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Changeset 21eab4f in git for cards

Aug 26, 2016, 5:17:14 PM (8 years ago)
GitHub <noreply@…>
ec5e04b (diff), 94cacb6 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
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AlexandreMertens <alexandre.mertens@…> (08/26/16 17:17:14)
GitHub <noreply@…> (08/26/16 17:17:14)

Merge 94cacb6ab322f96b75a06369dfd9b7389d0d6802 into ec5e04b014990ea45a8708f4f726b6b214cdb82b

1 added
6 edited


  • cards/converter_card.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    1313module TreeWriter TreeWriter {
    1414# add Branch InputArray BranchName BranchClass
    15   add Branch Delphes/allParticles Particle GenParticle
     15  add Branch Delphes/stableParticles Particle GenParticle
  • cards/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    142142  # resolution formula for charged hadrons
    143   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*1.5e-4^2) +
    144                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.015^2 + pt^2*2.5e-4^2) +
    145                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.025^2 + pt^2*5.5e-4^2)}
     143  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
     144                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
     145                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
  • cards/delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    177177  # resolution formula for charged hadrons
    178178  # based on arXiv:1405.6569
    179   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*1.5e-4^2) +
    180                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.015^2 + pt^2*2.5e-4^2) +
    181                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.025^2 + pt^2*5.5e-4^2)}
     179  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
     180                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
     181                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
  • cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    1616  TrackMerger
     18  ECal
     19  HCal
    1721  Calorimeter
    1822  EFlowMerger
    124128  set EfficiencyFormula {                                                    (pt <= 0.1)   * (0.00) +
    125129                                           (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1   && pt <= 1.0)   * (0.75) +
    126                                            (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 1.0)                  * (0.99) +
     130                                           (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 1.0   && pt <= 1.0e3) * (0.99) +
     131                                           (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 1.0e3 )               * (0.99 * exp(0.5 - pt*5.0e-4)) +
    127133                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1   && pt <= 1.0)   * (0.70) +
    128                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 1.0)                  * (0.98) +
     134                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 1.0   && pt <= 1.0e3) * (0.98) +
     135                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 1.0e3)                * (0.98 * exp(0.5 - pt*5.0e-4)) +
    129136                         (abs(eta) > 2.5)                                                  * (0.00)}
    142149  # resolution formula for charged hadrons
    143150  # based on arXiv:1405.6569
    144   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*1.5e-4^2) +
    145                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.015^2 + pt^2*2.5e-4^2) +
    146                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.025^2 + pt^2*5.5e-4^2)}
     151  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
     152                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
     153                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
    195 # Calorimeter
     204#   ECAL
    198 module Calorimeter Calorimeter {
     207module SimpleCalorimeter ECal {
    199208  set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles
    200209  set TrackInputArray TrackMerger/tracks
    202   set TowerOutputArray towers
    203   set PhotonOutputArray photons
     211  set TowerOutputArray ecalTowers
    205212  set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks
    206   set EFlowPhotonOutputArray eflowPhotons
    207   set EFlowNeutralHadronOutputArray eflowNeutralHadrons
    209   set ECalEnergyMin 0.5
    210   set HCalEnergyMin 1.0
    212   set ECalEnergySignificanceMin 1.0
    213   set HCalEnergySignificanceMin 1.0
     213  set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowPhotons
     215  set IsEcal true
     217  set EnergyMin 0.5
     218  set EnergySignificanceMin 2.0
     220  set SmearTowerCenter true
     222  set pi [expr {acos(-1)}]
     224  # lists of the edges of each tower in eta and phi
     225  # each list starts with the lower edge of the first tower
     226  # the list ends with the higher edged of the last tower
     228  # assume 0.02 x 0.02 resolution in eta,phi in the barrel |eta| < 1.5
     230  set PhiBins {}
     231  for {set i -180} {$i <= 180} {incr i} {
     232    add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.0}]
     233  }
     235  # 0.02 unit in eta up to eta = 1.5 (barrel)
     236  for {set i -85} {$i <= 86} {incr i} {
     237    set eta [expr {$i * 0.0174}]
     238    add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins
     239  }
     241  # assume 0.02 x 0.02 resolution in eta,phi in the endcaps 1.5 < |eta| < 3.0 (HGCAL- ECAL)
     243  set PhiBins {}
     244  for {set i -180} {$i <= 180} {incr i} {
     245    add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.0}]
     246  }
     248  # 0.02 unit in eta up to eta = 3
     249  for {set i 1} {$i <= 84} {incr i} {
     250    set eta [expr { -2.958 + $i * 0.0174}]
     251    add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins
     252  }
     254  for {set i 1} {$i <= 84} {incr i} {
     255    set eta [expr { 1.4964 + $i * 0.0174}]
     256    add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins
     257  }
     259  # take present CMS granularity for HF
     261  # 0.175 x (0.175 - 0.35) resolution in eta,phi in the HF 3.0 < |eta| < 5.0
     262  set PhiBins {}
     263  for {set i -18} {$i <= 18} {incr i} {
     264    add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/18.0}]
     265  }
     267  foreach eta {-5 -4.7 -4.525 -4.35 -4.175 -4 -3.825 -3.65 -3.475 -3.3 -3.125 -2.958 3.125 3.3 3.475 3.65 3.825 4 4.175 4.35 4.525 4.7 5} {
     268    add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins
     269  }
     272  add EnergyFraction {0} {0.0}
     273  # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0
     274  add EnergyFraction {11} {1.0}
     275  add EnergyFraction {22} {1.0}
     276  add EnergyFraction {111} {1.0}
     277  # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos
     278  add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0}
     279  add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0}
     280  add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0}
     281  add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0}
     282  add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0}
     283  add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0}
     284  add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0}
     285  add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0}
     286  add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0}
     287  # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda
     288  add EnergyFraction {310} {0.3}
     289  add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.3}
     291  # set ResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
     293  # for the ECAL barrel (|eta| < 1.5), see hep-ex/1306.2016 and 1502.02701
     295  # set ECalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
     296  # Eta shape from arXiv:1306.2016, Energy shape from arXiv:1502.02701
     297  set ResolutionFormula {                      (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (1+0.64*eta^2) * sqrt(energy^2*0.008^2 + energy*0.11^2 + 0.40^2) +
     298                             (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (2.16 + 5.6*(abs(eta)-2)^2) * sqrt(energy^2*0.008^2 + energy*0.11^2 + 0.40^2) +
     299                             (abs(eta) > 2.5 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.107^2 + energy*2.08^2)}
     305#   HCAL
     308module SimpleCalorimeter HCal {
     309  set ParticleInputArray ParticlePropagator/stableParticles
     310  set TrackInputArray ECal/eflowTracks
     312  set TowerOutputArray hcalTowers
     313  set EFlowTrackOutputArray eflowTracks
     314  set EFlowTowerOutputArray eflowNeutralHadrons
     316  set IsEcal false
     318  set EnergyMin 1.0
     319  set EnergySignificanceMin 2.0
    215321  set SmearTowerCenter true
    250356  # default energy fractions {abs(PDG code)} {Fecal Fhcal}
    251   add EnergyFraction {0} {0.0 1.0}
     357  add EnergyFraction {0} {1.0}
    252358  # energy fractions for e, gamma and pi0
    253   add EnergyFraction {11} {1.0 0.0}
    254   add EnergyFraction {22} {1.0 0.0}
    255   add EnergyFraction {111} {1.0 0.0}
     359  add EnergyFraction {11} {0.0}
     360  add EnergyFraction {22} {0.0}
     361  add EnergyFraction {111} {0.0}
    256362  # energy fractions for muon, neutrinos and neutralinos
    257   add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0 0.0}
    258   add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0 0.0}
    259   add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0 0.0}
    260   add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0 0.0}
    261   add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0 0.0}
    262   add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0 0.0}
    263   add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0 0.0}
    264   add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0 0.0}
    265   add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0 0.0}
     363  add EnergyFraction {12} {0.0}
     364  add EnergyFraction {13} {0.0}
     365  add EnergyFraction {14} {0.0}
     366  add EnergyFraction {16} {0.0}
     367  add EnergyFraction {1000022} {0.0}
     368  add EnergyFraction {1000023} {0.0}
     369  add EnergyFraction {1000025} {0.0}
     370  add EnergyFraction {1000035} {0.0}
     371  add EnergyFraction {1000045} {0.0}
    266372  # energy fractions for K0short and Lambda
    267   add EnergyFraction {310} {0.3 0.7}
    268   add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.3 0.7}
    270   # set ECalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
    271   # Eta shape from arXiv:1306.2016, Energy shape from arXiv:1502.02701
    272   set ECalResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (1+0.64*eta^2) * sqrt(energy^2*0.008^2 + energy*0.11^2 + 0.40^2) +
    273                              (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (2.16 + 5.6*(abs(eta)-2)^2) * sqrt(energy^2*0.008^2 + energy*0.11^2 + 0.40^2) +
    274                              (abs(eta) > 2.5 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.107^2 + energy*2.08^2)}
     373  add EnergyFraction {310} {0.7}
     374  add EnergyFraction {3122} {0.7}
    276376  # set HCalResolutionFormula {resolution formula as a function of eta and energy}
    277   set HCalResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 3.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.050^2 + energy*1.50^2) +
     377  set ResolutionFormula {                      (abs(eta) <= 3.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.050^2 + energy*1.50^2) +
    278378                             (abs(eta) > 3.0 && abs(eta) <= 5.0) * sqrt(energy^2*0.130^2 + energy*2.70^2)}
    279 }
     384# Electron filter
     387module PdgCodeFilter ElectronFilter {
     388  set InputArray HCal/eflowTracks
     389  set OutputArray electrons
     390  set Invert true
     391  add PdgCode {11}
     392  add PdgCode {-11}
     396# Tower Merger (in case not using e-flow algorithm)
     399module Merger Calorimeter {
     400# add InputArray InputArray
     401  add InputArray ECal/ecalTowers
     402  add InputArray HCal/hcalTowers
     403  set OutputArray towers
    285412module Merger EFlowMerger {
    286413# add InputArray InputArray
    287   add InputArray Calorimeter/eflowTracks
    288   add InputArray Calorimeter/eflowPhotons
    289   add InputArray Calorimeter/eflowNeutralHadrons
     414  add InputArray HCal/eflowTracks
     415  add InputArray ECal/eflowPhotons
     416  add InputArray HCal/eflowNeutralHadrons
    290417  set OutputArray eflow
    297424module Efficiency PhotonEfficiency {
    298   set InputArray Calorimeter/eflowPhotons
     425  set InputArray ECal/eflowPhotons
    299426  set OutputArray photons
    327 #################
    328 # Electron filter
    329 #################
    331 module PdgCodeFilter ElectronFilter {
    332   set InputArray Calorimeter/eflowTracks
    333   set OutputArray electrons
    334   set Invert true
    335   add PdgCode {11}
    336   add PdgCode {-11}
    337 }
    383499  # efficiency formula for muons
    384   set EfficiencyFormula {                                      (pt <= 10.0)               * (0.00) +
    385                                            (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 10.0 && pt <= 1.0e3) * (0.95) +
    386                                            (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 1.0e3)               * (0.95 * exp(0.5 - pt*5.0e-4)) +
    387                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.4) * (pt > 10.0 && pt <= 1.0e3) * (0.95) +
    388                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.4) * (pt > 1.0e3)               * (0.95 * exp(0.5 - pt*5.0e-4)) +
     500  set EfficiencyFormula {                                     (pt <= 10.0)                * (0.00) +
     501                                           (abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 10.0)                * (0.95) +
     502                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.4) * (pt > 10.0)                * (0.95) +
    389503                         (abs(eta) > 2.4)                                                 * (0.00)}
    602716  add Branch Calorimeter/towers Tower Tower
    604   add Branch Calorimeter/eflowTracks EFlowTrack Track
    605   add Branch Calorimeter/eflowPhotons EFlowPhoton Tower
    606   add Branch Calorimeter/eflowNeutralHadrons EFlowNeutralHadron Tower
     718  add Branch HCal/eflowTracks EFlowTrack Track
     719  add Branch ECal/eflowPhotons EFlowPhoton Tower
     720  add Branch HCal/eflowNeutralHadrons EFlowNeutralHadron Tower
    608722  add Branch GenJetFinder/jets GenJet Jet
    609723  add Branch GenMissingET/momentum GenMissingET MissingET
    611725  add Branch UniqueObjectFinder/jets Jet Jet
    612726  add Branch UniqueObjectFinder/electrons Electron Electron
  • cards/delphes_card_CMS_NoFastJet.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    128128  # resolution formula for electrons
    129129  # based on arXiv:1405.6569
    130   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
    131                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
    132                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
     130  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.03^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
     131                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.05^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
     132                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.15^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
    145145  # resolution formula for muons
    146   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*2.0e-4^2) +
    147                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.02^2 + pt^2*3.0e-4^2) +
    148                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.05^2 + pt^2*6.0e-4^2)}
    149 }
     146  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*1.0e-4^2) +
     147                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.015^2 + pt^2*1.5e-4^2) +
     148                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.025^2 + pt^2*3.5e-4^2)}
  • cards/delphes_card_CMS_PileUp.tcl

    rec5e04b r21eab4f  
    178178  # resolution formula for charged hadrons
    179179  # based on arXiv:1405.6569
    180   set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.01^2 + pt^2*1.5e-4^2) +
    181                          (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.015^2 + pt^2*2.5e-4^2) +
    182                          (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.025^2 + pt^2*5.5e-4^2)}
     180  set ResolutionFormula {                  (abs(eta) <= 0.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2*1.3e-3^2) +
     181                         (abs(eta) > 0.5 && abs(eta) <= 1.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2*1.7e-3^2) +
     182                         (abs(eta) > 1.5 && abs(eta) <= 2.5) * (pt > 0.1) * sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2*3.1e-3^2)}
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