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1Please find below the answers to the referee's questions:
4> Reviewer #1: Dear authors,
6> I have read your nice paper with great interest and I am
7> mostly very happy with the content. I think the program
8> is very useful for quick but still realistic physics
9> estimates at the LHC and will hopefully be used
10> a lot by the theory (and experimental) community in the
11> next years.
13> I have a number of comments that concern the text and
14> should be fairly quick to implement:
17> Abstract: remove the bracket concerning Les Houches
18> and HepMC file format
23> Section 1. Give citations to the conceptually similar
24> programs Atlfast and CMSJET from the ATLAS and CMS
25> collaboration. These are not freely available to people
26> outside the collaborations, but follow the same
27> concept and are established since a long time. There is
28> also the freely available, but much simpler AcerDET
29> program, that should perhaps be cited.
31We have added AcerDET and PGS which are publicly available. As far as we know, CMSJet as been replaced by FAMOS and then by CMS FastSim, but are not publicly available. Same holds for ATLfast (I and II) in the ATLAS collaboration, so we prefer not to mention them
35> Sec 2.2. When writing about tracks, readers might expect
36> to get the 5 helix parameters of tracks. Perhaps mention
37> directly that these are not available (especially no
38> impact parameters).
39Insertion of the "while the helix parameters of tracks, especially the impact parameters are not." final sentence at the end of Sec 2.2
43> Page 4, line 28: add "E in GeV" or similar to the formula
49> Page 4, line 60: you deposit all energy of hadronic
50> particles in the hadronic calorimeter, which is a rather
51> crude approximation of a real calorimeter. If I
52> understand your concept correctly, you do this in
53> order to get the right amount of energy smearing for the
54> jet and MET resolutions. If this is the case, mention
55> that the longitudinal separation of the calorimeters is a
56> technical aid for this purpose and shouldn't be used in
57> analysis to mimic things like jet->electron fake
58> rates. Otherwise there is a risk that people will develop
59> analysis believing that this separation is based on real
60> physics, not simplifications in simulation.
61Modified sentence: "To simplify the simulation, electrons and photons ..."
65> Page 4, 2nd column, hight of line 17: "is F is" remove
66> first "is"
67The non-needed "is" has been removed
70> Sec 3.1. For photons you don't have a direction from
71> tracks and hence the position of the primary vertex is
72> important in the determination of the photon 3-vector.
73> Mention that diphoton resonances (H->gamma gamma)
74> also depend on this resolution, which is not simulated
75> (this is perhaps less important for ATLAS: they have the
76> photon pointing from the calo)
77New sentence added: "As there is no associated track to photons, their reconstructed kinematics is less good than for electrons. Consequently, the mass resolution of di-photon resonnances is affected."
81> Sec 3.1. In your electron simulation you take only the
82> energy from the electron itself, not from any physics
83> bremsstrahlung that is often collinear with the electron
84> (I mean the real emission bremststrahlung directly from
85> the Z->ee decay, not from the magnetic field in the ID).
86> This leads in Z->ee events to a visible distortion of the
87> line shape. I am aware that there is no easy solution to
88> this problem and just adding all photons in the same cell
89> leads to bias for others reasons. However,
90> the reader should be warned that the Z peak will be
91> slightly shifted due to the missing bremsstrahlungs
92> energy.
93Modified paragraph: "Real electron ($e^\pm$) and photon candidates are identified if they fall into the acceptance of the tracking system and have a transverse momentum above some threshold (default: $p_T > 10~\textrm{GeV}/c$). \textit{Delphes} assumes a perfect algorithm for
94clustering and for recovery of detector-induced Brehmstrahlung. Electron energy is smeared according to the resolution of the calorimetric cell where it points to, but independently from any other deposited energy in this cell. Electrons and photons may create a candidate in the jet
95collection. The $(\eta,\phi)$ position at vertex comes from their corresponding track vertex. As there is no associated track to photons, their reconstructed kinematics is less good than for electrons. Consequently, the mass resolution of di-photon resonances is affected. Similarly to full simulations, physics Brehmstrahlung from vertex is not
96taken into account in the electron reconstruction in \textit{Delphes}. Consequently, resonances like $Z\rightarrow e^+ e^-$ may have a bias in
97their reconstructed peak.
101> Page 5, line 15: If you reconstruct an electron, is this
102> correlated to the 90% efficiency of the electron track?
103> Whatever it is, mention it.
104Sentence "Moreover, charged leptons are added in their respective collections i their associated track is available." has been added in Section 3.1.
108> Page 5, line 22: Same for muons, is the 90% track
109> efficiency taken consistently into account?
110Same as for electrons
114> Page 5, line 59: because photons from physics
115> bremsstrahlung are not added to the electron, they appear
116> in the calo isolation energy. You should mention that
117> this can lead to unrealistically high isolation
118> energies in the case of very high energetic electrons
119> (while in a full simulation most brems photons overlap
120> with the electron and do not enter the isolation energy).
121The following explaining sentence has been added in the end of the isolation section: "Finally it should be mentioned that because photons from physics bremsstrahlung are not added to the electron, they appear in the calorimetric isolation energy. This can lead to unrealistically high
122isolation energies in the case of very high energetic electrons while in a full simulation most bremsstrahlung photons overlap with the electron and do therefore not enter in the isolation energy."
125> Sec 3.2. Perhaps mention that the jet energy scale is
126> "correct" by default, because all particles enter the
127> calorimeter with an average
128> response function of 1. However, out-of-cone corrections
129> (the dR size dependend) to the original parton energy are
130> not included and hence the reader can not expect to get
131> "correct" hadronic W or top masses (people from theory
132> might not be aware of this effect if they only know
133> partonic NLO final states).
134Following sentence added:
135"By construction, the jet energy scale is close to reality and should not be corrected. However, no corrections are applied if particles do not enter in the constituent list for the jet algorithm. This has an impact on the mass reconstruction of fully hadronic objects like $t$ quark or $W$ boson."
139> Sec 3.2. Energy flow, first line: into->in
144> Sec 3.2. Energy flow: clarify what is subtracted. The
145> true energy of the track or the smeared energy of the
146> particle that was put into the cell.
147The sentence has been modified: "When using \textit{energy flow}, in \textit{Delphes}, the chosen jet algorithm is applied on the smeared energies of both the tracks and the modified calorimetric cells. To avoid double-counting, the energy in the calorimeter cells has been corrected by
148subtracting the true track energy from the true cell energy, before their smearing."
152> Sec. 3.3. You assume and apply a b-tagging efficiency of
153> 40%. Explain why line 13 says that the efficiency is
154> below 40% and what is the relevance of secondary
155> vertices in this context, if they are not used after all?
156The sentence was not relevant and is therefore removed since indeed no secondary vertex is applied.
159> Page 6, line 18/19: full detector simulation -> full
160> detector reconstruction. Tau identification is a
161> reconstruction issue.
162simulation -> reconstruction
165> Page 6, line 21/22: perhaps replace: associated -> in
166> combination with
170> Figure 4: figure and text do not match. The figure show
171> R^tracks, the text explains the dR of the jet algorithm.
172> These two R can be identical by coincidence, but don't
173> have to be.
174The label of the figure has been modified accordingly
177> Sec. 3.4. Purity: is the 66% relative to all hadronic tau
178> decays or only to 1-prong hadronic tau decays?
179" relative to all hadronic $\tau$ decays" has been added at the end of the sentence.
183> Sec. 3.4. general: it would be nice if the program could
184> contain in a future release the option to also tag
185> 3-prong tau decays. These are and will be used by the
186> experimental community and their fraction is not so
187> small that they can be neglected. A alternative tau
188> treatment with efficiencies and rejections as you have it
189> now for b-jets would be very nice.
190Addition of the footnote: In release 1.9, the 3-prong tau decays are also included.
193> Sec. 3.5. perhaps mention that calorimeter noise and the
194> degradations of the MET performance due to noise (mainly
195> outside jets) is not simulated.
196Addition of the following sentence at the end of the section: "Moreover, the degradations of the missing transverse energy performance due to noise is not simulated."
199> Sec. 5.2. you state that the roman pots at 220m detect
200> protons between 120 and 900GeV. When looking at the
201> table, this should be an energy loss of 120-900GeV?
202Addition of the missing "loss" word: "For instance, roman pots at 220 m from the IP and 2 mm from the beam will detect all forward protons with an energy loss between 120 and 900 GeV."
205> Sec. 5.2. Does Hector run with the default LHC parameters?
206Hector runs with the following parameters: 7 TeV/beam and beta*=0.5m for a collision mode. The exhaustive list of Hector parameters are detailed in the user guide (as well as in the detector card) in section A.2.1.
208> Sec. 5.2. particules -> particles
212> Sec. 6 can you give the CPU time in standardized CPU
213> units? In 1-2 years from now the unit of a "regular"
214> laptop might no longer be well defined...
215Added a footnote with CPU benchmark and a new bibliography entry.
218> Page 8, last sentence: remove "simple": after isolation
219> also electrons/muons will no longer match the input
220> depending on the complexity of the event topology.
221the "simple" word has been removed
224> Fig. 8: is this with or without energy flow? Since you
225> have the option of both, would be nice to see both.
226The text " and no energy flow correction" has been added to the captions of fig 8 and 9. We did not produce these plots with Eflow as we do not have the corresponding (publicly available) results from CMS and ATLAS.
229> Sec. 6.1.: Can you give some quantitative numbers how
230> different/similar your jet resolution is compared to
231> ATLAS and CMS in the low and high pT regime? "good"
232> agreement is very subjective.
233The numbers have been added in the text:
234 - CMS: $3.1~\%$ at $E_T^\textrm{MC}=50~\textrm{GeV}$ and $4.2~\%$ at
236 - ATLAS: $2.5~\%$ at $E^\textrm{MC}=50~\textrm{GeV}$ and $4.7\%$ at
240> Sec. 6.3. Since you have this nice tau 1-prong simulation
241> it would be very good to not only see how good
242> efficiencies match but also how well the qcd rejection
243> works. For b-jets you should get this quite well by
244> construction as long as you stay in the same topology.
245> However, for the taus this is not clear to me and what
246> counts after all is the pair of efficiency and rejection.
247The following sentence has been added at the end of the section: "Using the same $pp \rightarrow ggX$ events as in section \ref{sec:jetresol} with a gluon transverse momentum at $80$ and $640~\textrm{GeV}/c$, the mis-identification rate of jets as $\tau\textrm{-jets}$ is evaluated at
248$6.4\times 10^{-4}$ and $1.7\times 10^{-4}$ respectively."
252> Sec. 8, 1st sentence: introduced -> intended?
256> Sec. A.1. The address for the Delphes download seems to
257> be the user directory of S. Ovyn. Please move this to
258> some public address that can be expected to be available
259> for a long period of time, for example your hepforge area:
261> User directories usually vanish once people move to other
262> universities.
263The download place "" has been added
269> Reviewer #2: Review: Delphes, a framework for fast
270> simulation of a generic collider experiment
272> The presented document is a solid piece of work and
273> summarizes the purpose and mechanisms of Delphes to a
274> good level.
275> However, there are several comments and key issues that I
276> would like to
277> address, which would help to clarify certain aspects of
278> this simulation
279> toolkit. Given that these comments are dealt with or
280> answered/modified
281> in a satisfactory way, this note qualifies for
282> publication.
284> General Comments:
285> ================
287> The document is very imbalanced in terms of detector
288> subsystem: inner tracker and muon system aspects are very
289> sparse, while the calorimetric response is described to a
290> very detail (including a short discussion of the
291> properties of certain jet algorithms that should not be
292> within the scope nor propose of this document, or only in
293> the appendix).
295The jet algorithm explanations have been removed. We now only enumerate them. Their descriptions are although remaining in the appendix
299> No result concerning the TRACKER and MUON simulation in
300> Delphes is presented, the number of tracks inside a jet
301> cone is simply a geometrical measure that does no need a
302> TRACKER setup.
304> The document describing Delphes, being focussed on
305> general-purpose experiments, would simply profit from a
306> more general-purpose view. In this respect, I find the
307> description of the TRACKER response misleading/confusing:
308> - p2.32l: "multiple scattering ... also neglected"
310modified sentence: "The propagated particles do not suffer secondary interactions nor multiple scatterings that would affect their integrity or path throughout the detector. Photon conversion and bremsstrahlung due to the magnetic field are also neglected."
312> - p2.15r: the resolution of tracking is mentioned
313> (intrinsic ? multiple scattering contribution ?)
314> this is mentioned later in sec 2.2 (tracks) and 2.3
315> (calocells)
316This question is addressed in the answer to question p3.52l here below.
318> - p3.Fig1: Smearing Tracks is mentioned in the figure,
319"Tracks are reconstructed" is mentioned in the label
321> - p3.52l: "No smearing is currently applied to track
322> parameters."
323> This needs additional clarification:
324> - are the tracks smeared or not (if so, I guess only with
325> the intrinsic component and not the multiple scattering
326> contribution)?
327"The momentum of tracks undergoes an intrinsic smearing, corresponding to the experiment capabilities for each particle. No further smearing is currently applied on track parameters."
330> - "tracks are reconstructed" in label of Fig1 has to
331> disappear, because only a general tracking efficiency is
332> applied
333replaced by "Tracks are identified".
335> Multiple references:
336> - throughout the text, references (such as [6][7]) are
337> multiply cited
338> (even in figure labels). Proposal: state clearly that the > ATLAS/CMS results for the following section have been
339> taken from [6][7] and leave it by such.
343> Comments in detail:
344> ================
346> p1.
347> - 59r: reference to Geant: the word "package" is pretty
348> much slang, I
349> would propose something like "toolkit" or similar.
352> p2.
353> - 6l: "developped" -> "developed"
354spelling corrected
356> - 9l: "reactions" does not sound very nice here,
357> probably "processes"
358"Processes" has been written instead of "reactions"
360> - 15l: "most crucial experimental features": this may be
361> a rather subjective judgment (see general comments),
362> studies involving/requiring TRACKING related quantities,
363> b-tagging, fake lepton backgrounds, etc.
364> may not share the opinion on this list. (I am aware that
365> this is a fast simulation and it is not within the
366> purpose of such to generate fake signals)
367modified text: "Delphes includes important experimental features"
370> - 32l: "multiple scattering", see general comment on
371> TRACKING section
374> - 55r: is the global reconstruction efficiency applied
375> independently from the particle type ? above 1 GeV muons
376> tend to have a reconstruction efficiency close to 100%
377> for CMS/ATLAS, e.g. while pions/hadrons are when applying
378> some quality cuts more towards 80% for both experiments.
379> There seems to be no pseudo- rapidity dependence of the
380> reconstruction efficiency which is indeed the case in
381> more realistic detectors. If reconstruction efficiency is
382> assumed to be uniform and independent of the particle
383> type, this should be explicitly mentioned.
384The sentence "This reconstruction efficiency is assumed to be uniform and independent of the particle type." has been added since indeed Delphes is not taken into account the different particle types
386> - Fig2: the wireframe model is quite confusing, also it
387> hides a more important feature: the coverage cones close
388> to the beampipe. It is almost repeated in Fig. 11, but
389> with a cut-out view. I would keep only
390> one Figure.
391This figure has been removed. It was replaced by the former figure 11 that has disappeared from Section 7.
393> p3.
394> - Fig1: figure and label, see general comments on
395> TRACKING section
396Comma's have been added in the Figure since it describes the different running flow of the Delphes code: first the tracks are found (for charged particles) taking into account their bending due to the magnetic field.
397This step is followed by the smearing step,...
399> - 52l: see general comments on TRACKING section
402> - 53l: does Delphes allow for shifted primary vertex
403> position: if so (\eta,\phi) at the vertex should be
404> directional parameters, while (\eta,\phi)_{calo} should
405> be parameters of the intersection point.
406> hence, \eta_{vertex} =/= \eta_{calo} both in value but
407> also conceptually. (particles from secondary vertices
408> suffer from this anyway).
409Delphes is not meant for shifted primary vertex position. However, the correction can be computed. The \eta_calo is the coordinate where the particle hits the calorimeter in
410the detector frame. To get the real \eta for a displaced (i.e. shifted primary- or secondary-) vertex, one should correct this quantity from the track origin and the
411observed \eta_calo. We have not added any remark in the text.
414> p4.
415> - Fig3: this figure does not contain a lot of
416> information, I would propose a table instead to give an
417> idea about the cell sizes.
418The requested numbers are available in the appendix, in the description of the detector parameter cards. Unfortunately, such a table would be long and difficult to read. For clarity, a reference to the appendix has been added.
421> - 7r: K_s and \Lambda, ... decays are not performed, but
422> the energy is deposited as a fraction in the calorimeter. > Where ? Is the transport done in direction of the mother
423> particle ?
424Addition of the following sentence: "The position of these deposits corresponds to the calorimeter entry point of the mother particle."
426> - 8-14r: many lines for a simple concept, would shorten
427> this
430> - 55r: "some additional reconstruction cuts" is vague
431The end of the sentence: "and some additional reconstruction cuts." has been removed. It is not necessary anymore since the cuts on electrons are detailed in the appendix. Moreover, the isolation is explained in a following sub-section
433> - 58r: "However, when needed ... " I would personally
434> delete this sentence, telling the user he could do the
435> work on his own.
436The sentence has been deleted!
438> p5.
439> - 7l: why are electrons but in particular photons in
440> reconstruction restricted to the tracking system
441> acceptance ?
442The sentence has been modified to: "Real electron ($e^\pm$) and photon candidates are* identified* if they fall into the acceptance of the tracking system and have a transverse momentum above some threshold (default: $p_T > 10~\textrm{GeV}/c$). " Indeed if they fall out of the
443tracker coverage, the particles are detected but not identified. Delphes does this since the detection of the track is mandatory in order to differentiate a photon and
444an electron.
446> - 40-42r: I would move the discussion of the different
447> jet algorithms (if any) entirely to the appendix (p19.
448> 45+), it is not the scope of the document to do so.
449Already removed due to the comment of the other referee
451> p6.
452> - 11l: "Therefore, ... " - I don't understand the
453> consequential reasoning, would delete "Therefore, ..."
454The "Therefore" word has been removed => In current version....
456> p7.
457> - 2-14r: A long paragraph describing how it is not done
458> ... distracts
459> the reader, better focus on how it is done
460The paragraph has been shortened. It is now: "A trigger emulation is included in \textit{Delphes}, using a fully parametrisable \textit{trigger table} \citep{qr:triggercard}. While triggers in real experiments are intrinsically based on reconstructed data with a worse resolution than final analysis information, in \textit{Delphes} the same information is used for the trigger emulation and for final analyses."
462> p8.
463> - 43r: "a regular laptop" - this is not a standardized
464> system, better use normalized CPU seconds or similar
465footnote added:
466\footnote{Performances obtained on an Intel(r) Pentium M processor ($1.73$ GHz), $1$ GB RAM, Chipset $915$GM. This processor scores $450$ on CpuMark benchmark from PassMark 2010 (c)~\citep{bib:cpumark}. In case of large amount of events, the duration of read/write operations on hard disk is sensible (about 6\% of the time for the $4400$ rpm hard disk of the precited computer) and might improve with fast storing devices.}
469> - 48r: a bit simplified view electron/muon resolutions
470> are of course non-gaussian and usually dependent of pT/eta
471The pT/eta dependence could be added in a later version of Delphes but is not available in versions 1.8 and 1.9.
474> p9.
475> - Fig8: bottom line of the axis box seems to be missing
476> (at least in my print-out)
477It seems to be OK in the pdf paper and in the print test we did...
479> - Fig8/Fig9: include the markers into the label
480The "stars" have been added in the four validation graphs
482> p10.
483> - 1l: "is negligible in the studied sample" - this is
484> true, but one could mention that for e. g. W->\mu \nu
485> muons should be corrected for
486The sentence "Indeed for e.g.$W\rightarrow \mu \nu$ samples the missing transverse energy should be corrected for the presence of muons." has been added. This correction has been validated in my PhD Thesis by an accurate comparison with CMSSW by comparing Table 5.8 and Table 4.7)
488> p11.
489> - 22l: "a simple mouse action" - sounds a bit clumsy
492> - Fig12/13: I suggest only keeping one of the pictures;
493> it should be clear to the reader that different event
494> topologies have different characteristics (also in the
495> visulatisation), the purpose of your document must be
496> showing the visualisation tool.
497The second Figure (Fig 13) has been removed.
499> Appendix:
501> p13.
502> - 9l: "its sources" probably change it into "source code"
505> p16.
506> - 8l : do you want latex "\textit{Hector}" comments in the user manual ?
507\textit{} removed!
509> p21.
510> - 20l: "For more information, refer to ROOT
511> documentation." I would personally shorten this paragraph
512> (the ROOT description), and refer to the root
513> documentation by citation.
514We prefer to keep this section with the description since several users of Delphes encountered problems with this...
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