[271] | 1 | /***********************************************************************
| 2 | ** **
| 3 | ** /----------------------------------------------\ **
| 4 | ** | Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation | **
| 5 | ** | of a generic collider experiment | **
| 6 | ** \----------------------------------------------/ **
| 7 | ** **
| 8 | ** **
| 9 | ** This package uses: **
| 10 | ** ------------------ **
| 11 | ** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] **
| 12 | ** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] **
| 13 | ** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] **
| 14 | ** **
| 15 | ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
| 16 | ** **
| 17 | ** Main authors: **
| 18 | ** ------------- **
| 19 | ** **
| 20 | ** Severine Ovyn Xavier Rouby **
| 21 | ** severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be xavier.rouby@cern **
| 22 | ** **
| 23 | ** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) **
| 24 | ** Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) **
| 25 | ** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium **
| 26 | ** **
| 27 | ** Copyright (C) 2008-2009, **
| 28 | ** All rights reserved. **
| 29 | ** **
| 30 | ***********************************************************************/
| 31 |
[275] | 32 | // local includes
[271] | 33 | #include "LHCOConverter.h"
[275] | 34 | #include "ExRootTreeReader.h"
| 35 | #include "BlockClasses.h"
| 36 |
| 37 | // root includes
| 38 | #include "TFile.h"
| 39 | #include "TChain.h"
| 40 | #include "TClonesArray.h"
| 41 |
| 42 | // c++ includes
[271] | 43 | #include <iostream>
| 44 | #include <string>
| 45 | #include <fstream>
| 46 | #include <sstream>
[275] | 47 | #include <iomanip>
[271] | 48 | using namespace std;
| 49 |
| 50 |
| 51 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 52 | extern const float UNDEFINED;
| 53 |
| 54 | LHCOConverter::LHCOConverter(const string& inputroot, const string& inputlog):
| 55 | inputfilename_(inputroot), inputlogname_(inputlog), outputfilename_(inputroot), valid_(true) {
| 56 | if (inputfilename_ == "") {valid_ = false;}
| 57 | else {
[275] | 58 | TFile ftest(inputfilename_.c_str(),"READ");
| 59 | if (!ftest.IsOpen()) { cout << "ERROR: file " << inputfilename_ << " could not be opened\n"; valid_=false;
| 60 | }
| 61 | else {
| 62 | ftest.Close();
| 63 | const unsigned int r_find = outputfilename_.rfind(".root");
| 64 | if(r_find > outputfilename_.size()) {
[271] | 65 | cout << "ERROR: the extension of the input file is not '.root'. Exiting...\n"; valid_=false;
[275] | 66 | }
| 67 | else {
| 68 | outputfilename_.replace(r_find,5,".lhco");
| 69 | ofstream outfile( outputfilename_.c_str());
| 70 | outfile.close();
| 71 | cout << "INFO: " << outputfilename_ << " has been created\n";
| 72 | }
[271] | 73 | }
| 74 | }
| 75 | }
| 76 |
| 77 | void LHCOConverter::CopyRunLogFile() {
[275] | 78 | if(!valid_) {/*cout << "Nothing done\n";*/ return; }
[271] | 79 | if(inputlogname_ == "") {
| 80 | // re-creates the logrun file name from the rootfile name
| 81 | inputlogname_ = inputfilename_;
| 82 | const unsigned int r_find = inputlogname_.rfind(".root");
| 83 | inputlogname_.replace(r_find,5,"_run.log");
| 84 | }
| 85 | ifstream infile( inputlogname_.c_str() );
| 86 | if (!infile.good()) { cout << "Warning: no input logfile found\n"; return; }
| 87 |
| 88 | ofstream outfile( outputfilename_.c_str(),ios_base::app);
| 89 |
| 90 | // else, if find is found
| 91 | string linereader;
| 92 | while ( getline(infile,linereader) ) {
[275] | 93 | outfile << " # " << linereader << endl;
[271] | 94 | }
[275] | 95 | outfile << " #" << endl;
[271] | 96 | infile.close();
| 97 | outfile.close();
| 98 | }
| 99 |
| 100 | void LHCOConverter::ConvertExRootAnalysisToLHCO() {
[275] | 101 | if(!valid_) {/*cout << "Nothing done\n";*/ return; }
[271] | 102 |
[275] | 103 | //output file
| 104 | ofstream outfile( outputfilename_.c_str(),ios_base::app);
| 105 | //# typ eta phi pt jmas ntrk btag had/em dum1 dum2
| 106 | outfile << " ## More info on LHCO files: http://cp3wks05.fynu.ucl.ac.be/Manual/lhco.html\n #" << endl;
| 107 | outfile << " # typ eta phi pt jmas ntrk btag had/em dum1 dum2" << endl;
| 108 |
| 109 | // input files
| 110 | TChain analysisChain("Analysis");
| 111 | TChain triggerChain("Trigger");
| 112 | analysisChain.Add(inputfilename_.c_str());
| 113 | triggerChain.Add(inputfilename_.c_str());
| 114 | ExRootTreeReader *analysisTree = new ExRootTreeReader(&analysisChain);
| 115 | ExRootTreeReader *triggerTree = new ExRootTreeReader(&triggerChain);
| 116 |
| 117 | TClonesArray *branchPhoton = analysisTree->UseBranch("Photon");
| 118 | TClonesArray *branchElectron = analysisTree->UseBranch("Electron");
| 119 | TClonesArray *branchMuon = analysisTree->UseBranch("Muon");
| 120 | TClonesArray *branchTauJet = analysisTree->UseBranch("TauJet");
| 121 | TClonesArray *branchJet = analysisTree->UseBranch("Jet");
| 122 | TClonesArray *branchETmis = analysisTree->UseBranch("ETmis");
| 123 |
| 124 | Long64_t Nevents = analysisTree->GetEntries();
| 125 | cout << "** TTree 'Analysis' contains " << Nevents << " events" << endl;
| 126 | Nevents = min(Nevents,triggerTree->GetEntries());
| 127 | if (Nevents != analysisTree->GetEntries())
| 128 | cout << "** WARNING: not the same number of entries in 'Analysis' and **\n** 'Trigger' trees\n";
| 129 | for(Long64_t event = 0; event < Nevents; ++event) {
| 130 | analysisTree->ReadEntry(event);
| 131 | triggerTree->ReadEntry(event);
| 132 | //TRIGT->GetGlobalResult(branchElecTrig, branchMuonTrig,branchJetTrig, branchTauJetTrig,branchPhotonTrig, branchETmisTrig,branchTrigger);
| 133 | unsigned int triginfo = 0;
| 134 | unsigned int line =0;
| 135 | outfile << setw(3) << line++ << setw(4) << " " << setw(7) << event << setw(7) << triginfo << endl;
| 136 |
| 137 | // 0 photon data
| 138 | BranchReader(branchPhoton,line,lhcoPhotonID);
| 139 |
| 140 | // 1 electron/positron data
| 141 | BranchReader(branchElectron,line,lhcoElectronID);
| 142 |
| 143 | // 2 muon data
| 144 | BranchReader(branchMuon,line,lhcoMuonID);
| 145 |
| 146 | // 3 tau-jets
| 147 | BranchReader(branchTauJet,line,lhcoTauJetID);
| 148 |
| 149 | // 4 jets
| 150 | BranchReader(branchJet,line,lhcoJetID);
| 151 |
| 152 | // 6 MET
| 153 | BranchReader(branchETmis,line,lhcoETmisID);
| 154 |
| 155 | } // event loop
| 156 |
| 157 | outfile.close();
| 158 | delete triggerTree;
| 159 | delete analysisTree;
[271] | 160 | }
[275] | 161 |
| 162 |
| 163 | void LHCOConverter::BranchReader(const TClonesArray* branch, unsigned int& line, unsigned short int lhcoID) const {
| 164 | ofstream outfile( outputfilename_.c_str(),ios_base::app);
| 165 |
| 166 | unsigned int branch_size = branch->GetEntries();
| 167 | TRootParticle * particle = 0;
| 168 | for (unsigned int i=0; i< branch_size; i++) {
| 169 | double jmass =0;
| 170 | unsigned int ntrk = 0;
| 171 | unsigned short int btag =0;
| 172 | double ratioE = 0;
| 173 | particle = (TRootParticle*) branch->At(i);
| 174 | outfile << setw(3) << line++ // line counter
| 175 | << setw(4) << lhcoID // object ID in lhco format
| 176 | << setw(7) << particle->Eta
| 177 | // << setw(7) << fixed(3) << particle->Eta
| 178 | << setw(7) << particle->Phi
| 179 | << setw(7) << particle->PT
| 180 | << setw(7) << jmass // invariant mass
| 181 | << setw(7) << ntrk // number of tracks
| 182 | << setw(7) << btag
| 183 | << setw(7) << ratioE // E_had/E_em
| 184 | << endl;
| 185 | }
| 186 | outfile.close();
| 187 | }