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  • classes/DelphesClasses.h

    r77e9ae1 r84a097e  
    387387  Int_t NCharged; // number of charged constituents
    388388  Int_t NNeutrals; // number of neutral constituents
     390  Float_t NeutralEnergyFraction;  // charged energy fraction
     391  Float_t ChargedEnergyFraction;  // neutral energy fraction
    389393  Float_t Beta; // (sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    390394  Float_t BetaStar; // (sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    452456  Float_t ZOuter; // track position (z component) at the tracker edge
     458  Float_t Td; // T coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
    454459  Float_t Xd; // X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
    455460  Float_t Yd; // Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
    456461  Float_t Zd; // Z coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     463  Float_t TOFreco; // reconstructed time of flight
     464  Float_t TOFgen; // gen time of flight
    458466  Float_t L; // track path length
    478486  TLorentzVector P4() const;
    480   ClassDef(Track, 3)
     488  ClassDef(Track, 4)
    509517  ClassDef(Tower, 2)
     522class ParticleFlowCandidate: public SortableObject
     526  Int_t PID; // HEP ID number
     528  Int_t Charge; // track charge
     530  Float_t E; // reconstructed energy [GeV]
     531  Float_t P; // track momentum
     532  Float_t PT; // track transverse momentum
     533  Float_t Eta; // track pseudorapidity
     534  Float_t Phi; // track azimuthal angle
     535  Float_t CtgTheta; // track cotangent of theta
     537  Float_t EtaOuter; // track pseudorapidity at the tracker edge
     538  Float_t PhiOuter; // track azimuthal angle at the tracker edge
     540  Float_t T; // track vertex position (t component)
     541  Float_t X; // track vertex position (x component)
     542  Float_t Y; // track vertex position (y component)
     543  Float_t Z; // track vertex position (z component)
     545  Float_t TOuter; // track position (t component) at the tracker edge
     546  Float_t XOuter; // track position (x component) at the tracker edge
     547  Float_t YOuter; // track position (y component) at the tracker edge
     548  Float_t ZOuter; // track position (z component) at the tracker edge
     550  Float_t Td; // X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     551  Float_t Xd; // X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     552  Float_t Yd; // Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     553  Float_t Zd; // Z coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     555  Float_t L; // track path length
     556  Float_t D0; // track transverse impact parameter
     557  Float_t DZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter
     559  Float_t ErrorP; // track momentum error
     560  Float_t ErrorPT; // track transverse momentum error
     561  Float_t ErrorPhi; // track azimuthal angle error
     562  Float_t ErrorCtgTheta; // track cotangent of theta error
     564  Float_t ErrorT; // time measurement error
     565  Float_t ErrorD0; // track transverse impact parameter error
     566  Float_t ErrorDZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter error
     568  Int_t VertexIndex; // reference to vertex
     570  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
     571  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     573  TLorentzVector P4() const;
     575  Int_t NTimeHits; // number of hits contributing to time measurement
     577  Float_t Eem; // calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy
     578  Float_t Ehad; // calorimeter tower hadronic energy
     580  Float_t Edges[4]; // calorimeter tower edges
     582  TRefArray Particles; // references to generated particles
     584  ClassDef(ParticleFlowCandidate, 1)
    593669  Float_t ErrorPhi;
     671  Float_t Td;
    595672  Float_t Xd;
    596673  Float_t Yd;
    597674  Float_t Zd;
     676  // Vertexing variables
     677  Float_t VertexingWeight;
    599679  // tracking resolution
    601680  Float_t TrackResolution;
    610689  Float_t PTD;
    611690  Float_t FracPt[5];
     691  Float_t NeutralEnergyFraction;  // charged energy fraction
     692  Float_t ChargedEnergyFraction;  // neutral energy fraction
    613695  // Timing information
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