1 | /***********************************************************************
2 | ** **
3 | ** /----------------------------------------------\ **
4 | ** | Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation | **
5 | ** | of a generic collider experiment | **
6 | ** \------------- arXiv:0903.2225v1 ------------/ **
7 | ** **
8 | ** **
9 | ** This package uses: **
10 | ** ------------------ **
11 | ** ROOT: Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A389 (1997) 81-86 **
12 | ** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] **
13 | ** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] **
14 | ** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] **
15 | ** HepMC: Comput. Phys. Commun.134 (2001) 41 **
16 | ** **
17 | ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
18 | ** **
19 | ** Main authors: **
20 | ** ------------- **
21 | ** **
22 | ** Severine Ovyn Xavier Rouby **
23 | ** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern **
24 | ** **
25 | ** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) **
26 | ** Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) **
27 | ** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium **
28 | ** **
29 | ** Copyright (C) 2008-2009, **
30 | ** All rights reserved. **
31 | ** **
32 | ***********************************************************************/
33 |
34 | /// \file SmearUtil.cc
35 | /// \brief RESOLution class, and some generic definitions
36 |
37 |
38 | #include "SmearUtil.h"
39 | #include "TStopwatch.h"
40 |
41 | #include <iostream>
42 | #include <fstream>
43 | #include <sstream>
44 | #include <iomanip>
45 | #include <map>
46 | #include <vector>
47 | #include <cmath>
48 | #include <cstdlib> // for exit()
49 | using namespace std;
50 |
51 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 |
53 | RESOLution::RESOLution() {
54 |
55 | // Detector characteristics
56 | CEN_max_tracker = 2.5; // Maximum tracker coverage
57 | CEN_max_calo_cen = 1.7; // central calorimeter coverage
58 | CEN_max_calo_ec = 3.0; // calorimeter endcap coverage
59 | CEN_max_calo_fwd = 5.0; // forward calorimeter pseudorapidity coverage
60 | CEN_max_mu = 2.4; // muon chambers pseudorapidity coverage
61 |
62 | // Energy resolution for electron/photon
63 | // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
64 | ELG_Scen = 0.05; // S term for central ECAL
65 | ELG_Ncen = 0.25; // N term
66 | ELG_Ccen = 0.005; // C term
67 | ELG_Sec = 0.05; // S term for central ECAL endcap
68 | ELG_Nec = 0.25; // S term
69 | ELG_Cec = 0.005; // S term
70 | ELG_Sfwd = 2.084; // S term for FCAL
71 | ELG_Nfwd = 0.0; // N term
72 | ELG_Cfwd = 0.107; // C term
73 | ELG_Szdc = 0.70; // S term for ZDC
74 | ELG_Nzdc = 0.0; // N term
75 | ELG_Czdc = 0.08; // C term
76 |
77 | // Energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/fwd
78 | // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
79 | HAD_Scen = 1.5; // S term for central HCAL
80 | HAD_Ncen = 0.; // N term
81 | HAD_Ccen = 0.05; // C term
82 | HAD_Sec = 1.5; // S term for HCAL endcap
83 | HAD_Nec = 0.; // N term
84 | HAD_Cec = 0.05; // C term
85 | HAD_Sfwd = 2.7; // S term for FCAL
86 | HAD_Nfwd = 0.; // N term
87 | HAD_Cfwd = 0.13; // C term
88 | HAD_Szdc = 1.38; // S term for ZDC
89 | HAD_Nzdc = 0.; // N term
90 | HAD_Czdc = 0.13; // C term
91 |
92 | // Muon smearing
93 | MU_SmearPt = 0.01;
94 |
95 | // time resolution
96 | ZDC_T_resolution = 0; // resolution for time measurement [s]
97 | RP220_T_resolution = 0;
98 | RP420_T_resolution = 0;
99 |
100 | // Tracking efficiencies
101 | TRACK_ptmin = 0.9; // minimal pt needed to reach the calorimeter in GeV
102 | TRACK_eff = 100; // efficiency associated to the tracking
103 |
104 | // Calorimetric towers
105 | TOWER_number = 40;
106 | const float tower_eta_edges[41] = {
107 | 0., 0.087, 0.174, 0.261, 0.348, 0.435, 0.522, 0.609, 0.696, 0.783, 0.870, 0.957, 1.044, 1.131, 1.218, 1.305, 1.392, 1.479, 1.566,
108 | 1.653, 1.740, 1.830, 1.930, 2.043, 2.172, 2.322, 2.500, 2.650, 2.868, 2.950, 3.125, 3.300, 3.475, 3.650, 3.825, 4.000, 4.175,
109 | 4.350, 4.525, 4.700, 5.000}; // temporary object
110 | TOWER_eta_edges = new float[TOWER_number+1];
111 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number +1; i++) TOWER_eta_edges[i] = tower_eta_edges[i];
112 |
113 | const float tower_dphi[40] = {
114 | 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10,
115 | 10,10,10,10,10, 10,10,10,10,10, 10,10,10,10,10, 10,10,10,20, 20 }; // temporary object
116 | TOWER_dphi = new float[TOWER_number];
117 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number; i++) TOWER_dphi[i] = tower_dphi[i];
118 |
119 |
120 | // Thresholds for reconstructed objetcs (GeV)
121 | PTCUT_elec = 10.0;
122 | PTCUT_muon = 10.0;
123 | PTCUT_jet = 20.0;
124 | PTCUT_gamma = 10.0;
125 | PTCUT_taujet = 10.0;
126 |
127 | ZDC_gamma_E = 20; // GeV
128 | ZDC_n_E = 50; // GeV
129 |
130 | // Isolation
131 | ISOL_PT = 2.0; //minimal pt of tracks for isolation criteria
132 | ISOL_Cone = 0.5; //Cone for isolation criteria
133 | ISOL_Calo_ET = 1E99; //minimal tower energy for isolation criteria. Default off = 1E99
134 | ISOL_Calo_Grid = 3; //Grid size (N x N) for calorimetric isolation -- should be odd
135 |
136 | // General jet variable
137 | JET_coneradius = 0.7; // generic jet radius ; not for tau's !!!
138 | JET_jetalgo = 1; // 1 for Cone algorithm, 2 for MidPoint algorithm, 3 for SIScone algorithm, 4 for kt algorithm
139 | JET_seed = 1.0; // minimum seed to start jet reconstruction
140 | JET_Eflow = 1; // 1 for Energy flow in jets reco ; 0 if not
141 |
142 | // Tagging definition
143 | BTAG_b = 40.;
144 | BTAG_mistag_c = 10.;
145 | BTAG_mistag_l = 1.;
146 |
147 | // FLAGS
148 | FLAG_bfield = 1; //1 to run the bfield propagation else 0
149 | FLAG_vfd = 1; //1 to run the very forward detectors else 0
150 | FLAG_RP = 1; //1 to run the zero degree calorimeter else 0
151 | FLAG_trigger = 1; //1 to run the trigger selection else 0
152 | FLAG_frog = 1; //1 to run the FROG event display
153 | FLAG_lhco = 1;
154 |
155 | // In case BField propagation allowed
156 | TRACK_radius = 129; //radius of the BField coverage
157 | TRACK_length = 300; //length of the BField coverage
158 | TRACK_bfield_x = 0; //X composant of the BField
159 | TRACK_bfield_y = 0; //Y composant of the BField
160 | TRACK_bfield_z = 3.8; //Z composant of the BField
161 |
162 | // In case Very forward detectors allowed
163 | VFD_min_calo_vfd = 5.2; // very forward calorimeter (if any) like CASTOR
164 | VFD_max_calo_vfd = 6.6;
165 | VFD_min_zdc = 8.3;
166 | VFD_s_zdc = 140; // distance of the Zero Degree Calorimeter, from the Interaction poin, in [m]
167 |
168 | RP_220_s = 220; // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
169 | RP_220_x = 0.002; // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
170 | RP_420_s = 420; // distance of the RP to the IP, in meters
171 | RP_420_x = 0.004; // distance of the RP to the beam, in meters
172 | RP_IP_name = "IP5";
173 | RP_beam1Card = "data/LHCB1IR5_v6.500.tfs";
174 | RP_beam2Card = "data/LHCB1IR5_v6.500.tfs";
175 |
176 | // In case FROG event display allowed
177 | NEvents_Frog = 10;
178 |
179 | // Number of events to be processed
180 | NEvents = -1;
181 |
182 | //********************************************
183 | //jet stuffs not defined in the input datacard
184 | //********************************************
185 |
186 | JET_overlap = 0.75;
187 | // MidPoint algorithm definition
188 | JET_M_coneareafraction = 0.25;
189 | JET_M_maxpairsize = 2;
190 | JET_M_maxiterations = 100;
191 | // Define Cone algorithm.
192 | JET_C_adjacencycut = 2;
193 | JET_C_maxiterations = 100;
194 | JET_C_iratch = 1;
195 | //Define SISCone algorithm.
196 | JET_S_npass = 0;
197 | JET_S_protojet_ptmin= 0.0;
198 |
199 | //For Tau-jet definition
200 | TAU_energy_scone = 0.15; // radius R of the cone for tau definition, based on energy threshold
201 | TAU_track_scone = 0.4; // radius R of the cone for tau definition, based on track number
202 | TAU_track_pt = 2; // minimal pt [GeV] for tracks to be considered in tau definition
203 | TAU_energy_frac = 0.95; // fraction of energy required in the central part of the cone, for tau jets
204 |
205 | PT_QUARKS_MIN = 2.0 ; // minimal pt needed by quarks to do b-tag
206 |
207 | //for very forward detectors
208 | RP_offsetEl_s = 120; // distance of beam separation point, from IP
209 | RP_offsetEl_x = -0.097; // half distance of separation of beams in horizontal plan, in m
210 | RP_offsetEl_y = 0; // half distance of separation of beams in vertical plan, in m
211 | RP_cross_x = -500; // IP offset in horizontal plane, in micrometers
212 | RP_cross_y = 0.0; // IP offset in vertical plane, in micrometers
213 | RP_cross_ang_x = 142.5; // half-crossing angle in horizontal plane, in microrad
214 | RP_cross_ang_y = 0.0; // half-crossing angle in vertical plane, in microrad
215 |
216 |
217 | PdgTableFilename = "data/particle.tbl";
218 | inputfilelist = "";
219 | detectorcard = "";
220 | triggercard = "";
221 |
222 | grandom = new TRandom3(0); // a new seed is set everytime Delphes is run
223 | }
224 |
225 |
226 | RESOLution::RESOLution(const RESOLution & DET) {
227 | // Detector characteristics
228 | CEN_max_tracker = DET.CEN_max_tracker;
229 | CEN_max_calo_cen = DET.CEN_max_calo_cen;
230 | CEN_max_calo_ec = DET.CEN_max_calo_ec;
231 | CEN_max_calo_fwd = DET.CEN_max_calo_fwd;
232 | CEN_max_mu = DET.CEN_max_mu;
233 |
234 | // Energy resolution for electron/photon
235 | ELG_Scen = DET.ELG_Scen;
236 | ELG_Ncen = DET.ELG_Ncen;
237 | ELG_Ccen = DET.ELG_Ccen;
238 | ELG_Sec = DET.ELG_Sec;
239 | ELG_Nec = DET.ELG_Nec;
240 | ELG_Cec = DET.ELG_Cec;
241 | ELG_Cfwd = DET.ELG_Cfwd;
242 | ELG_Sfwd = DET.ELG_Sfwd;
243 | ELG_Nfwd = DET.ELG_Nfwd;
244 | ELG_Czdc = DET.ELG_Czdc;
245 | ELG_Szdc = DET.ELG_Szdc;
246 | ELG_Nzdc = DET.ELG_Nzdc;
247 |
248 | // Energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/fwd/zdc
249 | HAD_Scen = DET.HAD_Scen;
250 | HAD_Ncen = DET.HAD_Ncen;
251 | HAD_Ccen = DET.HAD_Ccen;
252 | HAD_Sec = DET.HAD_Sec;
253 | HAD_Nec = DET.HAD_Nec;
254 | HAD_Cec = DET.HAD_Cec;
255 | HAD_Sfwd = DET.HAD_Sfwd;
256 | HAD_Nfwd = DET.HAD_Nfwd;
257 | HAD_Cfwd = DET.HAD_Cfwd;
258 | HAD_Szdc = DET.HAD_Szdc;
259 | HAD_Nzdc = DET.HAD_Nzdc;
260 | HAD_Czdc = DET.HAD_Czdc;
261 |
262 | // time resolution
263 | ZDC_T_resolution = DET.ZDC_T_resolution; // resolution for time measurement [s]
264 | RP220_T_resolution = DET.RP220_T_resolution;
265 | RP420_T_resolution = DET.RP420_T_resolution;
266 |
267 | // Muon smearing
268 | MU_SmearPt = DET.MU_SmearPt;
269 |
270 | // Tracking efficiencies
271 | TRACK_ptmin = DET.TRACK_ptmin;
272 | TRACK_eff = DET.TRACK_eff;
273 |
274 | // Calorimetric towers
275 | TOWER_number = DET.TOWER_number;
276 | TOWER_eta_edges = new float[TOWER_number+1];
277 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number +1; i++) TOWER_eta_edges[i] = DET.TOWER_eta_edges[i];
278 |
279 | TOWER_dphi = new float[TOWER_number];
280 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number; i++) TOWER_dphi[i] = DET.TOWER_dphi[i];
281 |
282 | // Thresholds for reconstructed objetcs
283 | PTCUT_elec = DET.PTCUT_elec;
284 | PTCUT_muon = DET.PTCUT_muon;
285 | PTCUT_jet = DET.PTCUT_jet;
286 | PTCUT_gamma = DET.PTCUT_gamma;
287 | PTCUT_taujet = DET.PTCUT_taujet;
288 |
289 | ZDC_gamma_E = DET.ZDC_gamma_E;
290 | ZDC_n_E = DET.ZDC_n_E;
291 |
292 | // Isolation
293 | ISOL_PT = DET.ISOL_PT; // tracking isolation
294 | ISOL_Cone = DET.ISOL_Cone;
295 | ISOL_Calo_ET = DET.ISOL_Calo_ET; // calorimeter isolation, defaut off
296 | ISOL_Calo_Grid = DET.ISOL_Calo_Grid;
297 |
298 |
299 | // General jet variable
300 | JET_coneradius = DET.JET_coneradius;
301 | JET_jetalgo = DET.JET_jetalgo;
302 | JET_seed = DET.JET_seed;
303 | JET_Eflow = DET.JET_Eflow;
304 |
305 | // Tagging definition
306 | BTAG_b = DET.BTAG_b;
307 | BTAG_mistag_c = DET.BTAG_mistag_c;
308 | BTAG_mistag_l = DET.BTAG_mistag_l;
309 |
310 | // FLAGS
311 | FLAG_bfield = DET.FLAG_bfield;
312 | FLAG_vfd = DET.FLAG_vfd;
314 | FLAG_trigger = DET.FLAG_trigger;
315 | FLAG_frog = DET.FLAG_frog;
316 | FLAG_lhco = DET.FLAG_lhco;
317 |
318 | // In case BField propagation allowed
319 | TRACK_radius = DET.TRACK_radius;
320 | TRACK_length = DET.TRACK_length;
321 | TRACK_bfield_x = DET.TRACK_bfield_x;
322 | TRACK_bfield_y = DET.TRACK_bfield_y;
323 | TRACK_bfield_z = DET.TRACK_bfield_z;
324 |
325 | // In case Very forward detectors allowed
326 | VFD_min_calo_vfd = DET.VFD_min_calo_vfd;
327 | VFD_max_calo_vfd = DET.VFD_max_calo_vfd;
328 | VFD_min_zdc = DET.VFD_min_zdc;
329 | VFD_s_zdc = DET.VFD_s_zdc;
330 |
331 | RP_220_s = DET.RP_220_s;
332 | RP_220_x = DET.RP_220_x;
333 | RP_420_s = DET.RP_420_s;
334 | RP_420_x = DET.RP_420_x;
335 | RP_beam1Card = DET.RP_beam1Card;
336 | RP_beam2Card = DET.RP_beam2Card;
337 | RP_offsetEl_s = DET.RP_offsetEl_s;
338 | RP_offsetEl_x = DET.RP_offsetEl_x;
339 | RP_offsetEl_y = DET.RP_offsetEl_y;
340 | RP_cross_x = DET.RP_cross_x;
341 | RP_cross_y = DET.RP_cross_y;
342 | RP_cross_ang_x = DET.RP_cross_ang_x;
343 | RP_cross_ang_y = DET.RP_cross_ang_y;
344 | RP_IP_name = DET.RP_IP_name;
345 |
346 | // In case FROG event display allowed
347 | NEvents_Frog = DET.NEvents_Frog;
348 |
349 | // Number of events to be processed
350 | NEvents = DET.NEvents;
351 |
352 | JET_overlap = DET.JET_overlap;
353 | // MidPoint algorithm definition
354 | JET_M_coneareafraction = DET.JET_M_coneareafraction;
355 | JET_M_maxpairsize = DET.JET_M_maxpairsize;
356 | JET_M_maxiterations = DET.JET_M_maxiterations;
357 | // Define Cone algorithm.
358 | JET_C_adjacencycut = DET.JET_C_adjacencycut;
359 | JET_C_maxiterations = DET.JET_C_maxiterations;
360 | JET_C_iratch = DET.JET_C_iratch;
361 | //Define SISCone algorithm.
362 | JET_S_npass = DET.JET_S_npass;
363 | JET_S_protojet_ptmin = DET.JET_S_protojet_ptmin;
364 |
365 | //For Tau-jet definition
366 | TAU_energy_scone = DET.TAU_energy_scone;
367 | TAU_track_scone = DET.TAU_track_scone;
368 | TAU_track_pt = DET.TAU_track_pt;
369 | TAU_energy_frac = DET.TAU_energy_frac;
370 |
372 | PdgTableFilename = DET.PdgTableFilename;
373 | PDGtable = DET.PDGtable;
374 | inputfilelist = DET.inputfilelist;
375 | detectorcard = DET.detectorcard;
376 | triggercard = DET.triggercard;
377 |
378 | grandom = new TRandom3(*(DET.grandom));
379 | }
380 |
381 | RESOLution& RESOLution::operator=(const RESOLution& DET) {
382 | if(this==&DET) return *this;
383 | // Detector characteristics
384 | CEN_max_tracker = DET.CEN_max_tracker;
385 | CEN_max_calo_cen = DET.CEN_max_calo_cen;
386 | CEN_max_calo_ec = DET.CEN_max_calo_ec;
387 | CEN_max_calo_fwd = DET.CEN_max_calo_fwd;
388 | CEN_max_mu = DET.CEN_max_mu;
389 |
390 | // Energy resolution for electron/photon
391 | ELG_Scen = DET.ELG_Scen;
392 | ELG_Ncen = DET.ELG_Ncen;
393 | ELG_Ccen = DET.ELG_Ccen;
394 | ELG_Sec = DET.ELG_Sec;
395 | ELG_Nec = DET.ELG_Nec;
396 | ELG_Cec = DET.ELG_Cec;
397 | ELG_Cfwd = DET.ELG_Cfwd;
398 | ELG_Sfwd = DET.ELG_Sfwd;
399 | ELG_Nfwd = DET.ELG_Nfwd;
400 | ELG_Czdc = DET.ELG_Czdc;
401 | ELG_Szdc = DET.ELG_Szdc;
402 | ELG_Nzdc = DET.ELG_Nzdc;
403 |
404 | // Energy resolution for hadrons in ecal/hcal/fwd/zdc
405 | HAD_Scen = DET.HAD_Scen ;
406 | HAD_Ncen = DET.HAD_Ncen;
407 | HAD_Ccen = DET.HAD_Ccen;
408 | HAD_Sec = DET.HAD_Sec;
409 | HAD_Nec = DET.HAD_Nec;
410 | HAD_Cec = DET.HAD_Cec;
411 | HAD_Sfwd = DET.HAD_Sfwd;
412 | HAD_Nfwd = DET.HAD_Nfwd;
413 | HAD_Cfwd = DET.HAD_Cfwd;
414 | HAD_Szdc = DET.HAD_Szdc;
415 | HAD_Nzdc = DET.HAD_Nzdc;
416 | HAD_Czdc = DET.HAD_Czdc;
417 |
418 | // time resolution
419 | ZDC_T_resolution = DET.ZDC_T_resolution; // resolution for time measurement [s]
420 | RP220_T_resolution = DET.RP220_T_resolution;
421 | RP420_T_resolution = DET.RP420_T_resolution;
422 |
423 | // Muon smearing
424 | MU_SmearPt = DET.MU_SmearPt;
425 |
426 | // Tracking efficiencies
427 | TRACK_ptmin = DET.TRACK_ptmin;
428 | TRACK_eff = DET.TRACK_eff;
429 |
430 | // Calorimetric towers
431 | TOWER_number = DET.TOWER_number;
432 | TOWER_eta_edges = new float[TOWER_number+1];
433 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number +1; i++) TOWER_eta_edges[i] = DET.TOWER_eta_edges[i];
434 |
435 | TOWER_dphi = new float[TOWER_number];
436 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number; i++) TOWER_dphi[i] = DET.TOWER_dphi[i];
437 |
438 | // Thresholds for reconstructed objetcs
439 | PTCUT_elec = DET.PTCUT_elec;
440 | PTCUT_muon = DET.PTCUT_muon;
441 | PTCUT_jet = DET.PTCUT_jet;
442 | PTCUT_gamma = DET.PTCUT_gamma;
443 | PTCUT_taujet = DET.PTCUT_taujet;
444 |
445 | ZDC_gamma_E = DET.ZDC_gamma_E;
446 | ZDC_n_E = DET.ZDC_n_E;
447 |
448 | // Isolation
449 | ISOL_PT = DET.ISOL_PT; // tracking isolation
450 | ISOL_Cone = DET.ISOL_Cone;
451 | ISOL_Calo_ET = DET.ISOL_Calo_ET; // calorimeter isolation, defaut off
452 | ISOL_Calo_Grid = DET.ISOL_Calo_Grid;
453 |
454 | // General jet variable
455 | JET_coneradius = DET.JET_coneradius;
456 | JET_jetalgo = DET.JET_jetalgo;
457 | JET_seed = DET.JET_seed;
458 | JET_Eflow = DET.JET_Eflow;
459 |
460 | // Tagging definition
461 | BTAG_b = DET.BTAG_b;
462 | BTAG_mistag_c = DET.BTAG_mistag_c;
463 | BTAG_mistag_l = DET.BTAG_mistag_l;
464 |
465 | // FLAGS
466 | FLAG_bfield = DET.FLAG_bfield;
467 | FLAG_vfd = DET.FLAG_vfd;
469 | FLAG_trigger = DET.FLAG_trigger;
470 | FLAG_frog = DET.FLAG_frog;
471 | FLAG_lhco = DET.FLAG_lhco;
472 |
473 | // In case BField propagation allowed
474 | TRACK_radius = DET.TRACK_radius;
475 | TRACK_length = DET.TRACK_length;
476 | TRACK_bfield_x = DET.TRACK_bfield_x;
477 | TRACK_bfield_y = DET.TRACK_bfield_y;
478 | TRACK_bfield_z = DET.TRACK_bfield_z;
479 |
480 | // In case Very forward detectors allowed
481 | VFD_min_calo_vfd = DET.VFD_min_calo_vfd;
482 | VFD_max_calo_vfd = DET.VFD_max_calo_vfd;
483 | VFD_min_zdc = DET.VFD_min_zdc;
484 | VFD_s_zdc = DET.VFD_s_zdc;
485 |
486 | RP_220_s = DET.RP_220_s;
487 | RP_220_x = DET.RP_220_x;
488 | RP_420_s = DET.RP_420_s;
489 | RP_420_x = DET.RP_420_x;
490 | RP_offsetEl_s = DET.RP_offsetEl_s;
491 | RP_offsetEl_x = DET.RP_offsetEl_x;
492 | RP_offsetEl_y = DET.RP_offsetEl_y;
493 | RP_beam1Card = DET.RP_beam1Card;
494 | RP_beam2Card = DET.RP_beam2Card;
495 | RP_cross_x = DET.RP_cross_x;
496 | RP_cross_y = DET.RP_cross_y;
497 | RP_cross_ang_x = DET.RP_cross_ang_x;
498 | RP_cross_ang_y = DET.RP_cross_ang_y;
499 | RP_IP_name = DET.RP_IP_name;
500 |
501 |
502 | // In case FROG event display allowed
503 | NEvents_Frog = DET.NEvents_Frog;
504 |
505 | // Number of events to be processed
506 | NEvents = DET.NEvents;
507 |
508 | JET_overlap = DET.JET_overlap;
509 | // MidPoint algorithm definition
510 | JET_M_coneareafraction = DET.JET_M_coneareafraction;
511 | JET_M_maxpairsize = DET.JET_M_maxpairsize;
512 | JET_M_maxiterations = DET.JET_M_maxiterations;
513 | // Define Cone algorithm.
514 | JET_C_adjacencycut = DET.JET_C_adjacencycut;
515 | JET_C_maxiterations = DET.JET_C_maxiterations;
516 | JET_C_iratch = DET.JET_C_iratch;
517 | //Define SISCone algorithm.
518 | JET_S_npass = DET.JET_S_npass;
519 | JET_S_protojet_ptmin = DET.JET_S_protojet_ptmin;
520 |
521 | //For Tau-jet definition
522 | TAU_energy_scone = DET.TAU_energy_scone;
523 | TAU_track_scone = DET.TAU_track_scone;
524 | TAU_track_pt = DET.TAU_track_pt;
525 | TAU_energy_frac = DET.TAU_energy_frac;
526 |
528 |
529 | PdgTableFilename = DET.PdgTableFilename;
530 | PDGtable = DET.PDGtable;
531 |
532 | inputfilelist = DET.inputfilelist;
533 | detectorcard = DET.detectorcard;
534 | triggercard = DET.triggercard;
535 |
536 | grandom = new TRandom3(*(DET.grandom));
537 |
538 | return *this;
539 | }
540 |
541 | void RESOLution::setNames(const string& list, const string& det, const string& trig) {
542 | inputfilelist = list;
543 | detectorcard = det;
544 | triggercard = trig;
545 | }
546 |
547 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
548 | void RESOLution::ReadDataCard(const string datacard) {
549 |
550 | string temp_string;
551 | istringstream curstring;
552 |
553 | ifstream fichier_a_lire(datacard.c_str());
554 | if(!fichier_a_lire.good()) {
555 | cout <<"** WARNING: Datadard not found, use default values **" << endl;
556 | return;
557 | }
558 | bool CEN_max_calo_ec_flag = false;
559 |
560 | while (getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string)) {
561 | curstring.clear(); // needed when using several times istringstream::str(string)
562 | curstring.str(temp_string);
563 | string varname;
564 | float value; int ivalue; string svalue;
565 |
566 | if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"#")) { }
567 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"CEN_max_tracker")) {curstring >> varname >> value; CEN_max_tracker = value;}
568 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"CEN_max_calo_cen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; CEN_max_calo_cen = value;}
569 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"CEN_max_calo_ec")) {CEN_max_calo_ec_flag=true; curstring >> varname >> value; CEN_max_calo_ec = value;}
570 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"CEN_max_calo_fwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; CEN_max_calo_fwd = value;}
571 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"CEN_max_mu")) {curstring >> varname >> value; CEN_max_mu = value;}
572 |
573 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"VFD_min_calo_vfd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; VFD_min_calo_vfd = value;}
574 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"VFD_max_calo_vfd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; VFD_max_calo_vfd = value;}
575 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"VFD_min_zdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; VFD_min_zdc = value;}
576 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"VFD_s_zdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; VFD_s_zdc = value;}
577 |
578 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_220_s")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_220_s = value;}
579 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_220_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_220_x = value;}
580 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_420_s")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_420_s = value;}
581 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_420_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_420_x = value;}
582 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_beam1Card")) {curstring >> varname >> svalue;RP_beam1Card = svalue;}
583 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_beam2Card")) {curstring >> varname >> svalue;RP_beam2Card = svalue;}
584 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_IP_name")) {curstring >> varname >> svalue;RP_IP_name = svalue;}
585 |
586 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_offsetEl_s")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_offsetEl_s = value;}
587 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_offsetEl_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_offsetEl_x = value;}
588 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_offsetEl_y")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_offsetEl_y = value;}
589 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_cross_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_cross_x = value;}
590 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_cross_y")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_cross_y = value;}
591 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_cross_ang_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_cross_ang_x = value;}
592 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP_cross_ang_y")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP_cross_ang_y = value;}
593 |
594 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Scen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Scen = value;}
595 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Ncen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Ncen = value;}
596 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Ccen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Ccen = value;}
597 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Sec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Sec = value;}
598 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Nec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Nec = value;}
599 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Cec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Cec = value;}
600 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Sfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Sfwd = value;}
601 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Cfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Cfwd = value;}
602 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Nfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Nfwd = value;}
603 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Szdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Szdc = value;}
604 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Czdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Czdc = value;}
605 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ELG_Nzdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ELG_Nzdc = value;}
606 |
607 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Shcal")) {warning("HAD_Shcal","HAD_Scen"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Scen = value;}
608 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Nhcal")) {warning("HAD_Nhcal","HAD_Ncen"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Ncen = value;}
609 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Chcal")) {warning("HAD_Chcal","HAD_Ccen"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Ccen = value;}
610 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Shf")) {warning("HAD_Shf","HAD_Sfwd"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Sfwd = value;}
611 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Nhf")) {warning("HAD_Nhf","HAD_Nfwd"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Nfwd = value;}
612 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Chf")) {warning("HAD_Chf","HAD_Cfwd"); curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Cfwd = value;}
613 |
614 |
615 |
616 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Scen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Scen = value;}
617 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Ncen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Ncen = value;}
618 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Ccen")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Ccen = value;}
619 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Sec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Sec = value;}
620 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Nec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Nec = value;}
621 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Cec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Cec = value;}
622 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Sfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Sfwd = value;}
623 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Nfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Nfwd = value;}
624 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Cfwd")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Cfwd = value;}
625 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Szdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Szdc = value;}
626 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Nzdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Nzdc = value;}
627 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"HAD_Czdc")) {curstring >> varname >> value; HAD_Czdc = value;}
628 |
629 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ZDC_T_resolution")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ZDC_T_resolution = value;}
630 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP220_T_resolution")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP220_T_resolution = value;}
631 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"RP420_T_resolution")) {curstring >> varname >> value; RP420_T_resolution = value;}
632 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"MU_SmearPt")) {curstring >> varname >> value; MU_SmearPt = value;}
633 |
634 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_radius")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue;TRACK_radius = ivalue;}
635 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_length")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue;TRACK_length = ivalue;}
636 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_bfield_x")) {curstring >> varname >> value; TRACK_bfield_x = value;}
637 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_bfield_y")) {curstring >> varname >> value; TRACK_bfield_y = value;}
638 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_bfield_z")) {curstring >> varname >> value; TRACK_bfield_z = value;}
639 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_bfield")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_bfield = ivalue;}
640 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_ptmin")) {curstring >> varname >> value; TRACK_ptmin = value;}
641 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TRACK_eff")) {curstring >> varname >> value; TRACK_eff = value;}
642 |
643 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TOWER_number")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue;TOWER_number = ivalue;}
644 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TOWER_eta_edges")){
645 | curstring >> varname; for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number+1; i++) {curstring >> value; TOWER_eta_edges[i] = value;} }
646 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"TOWER_dphi")){
647 | curstring >> varname; for(unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number; i++) {curstring >> value; TOWER_dphi[i] = value;} }
648 |
649 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PTCUT_elec")) {curstring >> varname >> value; PTCUT_elec = value;}
650 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PTCUT_muon")) {curstring >> varname >> value; PTCUT_muon = value;}
651 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PTCUT_jet")) {curstring >> varname >> value; PTCUT_jet = value;}
652 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PTCUT_gamma")) {curstring >> varname >> value; PTCUT_gamma = value;}
653 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PTCUT_taujet")) {curstring >> varname >> value; PTCUT_taujet = value;}
654 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ZDC_gamma_E")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ZDC_gamma_E = value;}
655 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ZDC_n_E")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ZDC_n_E = value;}
656 |
657 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ISOL_PT")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ISOL_PT = value;}
658 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ISOL_Cone")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ISOL_Cone = value;}
659 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ISOL_Calo_ET")) {curstring >> varname >> value; ISOL_Calo_ET = value;}
660 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"ISOL_Calo_Grid")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; ISOL_Calo_Grid = ivalue;}
661 |
662 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"JET_coneradius")) {curstring >> varname >> value; JET_coneradius = value;}
663 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"JET_jetalgo")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue;JET_jetalgo = ivalue;}
664 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"JET_seed")) {curstring >> varname >> value; JET_seed = value;}
665 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"JET_Eflow")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; JET_Eflow = ivalue;}
666 |
667 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"BTAG_b")) {curstring >> varname >> value;BTAG_b = value;}
668 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"BTAG_mistag_c")) {curstring >> varname >> value;BTAG_mistag_c = value;}
669 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"BTAG_mistag_l")) {curstring >> varname >> value;BTAG_mistag_l = value;}
670 |
671 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_vfd")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_vfd = ivalue;}
672 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_RP")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_RP = ivalue;}
673 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_trigger")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_trigger = ivalue;}
674 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_frog")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_frog = ivalue;}
675 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"FLAG_lhco")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; FLAG_lhco = ivalue;}
676 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"NEvents_Frog")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; NEvents_Frog = ivalue;}
677 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"NEvents")) {curstring >> varname >> ivalue; NEvents = ivalue;}
678 |
679 | else if(strstr(temp_string.c_str(),"PdgTableFilename")) {curstring >> varname >> svalue; PdgTableFilename = svalue;}
680 | }
681 |
682 | // for compatibility with old data cards
683 | if(!CEN_max_calo_ec_flag) {
684 | cout << "** Warning \'CEN_max_calo_ec\' not found in datacard. **"<< endl;
685 | cout << "** Same values will be applied for calorimeter endcaps **"<< endl;
686 | cout << "** as for central calorimeters **"<< endl;
687 | string text = "** Please update your card ("+ datacard +")";
688 | cout << left << setw(67) << text << right << setw(2) << "**" << endl;
689 | cout << "** This change is 100\% backward compatibly with older DetectorCard. **" << endl;
690 | cout << "** However, please update your DetectorCard. **" << endl;
691 | CEN_max_calo_ec = CEN_max_calo_cen;
692 | CEN_max_calo_cen = CEN_max_calo_cen/2;
693 | ELG_Sec = ELG_Scen;
694 | ELG_Nec = ELG_Ncen;
695 | ELG_Cec = ELG_Ccen;
696 | HAD_Sec = HAD_Scen;
697 | HAD_Nec = HAD_Ncen;
698 | HAD_Cec = HAD_Ccen;
699 | }
700 |
701 | if(ISOL_Calo_Grid%2 ==0) {
702 | ISOL_Calo_Grid++;
703 | cout <<"** WARNING: ISOL_Calo_Grid is not odd. Set it to "<< ISOL_Calo_Grid << " **" << endl;
704 | }
705 |
706 | //jet stuffs not defined in the input datacard
707 | JET_overlap = 0.75;
708 | // MidPoint algorithm definition
709 | JET_M_coneareafraction = 0.25;
710 | JET_M_maxpairsize = 2;
711 | JET_M_maxiterations = 100;
712 | // Define Cone algorithm.
713 | JET_C_adjacencycut = 2;
714 | JET_C_maxiterations = 100;
715 | JET_C_iratch = 1;
716 | //Define SISCone algorithm.
717 | JET_S_npass = 0;
718 | JET_S_protojet_ptmin= 0.0;
719 |
720 | //For Tau-jet definition
721 | TAU_energy_scone = 0.15; // radius R of the cone for tau definition, based on energy threshold
722 | TAU_track_scone = 0.4; // radius R of the cone for tau definition, based on track number
723 | TAU_track_pt = 2; // minimal pt [GeV] for tracks to be considered in tau definition
724 | TAU_energy_frac = 0.95; // fraction of energy required in the central part of the cone, for tau jets
725 |
726 | }
727 |
728 | void RESOLution::Logfile(const string& LogName) {
729 |
730 | // creates the list of good input files
731 | // this list is vector<string> inputfiles.
732 | ifstream infile(inputfilelist.c_str());
733 | vector<string> inputfiles;
734 | string filename;
735 | while(1) {
736 | infile >> filename; // reads the first line of the list
737 | if(!infile.good()) break; // quits when at the end of the list
738 | ifstream checking_the_file(filename.c_str()); // try to open the file
739 | if(!checking_the_file.good()) continue; // skips bad/unknown files
740 | else checking_the_file.close(); // close file if found
741 | inputfiles.push_back(filename); // append the name to the vector
742 | }
743 | infile.close();
744 |
745 | ofstream f_out(LogName.c_str());
746 |
747 | f_out <<"**********************************************************************"<< endl;
748 | f_out <<"**********************************************************************"<< endl;
749 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
750 | f_out <<"** Welcome to **"<< endl;
751 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
752 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
753 | f_out <<"** .ddddddd- lL hH **"<< endl;
754 | f_out <<"** -Dd` `dD: Ll hH` **"<< endl;
755 | f_out <<"** dDd dDd eeee. lL .pp+pp Hh+hhh` -eeee- `sssss **"<< endl;
756 | f_out <<"** -Dd `DD ee. ee Ll .Pp. PP Hh. HH. ee. ee sSs **"<< endl;
757 | f_out <<"** dD` dDd eEeee: lL. pP. pP hH hH` eEeee:` -sSSSs. **"<< endl;
758 | f_out <<"** .Dd :dd eE. LlL PpppPP Hh Hh eE sSS **"<< endl;
759 | f_out <<"** dddddd:. eee+: lL. pp. hh. hh eee+ sssssS **"<< endl;
760 | f_out <<"** Pp **"<< endl;
761 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
762 | f_out <<"** Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation **"<< endl;
763 | f_out <<"** of a generic collider experiment **"<< endl;
764 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
765 | f_out <<"** --- Version 1.8 of Delphes --- **"<< endl;
766 | f_out <<"** Last date of change: 16 August 2009 **"<< endl;
767 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
768 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
769 | f_out <<"** This package uses: **"<< endl;
770 | f_out <<"** ------------------ **"<< endl;
771 | f_out <<"** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] **"<< endl;
772 | f_out <<"** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] **"<< endl;
773 | f_out <<"** FROG: L. Quertenmont, V. Roberfroid [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] **"<< endl;
774 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
775 | f_out <<"** ---------------------------------------------------------------- **"<< endl;
776 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
777 | f_out <<"** Main authors: **"<< endl;
778 | f_out <<"** ------------- **"<< endl;
779 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
780 | f_out <<"** Séverine Ovyn Xavier Rouby **"<< endl;
781 | f_out <<"** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern **"<< endl;
782 | f_out <<"** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) **"<< endl;
783 | f_out <<"** Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) **"<< endl;
784 | f_out <<"** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium **"<< endl;
785 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
786 | f_out <<"** ---------------------------------------------------------------- **"<< endl;
787 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
788 | f_out <<"** Former Delphes versions and documentation can be found on : **"<< endl;
789 | f_out <<"** http://www.fynu.ucl.ac.be/delphes.html **"<< endl;
790 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
791 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
792 | f_out <<"** Disclaimer: this program comes without guarantees. **"<< endl;
793 | f_out <<"** Beware of errors and please give us **"<< endl;
794 | f_out <<"** your feedbacks about potential bugs. **"<< endl;
795 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
796 | f_out <<"**********************************************************************"<< endl;
797 | f_out <<"** **"<< endl;
798 | f_out<<"#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"<<"\n";
799 | f_out <<"* *"<< endl;
800 | f_out <<"#******************************** *"<<"\n";
801 | f_out <<"# Input files *"<<"\n";
802 | f_out <<"#******************************** *"<<"\n";
803 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* Input list "<<""
804 | << left << setw(39) << inputfilelist << "" << right << setw(9) << "*"<<"\n";
805 | for (unsigned int i =0; i<inputfiles.size(); i++) {
806 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* - file "<<""
807 | << left << setw(43) << inputfiles[i] << "" << right << setw(5) << "*"<<"\n";
808 | }
809 | if(detectorcard != "")
810 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* Detector card "<<""
811 | << left << setw(39) << detectorcard << "" << right << setw(9) << "*"<<"\n";
812 | if(triggercard != "")
813 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* Trigger card "<<""
814 | << left << setw(39) << triggercard << "" << right << setw(9) << "*"<<"\n";
815 | f_out<<"* Beam optics : *"<<"\n";
816 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* - beam 1 "<<""
817 | << left << setw(33) << RP_beam1Card << "" << right << setw(15) << "*"<<"\n";
818 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* - beam 2 "<<""
819 | << left << setw(33) << RP_beam2Card << "" << right << setw(15) << "*"<<"\n";
820 | f_out << left << setw(22) <<"* Input PDG table " << ""
821 | << left << setw(39) << PdgTableFilename << "" << right << setw(9) << "*"<<"\n";
822 |
823 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
824 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
825 | f_out<<"#******************************** *"<<"\n";
826 | f_out<<"# Central detector caracteristics *"<<"\n";
827 | f_out<<"#******************************** *"<<"\n";
828 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
829 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* Maximum tracking system: "<<""
830 | << left << setw(10) <<CEN_max_tracker <<""<< right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
831 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* Maximum central calorimeter: "<<""
832 | << left << setw(10) <<CEN_max_calo_cen <<""<< right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
833 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* Maximum endcap calorimeter: "<<""
834 | << left << setw(10) <<CEN_max_calo_ec <<""<< right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
835 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* Maximum central calorimeter: "<<""
836 | << left << setw(10) <<CEN_max_calo_fwd <<""<< right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
837 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* Muon chambers coverage: "<<""
838 | << left << setw(10) <<CEN_max_mu <<""<< right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
839 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
840 | if(FLAG_RP==1){
841 | f_out<<"#************************************ *"<<"\n";
842 | f_out<<"# Very forward Roman Pots switched on *"<<"\n";
843 | f_out<<"#************************************ *"<<"\n";
844 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
845 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Distance of the 220 RP to the IP in meters:"<<""
846 | << left << setw(5) <<RP_220_s <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
847 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Distance of the 220 RP to the beam in meters:"<<""
848 | << left << setw(5) <<RP_220_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
849 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Distance of the 420 RP to the IP in meters:"<<""
850 | << left << setw(5) <<RP_420_s <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
851 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Distance of the 420 RP to the beam in meters:"<<""
852 | << left << setw(5) <<RP_420_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
853 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Interaction point at the LHC named: "<<""
854 | << left << setw(5) <<RP_IP_name <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
855 | f_out << left << setw(35) <<"* Datacard for beam 1: "<<""
856 | << left << setw(25) <<RP_beam1Card <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
857 | f_out << left << setw(35) <<"* Datacard for beam 2: "<<""
858 | << left << setw(25) <<RP_beam2Card <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
859 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* Beam separation, in meters(hor):"<<""
860 | << left << setw(6) << RP_offsetEl_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
861 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* Beam separation, in meters(ver):"<<""
862 | << left << setw(6) << RP_offsetEl_y <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
863 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* Distance from IP for Beam separation (m):"<<""
864 | << left << setw(6) <<RP_offsetEl_s <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
865 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* X offset of beam crossing in micrometers:"<<""
866 | << left << setw(6) <<RP_cross_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
867 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* Y offset of beam crossing in micrometers:"<<""
868 | << left << setw(6) <<RP_cross_y <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
869 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* X Angle of beam crossing:"<<""
870 | << left << setw(6) <<RP_cross_ang_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
871 | f_out << left << setw(54) <<"* Y Angle of beam crossing:"<<""
872 | << left << setw(6) <<RP_cross_ang_y <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
873 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
874 | }
875 | else {
876 | f_out<<"#************************************* *"<<"\n";
877 | f_out<<"# Very forward Roman Pots switched off *"<<"\n";
878 | f_out<<"#************************************* *"<<"\n";
879 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
880 | }
881 | if(FLAG_vfd==1){
882 | f_out<<"#************************************** *"<<"\n";
883 | f_out<<"# Very forward calorimeters switched on *"<<"\n";
884 | f_out<<"#************************************** *"<<"\n";
885 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
886 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Minimum very forward calorimeter: "<<""
887 | << left << setw(5) <<VFD_min_calo_vfd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
888 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Maximum very forward calorimeter: "<<""
889 | << left << setw(5) <<VFD_max_calo_vfd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
890 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Minimum coverage zero_degree calorimeter "<<""
891 | << left << setw(5) <<VFD_min_zdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
892 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Distance of the ZDC to the IP, in meters: "<<""
893 | << left << setw(5) <<VFD_s_zdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
894 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
895 | }
896 | else {
897 | f_out<<"#*************************************** *"<<"\n";
898 | f_out<<"# Very forward calorimeters switched off *"<<"\n";
899 | f_out<<"#*************************************** *"<<"\n";
900 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
901 | }
902 |
903 | f_out<<"#************************************ *"<<"\n";
904 | f_out<<"# Electromagnetic smearing parameters *"<<"\n";
905 | f_out<<"#************************************ *"<<"\n";
906 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
907 | //# \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
908 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for central ECAL: "<<""
909 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Scen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
910 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for central ECAL: "<<""
911 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Ncen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
912 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for central ECAL: "<<""
913 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Ccen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
914 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for ECAL end-cap: "<<""
915 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Sec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
916 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for ECAL end-cap: "<<""
917 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Nec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
918 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for ECAL end-cap: "<<""
919 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Cec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
920 |
921 |
922 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for FCAL: "<<""
923 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Sfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
924 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for FCAL: "<<""
925 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Nfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
926 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for FCAL: "<<""
927 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Cfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
928 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for ZDC: "<<""
929 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Szdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
930 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for ZDC: "<<""
931 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Nzdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
932 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for ZDC: "<<""
933 | << left << setw(30) <<ELG_Czdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
934 |
935 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
936 | f_out<<"#***************************** *"<<"\n";
937 | f_out<<"# Hadronic smearing parameters *"<<"\n";
938 | f_out<<"#***************************** *"<<"\n";
939 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
940 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for central HCAL: "<<""
941 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Scen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
942 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for central HCAL: "<<""
943 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Ncen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
944 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for central HCAL: "<<""
945 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Ccen <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
946 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for HCAL endcap: "<<""
947 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Sec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
948 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for HCAL endcap: "<<""
949 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Nec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
950 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for HCAL endcap: "<<""
951 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Cec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
952 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for FCAL: "<<""
953 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Sfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
954 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for FCAL: "<<""
955 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Nfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
956 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for FCAL: "<<""
957 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Cfwd <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
958 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* S term for ZDC: "<<""
959 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Szdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
960 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* N term for ZDC: "<<""
961 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Nzdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
962 | f_out << left << setw(30) <<"* C term for ZDC: "<<""
963 | << left << setw(30) <<HAD_Czdc <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
964 |
965 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
966 | f_out<<"#************************* *"<<"\n";
967 | f_out<<"# Time smearing parameters *"<<"\n";
968 | f_out<<"#************************* *"<<"\n";
969 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
970 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Time resolution for ZDC : "<<""
971 | << left << setw(5) <<ZDC_T_resolution <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
972 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Time resolution for RP220 : "<<""
973 | << left << setw(5) <<RP220_T_resolution <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
974 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Time resolution for RP420 : "<<""
975 | << left << setw(5) <<RP420_T_resolution <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
976 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
977 |
978 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
979 | f_out<<"#************************* *"<<"\n";
980 | f_out<<"# Muon smearing parameters *"<<"\n";
981 | f_out<<"#************************* *"<<"\n";
982 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
983 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* PT resolution for muons : "<<""
984 | << left << setw(5) <<MU_SmearPt <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
985 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
986 | if(FLAG_bfield==1){
987 | f_out<<"#*************************** *"<<"\n";
988 | f_out<<"# Magnetic field switched on *"<<"\n";
989 | f_out<<"#*************************** *"<<"\n";
990 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
991 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Radius of the BField coverage: "<<""
992 | << left << setw(5) <<TRACK_radius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
993 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Length of the BField coverage: "<<""
994 | << left << setw(5) <<TRACK_length <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
995 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* BField X component: "<<""
996 | << left << setw(5) <<TRACK_bfield_x <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
997 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* BField Y component: "<<""
998 | << left << setw(5) <<TRACK_bfield_y <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
999 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* BField Z component: "<<""
1000 | << left << setw(5) <<TRACK_bfield_z <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1001 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Minimal pT needed to reach the calorimeter [GeV]: "<<""
1002 | << left << setw(10) <<TRACK_ptmin <<""<< right << setw(5)<<"*"<<"\n";
1003 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Efficiency associated to the tracking: "<<""
1004 | << left << setw(10) <<TRACK_eff <<""<< right << setw(5)<<"*"<<"\n";
1005 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1006 | }
1007 | else {
1008 | f_out<<"#**************************** *"<<"\n";
1009 | f_out<<"# Magnetic field switched off *"<<"\n";
1010 | f_out<<"#**************************** *"<<"\n";
1011 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Minimal pT needed to reach the calorimeter [GeV]: "<<""
1012 | << left << setw(10) <<TRACK_ptmin <<""<< right << setw(5)<<"*"<<"\n";
1013 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Efficiency associated to the tracking: "<<""
1014 | << left << setw(10) <<TRACK_eff <<""<< right << setw(5)<<"*"<<"\n";
1015 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1016 | }
1017 | f_out<<"#******************** *"<<"\n";
1018 | f_out<<"# Calorimetric Towers *"<<"\n";
1019 | f_out<<"#******************** *"<<"\n";
1020 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Number of calorimetric towers in eta, for eta>0: "<<""
1021 | << left << setw(5) << TOWER_number <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1022 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Tower edges in eta, for eta>0: "<<"" << right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
1023 | f_out << "* ";
1024 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number+1; i++) {
1025 | f_out << left << setw(7) << TOWER_eta_edges[i];
1026 | if(!( (i+1) %9 )) f_out << right << setw(3) << "*" << "\n" << "* ";
1027 | }
1028 | for (unsigned int i=(TOWER_number+1)%9; i<9; i++) f_out << left << setw(7) << "";
1029 | f_out << right << setw(3)<<"*"<<"\n";
1030 | f_out << left << setw(55) <<"* Tower sizes in phi, for eta>0 [degree]:"<<"" << right << setw(15)<<"*"<<"\n";
1031 | f_out << "* ";
1032 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<TOWER_number; i++) {
1033 | f_out << left << setw(7) << TOWER_dphi[i];
1034 | if(!( (i+1) %9 )) f_out << right << setw(3) << "*" << "\n" << "* ";
1035 | }
1036 | for (unsigned int i=(TOWER_number)%9; i<9; i++) f_out << left << setw(7) << "";
1037 | f_out << right << setw(3)<<"*"<<"\n";
1038 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1039 | f_out<<"#******************* *"<<"\n";
1040 | f_out<<"# Minimum pT's [GeV] *"<<"\n";
1041 | f_out<<"#******************* *"<<"\n";
1042 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1043 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for electrons: "<<""
1044 | << left << setw(20) <<PTCUT_elec <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1045 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for muons: "<<""
1046 | << left << setw(20) <<PTCUT_muon <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1047 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for jets: "<<""
1048 | << left << setw(20) <<PTCUT_jet <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1049 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for Tau-jets: "<<""
1050 | << left << setw(20) <<PTCUT_taujet <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1051 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for photons: "<<""
1052 | << left << setw(20) <<PTCUT_gamma <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1053 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum E for photons in ZDC: "<<""
1054 | << left << setw(20) <<ZDC_gamma_E <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1055 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum E for neutrons in ZDC: "<<""
1056 | << left << setw(20) <<ZDC_n_E <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1057 |
1058 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1059 | f_out<<"#******************* *"<<"\n";
1060 | f_out<<"# Isolation criteria *"<<"\n";
1061 | f_out<<"#******************* *"<<"\n";
1062 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1063 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum pT for tracks [GeV]: "<<""
1064 | << left << setw(20) <<ISOL_PT <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1065 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Cone for isolation criteria: "<<""
1066 | << left << setw(20) <<ISOL_Cone <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1067 |
1068 | if(ISOL_Calo_ET > 1E98) f_out<<"# No Calorimetric isolation applied *"<<"\n";
1069 | else {
1070 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Minimum ET for towers [GeV]: "<<""
1071 | << left << setw(20) <<ISOL_Calo_ET <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1072 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* Grid size (NxN) for calorimetric isolation: "<<""
1073 | << left << setw(20) <<ISOL_Calo_Grid <<""<< right << setw(4)<<"*"<<"\n";
1074 | }
1075 |
1076 |
1077 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1078 | f_out<<"#*************** *"<<"\n";
1079 | f_out<<"# Jet definition *"<<"\n";
1080 | f_out<<"#*************** *"<<"\n";
1081 | if(JET_Eflow)
1082 | {
1083 | f_out<<"#*************** *"<<"\n";
1084 | f_out<<"#* Running considering perfect energy flow on the tracker coverage *"<<"\n";
1085 | }
1086 | else
1087 | {
1088 | f_out<<"#* Running considering no energy flow on the tracker coverage *"<<"\n";
1089 | f_out<<"#* --> jet algo applied on the calorimetric towers *"<<"\n";
1090 | }
1091 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1092 | f_out<<"* Six algorithms are currently available: *"<<"\n";
1093 | f_out<<"* - 1) CDF cone algorithm, *"<<"\n";
1094 | f_out<<"* - 2) CDF MidPoint algorithm, *"<<"\n";
1095 | f_out<<"* - 3) SIScone algorithm, *"<<"\n";
1096 | f_out<<"* - 4) kt algorithm, *"<<"\n";
1097 | f_out<<"* - 5) Cambrigde/Aachen algorithm, *"<<"\n";
1098 | f_out<<"* - 6) Anti-kt algorithm. *"<<"\n";
1099 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1100 | f_out<<"* You have chosen *"<<"\n";
1101 | switch(JET_jetalgo) {
1102 | default:
1103 | case 1: {
1104 | f_out<<"* CDF JetClu jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1105 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Seed threshold: "<<""
1106 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_seed <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1107 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1108 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"*"<<"\n";
1109 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Adjacency cut: "<<""
1110 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_C_adjacencycut <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1111 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Max iterations: "<<""
1112 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_C_maxiterations <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1113 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Iratch: "<<""
1114 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_C_iratch <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1115 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Overlap threshold: "<<""
1116 | << left << setw(10) <<JET_overlap <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1117 | }
1118 | break;
1119 | case 2: {
1120 | f_out<<"* CDF midpoint jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1121 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Seed threshold: "<<""
1122 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_seed <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1123 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1124 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1125 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone area fraction:"<<""
1126 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_M_coneareafraction <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1127 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Maximum pair size: "<<""
1128 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_M_maxpairsize <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1129 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Max iterations: "<<""
1130 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_M_maxiterations <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1131 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Overlap threshold: "<<""
1132 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_overlap <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1133 | }
1134 | break;
1135 | case 3: {
1136 | f_out <<"* SISCone jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1137 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1138 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1139 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Overlap threshold: "<<""
1140 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_overlap <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1141 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Number pass max: "<<""
1142 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_S_npass <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1143 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Minimum pT for protojet: "<<""
1144 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_S_protojet_ptmin <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1145 | }
1146 | break;
1147 | case 4: {
1148 | f_out <<"* KT jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1149 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1150 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1151 | }
1152 | break;
1153 | case 5: {
1154 | f_out <<"* Cambridge/Aachen jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1155 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1156 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1157 | }
1158 | break;
1159 | case 6: {
1160 | f_out <<"* Anti-kt jet algorithm with parameters: *"<<"\n";
1161 | f_out << left << setw(40) <<"* - Cone radius: "<<""
1162 | << left << setw(20) <<JET_coneradius <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1163 | }
1164 | break;
1165 | }
1166 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1167 | f_out<<"#****************************** *"<<"\n";
1168 | f_out<<"# Tau-jet definition parameters *"<<"\n";
1169 | f_out<<"#****************************** *"<<"\n";
1170 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1171 | f_out << left << setw(45) <<"* Cone radius for calorimeter tagging: "<<""
1172 | << left << setw(5) <<TAU_energy_scone <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"*"<<"\n";
1173 | f_out << left << setw(45) <<"* Fraction of energy in the small cone: "<<""
1174 | << left << setw(5) <<TAU_energy_frac*100 <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"! not in datacard *"<<"\n";
1175 | f_out << left << setw(45) <<"* Cone radius for tracking tagging: "<<""
1176 | << left << setw(5) <<TAU_track_scone <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"*"<<"\n";
1177 | f_out << left << setw(45) <<"* Minimum track pT [GeV]: "<<""
1178 | << left << setw(5) <<TAU_track_pt <<""<< right << setw(20)<<"*"<<"\n";
1179 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1180 | f_out<<"#*************************** *"<<"\n";
1181 | f_out<<"# B-tagging efficiencies [%] *"<<"\n";
1182 | f_out<<"#*************************** *"<<"\n";
1183 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1184 | f_out << left << setw(50) <<"* Efficiency to tag a \"b\" as a b-jet: "<<""
1185 | << left << setw(10) <<BTAG_b <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1186 | f_out << left << setw(50) <<"* Efficiency to mistag a c-jet as a b-jet: "<<""
1187 | << left << setw(10) <<BTAG_mistag_c <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1188 | f_out << left << setw(50) <<"* Efficiency to mistag a light jet as a b-jet: "<<""
1189 | << left << setw(10) <<BTAG_mistag_l <<""<< right << setw(10)<<"*"<<"\n";
1190 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1191 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1192 | f_out<<"#....................................................................*"<<"\n";
1193 | f_out<<"#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"<<"\n";
1194 |
1195 | f_out.close();
1196 | }
1197 |
1198 | // **********Provides the smeared TLorentzVector for the electrons********
1199 | // Smears the electron energy, and changes the 4-momentum accordingly
1200 | // different smearing if the electron is central (eta < 2.5) or forward
1201 | void RESOLution::SmearElectron(TLorentzVector &electron) {
1202 | // the 'electron' variable will be changed by the function
1203 | float energy = electron.E(); // before smearing
1204 | float energyS = 0.0; // after smearing // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
1205 |
1206 | if(fabs(electron.Eta()) < CEN_max_tracker) { // if the electron is inside the tracker
1207 | energyS = grandom->Gaus(energy, sqrt(
1208 | pow(ELG_Ncen,2) +
1209 | pow(ELG_Ccen*energy,2) +
1210 | pow(ELG_Scen*sqrt(energy),2) ));
1211 | }
1212 | else if(fabs(electron.Eta()) >= CEN_max_tracker && fabs(electron.Eta()) < CEN_max_calo_ec){
1213 | energyS = grandom->Gaus(energy, sqrt(
1214 | pow(ELG_Nec,2) +
1215 | pow(ELG_Cec*energy,2) +
1216 | pow(ELG_Sec*sqrt(energy),2) ) );
1217 | }
1218 | else if(fabs(electron.Eta()) >= CEN_max_calo_ec && fabs(electron.Eta()) < CEN_max_calo_fwd){
1219 | energyS = grandom->Gaus(energy, sqrt(
1220 | pow(ELG_Nfwd,2) +
1221 | pow(ELG_Cfwd*energy,2) +
1222 | pow(ELG_Sfwd*sqrt(energy),2) ) );
1223 | }
1224 | electron.SetPtEtaPhiE(energyS/cosh(electron.Eta()), electron.Eta(), electron.Phi(), energyS);
1225 | if(electron.E() < 0)electron.SetPxPyPzE(0,0,0,0); // no negative values after smearing !
1226 | }
1227 |
1228 |
1229 | // **********Provides the smeared TLorentzVector for the muons********
1230 | // Smears the muon pT and changes the 4-momentum accordingly
1231 | void RESOLution::SmearMu(TLorentzVector &muon) {
1232 | // the 'muon' variable will be changed by the function
1233 | float pt = muon.Pt(); // before smearing
1234 | float ptS=pt;
1235 |
1236 | if(fabs(muon.Eta()) < CEN_max_mu )
1237 | {
1238 | ptS = grandom->Gaus(pt, MU_SmearPt*pt ); // after smearing // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
1239 | }
1240 | muon.SetPtEtaPhiE(ptS, muon.Eta(), muon.Phi(), ptS*cosh(muon.Eta()));
1241 |
1242 | if(muon.E() < 0)muon.SetPxPyPzE(0,0,0,0); // no negative values after smearing !
1243 | }
1244 |
1245 |
1246 | // **********Provides the smeared TLorentzVector for the hadrons********
1247 | // Smears the hadron 4-momentum
1248 | void RESOLution::SmearHadron(TLorentzVector &hadron, const float frac)
1249 | // the 'hadron' variable will be changed by the function
1250 | // the 'frac' variable describes the long-living particles. Should be 0.7 for K0S and Lambda, 1. otherwise
1251 | {
1252 | float energy = hadron.E(); // before smearing
1253 | float energyS = 0.0; // after smearing // \sigma/E = C + N/E + S/\sqrt{E}
1254 | float energy_ecal = (1.0 - frac)*energy; // electromagnetic calorimeter
1255 | float energy_hcal = frac*energy; // hadronic calorimeter
1256 | // frac takes into account the decay of long-living particles, that decay in the calorimeters
1257 | // some of the particles decay mostly in the ecal, some mostly in the hcal
1258 |
1259 | float energyS1,energyS2;
1260 | if(fabs(hadron.Eta()) < CEN_max_calo_cen) {
1261 | energyS1 = grandom->Gaus(energy_hcal, sqrt(
1262 | pow(HAD_Ncen,2) +
1263 | pow(HAD_Ccen*energy_hcal,2) +
1264 | pow(HAD_Scen*sqrt(energy_hcal),2) )) ;
1265 |
1266 | energyS2 = grandom->Gaus(energy_ecal, sqrt(
1267 | pow(ELG_Ncen,2) +
1268 | pow(ELG_Ccen*energy_ecal,2) +
1269 | pow(ELG_Scen*sqrt(energy_ecal),2) ) );
1270 |
1271 | energyS = ((energyS1>0)?energyS1:0) + ((energyS2>0)?energyS2:0);
1272 | }
1273 | else if(fabs(hadron.Eta()) >= CEN_max_calo_cen && fabs(hadron.Eta()) < CEN_max_calo_ec) {
1274 | energyS1 = grandom->Gaus(energy_hcal, sqrt(
1275 | pow(HAD_Nec,2) +
1276 | pow(HAD_Cec*energy_hcal,2) +
1277 | pow(HAD_Sec*sqrt(energy_hcal),2) )) ;
1278 |
1279 | energyS2 = grandom->Gaus(energy_ecal, sqrt(
1280 | pow(ELG_Nec,2) +
1281 | pow(ELG_Cec*energy_ecal,2) +
1282 | pow(ELG_Sec*sqrt(energy_ecal),2) ) );
1283 |
1284 | energyS = ((energyS1>0)?energyS1:0) + ((energyS2>0)?energyS2:0);
1285 | }
1286 | else if(fabs(hadron.Eta()) >= CEN_max_calo_ec && fabs(hadron.Eta()) < CEN_max_calo_fwd){
1287 | energyS = grandom->Gaus(energy, sqrt(
1288 | pow(HAD_Nfwd,2) +
1289 | pow(HAD_Cfwd*energy,2) +
1290 | pow(HAD_Sfwd*sqrt(energy),2) ));
1291 | }
1292 |
1293 |
1294 |
1295 | hadron.SetPtEtaPhiE(energyS/cosh(hadron.Eta()),hadron.Eta(), hadron.Phi(), energyS);
1296 |
1297 | if(hadron.E() < 0)hadron.SetPxPyPzE(0,0,0,0);
1298 | }
1299 |
1300 | //******************************************************************************************
1301 |
1302 | //void RESOLution::SortedVector(vector<ParticleUtil> &vect)
1303 | void RESOLution::SortedVector(vector<D_Particle> &vect)
1304 | {
1305 | int i,j = 0;
1306 | TLorentzVector tmp;
1307 | bool en_desordre = true;
1308 | int entries=vect.size();
1309 | for(i = 0 ; (i < entries) && en_desordre; i++)
1310 | {
1311 | en_desordre = false;
1312 | for(j = 1 ; j < entries - i ; j++)
1313 | {
1314 | if ( vect[j].Pt() > vect[j-1].Pt() )
1315 | {
1316 | //ParticleUtil tmp = vect[j-1];
1317 | D_Particle tmp = vect[j-1];
1318 | vect[j-1] = vect[j];
1319 | vect[j] = tmp;
1320 | en_desordre = true;
1321 | }
1322 | }
1323 | }
1324 | }
1325 |
1326 | // **********Provides the energy in the cone of radius TAU_CONE_ENERGY for the tau identification********
1327 | // to be taken into account, a calo tower should
1328 | // 1) have a transverse energy \f$ E_T = \sqrt{E_X^2 + E_Y^2} \f$ above a given threshold
1329 | // 2) be inside a cone with a radius R and the axis defined by (eta,phi)
1330 | double RESOLution::EnergySmallCone(const vector<PhysicsTower> &towers, const float eta, const float phi) {
1331 | double Energie=0;
1332 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++) {
1333 | if(towers[i].fourVector.pt() < JET_seed) continue;
1334 | if((DeltaR(phi,eta,towers[i].fourVector.phi(),towers[i].fourVector.eta()) < TAU_energy_scone)) {
1335 | Energie += towers[i].fourVector.E;
1336 | }
1337 | }
1338 | return Energie;
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 |
1342 | // **********Provides the number of tracks in the cone of radius TAU_CONE_TRACKS for the tau identification********
1343 | // to be taken into account, a track should
1344 | // 1) avec a transverse momentum \$f p_T \$ above a given threshold
1345 | // 2) be inside a cone with a radius R and the axis defined by (eta,phi)
1346 | // IMPORTANT REMARK !!!!!
1347 | // NEW : "charge" will contain the sum of all charged tracks in the cone TAU_track_scone
1348 | unsigned int RESOLution::NumTracks(float& charge, const vector<TRootTracks> &tracks, const float pt_track, const float eta, const float phi) {
1349 | unsigned int numbtrack=0; // number of track in the tau-jet cone, which is smaller than R;
1350 | charge=0;
1351 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < tracks.size(); i++) {
1352 | if(tracks[i].PT < pt_track ) continue;
1353 | //float dr = DeltaR(phi,eta,tracks[i].PhiOuter,tracks[i].EtaOuter);
1354 | float dr = DeltaR(phi,eta,tracks[i].Phi,tracks[i].Eta);
1355 | if (dr > TAU_track_scone) continue;
1356 | numbtrack++;
1357 | charge += tracks[i].Charge; // total charge in the cone for Tau-jet
1358 | }
1359 | return numbtrack;
1360 | }
1361 |
1362 | //*** Returns the PID of the particle with the highest energy, in a cone with a radius CONERADIUS and an axis (eta,phi) *********
1363 | //used by Btaggedjet
1364 | ///// Attention : bug removed => CONERADIUS/2 -> CONERADIUS !!
1365 | int RESOLution::Bjets(const TSimpleArray<TRootC::GenParticle> &subarray, const float& eta, const float& phi) {
1366 | float emax=0;
1367 | int Ppid=0;
1368 | if(subarray.GetEntries()>0) {
1369 | for(int i=0; i < subarray.GetEntries();i++) { // should have pt>PT_JETMIN and a small cone radius (r<CONE_JET)
1370 | float genDeltaR = DeltaR(subarray[i]->Phi,subarray[i]->Eta,phi,eta);
1371 | if(genDeltaR < JET_coneradius && subarray[i]->E > emax) {
1372 | emax=subarray[i]->E;
1373 | Ppid=abs(subarray[i]->PID);
1374 | }
1375 | }
1376 | }
1377 | return Ppid;
1378 | }
1379 |
1380 |
1381 | //******************** Simulates the b-tagging efficiency for real bjet, or the misendentification for other jets****************
1382 |
1383 | bool RESOLution::Btaggedjet(const TLorentzVector &JET, const TSimpleArray<TRootC::GenParticle> &subarray) {
1384 | float chance =grandom->Uniform()*100.;
1385 |
1386 | /* old code -- for bookkeeping
1387 | bool res1 = false;
1388 | if( chance < BTAG_b && Bjets(subarray,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi())==pB ) { res1= true;} // b-tag of b-jets is 40%
1389 | else if( chance < BTAG_mistag_c && Bjets(subarray,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi())==pC ) { res1= true;} // b-tag of c-jets is 10%
1390 | else if( chance < BTAG_mistag_l) {
1391 | int pid=Bjets(subarray,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi());
1392 | if(pid!=pB && pid!=pC && pid!=0) { res1=true; }// b-tag of light jets is 1%
1393 | }
1394 | else res1 = false;
1395 | //return res1;
1396 | */
1397 |
1398 |
1399 | bool res2 = false; int jet;
1400 | if( chance > max(BTAG_b, max(BTAG_mistag_c, BTAG_mistag_l)) ) { // useless to try further
1401 | res2 = false;
1402 | }
1403 | else {
1404 | jet = Bjets(subarray,JET.Eta(),JET.Phi()); // once for all
1405 | if( chance < BTAG_b && jet==pB ) { res2= true;} // b-tag of b-jets is 40%
1406 | else if( chance < BTAG_mistag_c && jet==pC ) { res2= true;} // b-tag of c-jets is 10%
1407 | else if( chance < BTAG_mistag_l && jet!=pB && jet!=pC && jet!=0) { res2=true; }// b-tag of light jets is 1%
1408 | else res2= false;
1409 | }
1410 | //if (res1 != res2) cout << "BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG" << endl;
1411 |
1412 | return res2;
1413 | }
1414 |
1415 |
1416 | //***********************Isolation criteria***********************
1417 | //****************************************************************
1418 | bool RESOLution::Isolation(const D_Particle& part, const vector<TRootTracks> &tracks, const float& pt_second_track, const float& isolCone, float& ptiso )
1419 | {
1420 | bool isolated = false;
1421 | ptiso = 0; // sum of all track pt in isolation cone
1422 | float deltar=1E99; // Initial value; should be high; no further repercussion
1423 |
1424 | // loop on all tracks, with p_t above threshold, close enough from the charged lepton
1425 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < tracks.size(); i++) {
1426 | if(tracks[i].PT < pt_second_track) continue; // ptcut on tracks
1427 | float genDeltaR = DeltaR(part.Phi(),part.Eta(),tracks[i].Phi,tracks[i].Eta);
1428 | if(
1429 | (genDeltaR > deltar) ||
1430 | (genDeltaR==0) // rejets the track of the particle itself
1431 | ) continue ;
1432 | deltar=genDeltaR; // finds the closest track
1433 |
1434 | // as long as (genDeltaR==0) is put above, the particle itself is not taken into account
1435 | if( genDeltaR < ISOL_Cone) ptiso += tracks[i].PT; // dR cut on tracks
1436 | }
1437 | if(deltar > isolCone) isolated = true;
1438 | return isolated;
1439 | }
1440 |
1441 | // ******* Calorimetric isolation
1442 | float RESOLution::CaloIsolation(const D_Particle& part, const D_CaloTowerList & towers, const float iPhi, const float iEta, const int iTower) {
1443 | // iPhi and iEta are the coordinates of the center of the tower crossed by the particle
1444 | // iPhi is in [-pi ; pi] and iEta is in [-etamax ; etamax]
1445 | // iTower is the index of the tower, in [0, n_tower]. iTower points only towers in positive range
1446 |
1447 | if(ISOL_Calo_ET>1E10) return UNDEFINED; // avoid doing anything unreasonable...
1448 | float et_sum=0;
1449 |
1450 | unsigned int N = ISOL_Calo_Grid;
1451 | if(N%2 ==0 || N==0) { cout << "Warning: ISOL_Calo_Grid must be odd. ISOL_Calo_Grid = 3 will be used\n"; N=3;}
1452 | int index= iTower; // index of the central tower of the grid in TOWER_eta_edges[.];
1453 | // !! TOWER_eta_edges is only with eta>0
1454 |
1455 | //cout << "iEta= " << iEta << "\tiPhi= " << iPhi << endl;
1456 | if(index != iUNDEFINED) {
1457 | int range = (int) (N-1)/2; // the (int) conversion is needed, as N is "unsigned int"
1458 | for(int i= -range; i<= range; i++) { // shift of index in eta: e.g.: i = -1, 0, 1 if N=3;
1459 | // goal : to identify the center of each cell in the NxN grid.
1460 | // the eta/phi coordinates of each center will be in (eta_ith_tower,phi_ith_tower)
1461 | unsigned int i_eta = (index+i>=0) ? index + i : (int) -1*(index + i +1); // i_eta is the index in [0; index_eta_max]
1462 | if(i_eta>=TOWER_number) continue; // avoid going too far: TOWER_dphi[TOWER_number], TOWER_eta_edges[TOWER_number+1]
1463 | //cout << "i_eta" << i_eta << "\t TOWER_number = " << TOWER_number << endl;
1464 |
1465 | float dphi = TOWER_dphi[i_eta]*pi/180.; // in rad // size in phi of the cells for this eta
1466 | float eta_ith_tower = (TOWER_eta_edges[i_eta]+TOWER_eta_edges[i_eta+1])/2.0;
1467 | if(iEta<0) eta_ith_tower *= -1; // needed if the central tower is in negative region
1468 | if(index+i<0) eta_ith_tower *= -1; // needed if the "eta=0"-axis is crossed by the grid
1469 | //cout << "pour eta_ith_tower=" << eta_ith_tower << ", on va dphi = " << dphi << endl;
1470 | // !!! at this point, eta_ith_tower is the value in eta of the center of the current calo cell
1471 |
1472 | for(int j= -range; j<= range; j++) { // shift of index in phi. e.g.: j = -1, 0, 1 if N=3;
1473 | float phi_ith_tower = iPhi + j*dphi; // in radian
1474 | //cout << "eta_ith_tower= " << eta_ith_tower << "\tphi_ith_tower= " << phi_ith_tower << "\tj= " << j << "\tdphi=" << dphi << endl;
1475 | if(phi_ith_tower > pi) phi_ith_tower -= 2.*pi;
1476 | else if (phi_ith_tower < -pi) phi_ith_tower += 2.*pi;
1477 |
1478 | D_CaloTower calMuon(towers.getElement(eta_ith_tower,phi_ith_tower));
1479 | //cout << "eta_ith_tower= " << eta_ith_tower << "\tphi_ith_tower= " << phi_ith_tower <<"\t"
1480 | // << "calMuon.getEta= " << calMuon.getEta() << "\tcalMuon.getPhi()= " << calMuon.getPhi() <<"\t";
1481 |
1482 | if(calMuon.getEta() != UNDEFINED && calMuon.getET() > ISOL_Calo_ET) {
1483 | et_sum += calMuon.getET();
1484 | //cout << calMuon.getET() << " GeV";
1485 | }
1486 | //else cout << " not active";
1487 | } // j-loop (phi indices)
1488 | } // i-loop (eta indices)
1489 | } // undefined index
1490 | else {
1491 | cout << "out of range" << endl;
1492 | if (CEN_max_mu < CEN_max_calo_fwd)
1493 | cout << "** ERROR in RESOLution::CaloIsolation: 'muon'-tower not found! **" << endl;
1494 | } // should never happen ! this would be a bug
1495 |
1496 | return (part.Pt()==0)? UNDEFINED: et_sum/part.Pt();
1497 | }
1498 |
1499 |
1500 | //********** returns a segmented value for eta and phi, for calo towers *****
1501 | int RESOLution::BinEtaPhi(const float phi, const float eta, float& iPhi, float& iEta){
1502 | iEta = UNDEFINED;
1503 | int index= iUNDEFINED;
1504 | for (unsigned int i=1; i< TOWER_number+1; i++) {
1505 | if(fabs(eta)>TOWER_eta_edges[i-1] && fabs(eta)<=TOWER_eta_edges[i]) {
1506 | iEta = (eta>0) ? ((TOWER_eta_edges[i-1]+TOWER_eta_edges[i])/2.0) : -((TOWER_eta_edges[i-1]+TOWER_eta_edges[i])/2.0);
1507 | index = i-1;
1508 | break;
1509 | }
1510 | }
1511 | iPhi = UNDEFINED;
1512 | if(index==iUNDEFINED) return index;
1513 |
1514 | float dphi = TOWER_dphi[index]*pi/180.;
1515 | for (unsigned int i=1; i < 360/TOWER_dphi[index]; i++ ) {
1516 | float low = -pi+(i-1)*dphi;
1517 | float high= low+dphi;
1518 | if(phi > low && phi <= high ){
1519 | iPhi = (low+high)/2.0;
1520 | break;
1521 | }
1522 | }
1523 | if (phi > pi-dphi) iPhi = pi-dphi;
1524 | return index;
1525 | }
1526 |
1527 | //**************************** Returns the delta Phi ****************************
1528 | float DeltaPhi(const float phi1, const float phi2) {
1529 | float deltaphi=phi1-phi2; // in here, -pi < phi < pi
1530 | if(fabs(deltaphi) > pi) {
1531 | deltaphi=2.*pi -fabs(deltaphi);// put deltaphi between 0 and pi
1532 | }
1533 | else deltaphi=fabs(deltaphi);
1534 |
1535 | return deltaphi;
1536 | }
1537 |
1538 | //**************************** Returns the delta R****************************
1539 | float DeltaR(const float phi1, const float eta1, const float phi2, const float eta2) {
1540 | return sqrt(pow(DeltaPhi(phi1,phi2),2) + pow(eta1-eta2,2));
1541 | }
1542 |
1543 | int sign(const int myint) {
1544 | if (myint >0) return 1;
1545 | else if (myint <0) return -1;
1546 | else return 0;
1547 | }
1548 |
1549 | int sign(const float myfloat) {
1550 | if (myfloat >0) return 1;
1551 | else if (myfloat <0) return -1;
1552 | else return 0;
1553 | }
1554 |
1555 | int ChargeVal(const int pid)
1556 | {
1557 | cout << "ChargeVal :: deprecated function, do not use it anymore" << endl;
1558 | int charge;
1559 | if(
1560 | (pid == pGAMMA) ||
1561 | (pid == pPI0) ||
1562 | (pid == pK0L) ||
1563 | (pid == pN) ||
1564 | (pid == pSIGMA0) ||
1565 | (pid == pDELTA0) ||
1566 | (pid == pK0S) // not charged particles : invisible by tracker
1567 | )
1568 | charge = 0;
1569 | else charge = sign(pid);
1570 | return charge;
1571 |
1572 | }
1573 |
1574 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1575 | void RESOLution::ReadParticleDataGroupTable() {
1576 |
1577 | string temp_string;
1578 | istringstream curstring;
1579 |
1580 | ifstream fichier_a_lire(PdgTableFilename.c_str());
1581 | if(!fichier_a_lire.good()) {
1582 | cout <<"** ERROR: PDG Table ("<< PdgTableFilename
1583 | << ") not found! exit. **" << endl;
1584 | exit(1);
1585 | return;
1586 | }
1587 | // first three lines of the file are useless
1588 | getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string);
1589 | getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string);
1590 | getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string);
1591 |
1592 |
1593 | while (getline(fichier_a_lire,temp_string)) {
1594 | curstring.clear(); // needed when using several times istringstream::str(string)
1595 | curstring.str(temp_string);
1596 | long int ID; std::string name; int charge; float mass; float width; float lifetime;
1597 | // ID name chg mass total width lifetime
1598 | // 1 d -1 0.33000 0.00000 0.00000E+00
1599 | // in the table, the charge is in units of e+/3
1600 | // the total width is in GeV
1601 | // the lifetime is ctau in mm
1602 | curstring >> ID >> name >> charge >> mass >> width >> lifetime;
1603 | PdgParticle particle(ID,name,mass,charge/3.,width,lifetime/1000.);
1604 | PDGtable.insert(ID,particle);
1605 | //PdgTable.insert(pair<int,PdgParticle>(ID,particle));
1606 | //cout << PDGtable[ID].name() << "\t" << PDGtable[ID].mass() << "\t" << PDGtable[ID].charge() << endl;
1607 | }
1608 |
1609 | } // ReadParticleDataGroupTable
1610 |
1611 |
1612 | // to be improved in order to avoid code repetition
1613 | // sorry, no time to do it right now (XR, 19/05/2009)
1614 | void time_report(const TStopwatch& global,const TStopwatch& loop,const TStopwatch& trigger,const TStopwatch& frog,const TStopwatch& lhco, const int flag_frog, const int flag_trigger, const int flag_lhco, const string& LogName, const Long64_t allEntries) {
1615 |
1616 | TStopwatch globalwatch(global), loopwatch(loop), triggerwatch(trigger), frogwatch(frog), lhcowatch(lhco);
1617 |
1618 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1619 | cout <<"** ################## Time report ################# **"<< endl;
1620 | cout << left << setw(32) <<"** Time report for "<<""
1621 | << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<""
1622 | << right << setw(22) <<"events **"<<endl;
1623 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1624 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1625 | << left << setw(15) <<"Time (s):"<<""
1626 | << right << setw(15) <<"CPU"<<""
1627 | << right << setw(15) <<"Real"<<""
1628 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1629 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1630 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Global:"<<""
1631 | << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1632 | << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.RealTime()<<""
1633 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1634 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1635 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Events:"<<""
1636 | << right << setw(15) <<loopwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1637 | << right << setw(15) <<loopwatch.RealTime()<<""
1638 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1639 | if(flag_trigger == 1)
1640 | {
1641 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1642 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Trigger:"<<""
1643 | << right << setw(15) <<triggerwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1644 | << right << setw(15) <<triggerwatch.RealTime()<<""
1645 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1646 | }
1647 | if(flag_frog == 1)
1648 | {
1649 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1650 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Frog:"<<""
1651 | << right << setw(15) <<frogwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1652 | << right << setw(15) <<frogwatch.RealTime()<<""
1653 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1654 | }
1655 | if(flag_lhco == 1)
1656 | {
1657 | cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1658 | << left << setw(15) <<" + LHCO:"<<""
1659 | << right << setw(15) <<lhcowatch.CpuTime()<<""
1660 | << right << setw(15) <<lhcowatch.RealTime()<<""
1661 | << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl;
1662 | }
1663 |
1664 |
1665 | ofstream f_out(LogName.c_str(),ios_base::app);
1666 |
1667 | f_out <<"** *"<< endl;
1668 | f_out <<"** ################## Time report ################# *"<< endl;
1669 | f_out << left << setw(32) <<"** Time report for "<<""
1670 | << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<""
1671 | << right << setw(23) <<"events *"<<endl;
1672 | f_out <<"** *"<< endl;
1673 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1674 | << left << setw(15) <<"Time (s):"<<""
1675 | << right << setw(15) <<"CPU"<<""
1676 | << right << setw(15) <<"Real"<<""
1677 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1678 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1679 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Global:"<<""
1680 | << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1681 | << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.RealTime()<<""
1682 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1683 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1684 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Events:"<<""
1685 | << right << setw(15) <<loopwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1686 | << right << setw(15) <<loopwatch.RealTime()<<""
1687 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1688 | if(flag_trigger == 1)
1689 | {
1690 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1691 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Trigger:"<<""
1692 | << right << setw(15) <<triggerwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1693 | << right << setw(15) <<triggerwatch.RealTime()<<""
1694 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1695 | }
1696 | if(flag_frog == 1)
1697 | {
1698 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1699 | << left << setw(15) <<" + Frog:"<<""
1700 | << right << setw(15) <<frogwatch.CpuTime()<<""
1701 | << right << setw(15) <<frogwatch.RealTime()<<""
1702 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1703 | }
1704 | if(flag_lhco == 1)
1705 | {
1706 | f_out << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<""
1707 | << left << setw(15) <<" + LHCO:"<<""
1708 | << right << setw(15) <<lhcowatch.CpuTime()<<""
1709 | << right << setw(15) <<lhcowatch.RealTime()<<""
1710 | << right << setw(15) <<" *"<<endl;
1711 | }
1712 | f_out << left << setw(16) << "** " << ""
1713 | << left << setw(52) << get_time_date() << "**" << endl;
1714 |
1715 |
1716 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1717 | f_out<<"* *"<<"\n";
1718 | f_out<<"#....................................................................*"<<"\n";
1719 | f_out<<"#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"<<"\n";
1720 |
1721 | f_out.close();
1722 |
1723 | }
1724 |
1725 | void print_header() {
1726 | cout << endl << endl;
1727 |
1728 | cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
1729 | cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
1730 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1731 | cout <<"** Welcome to **"<< endl;
1732 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1733 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1734 | cout <<"** .ddddddd- lL hH **"<< endl;
1735 | cout <<"** -Dd` `dD: Ll hH` **"<< endl;
1736 | cout <<"** dDd dDd eeee. lL .pp+pp Hh+hhh` -eeee- `sssss **"<< endl;
1737 | cout <<"** -Dd `DD ee. ee Ll .Pp. PP Hh. HH. ee. ee sSs **"<< endl;
1738 | cout <<"** dD` dDd eEeee: lL. pP. pP hH hH` eEeee:` -sSSSs. **"<< endl;
1739 | cout <<"** .Dd :dd eE. LlL PpppPP Hh Hh eE sSS **"<< endl;
1740 | cout <<"** dddddd:. eee+: lL. pp. hh. hh eee+ sssssS **"<< endl;
1741 | cout <<"** Pp **"<< endl;
1742 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1743 | cout <<"** Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation **"<< endl;
1744 | cout <<"** of a generic collider experiment **"<< endl;
1745 | cout <<"** arXiv:0903.2225v1 [hep-ph] **"<< endl;
1746 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1747 | cout <<"** --- Version 1.8 of Delphes --- **"<< endl;
1748 | cout <<"** Last date of change: 16 August 2009 **"<< endl;
1749 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1750 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1751 | cout <<"** This package uses: **"<< endl;
1752 | cout <<"** ------------------ **"<< endl;
1753 | cout <<"** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] **"<< endl;
1754 | cout <<"** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] **"<< endl;
1755 | cout <<"** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] **"<< endl;
1756 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1757 | cout <<"**-----------------------------------------------------------------**"<< endl;
1758 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1759 | cout <<"** Main authors: **"<< endl;
1760 | cout <<"** ------------- **"<< endl;
1761 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1762 | cout <<"** Séverine Ovyn Xavier Rouby **"<< endl;
1763 | cout <<"** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern **"<< endl;
1764 | cout <<"** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) **"<< endl;
1765 | cout <<"** Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) **"<< endl;
1766 | cout <<"** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium **"<< endl;
1767 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1768 | cout <<"**-----------------------------------------------------------------**"<< endl;
1769 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1770 | cout <<"** Former Delphes versions and documentation can be found on : **"<< endl;
1771 | cout <<"** http://www.fynu.ucl.ac.be/delphes.html **"<< endl;
1772 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1773 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1774 | cout <<"** Disclaimer: this program comes without guarantees. **"<< endl;
1775 | cout <<"** Beware of errors and please give us **"<< endl;
1776 | cout <<"** your feedbacks about potential bugs. **"<< endl;
1777 | cout <<"** **"<< endl;
1778 | cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
1779 | cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
1780 |
1781 | }
1782 |
1783 | string get_time_date() {
1784 | time_t rawtime;
1785 | struct tm * timeinfo;
1786 |
1787 | time ( &rawtime );
1788 | timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
1789 |
1790 | char temp[100];
1791 | sprintf(temp,"%i/%i/%i %i:%i:%i",timeinfo->tm_mday,timeinfo->tm_mon+1,timeinfo->tm_year+1900,timeinfo->tm_hour,timeinfo->tm_min,timeinfo->tm_sec);
1792 | string tempstring(temp);
1793 | return tempstring;
1794 | }
1795 |
1796 | void warning(const string oldname, const string newname) {
1797 | string text = "** Warning in datacard: " + oldname + " deprecated. Use " + newname + " instead.";
1798 | cout << left << setw(67) << text
1799 | << right << setw(2) <<"**" << endl;
1800 | }