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Changeset 494 in svn for trunk/interface

Jul 16, 2009, 1:10:08 AM (16 years ago)
Xavier Rouby

new: calorimeter endcaps

1 edited


  • trunk/interface/SmearUtil.h

    r465 r494  
    9292  ~RESOLution() { delete [] TOWER_eta_edges; delete [] TOWER_dphi;};
    94   // Detector coverage
     94  // Detector coverage for the central detector
    9595  float CEN_max_tracker;    // tracker pseudorapidity coverage
    9696  float CEN_max_calo_cen;   // central calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
     97  float CEN_max_calo_ec;    // calorimeter endcap pseudorapidity coverage
    9798  float CEN_max_calo_fwd;   // forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
    9899  float CEN_max_mu;         // muon chambers pseudorapidity coverage
    100   float VFD_min_calo_vfd;  // very forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
    101   float VFD_max_calo_vfd;  // very forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
     101  float VFD_min_calo_vfd;   // very forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
     102  float VFD_max_calo_vfd;   // very forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
    102103  float VFD_min_zdc;        // coverage for Zero Degree Calorimeter, for photons and neutrons
    103   float VFD_s_zdc;   // distance of the Zero Degree Calorimeter, from the Interaction poin, in [m]
    105   float RP_220_s; // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
    106   float RP_220_x; // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
    107   float RP_420_s; // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
    108   float RP_420_x; // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
    109   string RP_beam1Card;   // optics file for beam 1
    110   string RP_beam2Card;   // optics file for beam 2
    111   string RP_IP_name;     // label for IP in the optics file ("IP1" or "IP5")
    112   float  RP_offsetEl_s;  // distance from IP (in meter) where both beams separate
    113   float  RP_offsetEl_x;  // distance of separation in horizontal plane, in meter
    114   float  RP_offsetEl_y;  // distance of separation in vertical plane, in meter
    115   float  RP_cross_x;     // IP offset in horizontal plane, in micrometer
    116   float  RP_cross_y;     // IP offset in vertical plane, in micrometer
    117   float  RP_cross_ang_x; // half crossing angle, in microradian, horizontal plane
    118   float  RP_cross_ang_y; // half crossing angle, in microradian, vertical plane
     104  float VFD_s_zdc;          // distance of the Zero Degree Calorimeter, from the Interaction poin, in [m]
     106  float RP_220_s;           // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
     107  float RP_220_x;           // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
     108  float RP_420_s;           // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
     109  float RP_420_x;           // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
     110  string RP_beam1Card;      // optics file for beam 1
     111  string RP_beam2Card;      // optics file for beam 2
     112  string RP_IP_name;        // label for IP in the optics file ("IP1" or "IP5")
     113  float  RP_offsetEl_s;     // distance from IP (in meter) where both beams separate
     114  float  RP_offsetEl_x;     // distance of separation in horizontal plane, in meter
     115  float  RP_offsetEl_y;     // distance of separation in vertical plane, in meter
     116  float  RP_cross_x;        // IP offset in horizontal plane, in micrometer
     117  float  RP_cross_y;        // IP offset in vertical plane, in micrometer
     118  float  RP_cross_ang_x;    // half crossing angle, in microradian, horizontal plane
     119  float  RP_cross_ang_y;    // half crossing angle, in microradian, vertical plane
    124125  float ELG_Ncen;   // N term for central ECAL
    125126  float ELG_Ccen;   // C term for central ECAL
     127  float ELG_Sec ;   // S term for central ECAL endcap
     128  float ELG_Nec ;   // N term for central ECAL endcap
     129  float ELG_Cec ;   // C term for central ECAL endcap
    126130  float ELG_Sfwd;   // S term for forward ECAL
    127131  float ELG_Cfwd;   // C term for forward ECAL
    131135  float ELG_Nzdc;   // N term for zdc-em sections
    133   //energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/hf
     137  //energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/fwd
    134138  // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
    135   float HAD_Shcal;   // S term for central HCAL // hadronic calorimeter
    136   float HAD_Nhcal;   // N term for central HCAL
    137   float HAD_Chcal;   // C term for central HCAL
    138   float HAD_Shf;     // S term for central HF // forward calorimeter
    139   float HAD_Nhf;     // N term for central HF
    140   float HAD_Chf;     // C term for central HF
    141   float HAD_Szdc;    // S term for zdc-had sections
    142   float HAD_Czdc;    // C term for zdc-had sections
    143   float HAD_Nzdc;    // N term for zdc-had sections
     139  float HAD_Scen;   // S term for central HCAL // hadronic calorimeter -- previously HAD_Shcal
     140  float HAD_Ncen;   // N term for central HCAL                         -- previously HAD_Nhcal
     141  float HAD_Ccen;   // C term for central HCAL                         -- previously HAD_Chcal
     142  float HAD_Sec ;   // S term for central HCAL endcap
     143  float HAD_Nec ;   // N term for central HCAL endcap
     144  float HAD_Cec ;   // C term for central HCAL endcap
     145  float HAD_Sfwd;   // S term for central FCAL // forward calorimeter  -- previously HAD_Shf
     146  float HAD_Nfwd;   // N term for central FCAL                         -- previously HAD_Nhf
     147  float HAD_Cfwd;   // C term for central FCAL                         -- previously HAD_Chf
     148  float HAD_Szdc;   // S term for zdc-had sections
     149  float HAD_Czdc;   // C term for zdc-had sections
     150  float HAD_Nzdc;   // N term for zdc-had sections
    145152  // muon smearing
    295302void print_header();
    296303string get_time_date();
     304void warning(const string oldname, const string newname);
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