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Changeset 143 in svn for trunk

Jan 7, 2009, 12:37:06 AM (16 years ago)
Xavier Rouby

user manual partially corrected. Two new event displays

2 edited


  • trunk/paper/notes.tex

    r137 r143  
    9191A new framework, called \textsc{Delphes}~\cite{bib:Delphes}, is introduced here, for the fast simulation of a general purpose collider experiment.
    9292Using the framework, observables can be estimated for specific signal and background channels, as well as their production and measurement rates, under a set of assumptions.
    93 Starting from the output of event generators, the simulation of the detector response takes into account the subdetector resolutions, by smearing the kinematical properties of the visible final particles. Tracks of charged particles and calorimetric towers (or \textit{calotowers} are then created.
     93Starting from the output of event generators, the simulation of the detector response takes into account the subdetector resolutions, by smearing the kinematics properties of the visible final particles. Tracks of charged particles and calorimetric towers (or \textit{calotowers} are then created.
    9595\textsc{Delphes} includes the most crucial experimental features, like (1) the geometry of both central or forward detectors; (2) lepton isolation; (3) reconstruction of photons, leptons, jets, $b$-jets, $\tau$-jets and missing transverse energy; (4) trigger emulation and (5) an event display (Fig.~\ref{fig:FlowChart}).
    101 \caption{Flow chart describing the principles behind \textsc{Delphes}. Event files coming from external Monte Carlo generators are read by a convertor stage.
    102 The kinematical variables of the final state particles are then smeared according to the subdetector resolutions.
     101\caption{Flow chart describing the principles behind \textsc{Delphes}. Event files coming from external Monte Carlo generators are read by a converter stage.
     102The kinematics variables of the final state particles are then smeared according to the subdetector resolutions.
    103103Tracks are reconstructed in a simulated dipolar magnetic field and calorimetric towers sample the energy deposits. Based on these, dedicated algorithms are applied for particle identification, isolation and reconstruction.
    104104The transport of very forward particle to the near-beam detectors is also simulated.
    105 Finally, an output file is written, including generator level and analysis object data. If requested, a fully parametrisable trigger can be emulated. Optionnally, the geometry and visualisation files for the 3D event display can also be produced.
     105Finally, an output file is written, including generator level and analysis object data. If requested, a fully parametrisable trigger can be emulated. Optionally, the geometry and visualisation files for the 3D event display can also be produced.
    106106All user parameters are set in the \textit{Smearing Card} and the \textit{Trigger Card}. }
    125125A central tracking system (\textsc{tracker}) is surrounded by an electromagnetic and a hadron calorimeters (\textsc{ecal} and \textsc{hcal}, resp.). Two forward calorimeters (\textsc{fcal}) ensure a larger geometric coverage for the measurement of the missing transverse energy. Finally, a muon system (\textsc{muon}) encloses the central detector volume
    126126The fast simulation of the detector response takes into account geometrical acceptance of sub-detectors and their finite resolution, as defined in the smearing data card\footnote{\texttt{[code] }See the \texttt{RESOLution} class.}.
    127 If no such file is provided, predifined values are used. The coverage of the various subsystems used in the default configuration are summarised in Tab.~\ref{tab:defEta}.
     127If no such file is provided, predefined values are used. The coverage of the various subsystems used in the default configuration are summarised in Tab.~\ref{tab:defEta}.
    179 The particle four-momentum $p^\mu$ are smeared with a parametrisation directly derived from the detector techinal designs\footnote{\texttt{[code] }The response of the detector is applied to the electromagnetic and the hadronic particles through the \texttt{SmearElectron} and \texttt{SmearHadron} functions.}.
     179The particle four-momentum $p^\mu$ are smeared with a parametrisation directly derived from the detector technical designs\footnote{\texttt{[code] }The response of the detector is applied to the electromagnetic and the hadronic particles through the \texttt{SmearElectron} and \texttt{SmearHadron} functions.}.
    180180In the default parametrisation, the calorimeter is assumed to cover the pseudorapidity range $|\eta|<3$ and consists in an electromagnetic and an hadronic part. Coverage between pseudorapidities of $3.0$ and $5.0$ is provided by forward calorimeters, with different response to electromagnetic objects ($e^\pm, \gamma$) or hadrons.
    181181Muons and neutrinos are assumed no to interact with the calorimeters\footnote{In the current \textsc{Delphes} version, particles other than electrons ($e^\pm$), photons ($\gamma$), muons ($\mu^\pm$) and neutrinos ($\nu_e$, $\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_\tau$) are simulated as hadrons for their interactions with the calorimeters. The simulation of stable particles beyond the Standard Model should subsequently be handled with care.}.
    229229As the detector is assumed to be symmetric in $\phi$ and with respect to the $\eta=0$ plane, the smearing card stores the number of calorimetric towers with $\phi=0$ and $\eta>0$ (default: $40$ towers). For a given $\eta$, the size of the $\phi$ segmentation is also specified. Fig.~\ref{fig:calosegmentation} illustrates the default segmentation of the $(\eta,\phi)$ plane.
    245243Most of the recent experiments in beam colliders have additional instrumentation along the beamline. These extend the $\eta$ coverage to higher values, for the detection of very forward final-state particles.
    246 Zero Degree Calorimeters (\textsc{zdc}) are located at zero angle, i.e. are aligned with the beamline axis at the interaction point, and placed at the distance where the paths of incoming and outgoing beams separate (Fig.~\ref{fig:fdets}). These allow the measurement of stable neutral particles ($\gamma$ and $n$) coming from the interaction point, with large pseudorapirities (e.g. $|\eta_{\textrm{n,}\gamma}| > 8.3$ in \textsc{cms}).
    247 Forward taggers (called here \textsc{rp220} and \textsc{fp420} as at the \textsc{lhc}) are meant for the measurement of particles following very closely the beam path. To be able to reach these detectors, such particles must have a charge identical to the beam particles, and a momentum very close to the nominal value for the beam. These taggers are near-beam detectors located a few millimeters from the true beam trajectory and this distance defines their acceptance (Tab.~\ref{tab:fdetacceptance}).
     244Zero Degree Calorimeters (\textsc{zdc}) are located at zero angle, i.e. are aligned with the beamline axis at the interaction point, and placed at the distance where the paths of incoming and outgoing beams separate (Fig.~\ref{fig:fdets}). These allow the measurement of stable neutral particles ($\gamma$ and $n$) coming from the interaction point, with large pseudorapidities (e.g. $|\eta_{\textrm{n,}\gamma}| > 8.3$ in \textsc{cms}).
     245Forward taggers (called here \textsc{rp220} and \textsc{fp420} as at the \textsc{lhc}) are meant for the measurement of particles following very closely the beam path. To be able to reach these detectors, such particles must have a charge identical to the beam particles, and a momentum very close to the nominal value for the beam. These taggers are near-beam detectors located a few millimetres from the true beam trajectory and this distance defines their acceptance (Tab.~\ref{tab:fdetacceptance}).
    294292Analysis object data contain the final collections of particles ($e^\pm$, $\mu^\pm$, $\gamma$) or objects (light jets, $b$-jets, $\tau$-jets, $E_T^\textrm{miss}$) and are stored\footnote{\texttt{[code] }All these processed data are located under the \texttt{Analysis} tree.} in the output file created by \textsc{Delphes}.
    295 In addition, some detector data are added: tracks, calorometric towers and hits in \textsc{zdc}, \textsc{rp220} and \textsc{fp420}.
     293In addition, some detector data are added: tracks, calorimetric towers and hits in \textsc{zdc}, \textsc{rp220} and \textsc{fp420}.
    296294While electrons, muons and photons are easily identified, some other objects are more difficult to measure, like jets or missing energy due to invisible particles.
    325323A realistic analysis requires a correct treatment of final state particles which hadronise. Therefore, the most widely currently used jet algorithms have been integrated into the \textsc{Delphes} framework using the \textsc{FastJet} tools~\cite{bib:FastJet}.
    326 Six different jet reconstruction schemes are available\footnote{\texttt{[code] }The choice is done by allocating the \texttt{JET\_jetalgo } input parameter in the smearing card.}. The first three belong to the cone algorithm class while the last three are using a sequential recombinaison scheme. For all of them, the towers are used as input of the jet clustering. Jet algorithms also differ with their sensitivity to soft particles or collinear splittings, and with their computing speed performance.
     324Six different jet reconstruction schemes are available\footnote{\texttt{[code] }The choice is done by allocating the \texttt{JET\_jetalgo } input parameter in the smearing card.}. The first three belong to the cone algorithm class while the last three are using a sequential recombination scheme. For all of them, the towers are used as input of the jet clustering. Jet algorithms also differ with their sensitivity to soft particles or collinear splittings, and with their computing speed performance.
    328326\subsubsection*{Cone algorithms}
    336334In the following versions of \textsc{Delphes}, a new dedicated plug-in will be created on this purpose\footnote{\texttt{[code] }\texttt{JET\_coneradius} and \texttt{JET\_seed} variables in the smearing card.}.
    338 \item {\it CDF MidPoint}~\cite{bib:midpoint}: Algorithm developped for the \textsc{cdf} Run II to reduce infrared and collinear sensitivity compared to purely seed-based cone by adding `midpoints' (energy barycenters) in the list of cone seeds.
     336\item {\it CDF MidPoint}~\cite{bib:midpoint}: Algorithm developed for the \textsc{cdf} Run II to reduce infrared and collinear sensitivity compared to purely seed-based cone by adding `midpoints' (energy barycentres) in the list of cone seeds.
    340338\item {\it Seedless Infrared Safe Cone}~\cite{bib:SIScone}: The \textsc{SISCone} algorithm is simultaneously insensitive to additional soft particles and collinear splittings, and fast enough to be used in experimental analysis.
    398396Jets originating from $\tau$-decays are identified using an identification procedure consistent with the one applied in a full detector simulation~\cite{bib:cmsjetresolution}.
    399 The tagging rely on two properties of the $\tau$ lepton. First, $77\%$ of the $\tau$ hadronic decays contain only one charged hadron associated to a few neutrals (Tab.~\ref{tab:taudecay}). Tracks are useful for this criterium. Secondly, the particles arisen from the $\tau$ lepton produce narrow jets in the calorimeter (\textit{collimation}).
     397The tagging rely on two properties of the $\tau$ lepton. First, $77\%$ of the $\tau$ hadronic decays contain only one charged hadron associated to a few neutrals (Tab.~\ref{tab:taudecay}). Tracks are useful for this criterion. Secondly, the particles arisen from the $\tau$ lepton produce narrow jets in the calorimeter (\textit{collimation}).
    539537Its quality and validity are assessed by comparing to resolution of the reconstructed data to the \textsc{cms} detector expectations.
    541 Electrons and muons match by construction to the experiment designs, as the Gaussian smearing of their kinematical properties is defined according to the experiment resolution.
     539Electrons and muons match by construction to the experiment designs, as the Gaussian smearing of their kinematics properties is defined according to the experiment resolution.
    542540Similarly, the $b$-tagging efficiency (for real $b$-jets) and misidentification rates (for fake $b$-jets) are taken from the expected values of the experiment.
    543541Unlike these simple objects, jets and missing transverse energy should be carefully cross-checked.
    553551The jets made of generator-level particles, or \textsc{mc} jets, are obtained by applying the same clustering algorithm to all particles considered as stable after hadronisation.
    554 Jets produced by \textsc{Delphes} and satisfying the matching criterium are called hereafter \textit{reconstructed jets}.
     552Jets produced by \textsc{Delphes} and satisfying the matching criterion are called hereafter \textit{reconstructed jets}.
    556554The ratio of the transverse energies of every reconstructed jet $E_T^\textrm{rec}$ and its corresponding \textsc{mc} jet $E_T^\textrm{MC}$ is calculated in each $\hat{p}_T$ bin.
    557 The $E_T^\textrm{rec}/E_T^\textrm{MC}$ histogram is fitted with a Gaussian distribution in the interval \mbox{$\pm 2$~\textsc{rms}} centered around the mean value.
     555The $E_T^\textrm{rec}/E_T^\textrm{MC}$ histogram is fitted with a Gaussian distribution in the interval \mbox{$\pm 2$~\textsc{rms}} centred around the mean value.
    558556The resolution in each $\hat{p}_T$ bin is obtained by the fit mean $\langle x \rangle$ and variance $\sigma^2(x)$:
    608606where the $\alpha$ parameter is depending on the resolution of the calorimeters.
    610 The \textsc{met} resolution expected for the \textsc{cms} detector for similar events is $\sigma_x = (0.6-0.7) ~ (\Sigma E_T) ~ \mathrm{GeV}^{1/2}$ with no pile-up\footnote{\textit{Pile-up} events are extra simultaneous $pp$ collision occuring at the same bunch crossing.}~\cite{bib:cmsjetresolution}.
     608The \textsc{met} resolution expected for the \textsc{cms} detector for similar events is $\sigma_x = (0.6-0.7) ~ (\Sigma E_T) ~ \mathrm{GeV}^{1/2}$ with no pile-up\footnote{\textit{Pile-up} events are extra simultaneous $pp$ collision occurring at the same bunch crossing.}~\cite{bib:cmsjetresolution}.
    611609The same quantity obtained by \textsc{Delphes} is in excellent agreement with the expectations of the general purpose detector, as $\alpha = 0.68$.
    651649% \end{figure}
    653 Two and three-dimentional representations of the detector configuration can be used for communication purpose, as it clearly shows the geometric coverage of the different detector subsystems. As an illustration, the generic detector geometry assumed in \textsc{Delphes} is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:GenDet3}
     651Two and three-dimensional representations of the detector configuration can be used for communication purpose, as it clearly shows the geometric coverage of the different detector subsystems. As an illustration, the generic detector geometry assumed in \textsc{Delphes} is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:GenDet3}
    654652%, \ref{fig:GenDet}
    655653 and~\ref{fig:GenDet2}. 
    668666Deeper understanding of interesting physics processes is possible by displaying the events themselves.
    669 The visibility of each set of objects ($e^\pm$, $\mu^\pm$, $\tau^\pm$, jets, transverse missing energy) is enhanced by a color coding.
    670 Moreover, kinematical information of each object is visible by a simple mouse action.
     667The visibility of each set of objects ($e^\pm$, $\mu^\pm$, $\tau^\pm$, jets, transverse missing energy) is enhanced by a colour coding.
     668Moreover, kinematics information of each object is visible by a simple mouse action.
    671669As an illustration, an associated photoproduction of a $W$ boson and a $t$ quark is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:wt}.
    672670This corresponds to a $pp(\gamma p \rightarrow Wt)pX$ process, where the $Wt$ couple is induced by an incoming photon emitted by one interacting proton~\cite{bib:wtphotoproduction}.
    675673The experimental signature is a lack of hadronic activity in one forward hemisphere, where the surviving proton escapes.
    676674The $t$ quark decays into a $W$ boson and a $b$ quark.
    677 Both $W$ bosons decay into leptons ($W \rightarrow \mu \nu_\mu$ and $W \rightarrow \tau \nu_\tau$).
    678 The balance between the missing transverse energy and the charged lepton pair is clear, as well as the presence of an empty forward region.
     675Both $W$ bosons decay into leptons ($W \rightarrow \mu \nu_\mu$ and $W \rightarrow e \nu_e$).
     676The balance between the missing transverse energy and the charged lepton pair is clear, as well as the presence of an empty forward region. It is interesting to notice that the reconstruction algorithms build a fake $\tau$-jet around the electron.
    682 \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{Events_Delphes_1}
    683 \caption{Example of $pp(\gamma p \rightarrow Wt)pY$ event, with $t \rightarrow Wb$. One $W$ boson decays into a $\mu \nu_\mu$ pair and the second one into a $\tau \nu_\tau$ pair. The surviving proton leaves a forward hemisphere with no hadronic activity. The isolated muon is shown as the blue vector. The $\tau$-jet is the cone around the green vector, while the reconstructed missing energy is shown in gray. One jet is visible in one forward region, along the beamline axis, opposite to the direction of the escaping proton.}
     682\caption{Example of $pp(\gamma p \rightarrow Wt)pY$ event, with $t \rightarrow Wb$.
     683One $W$ boson decays into a $\mu \nu_\mu$ pair and the second one into a $e \nu_e$ pair.
     684The surviving proton leaves a forward hemisphere with no hadronic activity.
     685The isolated muon is shown as the blue vector.
     686Around the electron, in red, is reconstructed a fake $\tau$-jet (green vector surrounded by a blue cone), while the reconstructed missing energy (in grey) is very small. One jet is visible in one forward region, along the beamline axis, opposite to the direction of the escaping proton.}
     691For the comparison, Fig.~\ref{fig:gg} depicts an inclusive gluon pair production $pp \rightarrow ggX$.
     692The event final state contains more jets, in particular along the beam axis, which is expected as the interacting protons are destroyed by the collision. Two muon candidates and large missing transverse energy are also visible.
     698\caption{Example of inclusive gluon pair production $pp \rightarrow ggX$. Many jets are visible in the event, in particular along the beam axis. Two muons (in blue) are produced and the missing transverse energy is significant in this event (grey vector).}
    688704\section{Conclusion and perspectives}
    711727Moreover, the framework allows trigger emulation and 3D event visualisation.
    713 \textsc{Delphes} has been developped using the parameters of the \textsc{cms} experiment but can be easily extended to \textsc{atlas} and other non-\textsc{lhc} experiments, as at Tevatron or at the \textsc{ilc}. Further developments include a more flexible design for the subdetector assembly and possibly the implementation of an event mixing module for pile-up event simulation.
     729\textsc{Delphes} has been developed using the parameters of the \textsc{cms} experiment but can be easily extended to \textsc{atlas} and other non-\textsc{lhc} experiments, as at Tevatron or at the \textsc{ilc}. Further developments include a more flexible design for the subdetector assembly and possibly the implementation of an event mixing module for pile-up event simulation.
    719 The authors would like to thank Vincent Lema\^itre, Muriel Vander Donckt and David d'Enterria for useful discussions and comments, and Loic Quertenmont for support in interfacing \textsc{Frog}. We are also really greatful to Alice Dechambre and Simon de Visscher for being beta testers of the complete package.
     735The authors would like to thank Vincent Lema\^itre, Muriel Vander Donckt and David d'Enterria for useful discussions and comments, and Loic Quertenmont for support in interfacing \textsc{Frog}. We are also really grateful to Alice Dechambre and Simon de Visscher for being beta testers of the complete package.
    720736Part of this work was supported by the Belgian Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs through the Interuniversity Attraction Pole P6/11.
    763779\section{User manual}
    765 The available code is a zipped tar file which comes with everything needed to run the \textsc{Delphes} package, assuming a running.
     781The available code is a zipped tar file which comes with everything needed to run the \textsc{Delphes} package, assuming a running \textsc{root} installation.
    766782The package includes \texttt{ExRootAnalysis}~\cite{bib:ExRootAnalysis}, \textsc{Hector}~\cite{bib:Hector},
    767783\textsc{FastJet}~\cite{bib:FastJet}, and \textsc{Frog}~\cite{bib:Frog}, as well as the conversion codes to read standard \mbox{\textsc{s}td\textsc{hep}} input files (\texttt{mcfio} and \texttt{stdhep})~\cite{bib:mcfio}.
    770786\subsection{Getting started}
    772 In order to run \textsc{Delphes} on your system, first download is sources and compile it:\\
     788In order to run \textsc{Delphes} on your system, first download its sources and compile it:\\
     790Replace the \texttt{*} symbol by the proper version number\footnote{Refer to the download page on the \textsc{Delphes} website \href{}{}.}.
    775 me@mylap:~$*.tar.gz
    776 me@mylap:~$ tar -xvf Delphes_V_*.tar.gz
    777 me@mylap:~$ cd Delphes_V_*.*
    778 me@mylap:~$ ./genMakefile.tcl > Makefile
    779 me@mylap:~$ make
     794me@mylaptop:~$ tar -xvf Delphes_V_*.tar.gz
     795me@mylaptop:~$ cd Delphes_V_*.*
     796me@mylaptop:~$ ./genMakefile.tcl > Makefile
     797me@mylaptop:~$ make
    781 \end{quote}   
     800Due to the large number of external utilities, the number of printed lines during the compilation can be high.
     801The user should not pay attention to possible warning messages.
     802When compilation is completed, the following message is printed:
     805me@mylaptop:~$ Delphes has been compiled
     806me@mylaptop:~$ Ready to run
    782810\subsection{Running \textsc{Delphes} on your events}
    784 In this chapter, we will explain how to use \textsc{Delphes} to perform a fast simulation of a general purpose detector on your event files. The first step to use \textsc{Delphes} is to create the list of input event files (e.g. {\verb inputlist.list })  file. As an important comment, don't forget that all the files comprised in the list file should have the same type (\texttt{*.hep}, \texttt{*.lhe} or \texttt{*.root}). In the simplest way of running \textsc{Delphes}, you need this input file and you need to specify the name of the output of \textsc{Delphes} that will contain the particle-level information ({\verb GEN } {\verb tree }), the analysis data objects after reconstruction ({\verb Analysis } {\verb tree }), and the results of the trigger emulation ({\verb Trigger } {\verb tree }).
     812In this chapter, we will explain how to use \textsc{Delphes} to perform a fast simulation of a general purpose detector on your event files. The first step to use \textsc{Delphes} is to create the list of input event files (e.g. {\verb inputlist.list }). As an important comment, don't forget that all the files comprised in the list file should have the same type (\texttt{*.hep}, \texttt{*.lhe} or \texttt{*.root}). In the simplest way of running \textsc{Delphes}, you need this input file and you need to specify the name of the output file that will contain the generator-level data (\texttt{GEN} tree), the analysis data objects after reconstruction (\texttt{Analysis} tree), and the results of the trigger emulation (\texttt{Trigger} tree).
    792 \subsubsection{Setting the run configuration}
     820\subsubsection{Setting up the configuration}
    794822The program is driven by two datacards (default cards are {\verb data/DataCardDet.dat } and {\verb data/trigger.dat }) which allow a large spectrum of running conditions.
    795 Please note that the either you provide those two datacards, either the running will be done using the default parameters defined in the constructor of the class {\verb RESOLution()}. If you chose a different detector or running configuration you will need to edit the datacards accordingly.
     823Please note that either the user provides these two datacards, either the running will be done using the default parameters defined in the constructor of the class \texttt{RESOLution}. If you choose a different detector or running configuration, you will need to edit the datacards accordingly.
    799 \item{\bf The run card }
    801 Contains all needed information to run \textsc{Delphes}
     827\item{\bf The smearing card }
     829The \textit{smearing} or \textit{run} card is by default \texttt{data/DataCard.dat}.
     830It contains all pieces of information needed to run \textsc{Delphes}:
    803  \item The following parameters are available: detector parameters, including calorimeter and tracking coverage and resolution, transverse energy thresholds allowed for reconstructed objects, jet algorithm to use as well as jet parameters.
    804  \item Four flags, {\verb FLAG_bfield }, {\verb FLAG_vfd }, {\verb FLAG_trigger } and {\verb FLAG_frog } should be assigned to decide if the magnetic field propagation, the very forward detectors acceptance, the trigger selection and the preparation for \textsc{Frog} display respectively are running by \textsc{Delphes}.
     832 \item detector parameters, including calorimeter and tracking coverage and resolution, transverse energy thresholds for object reconstruction and jet algorithm parameters.
     833 \item four flags ({\verb FLAG_bfield }, {\verb FLAG_vfd }, {\verb FLAG_trigger } and {\verb FLAG_frog }), which should be assigned if the magnetic field propagation, the very forward detectors simulation, the trigger selection and the preparation for \textsc{Frog} display (respectively) have to be run by \textsc{Delphes}.
    805834 \end{itemize}
    807 If no datacard is provided ny the user, the default one is used that contains the followings smearing and running parameters:
     836If no datacard is provided by the user, the default smearing and running parameters are used:
    810 # Detector characteristics
     839# Detector extension, in pseudorapidity units
    811840CEN_max_tracker    2.5     // Maximum tracker coverage
    812841CEN_max_calo_cen   3.0     // central calorimeter coverage
    816845# Energy resolution for electron/photon
    817 # \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
     846# \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV
    818847ELG_Scen          0.05     // S term for central ECAL
    819848ELG_Ncen          0.25     // N term for central ECAL
    825854# Energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/hf
    826 # \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
     855# \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}, E in GeV
    827856HAD_Shcal         1.5      // S term for central HCAL
    828857HAD_Nhcal         0.       // N term for central HCAL
    834863# Muon smearing
    835 MU_SmearPt        0.01
     864MU_SmearPt        0.01    // transverse momentum Pt in GeV
    837866# Tracking efficiencies
    838867TRACK_ptmin       0.9      // minimal pT
    839 TRACK_eff         100      // efficiency associated to the tracking
     868TRACK_eff         100      // efficiency associated to the tracking (%)
    841870# Calorimetric towers
    842871TOWER_number         40
    860889           10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20
    862 # Thresholds for reconstructed objetcs
     891# Thresholds for reconstructed objects, in GeV
    863892PTCUT_elec       10.0
    864893PTCUT_muon       10.0
    869898# General jet variable
    870899JET_coneradius   0.7      // generic jet radius
    871 JET_jetalgo      1        // Jet aglorithm selection
    872 JET_seed         1.0      // minimum seed to start jet reconstruction
    874 # Tagging definition
    875 BTAG_b           40
    876 BTAG_mistag_c    10
    877 BTAG_mistag_l    1
     900JET_jetalgo      1        // Jet algorithm selection
     901JET_seed         1.0      // minimum seed to start jet reconstruction, in GeV
     903# Tagging definition 
     904BTAG_b           40      // b-tag efficiency (%)
     905BTAG_mistag_c    10      // mistagging (%)
     906BTAG_mistag_l    1       // mistagging (%)
    879908# FLAGS
    885914# In case BField propagation allowed
    886 TRACK_radius      129     // radius of the BField coverage
    887 TRACK_length      300     // length of the BField coverage
    888 TRACK_bfield_x    0       // X composant of the BField
    889 TRACK_bfield_y    0       // Y composant of the BField
    890 TRACK_bfield_z    3.8     // Z composant of the BField
    892 # In case Very forward detectors allowed
     915TRACK_radius      129     // radius of the BField coverage, in cm
     916TRACK_length      300     // length of the BField coverage, in cm
     917TRACK_bfield_x    0       // X composant of the BField, in T
     918TRACK_bfield_y    0       // Y composant of the BField, in T
     919TRACK_bfield_z    3.8     // Z composant of the BFieldn in T
     921# Very forward detector extension, in pseudorapidity
     922# if allowed
    893923VFD_min_calo_vfd  5.2     // very forward calorimeter (if any) like CASTOR
    894924VFD_max_calo_vfd  6.6
     938In general, energies and momenta are expressed in GeV, and  magnetic fields in T.
     939Geometrical extension are often referred in terms of pseudorapidity $\eta$, as the detectors are supposed to be symmetric in $\phi$.
    910941\item{\bf The trigger card }
    912 Contains the definition of all trigger bits. Cuts can be applied on the transverse momentum of electrons, muons, jets, tau-jets, photons and transverse missing energy. The following ``codename'' should be used so that \textsc{Delphes} can correctly translate the input list of trigger bit into selection algorithms:
     943This card contains the definitions of all trigger bits. Cuts can be applied on the transverse momentum $p_T$ of electrons, muons, jets, $\tau$-jets, photons and the missing transverse energy. The following codes should be used so that \textsc{Delphes} can correctly translate the input list of trigger bit into selection algorithms:
    916 {\it Trigger flag} & {\it Corresponding object}\\
     947{\it Trigger code} & {\it Corresponding object}\\
    917948{\verb ELEC_PT } & electron \\
    918949{\verb MUON_PT } & muon \\
    919950{\verb JET_PT } & jet \\
    920 {\verb TAUJET_PT } & tau-jet \\
    921 {\verb ETMIS_PT } & transverse missing energy \\
     951{\verb TAUJET_PT } & $\tau$-jet \\
     952{\verb ETMIS_PT } & missing transverse energy \\
    922953{\verb GAMMA_PT } & photon \\
    926 Moreover, each line in the trigger datacard is allocated to exactly one trigger bit and start with the name of the correcponding trigger. Logical combinaison of several conditions is also possible. If the trigger bit uses the presence of multiple identical objects, the order of their thresholds is not meaningless: they must be defined in decreasing order. Finally, the different requirements on the objects must be separated by a {\verb && } flag. The default trigger card can be found in the data repository of \textsc{Delphes}. An exemple of trigger table consistent with the previous rules is given here:
     957Each line in the trigger datacard is allocated to exactly one trigger bit and starts with the name of the corresponding trigger. Logical combination of several conditions is also possible. If the trigger bit requires the presence of multiple identical objects, the order of their $p_T$ thresholds is very important: they must be defined in \textit{decreasing} order. Finally, the different requirements on the objects must be separated by a {\verb && } flag. The default trigger card can be found in the data repository of \textsc{Delphes} (\texttt{data/trigger.dat}). An example of trigger table consistent with the previous rules is given here:
    928 \begin{verbatim}   DoubleElec                  >> ELEC_PT: '20' && ELEC_PT: '10'   SingleElec and Single Muon  >> ELEC_PT: '20' && MUON_PT: '15'
     960DoubleElec                  >> ELEC_PT: '20' && ELEC_PT: '10'   
     961SingleElec and Single Muon  >> ELEC_PT: '20' && MUON_PT: '15'
    989 In addition to their four-momentum and related quantities, additional properties are available for specific objects. Those are summarized in the following table:
     1022In addition to their four-momentum and related quantities, additional properties are available for specific objects. Those are summarised in the following table:
    10151048\subsection{Running an analysis on your \textsc{Delphes} events}
    1017 To analyze the {\verb Root } {\verb TTree } ntuple  of \textsc{Delphes}, the simplest way is to use the {\verb Analysis_Ex.cpp } code which is coming in the {\verb Examples } repository of \textsc{Delphes}. Note that all of this is optional and done to facilitate the analysis, as the output from \textsc{Delphes} is viewable with the standard TBrowser or \textsc{root} and can be analyzed using the MakeClass facility. To run the {\verb Examples/Analysis_Ex.cpp } code, the two following arguments are required: a text file containing the input \textsc{Delphes} root files to run, and the name of the output root file. To run the code:
     1050To analyse the {\verb Root } {\verb TTree } ntuple  of \textsc{Delphes}, the simplest way is to use the {\verb Analysis_Ex.cpp } code which is coming in the {\verb Examples } repository of \textsc{Delphes}. Note that all of this is optional and done to facilitate the analysis, as the output from \textsc{Delphes} is viewable with the standard TBrowser or \textsc{root} and can be analysed using the MakeClass facility. To run the {\verb Examples/Analysis_Ex.cpp } code, the two following arguments are required: a text file containing the input \textsc{Delphes} root files to run, and the name of the output root file. To run the code:
    10181051 \begin{quote}
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