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  • classes/DelphesClasses.h

    r2b3ef28 redf10ba  
     86class LHEFWeight: public TObject
     89  Int_t ID; // weight ID
     90  Float_t Weight; // weight value
     92  ClassDef(LHEFWeight, 1)
    8697class HepMCEvent: public Event
    231242  TRefArray Particles; // references to generated particles
     244  // Isolation variables
     246  Float_t IsolationVar;
     247  Float_t IsolationVarRhoCorr;
     248  Float_t SumPtCharged;
     249  Float_t SumPtNeutral;
     250  Float_t SumPtChargedPU;
     251  Float_t SumPt;
    233253  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
    234254  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
    257277  TRef Particle; // reference to generated particle
     279  // Isolation variables
     281  Float_t IsolationVar;
     282  Float_t IsolationVarRhoCorr;
     283  Float_t SumPtCharged;
     284  Float_t SumPtNeutral;
     285  Float_t SumPtChargedPU;
     286  Float_t SumPt;
    259288  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
    260289  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
    281310  TRef Particle; // reference to generated particle
     312   // Isolation variables
     314  Float_t IsolationVar;
     315  Float_t IsolationVarRhoCorr;
     316  Float_t SumPtCharged;
     317  Float_t SumPtNeutral;
     318  Float_t SumPtChargedPU;
     319  Float_t SumPt;
    283321  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
    284322  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
    308346  UInt_t BTag; // 0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark
     348  UInt_t BTagAlgo;
     349  UInt_t BTagDefault;
     350  UInt_t BTagPhysics;
     351  UInt_t BTagNearest2;
     352  UInt_t BTagNearest3;
     353  UInt_t BTagHeaviest;
     354  UInt_t BTagHighestPt;
     356  UInt_t FlavorAlgo;
     357  UInt_t FlavorDefault;
     358  UInt_t FlavorPhysics;
     359  UInt_t FlavorNearest2;
     360  UInt_t FlavorNearest3;
     361  UInt_t FlavorHeaviest;
     362  UInt_t FlavorHighestPt;
    309364  UInt_t TauTag; // 0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as a tau
    313368  Float_t EhadOverEem; // ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter
    315   Int_t    NCharged; // number of charged constituents
    316   Int_t    NNeutrals; // number of neutral constituents
    317   Float_t  Beta; // (sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    318   Float_t  BetaStar; // (sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    319   Float_t  MeanSqDeltaR; // average distance (squared) between constituent and jet weighted by pt (squared) of constituent
    320   Float_t  PTD; // average pt between constituent and jet weighted by pt of constituent
    321   Float_t  FracPt[5]; // (sum pt of constituents within a ring 0.1*i < DeltaR < 0.1*(i+1))/(sum pt of constituents)
    323   Float_t Tau1; // 1-subjettiness
    324   Float_t Tau2; // 2-subjettiness
    325   Float_t Tau3; // 3-subjettiness
    326   Float_t Tau4; // 4-subjettiness
    327   Float_t Tau5; // 5-subjettiness
     370  Int_t NCharged; // number of charged constituents
     371  Int_t NNeutrals; // number of neutral constituents
     372  Float_t Beta; // (sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
     373  Float_t BetaStar; // (sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
     374  Float_t MeanSqDeltaR; // average distance (squared) between constituent and jet weighted by pt (squared) of constituent
     375  Float_t PTD; // average pt between constituent and jet weighted by pt of constituent
     376  Float_t FracPt[5]; // (sum pt of constituents within a ring 0.1*i < DeltaR < 0.1*(i+1))/(sum pt of constituents)
     378  Float_t Tau[5]; // N-subjettiness
     380  TLorentzVector TrimmedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total Trimmed Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the trimmed subjets 4-momenta
     381  TLorentzVector PrunedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total Pruned Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta
     382  TLorentzVector SoftDroppedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total SoftDropped Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta
     384  Int_t NSubJetsTrimmed; // number of subjets trimmed
     385  Int_t NSubJetsPruned; // number of subjets pruned
     386  Int_t NSubJetsSoftDropped; // number of subjets soft-dropped
    329388  TRefArray Constituents; // references to constituents
    335394  TLorentzVector P4() const;
    337   ClassDef(Jet, 2)
     395  TLorentzVector Area;
     397  ClassDef(Jet, 3)
    392452  Float_t E; // calorimeter tower energy
    394   Float_t T; //particle arrival time of flight
     454  Float_t T; // ecal deposit time, averaged by sqrt(EM energy) over all particles, not smeared
     455  Int_t   Ntimes; // number of hits contributing to time measurement
    396457  Float_t Eem; // calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy
    453514  Int_t IsPU;
     515  Int_t IsRecoPU;
    454517  Int_t IsConstituent;
    456519  UInt_t BTag;
     521  UInt_t BTagAlgo;
     522  UInt_t BTagDefault;
     523  UInt_t BTagPhysics;
     524  UInt_t BTagNearest2;
     525  UInt_t BTagNearest3;
     526  UInt_t BTagHeaviest;
     527  UInt_t BTagHighestPt;
     529  UInt_t FlavorAlgo;
     530  UInt_t FlavorDefault;
     531  UInt_t FlavorPhysics;
     532  UInt_t FlavorNearest2;
     533  UInt_t FlavorNearest3;
     534  UInt_t FlavorHeaviest;
     535  UInt_t FlavorHighestPt;
    457537  UInt_t TauTag;
    482562  Float_t  FracPt[5];
     564  //Timing information
     566  Int_t    Ntimes;
     567  std::vector<std::pair<Float_t,Float_t> > Ecal_E_t;
     569  // Isolation variables
     571  Float_t IsolationVar;
     572  Float_t IsolationVarRhoCorr;
     573  Float_t SumPtCharged;
     574  Float_t SumPtNeutral;
     575  Float_t SumPtChargedPU;
     576  Float_t SumPt;
    484578  // N-subjettiness variables
    486580  Float_t Tau[5];
     582  // Other Substructure variables
     584  TLorentzVector TrimmedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total Trimmed Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the trimmed subjets 4-momenta
     585  TLorentzVector PrunedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total Pruned Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta
     586  TLorentzVector SoftDroppedP4[5]; // first entry (i = 0) is the total SoftDropped Jet 4-momenta and from i = 1 to 4 are the pruned subjets 4-momenta
     588  Int_t NSubJetsTrimmed; // number of subjets trimmed
     589  Int_t NSubJetsPruned; // number of subjets pruned
     590  Int_t NSubJetsSoftDropped; // number of subjets soft-dropped
    488593  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
    504609  void SetFactory(DelphesFactory *factory) { fFactory = factory; }
    506   ClassDef(Candidate, 2)
     611  ClassDef(Candidate, 3)
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