1 | %%
2 | %% This is file `elsarticle.cls',
3 | %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4 | %%
5 | %% The original source files were:
6 | %%
7 | %% elsarticle.dtx (with options: `class')
8 | %%
9 | %% Copyright 2007, 2008 Elsevier Ltd.
10 | %%
11 | %% This file is part of the 'Elsarticle Bundle'.
12 | %% -------------------------------------------
13 | %%
14 | %% It may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
15 | %% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any
16 | %% later version. The latest version of this license is in
17 | %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
18 | %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
19 | %% version 1999/12/01 or later.
20 | %%
21 | %% The list of all files belonging to the 'Elsarticle Bundle' is
22 | %% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
23 | %%
24 | %% $Id: elsarticle.cls,v 1.1 2009-06-15 14:46:46 rouby Exp $
25 | %%
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45 | This document is typeset in the CRC style which\MessageBreak
46 | is not suitable for submission.\MessageBreak
47 | \MessageBreak
48 | Please typeset again using 'preprint' option\MessageBreak
49 | for creating PDF suitable for submission.\MessageBreak
50 | ******************************************************\MessageBreak
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85 |
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89 |
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92 |
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133 |
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204 |
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207 |
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224 |
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262 |
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281 |
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333 |
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401 |
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417 |
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421 |
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447 | \ifx \@enum@\@entemp \let\@tempa\@gobble \else
448 | \let\@tempa\@enOther
449 | \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
450 | \@tempa}
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455 | minus.05\baselineskip}
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464 | \def\@@enum@[#1]{%
465 | \@enLab{}\let\@enThe\@enQmark
466 | \@enloop#1\@enum@
467 | \ifx\@enThe\@enQmark\@warning{The counter will not be printed.%
468 | ^^J\space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces The label is: \the\@enLab}\fi
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483 | \setlength{\parsep}{0pt plus1pt minus1pt}%
484 | \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus1pt minus1pt}
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486 |
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489 |
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491 |
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493 |
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501 | {\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}}%
502 | \fi}
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508 | \expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
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512 | \@dfncounter{#1}}%
513 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@dfn{#1}{#2}}%
514 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@enddefinition}}}
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517 | {\@definecounter{#1}%
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519 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@dfn{#1}{#2}}%
520 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@enddefinition}}}
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522 | \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@nocounterr{#2}}%
523 | {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
524 | {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}
525 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@dfn{#2}{#3}}%
526 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@enddefinition}}}}
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528 | \refstepcounter{#1}%
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530 | \def\@xdfn#1#2{%
531 | \@begindefinition{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}\ignorespaces}
532 | \def\@ydfn#1#2[#3]{%
533 | \@opargbegindefinition{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}\ignorespaces}
534 | \def\@dfncounter#1{\noexpand\arabic{#1}}
535 | \def\@dfncountersep{.}
536 | \def\@begindefinition#1#2{\trivlist
537 | \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1\ #2.}]\upshape}
538 | \def\@opargbegindefinition#1#2#3{\trivlist
539 | \item[\hskip\labelsep{\bfseries #1\ #2\ (#3).}]\upshape}
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541 |
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547 | \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bfseries #1\ #2\ (#3).}]\itshape}
548 |
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554 | \expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
555 | {\@definecounter{#1}\@newctr{#1}[#3]%
556 | \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{%
557 | \expandafter\noexpand\csname the#3\endcsname \@prfcountersep
558 | \@prfcounter{#1}}%
559 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@prf{#1}{#2}}%
560 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endproof}}}
561 | \def\@ynprf#1#2{%
562 | \expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
563 | {\@definecounter{#1}%
564 | \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@prfcounter{#1}}%
565 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@prf{#1}{#2}}%
566 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endproof}}}
567 | \def\@oprf#1[#2]#3{%
568 | \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@nocounterr{#2}}%
569 | {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
570 | {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}%
571 | \global\@namedef{#1}{\@prf{#2}{#3}}%
572 | \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endproof}}}}
573 | \def\@prf#1#2{%
574 | \refstepcounter{#1}%
575 | \@ifnextchar[{\@yprf{#1}{#2}}{\@xprf{#1}{#2}}}
576 | \def\@xprf#1#2{%
577 | \@beginproof{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}\ignorespaces}
578 | \def\@yprf#1#2[#3]{%
579 | \@opargbeginproof{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}\ignorespaces}
580 | \def\@prfcounter#1{\noexpand\arabic{#1}}
581 | \def\@prfcountersep{.}
582 | \def\@beginproof#1#2{\trivlist\let\baselinestretch\@blstr
583 | \item[\hskip \labelsep{\scshape #1.}]\rmfamily}
584 | \def\@opargbeginproof#1#2#3{\trivlist\let\baselinestretch\@blstr
585 | \item[\hskip \labelsep{\scshape #1\ (#3).}]\rmfamily}
586 | \def\@endproof{\endtrivlist}
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588 |
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698 |
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700 | %%
701 | %% End of file `elsarticle.cls'.