1 |
2 | #include <stdio.h>
3 | #include <string.h>
4 | #include "FROG_ZLib.h"
5 |
6 | bool copy(const char* Input, const char* Output){
7 | FILE* src_stream = fopen(Input,"rb");
8 | if(!src_stream)return false;
9 |
10 | FILE* dst_stream = fopen(Output,"wb");
11 | if(!dst_stream){fclose(src_stream);return false;}
12 |
13 | unsigned char buffer[1024];
14 | unsigned int Read;
15 | while(feof(src_stream)==0){
16 | Read = fread(buffer,1,1024,src_stream);
17 | if(fwrite(buffer,1,1024,dst_stream)!=Read){printf("There is an error in the copy of %s to %s\n",Input,Output);return false;}
18 | }
19 |
20 | fclose(src_stream);
21 | fclose(dst_stream);
22 |
23 | return true;
24 | }
25 |
26 | bool FROG_ZLIB_IsGZip(char* fileName){
27 | unsigned int N = strlen(fileName);
28 |
29 | if( fileName[N-3]!='.') return false;
30 | if(!(fileName[N-2]=='g' || fileName[N-2]=='G'))return false;
31 | if(!(fileName[N-1]=='z' || fileName[N-1]=='Z'))return false;
32 | return true;
33 | }
34 |
35 | bool FROG_ZLIB_IsUnZippedFileExist(char* source_path){
36 | unsigned int N = strlen(source_path);
37 |
38 | char* dest_path = new char[N];
39 |
40 | if(FROG_ZLIB_IsGZip(source_path)){
41 | strncpy(dest_path,source_path,N-3);
42 | dest_path[N-3] = '\0';
43 | }else{
44 | strcpy(dest_path,source_path);
45 | }
46 |
47 | // Check the dest file do not already exist!
48 | FILE* dest_stream = fopen(dest_path,"r");
49 | if(dest_stream){
50 | fclose(dest_stream);
51 | delete dest_path;
52 | return true;
53 | }
54 |
55 | delete dest_path;
56 | return false;
57 | }
58 |
59 |
60 | bool FROG_ZLIB_Deflate(char* source_path, bool keepIntermediateFile){
61 | unsigned int N = strlen(source_path);
62 |
63 | printf("Start Deflation of %s\n",source_path);
64 |
65 | char* dest_path = new char[N+3];
66 | sprintf(dest_path,"%s.gz",source_path);
67 |
68 | FILE* source_stream = fopen(source_path,"rb");
69 | if(!source_stream){return false;}
70 |
71 | FILE* dest_stream = fopen(dest_path,"wb");
72 | if(!dest_stream){return false;}
73 |
74 | int returnedValue = FROG_ZLIB_Deflate(source_stream, dest_stream, 9);
75 |
76 | fclose(source_stream);
77 | fclose(dest_stream);
78 |
79 | if(returnedValue==Z_OK){
80 | printf("%s has been deflate corretly\n",source_path);
81 | printf("new name is %s\n",dest_path);
82 | if(!keepIntermediateFile && remove(source_path)!=0)perror( "Error deleting file" );
83 | return true;
84 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_MEM_ERROR){
85 | printf("### ERROR ### Not Enough Memory to deflate the file : %s\n",source_path);
86 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_STREAM_ERROR){
87 | printf("### ERROR ### Stream error during the deflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
88 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_VERSION_ERROR){
89 | printf("### ERROR ### Version error during the deflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
90 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_ERRNO){
91 | printf("### ERROR ### Reading/Writing error during the deflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
92 | }
93 |
94 | return false;
95 | }
96 |
97 |
98 | /* Compress from file source to file dest until EOF on source.
99 | def() returns Z_OK on success, Z_MEM_ERROR if memory could not be
100 | allocated for processing, Z_STREAM_ERROR if an invalid compression
101 | level is supplied, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the version of zlib.h and the
102 | version of the library linked do not match, or Z_ERRNO if there is
103 | an error reading or writing the files. */
104 | int FROG_ZLIB_Deflate(FILE* source, FILE* dest, int level)
105 | {
106 | int ret, flush;
107 | unsigned have;
108 | z_stream strm;
109 | unsigned char* in = new unsigned char [CHUNK];
110 | unsigned char* out= new unsigned char [CHUNK];
111 |
112 | /* allocate deflate state */
113 | strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
114 | strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
115 | strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
116 | // ret = deflateInit(&strm, level);
117 | ret = deflateInit2(&strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, 31, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
118 | if (ret != Z_OK)
119 | return ret;
120 |
121 | /* compress until end of file */
122 | do {
123 | strm.avail_in = fread(in, 1, CHUNK, source);
124 | if (ferror(source)) {
125 | (void)deflateEnd(&strm);
126 | return Z_ERRNO;
127 | }
128 | flush = feof(source) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH;
129 | strm.next_in = in;
130 |
131 | /* run deflate() on input until output buffer not full, finish
132 | compression if all of source has been read in */
133 | do {
134 | strm.avail_out = CHUNK;
135 | strm.next_out = out;
136 | ret = deflate(&strm, flush); /* no bad return value */
137 | assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR); /* state not clobbered */
138 | have = CHUNK - strm.avail_out;
139 | if (fwrite(out, 1, have, dest) != have || ferror(dest)) {
140 | (void)deflateEnd(&strm);
141 | return Z_ERRNO;
142 | }
143 | } while (strm.avail_out == 0);
144 | assert(strm.avail_in == 0); /* all input will be used */
145 |
146 | /* done when last data in file processed */
147 | } while (flush != Z_FINISH);
148 | assert(ret == Z_STREAM_END); /* stream will be complete */
149 |
150 | /* clean up and return */
151 | (void)deflateEnd(&strm);
152 | return Z_OK;
153 | }
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | bool FROG_ZLIB_Inflate(char* source_path, bool keepIntermediateFile){
159 | unsigned int N = strlen(source_path);
160 |
161 | if(!FROG_ZLIB_IsGZip(source_path))return false;
162 |
163 |
164 | char* dest_path = new char[N];
165 | strncpy(dest_path,source_path,N-3);
166 | dest_path[N-3] = '\0';
167 |
168 | // Check the dest file do not already exist!
169 | FILE* dest_stream = fopen(dest_path,"r");
170 | if(dest_stream){
171 | strcpy(source_path,dest_path);
172 | fclose(dest_stream);
173 | return true;
174 | }
175 |
176 | printf("Start Inflation of %s\n",source_path);
177 |
178 | FILE* src_stream = fopen(source_path,"rb");
179 | if(!src_stream){return false;}
180 |
181 | dest_stream = fopen(dest_path,"wb");
182 | if(!dest_stream){return false;}
183 |
184 | int returnedValue = FROG_ZLIB_Inflate(src_stream, dest_stream);
185 | fclose(src_stream);
186 | fclose(dest_stream);
187 |
188 | if(returnedValue==Z_OK){
189 | printf("File %s has been inflate corretly\n",source_path);
190 | printf("new name is %s\n",dest_path);
191 | if(!keepIntermediateFile && remove(source_path)!=0)perror( "Error deleting file" );
192 | strcpy(source_path,dest_path);
193 | return true;
194 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_MEM_ERROR){
195 | printf("### ERROR ### Not Enough Memory to inflate the file : %s\n",source_path);
196 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_STREAM_ERROR){
197 | printf("### ERROR ### Stream error during the inflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
198 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_VERSION_ERROR){
199 | printf("### ERROR ### Version error during the inflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
200 | }else if(returnedValue==Z_ERRNO){
201 | printf("### ERROR ### Reading/Writing error during the inflation of the file : %s\n",source_path);
202 | }else{
203 | printf("%i\n",returnedValue);
204 | }
205 |
206 | return false;
207 | }
208 |
209 | /* Decompress from file source to file dest until stream ends or EOF.
210 | inf() returns Z_OK on success, Z_MEM_ERROR if memory could not be
211 | allocated for processing, Z_DATA_ERROR if the deflate data is
212 | invalid or incomplete, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the version of zlib.h and
213 | the version of the library linked do not match, or Z_ERRNO if there
214 | is an error reading or writing the files. */
215 | int FROG_ZLIB_Inflate(FILE* source, FILE* dest)
216 | {
217 | int ret;
218 | unsigned have;
219 | z_stream strm;
220 | unsigned char* in = new unsigned char[CHUNK];
221 | unsigned char* out= new unsigned char[CHUNK];
222 |
223 | /* allocate inflate state */
224 | strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
225 | strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
226 | strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
227 | strm.avail_in = 0;
228 | strm.next_in = Z_NULL;
229 | //ret = inflateInit(&strm);
230 | ret = inflateInit2(&strm,31);
231 | if (ret != Z_OK)
232 | return ret;
233 |
234 | /* decompress until deflate stream ends or end of file */
235 | do {
236 | strm.avail_in = fread(in, 1, CHUNK, source);
237 | if (ferror(source)) {
238 | (void)inflateEnd(&strm);
239 | return Z_ERRNO;
240 | }
241 | if (strm.avail_in == 0)
242 | break;
243 | strm.next_in = in;
244 |
245 | /* run inflate() on input until output buffer not full */
246 | do {
247 | strm.avail_out = CHUNK;
248 | strm.next_out = out;
249 | ret = inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
250 | assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR); /* state not clobbered */
251 | switch (ret) {
252 | case Z_NEED_DICT:
253 | ret = Z_DATA_ERROR; /* and fall through */
254 | case Z_DATA_ERROR:
255 | case Z_MEM_ERROR:
256 | (void)inflateEnd(&strm);
257 | return ret;
258 | }
259 | have = CHUNK - strm.avail_out;
260 | if (fwrite(out, 1, have, dest) != have || ferror(dest)) {
261 | (void)inflateEnd(&strm);
262 | return Z_ERRNO;
263 | }
264 | } while (strm.avail_out == 0);
265 |
266 | /* done when inflate() says it's done */
267 | } while (ret != Z_STREAM_END);
268 |
269 | /* clean up and return */
270 | (void)inflateEnd(&strm);
271 | return ret == Z_STREAM_END ? Z_OK : Z_DATA_ERROR;
272 | }