Changeset 26 in svn
- Timestamp:
- Nov 13, 2008, 9:02:15 AM (16 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r24 r26 52 52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53 53 54 void PairingJet(TLorentzVector &JETSm, const TLorentzVector& JET, vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jetsS) 54 55 56 void PairingJet(TLorentzVector &JETSm, TLorentzVector JET, vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jetsS) 55 57 { 56 58 JETSm.SetPxPyPzE(0,0,0,0); … … 70 72 } 71 73 72 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------73 74 74 75 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 75 76 { 76 77 int appargc = 2; 77 char appName[100]; sprintf(appName,argv[0]);78 char *appName = "Smearing"; 78 79 char *appargv[] = {appName, "-b"}; 79 80 TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv); … … 97 98 TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // Creates the file, but should be closed just after 98 99 outputFile->Close(); 99 100 100 101 string line; 101 102 ifstream infile(inputFileList.c_str()); 102 103 infile >> line; // the first line determines the type of input files 103 104 104 105 DataConverter *converter=0; 105 106 106 107 if(strstr(line.c_str(),".hep")) 107 108 { … … 129 130 } 130 131 else { cout << "*** " << line.c_str() << "\n*** file format not identified\n*** Exiting\n"; return -1;}; 131 132 132 133 TChain chain("GEN"); 133 134 chain.Add(outputfilename.c_str()); … … 143 144 ExRootTreeBranch *branchtaujet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJetPTResol", TAUHAD::Class()); 144 145 ExRootTreeBranch *branchetmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmisResol",ETMIS::Class()); 145 146 146 147 TRootGenParticle *particle; 147 148 TRootETmis *etmisc; 148 149 149 150 RESOLELEC *elementElec; 150 151 RESOLMUON *elementMuon; … … 152 153 TAUHAD *elementTaujet; 153 154 ETMIS *elementEtmis; 154 155 155 156 156 157 //read the datacard input file 157 158 string DetDatacard(""); … … 163 164 LorentzVector jetMomentum; 164 165 vector<TLorentzVector> TrackCentral; 165 166 166 167 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particles;//for FastJet algorithm 167 168 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusive_jets; 168 169 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jets; 169 170 170 171 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particlesS;//for FastJet algorithm 171 172 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusive_jetsS; 172 173 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jetsS; 173 174 vector<PhysicsTower> towers; 174 175 175 176 fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def; 176 177 fastjet::JetDefinition jet_defS; 177 178 fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin * plugins; 178 179 fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin * pluginsS; 179 180 180 181 // set up a CDF midpoint jet definition 181 182 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CDFCONES 182 183 plugins = new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(0,DET->CONERADIUS,DET->C_ADJACENCYCUT,DET->C_MAXITERATIONS,DET->C_IRATCH,DET->C_OVERLAPTHRESHOLD); 183 184 jet_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(plugins); 184 185 #else 185 186 plugins = NULL; 186 187 187 #endif 188 188 189 // set up a CDF midpoint jet definition 189 190 pluginsS = new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin( 2,DET->CONERADIUS,DET->C_ADJACENCYCUT,DET->C_MAXITERATIONS,DET->C_IRATCH,DET->C_OVERLAPTHRESHOLD);190 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN_CDFCONES 191 pluginsS = new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(1,DET->CONERADIUS,DET->C_ADJACENCYCUT,DET->C_MAXITERATIONS,DET->C_IRATCH,DET->C_OVERLAPTHRESHOLD); 191 192 jet_defS = fastjet::JetDefinition(pluginsS); 192 193 #else 193 194 pluginsS = NULL; 194 195 196 195 #endif 196 197 197 198 // Loop over all events 198 199 Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); … … 218 219 sorted_jetsS.clear(); 219 220 towers.clear(); 220 221 221 222 // Loop over all particles in event 222 223 while( (particle = (TRootGenParticle*) itGen.Next()) ) 223 224 { 224 225 genMomentum.SetPxPyPzE(particle->Px, particle->Py, particle->Pz, particle->E); 225 226 226 227 int pid = abs(particle->PID); 227 228 float eta = fabs(particle->Eta); 228 229 229 230 if(particle->Status == 1) 230 231 232 233 231 { 232 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(genMomentum.Px(),genMomentum.Py(),genMomentum.Pz(), genMomentum.E())); 233 } 234 234 235 // keeps only final particles, visible by the central detector, including the fiducial volume 235 236 // the ordering of conditions have been optimised for speed : put first the STATUS condition 236 237 if( (particle->Status == 1) && 237 238 ( 238 (pid == pMU && eta < DET->MAX_MU) || 239 (pid != pMU && (pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3) && eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD) 240 ) 241 ) { 242 if(pid != pMU)PTmis = PTmis + genMomentum;//ptmis 243 switch(pid) { 244 245 case pE: // all electrons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 246 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum); 247 break; // case pE 248 249 case pGAMMA: // all photons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 250 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum); 251 break; // case pGAMMA 252 253 case pMU: // all muons with eta < DET->MAX_MU 254 DET->SmearMu(genMomentum); 255 break; // case pMU 256 257 case pLAMBDA: // all lambdas with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 258 case pK0S: // all K0s with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 259 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 0.7); 260 break; // case hadron 261 262 default: // all other final particles with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 263 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 1.0); 264 break; 265 } // switch (pid) 266 267 // all final particles but muons and neutrinos 268 // for calorimetric towers and mission PT 269 //if(genMomentum.E()!=0) PTmis = PTmis + genMomentum;//ptmis 270 271 if(pid != pMU) 272 { 273 PTmisS = PTmisS + genMomentum; 274 towers.push_back(PhysicsTower(LorentzVector(genMomentum.Px(),genMomentum.Py(),genMomentum.Pz(), genMomentum.E()))); 275 input_particlesS.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(genMomentum.Px(),genMomentum.Py(),genMomentum.Pz(), genMomentum.E())); 276 } 277 278 // all final charged particles 279 if( 280 ((rand()%100) < DET->TRACKING_EFF) && 281 (genMomentum.E()!=0) && 282 (fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->MAX_TRACKER) && 283 (genMomentum.Pt() > DET->PT_TRACKS_MIN ) && // pt too small to be taken into account 284 (pid != pGAMMA) && 285 (pid != pPI0) && 286 (pid != pK0L) && 287 (pid != pN) && 288 (pid != pSIGMA0) && 289 (pid != pDELTA0) && 290 (pid != pK0S) // not charged particles : invisible by tracker 239 (pid == pMU && eta < DET->MAX_MU) || 240 (pid != pMU && (pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3) && eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD) ) 241 ) 242 { 243 PTmis = PTmis + genMomentum;//ptmis 244 switch(pid) { 245 246 case pE: // all electrons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 247 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum); 248 break; // case pE 249 case pGAMMA: // all photons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 250 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum); 251 break; // case pGAMMA 252 case pMU: // all muons with eta < DET->MAX_MU 253 DET->SmearMu(genMomentum); 254 break; // case pMU 255 case pLAMBDA: // all lambdas with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 256 case pK0S: // all K0s with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 257 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 0.7); 258 break; // case hadron 259 default: // all other final particles with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD 260 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 1.0); 261 break; 262 } // switch (pid) 263 264 if(pid != pMU) 265 { 266 // PTmisS = PTmisS + genMomentum; 267 towers.push_back(PhysicsTower(LorentzVector(genMomentum.Px(),genMomentum.Py(),genMomentum.Pz(), genMomentum.E()))); 268 if(genMomentum.Et()>0.5)input_particlesS.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(genMomentum.Px(),genMomentum.Py(),genMomentum.Pz(), genMomentum.E())); 269 } 270 271 // all final charged particles 272 if( 273 ((rand()%100) < DET->TRACKING_EFF) && 274 (genMomentum.E()!=0) && 275 (fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->MAX_TRACKER) && 276 (genMomentum.Pt() > DET->PT_TRACKS_MIN ) && // pt too small to be taken into account 277 (pid != pGAMMA) && 278 (pid != pPI0) && 279 (pid != pK0L) && 280 (pid != pN) && 281 (pid != pSIGMA0) && 282 (pid != pDELTA0) && 283 (pid != pK0S) // not charged particles : invisible by tracker 291 284 ) 292 285 TrackCentral.push_back(genMomentum); 293 286 } // switch 294 287 } // while 295 296 TLorentzVector toWerS(0,0,0,0); 297 //calcul de ETmis au depart des tours calorimetriques.. 298 /* for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++) { 299 if(towers[i] < 0.5) continue; 300 toWerS.SetPxPyPzE(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i],towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E); 301 PTmisS = PTmisS + toWerS; 302 } 303 */ 304 //PTmis = (0,0,0,0)-PTmis; 305 //PTmisS = (0,0,0,0)-PTmisS; 306 307 //float ET=PTmis.Et()<<endl; 308 //float ETS=PTmisS.Et()<<endl; 309 310 cout<<"Ptmis "<<PTmis.Et()<<" PTmis smeare "<<PTmisS.Et()<<endl; 311 cout<<"Ptmis "<<(-PTmis).Pt()<<" PTmis smeare "<<(-PTmisS).Pt()<<endl; 312 313 elementEtmis= (ETMIS*) branchetmis->NewEntry(); 314 elementEtmis->Et = (PTmis).Et(); 315 elementEtmis->EtSmeare = (PTmisS).Et(); 316 317 318 288 289 TLorentzVector TowerTLV(0.,0.,0.,0.); 290 for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++) 291 { 292 TowerTLV.SetPxPyPzE(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i],towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E); 293 if(TowerTLV.Et()>0.5)PTmisS = PTmisS + TowerTLV; 294 } 295 296 297 elementEtmis= (ETMIS*) branchetmis->NewEntry(); 298 elementEtmis->Et = (PTmis).Et(); 299 elementEtmis->EtSmeare = (PTmisS).Et()-(PTmis).Et(); 300 319 301 //***************************** 320 321 double ptmin=1;322 if(input_particles.size()!=0)302 303 double ptmin=1; 304 if(input_particles.size()!=0) 323 305 { 324 306 fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seq(input_particles, jet_def); … … 326 308 sorted_jets = sorted_by_pt(inclusive_jets); 327 309 } 328 329 if(input_particlesS.size()!=0)310 311 if(input_particlesS.size()!=0) 330 312 { 331 313 fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seqS(input_particlesS, jet_defS); … … 333 315 sorted_jetsS = sorted_by_pt(inclusive_jetsS); 334 316 } 335 336 TLorentzVector JETSm(0,0,0,0);337 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted_jets.size(); i++) {317 318 TLorentzVector JETSm(0,0,0,0); 319 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted_jets.size(); i++) { 338 320 TLorentzVector JET(0,0,0,0); 339 321 JET.SetPxPyPzE(sorted_jets[i].px(),sorted_jets[i].py(),sorted_jets[i].pz(),sorted_jets[i].E()); … … 341 323 if(JETSm.Pt()>1) 342 324 { 343 float NonSmeareEt=(JET.E()*sin(JET.Theta()));344 float SmeareEt=(JETSm.E()*sin(JETSm.Theta()));345 346 325 elementJet= (RESOLJET*) branchjet->NewEntry(); 347 326 elementJet->NonSmearePT = JET.Et(); 348 327 elementJet->SmearePT = JETSm.Et()/JET.Et(); 349 328 350 329 } 351 352 353 330 331 } // for itJet : loop on all jets 332 354 333 treeWriter->Fill(); 355 334 } // Loop over all events
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