->begin();element<elements_->end();++element) {
    123     std::vector<TMarker*> mv;
    124143    std::vector<TLorentzVector> vectors = (*element)->GetVectors();
    125144    std::sort(vectors.begin(), vectors.end(), vecsorter);
    126     std::vector<TH1F*> histograms = histograms_[(*element)->GetName()];
    127     TH1F* h1 = (TH1F*)histograms[0]->Clone(); h1->Reset(); h1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
    128     TH1F* h2 = (TH1F*)histograms[1]->Clone(); h2->Reset(); h2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
    129     TH1F* h3 = (TH1F*)histograms[2]->Clone(); h3->Reset(); h3->SetLineColor(kBlue);
     145    std::vector<TH1F*> hv = eventProfiles_[(*element)->GetName()];
     146    TH1F* h1 = hv[0]; h1->Reset();
     147    TH1F* h2 = hv[1]; h1->Reset();
     148    TH1F* h3 = hv[2]; h1->Reset();
     149    std::vector<TMarker*> mv = eventMarkers_[(*element)->GetName()];
    130150    for(std::vector<TLorentzVector>::iterator it=vectors.begin(); it<vectors.end();++it) {
    131151      h1->Fill(it->Pt());
    133153      h3->Fill(it->Phi());
    134154      if(it==vectors.begin()) {
    135         m = new TMarker(it->Pt(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    136         mv.push_back(m);
    137         m = new TMarker(it->Eta(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    138         mv.push_back(m);
    139         m = new TMarker(it->Phi(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    140         mv.push_back(m);
     155        mv[0]->SetX(it->Pt()); mv[0]->SetMarkerSize(3);
     156        mv[1]->SetX(it->Eta()); mv[1]->SetMarkerSize(3);
     157        mv[2]->SetX(it->Phi()); mv[2]->SetMarkerSize(3);
    141158      }
    142159      if(it==vectors.begin()+1) {
    143         m = new TMarker(it->Pt(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    144         mv.push_back(m);
    145         m = new TMarker(it->Eta(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    146         mv.push_back(m);
    147         m = new TMarker(it->Phi(),0,29); m->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); m->SetMarkerSize(3);
    148         mv.push_back(m);
     160        mv[3]->SetX(it->Pt()); mv[3]->SetMarkerSize(3);
     161        mv[4]->SetX(it->Eta()); mv[4]->SetMarkerSize(3);
     162        mv[5]->SetX(it->Phi()); mv[5]->SetMarkerSize(3);
    149163      }
    150164    }
    151     std::vector<TH1F*> hv;
    152     hv.push_back(h1);
    153     hv.push_back(h2);
    154     hv.push_back(h3);
    155     eventProfiles_[(*element)->GetName()] = hv;
    156     eventMarkers_[(*element)->GetName()] = mv;
    157165  }
  • examples/EventDisplay.C

    rfcdb8bc rf6b6ee7  
     1/* Example:
     2 * root -l 'EventDisplay.C("delphes_card_CMS.tcl","../delphes_output.root")'
     3 * root -l 'EventDisplay.C("delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl","../delphes_output.root","ParticlePropagator","ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency","MuonTrackingEfficiency","Ecal,Hcal")'
     4 */
    2 void evdisplay(const char* configfile = "delphes_card_CMS.tcl", const char* datafile = "delphes_output.root",
    3                const char* ParticlePropagator="ParticlePropagator",
    4                const char* TrackingEfficiency="ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency",
    5                const char* MuonEfficiency="MuonEfficiency",
    6                const char* Calorimeters="Calorimeter")
     6void EventDisplay(const char* configfile = "delphes_card_CMS.tcl", const char* datafile = "delphes_output.root",
     7                  const char* ParticlePropagator="ParticlePropagator",
     8                  const char* TrackingEfficiency="ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency",
     9                  const char* MuonEfficiency="MuonEfficiency",
     10                  const char* Calorimeters="Calorimeter",
     11                  bool displayGeometryOnly = false)
    813   // load the libraries
    1116   gSystem->Load("../libDelphesDisplay");
    13    // create the detector representation
    14    Delphes3DGeometry det3D(new TGeoManager("delphes", "Delphes geometry"));
    15    det3D.readFile(configfile, ParticlePropagator, TrackingEfficiency, MuonEfficiency, Calorimeters);
     18   if(displayGeometryOnly) {
     19     // create the detector representation without transparency
     20     Delphes3DGeometry det3D_geom(new TGeoManager("delphes", "Delphes geometry"), false);
     21     det3D_geom.readFile(configfile, ParticlePropagator, TrackingEfficiency, MuonEfficiency, Calorimeters);
    17    // create the application items
    18    DelphesEventDisplay* display = new DelphesEventDisplay(configfile, datafile, det3D);
     23     // display
     24     det3D_geom.getDetector()->Draw("ogl");
    20 /*
    21    // EClipType not exported to CINT (see TGLUtil.h):
    22    // 0 - no clip, 1 - clip plane, 2 - clip box
    23    TGLViewer *v = gEve->GetDefaultGLViewer();
    24    //Double_t plane[4] = { 0., 1., 0., 0. };
    25    //v->GetClipSet()->SetClipState(1,plane);
    26    //v->GetClipSet()->SetClipType(1);
    27    //v->ColorSet().Background().SetColor(kMagenta+4);
    28    //v->SetGuideState(TGLUtil::kAxesEdge, kTRUE, kFALSE, 0);
    29    v->RefreshPadEditor(v);
    30    v->CurrentCamera().RotateRad(-1.2, 0.5);
    31    v->DoDraw();
    32 */
     26   } else {
     28     // create the detector representation
     29     Delphes3DGeometry det3D(new TGeoManager("delphes", "Delphes geometry"), true);
     30     det3D.readFile(configfile, ParticlePropagator, TrackingEfficiency, MuonEfficiency, Calorimeters);
     32     // create the application
     33     DelphesEventDisplay* display = new DelphesEventDisplay(configfile, datafile, det3D);
     35   }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.