[1178] | 1 | #include <stdexcept>
| 2 | #include <iostream>
| 3 | #include <sstream>
| 4 |
| 5 | #include <signal.h>
| 6 |
[1181] | 7 | #include "Pythia.h"
[1178] | 8 |
| 9 | #include "TROOT.h"
| 10 | #include "TApplication.h"
| 11 |
| 12 | #include "TFile.h"
| 13 | #include "TObjArray.h"
| 14 | #include "TStopwatch.h"
| 15 | #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
| 16 | #include "TParticlePDG.h"
| 17 | #include "TLorentzVector.h"
| 18 |
| 19 | #include "modules/Delphes.h"
| 20 | #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
| 21 | #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h"
| 22 |
| 23 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeWriter.h"
| 24 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeBranch.h"
| 25 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootProgressBar.h"
| 26 |
| 27 | using namespace std;
| 28 |
| 29 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 30 |
[1183] | 31 | void ConvertInput(Long64_t eventCounter, Pythia8::Pythia *pythia,
| 32 | ExRootTreeBranch *branch, DelphesFactory *factory,
| 33 | TObjArray *allParticleOutputArray, TObjArray *stableParticleOutputArray, TObjArray *partonOutputArray,
| 34 | TStopwatch *readStopWatch, TStopwatch *procStopWatch)
[1178] | 35 | {
| 36 | int i;
| 37 |
[1184] | 38 | HepMCEvent *element;
[1178] | 39 | Candidate *candidate;
| 40 | TDatabasePDG *pdg;
| 41 | TParticlePDG *pdgParticle;
| 42 | Int_t pdgCode;
| 43 |
| 44 | Int_t pid, status;
| 45 | Double_t px, py, pz, e;
[1181] | 46 | Double_t x, y, z, t;
[1178] | 47 |
[1183] | 48 | // event information
| 49 | element = static_cast<HepMCEvent *>(branch->NewEntry());
| 50 |
| 51 | element->Number = eventCounter;
| 52 |
| 53 | element->ProcessID = pythia->info.code();
| 54 | element->MPI = 1;
| 55 | element->Weight = pythia->info.weight();
| 56 | element->Scale = pythia->info.QRen();
| 57 | element->AlphaQED = pythia->info.alphaEM();
| 58 | element->AlphaQCD = pythia->info.alphaS();
| 59 |
[1184] | 60 | element->ID1 = pythia->info.id1();
| 61 | element->ID2 = pythia->info.id2();
| 62 | element->X1 = pythia->info.x1();
| 63 | element->X2 = pythia->info.x2();
[1183] | 64 | element->ScalePDF = pythia->info.QFac();
| 65 | element->PDF1 = pythia->info.pdf1();
| 66 | element->PDF2 = pythia->info.pdf2();
| 67 |
| 68 | element->ReadTime = readStopWatch->RealTime();
| 69 | element->ProcTime = procStopWatch->RealTime();
| 70 |
[1178] | 71 | pdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
| 72 |
| 73 | for(i = 0; i < pythia->event.size(); ++i)
| 74 | {
| 75 | Pythia8::Particle &particle = pythia->event[i];
| 76 |
| 77 | pid = particle.id();
| 78 | status = particle.status();
| 79 | px = particle.px(); py = particle.py(); pz = particle.pz(); e = particle.e();
| 80 | x = particle.xProd(); y = particle.yProd(); z = particle.zProd(); t = particle.tProd();
| 81 |
| 82 | candidate = factory->NewCandidate();
| 83 |
| 84 | candidate->PID = pid;
| 85 | pdgCode = TMath::Abs(candidate->PID);
| 86 |
| 87 | candidate->Status = status;
| 88 |
[1181] | 89 | candidate->M1 = particle.mother1() - 1;
| 90 | candidate->M2 = particle.mother2() - 1;
[1178] | 91 |
[1181] | 92 | candidate->D1 = particle.daughter1() - 1;
| 93 | candidate->D2 = particle.daughter2() - 1;
[1178] | 94 |
| 95 | pdgParticle = pdg->GetParticle(pid);
| 96 | candidate->Charge = pdgParticle ? Int_t(pdgParticle->Charge()/3.0) : -999;
| 97 | candidate->Mass = pdgParticle ? pdgParticle->Mass() : -999.9;
| 98 |
| 99 | candidate->Momentum.SetPxPyPzE(px, py, pz, e);
| 100 |
[1181] | 101 | candidate->Position.SetXYZT(x, y, z, t);
[1178] | 102 |
| 103 | allParticleOutputArray->Add(candidate);
| 104 |
| 105 | if(!pdgParticle) continue;
| 106 |
| 107 | if(status == 1)
| 108 | {
| 109 | stableParticleOutputArray->Add(candidate);
| 110 | }
| 111 | else if(pdgCode <= 5 || pdgCode == 21 || pdgCode == 15)
| 112 | {
| 113 | partonOutputArray->Add(candidate);
| 114 | }
| 115 | }
| 116 | }
| 117 |
| 118 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 119 |
| 120 | static bool interrupted = false;
| 121 |
| 122 | void SignalHandler(int sig)
| 123 | {
| 124 | interrupted = true;
| 125 | }
| 126 |
| 127 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 128 |
| 129 | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
| 130 | {
| 131 | char appName[] = "DelphesPythia8";
| 132 | stringstream message;
| 133 | TFile *outputFile = 0;
| 134 | TStopwatch readStopWatch, procStopWatch;
| 135 | ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = 0;
| 136 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchEvent = 0;
| 137 | ExRootConfReader *confReader = 0;
| 138 | Delphes *modularDelphes = 0;
| 139 | DelphesFactory *factory = 0;
| 140 | TObjArray *stableParticleOutputArray = 0, *allParticleOutputArray = 0, *partonOutputArray = 0;
| 141 | Long64_t eventCounter, errorCounter;
| 142 | Long64_t numberOfEvents, timesAllowErrors;
| 143 |
| 144 | Pythia8::Pythia *pythia = 0;
| 145 |
| 146 | if(argc != 4)
| 147 | {
| 148 | cout << " Usage: " << appName << " config_file" << " pythia_card" << " output_file" << endl;
| 149 | cout << " config_file - configuration file in Tcl format," << endl;
| 150 | cout << " pythia_card - Pythia8 configuration file," << endl;
| 151 | cout << " output_file - output file in ROOT format." << endl;
| 152 | return 1;
| 153 | }
| 154 |
| 155 | signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler);
| 156 |
| 157 | gROOT->SetBatch();
| 158 |
| 159 | int appargc = 1;
| 160 | char *appargv[] = {appName};
| 161 | TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv);
| 162 |
| 163 | try
| 164 | {
| 165 | outputFile = TFile::Open(argv[3], "CREATE");
| 166 |
| 167 | if(outputFile == NULL)
| 168 | {
| 169 | message << "can't create output file " << argv[3];
| 170 | throw runtime_error(message.str());
| 171 | }
| 172 |
| 173 | treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputFile, "Delphes");
| 174 |
[1183] | 175 | branchEvent = treeWriter->NewBranch("Event", HepMCEvent::Class());
[1178] | 176 |
| 177 | confReader = new ExRootConfReader;
| 178 | confReader->ReadFile(argv[1]);
| 179 |
| 180 | modularDelphes = new Delphes("Delphes");
| 181 | modularDelphes->SetConfReader(confReader);
| 182 | modularDelphes->SetTreeWriter(treeWriter);
| 183 |
| 184 | factory = modularDelphes->GetFactory();
| 185 | allParticleOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("allParticles");
| 186 | stableParticleOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("stableParticles");
| 187 | partonOutputArray = modularDelphes->ExportArray("partons");
| 188 |
| 189 | modularDelphes->InitTask();
| 190 |
| 191 | // Initialize pythia
| 192 | pythia = new Pythia8::Pythia;
| 193 |
| 194 | if(pythia == NULL)
| 195 | {
| 196 | throw runtime_error("can't create Pythia instance");
| 197 | }
| 198 |
| 199 | // Read in commands from configuration file
| 200 | pythia->readFile(argv[2]);
| 201 |
| 202 | // Extract settings to be used in the main program
| 203 | numberOfEvents = pythia->mode("Main:numberOfEvents");
| 204 | timesAllowErrors = pythia->mode("Main:timesAllowErrors");
| 205 |
| 206 | pythia->init();
| 207 |
[1185] | 208 | // ExRootProgressBar progressBar(numberOfEvents - 1);
| 209 | ExRootProgressBar progressBar(-1);
[1178] | 210 |
| 211 | // Loop over all events
| 212 | errorCounter = 0;
| 213 | treeWriter->Clear();
| 214 | modularDelphes->Clear();
| 215 | readStopWatch.Start();
| 216 | for(eventCounter = 0; eventCounter < numberOfEvents && !interrupted; ++eventCounter)
| 217 | {
| 218 | if(!pythia->next())
| 219 | {
| 220 | // If failure because reached end of file then exit event loop
| 221 | if (pythia->info.atEndOfFile())
| 222 | {
| 223 | cerr << "Aborted since reached end of Les Houches Event File" << endl;
| 224 | break;
| 225 | }
| 226 |
| 227 | // First few failures write off as "acceptable" errors, then quit
| 228 | if (++errorCounter < timesAllowErrors) continue;
| 229 | cerr << "Event generation aborted prematurely, owing to error!" << endl;
| 230 | break;
| 231 | }
| 232 |
| 233 | readStopWatch.Stop();
| 234 |
| 235 | procStopWatch.Start();
[1183] | 236 | ConvertInput(eventCounter, pythia, branchEvent, factory,
| 237 | allParticleOutputArray, stableParticleOutputArray, partonOutputArray,
| 238 | &readStopWatch, &procStopWatch);
[1178] | 239 | modularDelphes->ProcessTask();
| 240 | procStopWatch.Stop();
| 241 |
| 242 | treeWriter->Fill();
| 243 |
| 244 | treeWriter->Clear();
| 245 | modularDelphes->Clear();
| 246 |
| 247 | readStopWatch.Start();
[1185] | 248 | progressBar.Update(eventCounter, eventCounter);
[1178] | 249 | }
| 250 |
[1185] | 251 | progressBar.Update(eventCounter, eventCounter, kTRUE);
[1178] | 252 | progressBar.Finish();
| 253 |
| 254 | pythia->statistics();
| 255 |
| 256 | modularDelphes->FinishTask();
| 257 | treeWriter->Write();
| 258 |
| 259 | cout << "** Exiting..." << endl;
| 260 |
| 261 | delete pythia;
| 262 | delete modularDelphes;
| 263 | delete confReader;
| 264 | delete treeWriter;
| 265 | delete outputFile;
| 266 |
| 267 | return 0;
| 268 | }
| 269 | catch(runtime_error &e)
| 270 | {
| 271 | if(treeWriter) delete treeWriter;
| 272 | if(outputFile) delete outputFile;
| 273 | cerr << "** ERROR: " << e.what() << endl;
| 274 | return 1;
| 275 | }
| 276 | }