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Changes in / [db7f5e4:1f34dac] in git

7 added
10 edited


  • Makefile

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    316316        modules/EnergySmearing.h \
    317317        modules/MomentumSmearing.h \
     318        modules/TrackSmearing.h \
    318319        modules/ImpactParameterSmearing.h \
    319320        modules/TimeSmearing.h \
    338339        modules/StatusPidFilter.h \
    339340        modules/PdgCodeFilter.h \
     341        modules/BeamSpotFilter.h \
    340342        modules/Cloner.h \
    341343        modules/Weighter.h \
    546548        classes/DelphesFactory.h \
    547549        classes/DelphesFormula.h
     550tmp/modules/BeamSpotFilter.$(ObjSuf): \
     551        modules/BeamSpotFilter.$(SrcSuf) \
     552        modules/BeamSpotFilter.h \
     553        classes/DelphesClasses.h \
     554        classes/DelphesFactory.h \
     555        classes/DelphesFormula.h \
     556        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h \
     557        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h \
     558        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h
    548559tmp/modules/Calorimeter.$(ObjSuf): \
    549560        modules/Calorimeter.$(SrcSuf) \
    830841        modules/TrackPileUpSubtractor.$(SrcSuf) \
    831842        modules/TrackPileUpSubtractor.h \
     843        classes/DelphesClasses.h \
     844        classes/DelphesFactory.h \
     845        classes/DelphesFormula.h \
     846        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h \
     847        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h \
     848        external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h
     849tmp/modules/TrackSmearing.$(ObjSuf): \
     850        modules/TrackSmearing.$(SrcSuf) \
     851        modules/TrackSmearing.h \
    832852        classes/DelphesClasses.h \
    833853        classes/DelphesFactory.h \
    915935        tmp/modules/AngularSmearing.$(ObjSuf) \
    916936        tmp/modules/BTagging.$(ObjSuf) \
     937        tmp/modules/BeamSpotFilter.$(ObjSuf) \
    917938        tmp/modules/Calorimeter.$(ObjSuf) \
    918939        tmp/modules/Cloner.$(ObjSuf) \
    946967        tmp/modules/TrackCountingTauTagging.$(ObjSuf) \
    947968        tmp/modules/TrackPileUpSubtractor.$(ObjSuf) \
     969        tmp/modules/TrackSmearing.$(ObjSuf) \
    948970        tmp/modules/TreeWriter.$(ObjSuf) \
    949971        tmp/modules/UniqueObjectFinder.$(ObjSuf) \
    15451567        tmp/external/tcl/tclVar.$(ObjSuf)
     1569modules/TrackSmearing.h: \
     1570        classes/DelphesModule.h
     1571        @touch $@
    15471573external/fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh: \
    15481574        external/fastjet/PseudoJet.hh \
    19782004modules/FastJetFinder.h: \
     2005        classes/DelphesModule.h
     2006        @touch $@
     2008modules/BeamSpotFilter.h: \
    19792009        classes/DelphesModule.h
    19802010        @touch $@
  • classes/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    127127  Momentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    128128  Position(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
     129  InitialPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    129130  Area(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    130   Dxy(0), SDxy(0), Xd(0), Yd(0), Zd(0),
     131  L(0),
     132  D0(0), ErrorD0(0),
     133  DZ(0), ErrorDZ(0),
     134  P(0),  ErrorP(0),
     135  PT(0), ErrorPT(0),
     136  CtgTheta(0), ErrorCtgTheta(0),
     137  Phi(0), ErrorPhi(0), 
     138  Xd(0), Yd(0), Zd(0),
    131139  TrackResolution(0),
    132140  NCharged(0),
    262270  object.Momentum = Momentum;
    263271  object.Position = Position;
     272  object.InitialPosition = Position;
    264273  object.Area = Area;
    265   object.Dxy = Dxy;
    266   object.SDxy = SDxy;
     274  object.L = L;
     275  object.D0 = D0;
     276  object.ErrorD0 = ErrorD0;
     277  object.DZ = DZ;
     278  object.ErrorDZ = ErrorDZ;
     279  object.P = P;
     280  object.ErrorP = ErrorP;
     281  object.PT = PT;
     282  object.ErrorPT = ErrorPT;
     283  object.CtgTheta = CtgTheta ;
     284  object.ErrorCtgTheta = ErrorCtgTheta;
     285  object.Phi = Phi;
     286  object.ErrorPhi = ErrorPhi; 
    267287  object.Xd = Xd;
    268288  object.Yd = Yd;
    363383  Momentum.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    364384  Position.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     385  InitialPosition.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    365386  Area.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    366   Dxy = 0.0;
    367   SDxy = 0.0;
     387  L = 0.0;
     388  D0 = 0.0; 
     389  ErrorD0 = 0.0;
     390  DZ = 0.0;
     391  ErrorDZ = 0.0;
     392  P =0.0;
     393  ErrorP =0.0;
     394  PT = 0.0;
     395  ErrorPT = 0.0;
     396  CtgTheta = 0.0;
     397  ErrorCtgTheta = 0.0;
     398  Phi = 0.0;
     399  ErrorPhi = 0.0;
    368400  Xd = 0.0;
    369401  Yd = 0.0;
  • classes/DelphesClasses.h

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    147147  Float_t Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) | hepevt.phep[number][2]
    149   Float_t PT; // particle transverse momentum
     149  Float_t D0;
     150  Float_t DZ;
     151  Float_t P;
     152  Float_t PT;
     153  Float_t CtgTheta;
     154  Float_t Phi;
    150155  Float_t Eta; // particle pseudorapidity
    151   Float_t Phi; // particle azimuthal angle
    153156  Float_t Rapidity; // particle rapidity
    175178  Float_t Y; // vertex position (y component)
    176179  Float_t Z; // vertex position (z component)
    178   ClassDef(Vertex, 1)
     181  Double_t ErrorX;
     182  Double_t ErrorY;
     183  Double_t ErrorZ;
     185  Int_t Index;
     186  Int_t NDF;
     187  Double_t Sigma;
     188  Double_t SumPT2;
     189  Double_t BTVSumPT2;
     190  Double_t GenDeltaZ;
     191  Double_t GenSumPT2;
     193  ClassDef(Vertex, 2)
    397412  Int_t Charge; // track charge
    399   Float_t PT; // track transverse momentum
    401414  Float_t Eta; // track pseudorapidity
    402   Float_t Phi; // track azimuthal angle
    404416  Float_t EtaOuter; // track pseudorapidity at the tracker edge
    405417  Float_t PhiOuter; // track azimuthal angle at the tracker edge
    415427  Float_t TOuter; // track position (z component) at the tracker edge
    417   Float_t Dxy;     // track signed transverse impact parameter
    418   Float_t SDxy;    // signed error on the track signed transverse impact parameter
     429  Float_t L; // track path length
     431  Float_t D0;     // track signed transverse impact parameter
     432  Float_t ErrorD0;    // signed error on the track signed transverse impact parameter
     434  Float_t DZ; // track transverse momentum
     435  Float_t ErrorDZ; // track transverse momentum error
     437  Float_t P; // track transverse momentum
     438  Float_t ErrorP; // track transverse momentum error
     440  Float_t PT; // track transverse momentum
     441  Float_t ErrorPT; // track transverse momentum error
     443  Float_t CtgTheta; // track transverse momentum
     444  Float_t ErrorCtgTheta; // track transverse momentum error
     446  Float_t Phi; // track azimuthal angle
     447  Float_t ErrorPhi; // track azimuthal angle
    419449  Float_t Xd;      // X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
    420450  Float_t Yd;      // Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
    526556  Float_t DeltaPhi;
    528   TLorentzVector Momentum, Position, Area;
    530   Float_t Dxy;
    531   Float_t SDxy;
     558  TLorentzVector Momentum, Position, InitialPosition, PositionError, Area;
     560  Float_t L; // path length
     561  Float_t D0;
     562  Float_t ErrorD0;
     563  Float_t DZ;
     564  Float_t ErrorDZ;
     565  Float_t P;
     566  Float_t ErrorP;
     567  Float_t PT;
     568  Float_t ErrorPT;
     569  Float_t CtgTheta;
     570  Float_t ErrorCtgTheta;
     571  Float_t Phi;
     572  Float_t ErrorPhi;
    532574  Float_t Xd;
    533575  Float_t Yd;
    562604  Float_t SumPt;
     606  // vertex variables
     608  Int_t ClusterIndex;
     609  Int_t ClusterNDF;
     610  Double_t ClusterSigma;
     611  Double_t SumPT2;
     612  Double_t BTVSumPT2;
     613  Double_t GenDeltaZ;
     614  Double_t GenSumPT2;
    564616  // N-subjettiness variables
  • modules/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    9797  Candidate *candidate, *particle, *mother;
    98   Double_t xd, yd, zd, dxy, sx, sy, sz, ddxy;
     98  Double_t xd, yd, zd, d0, sx, sy, sz, dd0;
    9999  Double_t pt, eta, px, py, phi, e;
    103103  {
    105     // take momentum before smearing (otherwise apply double smearing on dxy)
     105    // take momentum before smearing (otherwise apply double smearing on d0)
    106106    particle = static_cast<Candidate*>(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0));
    132132    // calculate impact parameter (after-smearing)
    133     dxy = (xd*py - yd*px)/pt;
     133    d0 = (xd*py - yd*px)/pt;
    135     ddxy = gRandom->Gaus(0.0, fFormula->Eval(pt, eta, phi, e));
     135    dd0 = gRandom->Gaus(0.0, fFormula->Eval(pt, eta, phi, e));
    137137    // fill smeared values in candidate
    143143    candidate->Zd = zd;
    145     candidate->Dxy = dxy;
    146     candidate->SDxy = ddxy;
     145    candidate->D0 = d0;
     146    candidate->ErrorD0 = dd0;
    148148    candidate->AddCandidate(mother);
  • modules/ModulesLinkDef.h

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    3535#include "modules/EnergySmearing.h"
    3636#include "modules/MomentumSmearing.h"
     37#include "modules/TrackSmearing.h"
    3738#include "modules/ImpactParameterSmearing.h"
    3839#include "modules/TimeSmearing.h"
    5758#include "modules/StatusPidFilter.h"
    5859#include "modules/PdgCodeFilter.h"
     60#include "modules/BeamSpotFilter.h"
    5961#include "modules/Cloner.h"
    6062#include "modules/Weighter.h"
    6264#include "modules/JetFlavorAssociation.h"
    6365#include "modules/JetFakeParticle.h"
     66#include "modules/VertexFinder.h"
     67#include "modules/VertexSorter.h"
    6468#include "modules/ExampleModule.h"
    7983#pragma link C++ class EnergySmearing+;
    8084#pragma link C++ class MomentumSmearing+;
     85#pragma link C++ class TrackSmearing+;
    8186#pragma link C++ class ImpactParameterSmearing+;
    8287#pragma link C++ class TimeSmearing+;
    101106#pragma link C++ class StatusPidFilter+;
    102107#pragma link C++ class PdgCodeFilter+;
     108#pragma link C++ class BeamSpotFilter+;
    103109#pragma link C++ class Cloner+;
    104110#pragma link C++ class Weighter+;
    106112#pragma link C++ class JetFlavorAssociation+;
    107113#pragma link C++ class JetFakeParticle+;
     114#pragma link C++ class VertexFinder+;
     115#pragma link C++ class VertexSorter+;
    108116#pragma link C++ class ExampleModule+;
  • modules/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    9192  fItInputArray = fInputArray->MakeIterator();
     94  // import beamspot
     95  try
     96  {
     97    fBeamSpotInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("BeamSpotInputArray", "BeamSpotFilter/beamSpotParticle"));
     98  }
     99  catch(runtime_error &e)
     100  {
     101    fBeamSpotInputArray = 0;
     102  } 
    93103  // create output arrays
    112122  Candidate *candidate, *mother;
    113   TLorentzVector candidatePosition, candidateMomentum;
     123  TLorentzVector candidatePosition, candidateMomentum, beamSpotPosition;
    114124  Double_t px, py, pz, pt, pt2, e, q;
    115125  Double_t x, y, z, t, r, phi;
    120130  Double_t tmp, discr, discr2;
    121131  Double_t delta, gammam, omega, asinrho;
    122   Double_t rcu, rc2, dxy, xd, yd, zd;
     132  Double_t rcu, rc2, xd, yd, zd;
     133  Double_t l, d0, dz, p, ctgTheta, phip, etap, alpha;
     134  Double_t bsx, bsy, bsz;
    124136  const Double_t c_light = 2.99792458E8;
     138  if (!fBeamSpotInputArray || fBeamSpotInputArray->GetSize () == 0)
     139    beamSpotPosition.SetXYZT(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     140  else
     141  {
     142    Candidate &beamSpotCandidate = *((Candidate *) fBeamSpotInputArray->At(0));
     143    beamSpotPosition = beamSpotCandidate.Position;
     144  }
    126146  fItInputArray->Reset();
    127147  while((candidate = static_cast<Candidate*>(fItInputArray->Next())))
    132152    y = candidatePosition.Y()*1.0E-3;
    133153    z = candidatePosition.Z()*1.0E-3;
     155    bsx = beamSpotPosition.X()*1.0E-3;
     156    bsy = beamSpotPosition.Y()*1.0E-3;
     157    bsz = beamSpotPosition.Z()*1.0E-3;
    134159    q = candidate->Charge;
    181206      y_t = y + py*t;
    182207      z_t = z + pz*t;
     209      l = TMath::Sqrt( (x_t - x)*(x_t - x) + (y_t - y)*(y_t - y) + (z_t - z)*(z_t - z));
    184211      mother = candidate;
    187214      candidate->Position.SetXYZT(x_t*1.0E3, y_t*1.0E3, z_t*1.0E3, candidatePosition.T() + t*e*1.0E3);
     215      candidate->L = l*1.0E3;
    189217      candidate->Momentum = candidateMomentum;
    190218      candidate->AddCandidate(mother);
    238266      yd = (rc2 > 0.0) ? yd / rc2 : -999;
    239267      zd = z + (TMath::Sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd) - TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y))*pz/pt;
    241       // calculate impact paramater
    242       dxy = (xd*py - yd*px)/pt;
     269      // use perigee momentum rather than original particle
     270      // momentum, since the orignal particle momentum isn't known
     272      px = TMath::Sign(1.0,r) * pt * (-y_c / r_c);
     273      py = TMath::Sign(1.0,r) * pt * (x_c / r_c);
     274      etap = candidateMomentum.Eta();
     275      phip = TMath::ATan2(py, px);
     277      candidateMomentum.SetPtEtaPhiE(pt, etap, phip, candidateMomentum.E());
     279      // calculate additional track parameters (correct for beamspot position)
     281      d0        = (  (x - bsx) * py - (y - bsy) * px) / pt;
     282      dz        = z - ((x - bsx) * px + (py - bsy) * py) / pt * (pz / pt);
     283      p         = candidateMomentum.P();
     284      ctgTheta  = 1.0 / TMath::Tan (candidateMomentum.Theta ());
    244286      // 3. time evaluation t = TMath::Min(t_r, t_z)
    245287      //    t_r : time to exit from the sides
    287329      r_t = TMath::Hypot(x_t, y_t);
     332      // compute path length for an helix
     334      alpha = pz*1.0E9 / c_light / gammam;
     335      l = t * TMath::Sqrt(alpha*alpha + r*r*omega*omega);
    289337      if(r_t > 0.0)
    290338      {
     340        // store these variables before cloning
     342        candidate->D0 = d0*1.0E3;
     343        candidate->DZ = dz*1.0E3;
     344        candidate->P  = p;
     345        candidate->PT = pt;
     346        candidate->CtgTheta = ctgTheta;
     347        candidate->Phi = phip;
    291349        mother = candidate;
    292350        candidate = static_cast<Candidate*>(candidate->Clone());
    296354        candidate->Momentum = candidateMomentum;
    297         candidate->Dxy = dxy*1.0E3;
    298         candidate->Xd = xd*1.0E3;
     356            candidate->L  =  l*1.0E3;
     358            candidate->Xd = xd*1.0E3;
    299359        candidate->Yd = yd*1.0E3;
    300360        candidate->Zd = zd*1.0E3;
  • modules/ParticlePropagator.h

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    3535class TClonesArray;
    3636class TIterator;
     37class TLorentzVector;
    3839class ParticlePropagator: public DelphesModule
    5657  const TObjArray *fInputArray; //!
     58  const TObjArray *fBeamSpotInputArray; //!
    5860  TObjArray *fOutputArray; //!
  • modules/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    170170      numberOfEvents = gRandom->Integer(2*fMeanPileUp + 1);
    171171      break;
     172    case 2:
     173      numberOfEvents = fMeanPileUp;
     174      break;   
    172175    default:
    173176      numberOfEvents = gRandom->Poisson(fMeanPileUp);
  • modules/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    9797  Double_t jpx, jpy;
    98   Double_t dr, tpx, tpy, tpt;
    99   Double_t xd, yd, dxy, ddxy, ip, sip;
     98  Double_t dr, tpt;
     99  Double_t xd, yd, d0, dd0, ip, sip;
    101101  Int_t sign;
    117117    {
    118118      const TLorentzVector &trkMomentum = track->Momentum;
    120120      dr = jetMomentum.DeltaR(trkMomentum);
    122121      tpt = trkMomentum.Pt();
    123       tpx = trkMomentum.Px();
    124       tpy = trkMomentum.Py();
    126122      xd = track->Xd;
    127123      yd = track->Yd;
    128       dxy = TMath::Hypot(xd, yd);
    129       ddxy = track->SDxy;
     124      d0 = TMath::Hypot(xd, yd);
     125      dd0 = track->ErrorD0;
    131127      if(tpt < fPtMin) continue;
    132128      if(dr > fDeltaR) continue;
    133       if(dxy > fIPmax) continue;
     129      if(d0 > fIPmax) continue;
    135131      sign = (jpx*xd + jpy*yd > 0.0) ? 1 : -1;
    137       ip = sign*dxy;
    138       sip = ip / TMath::Abs(ddxy);
     133      ip = sign*d0;
     134      sip = ip / TMath::Abs(dd0);
    140136      if(sip > fSigMin) count++;
  • modules/

    rdb7f5e4 r1f34dac  
    215215    entry->Pz = momentum.Pz();
     217    entry->D0            = candidate->D0;
     218    entry->DZ            = candidate->DZ;
     219    entry->P             = candidate->P;
     220    entry->PT            = candidate->PT;
     221    entry->CtgTheta      = candidate->CtgTheta;
     222    entry->Phi           = candidate->Phi;
    217224    entry->Eta = eta;
    218225    entry->Phi = momentum.Phi();
    291298    entry->ZOuter = position.Z();
    292299    entry->TOuter = position.T()*1.0E-3/c_light;
    294     entry->Dxy = candidate->Dxy;
    295     entry->SDxy = candidate->SDxy ;
     301    entry->L = candidate->L;
     303    entry->D0            = candidate->D0;
     304    entry->ErrorD0       = candidate->ErrorD0;
     305    entry->DZ            = candidate->DZ;
     306    entry->ErrorDZ       = candidate->ErrorDZ;
     307    entry->P             = candidate->P;
     308    entry->ErrorP        = candidate->ErrorP;
     309    entry->PT            = candidate->PT;
     310    entry->ErrorPT       = candidate->ErrorPT;
     311    entry->CtgTheta      = candidate->CtgTheta;
     312    entry->ErrorCtgTheta = candidate->ErrorCtgTheta;
     313    entry->Phi           = candidate->Phi;
     314    entry->ErrorPhi      = candidate->ErrorPhi;
    296316    entry->Xd = candidate->Xd;
    297317    entry->Yd = candidate->Yd;
    308328    entry->Eta = eta;
    309     entry->Phi = momentum.Phi();
    310     entry->PT = pt;
    312330    particle = static_cast<Candidate*>(candidate->GetCandidates()->At(0));
    313331    const TLorentzVector &initialPosition = particle->Position;
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.