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Changeset 8560904 in git

Aug 19, 2013, 4:49:19 PM (11 years ago)
pavel <pavel@…>
ImprovedOutputFile, Timing, dual_readout, llp, master

add CHANGELOG to tar file

3 edited



    r76d3973 r8560904  
    2   added PileUpDistribution parameter to the PileUpMerger module
    3   added UsePTSum and PTSumMax parameters to the Isolation module
    4   added posibility to read reweighting information from LHEF
    5   updated ATLAS and CMS example cards
    6   added reader
    7   added calculation of time after propagation in the ParticlePropagator module
    8   improved energy flow algorithm
    9   fixed tau-jet matching in the TauTagging module
    10   modified all the readers to read particle mass from input file
    11   adapted LHCO output files to counter a bug in MadAnalysis
    12   added Makefile rules to build DelphesCMSFWLite, DelphesProMC and DelphesPythia8
    13   removed and from examples
    14   moved DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp and DelphesProMC.cpp from examples to readers
    15   added PileUpMergerPythia8 module
    16   fixed daughters indices in DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp
    17   fixed particle loop in DelphesCMSFWLite and DelphesProMC
    18   replaced <event with <event> in LHEF reader
    19   replaced log with log normal for calorimeter resolution
    20   added EnergyScale module
    21   added DelphesProMC reader
    22   fixed particle status selection in DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp
    23   fixed particle momentum calculation in DelphesCMSFWLite.cpp
    24   added MaxEvents, SkipEvents and RandomSeed parameters
    25   added examples/Example1.cpp
    26   added Weight branch and Weighter module
    27   added more AreaDefinition parameters for active_area
     2  new readers (DelphesProMC.cpp, (#220), DelphesPythia8)
     3  new modules (EnergyScale, PileUpMergerPythia8, Weighter)
     4  new module parameters (absolute/relative isolation (#204), flat/poisson pile-up distribution)
     5  new global parameters (max number of events, skip events (#183), random seed (#202))
     6  new branches (pile-up event density rho, MC event weight)
     7  updated CMS and ALTAS detector cards (and added ATLAS pile-up detector card)
     8  calorimeter smearing is now performed according to a logNormal distribution
     9  improved particle-flow algorithm
     10  added calculation of particle propagation time in the tracker
     11  fixed tau-jet matching by only considering visible hadronic tau (#208)
     12  read masses from MC event file (#201)
     13  bug fixes in DelphesCMSFWLite (#196)
     14  compilable analysis macro examples (#182)
     15  ability to read MC re-weighting information from LHE files
     18  fixed reading of weighted STDHEP events (#181)
     19  fixed script building Delphes with CMSFWLite (#180)
     20  added more particles to StatusPidFilter (#179)
     23  fixed treatment of units in HepMC format (#175)
     24  added Weight to HepMCEvent branch to store the event weight (#173)
     25  added Rho branch to store the rho energy density (#176)
     26  added random rotation of pile-up events around the z-axis
     29  added separate make rule for the event display to fix the compilation problem for systems without OpenGL libraries (#168, #127)
     30  added Cloner module
     31  modified BTagging module (several BTagging bits can be stored for the same jet collection, see here)
  • Makefile

    r76d3973 r8560904  
    14931493        @echo ">> Building $(DISTTAR)"
    14941494        @mkdir -p $(DISTDIR)
    1495         @cp -a CREDITS README VERSION Makefile configure classes converters display doc examples external modules python readers $(DISTDIR)
     1495        @cp -a CHANGELOG CREDITS README VERSION Makefile configure classes converters display doc examples external modules python readers $(DISTDIR)
    14961496        @find $(DISTDIR) -depth -name .\* -exec rm -rf {} \;
    14971497        @tar -czf $(DISTTAR) $(DISTDIR)
  • doc/genMakefile.tcl

    r76d3973 r8560904  
    353353        @echo ">> Building $(DISTTAR)"
    354354        @mkdir -p $(DISTDIR)
    355         @cp -a CREDITS README VERSION Makefile configure classes converters display doc examples external modules python readers $(DISTDIR)
     355        @cp -a CHANGELOG CREDITS README VERSION Makefile configure classes converters display doc examples external modules python readers $(DISTDIR)
    356356        @find $(DISTDIR) -depth -name .\* -exec rm -rf {} \;
    357357        @tar -czf $(DISTTAR) $(DISTDIR)
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