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source: svn/trunk/Delphes.cpp@ 457

Last change on this file since 457 was 457, checked in by Xavier Rouby, 15 years ago

new class for inputing directly rootfiles from Delphes (with GEN tree)

File size: 35.3 KB
2** **
3** /----------------------------------------------\ **
4** | Delphes, a framework for the fast simulation | **
5** | of a generic collider experiment | **
6** \------------- arXiv:0903.2225v1 ------------/ **
7** **
8** **
9** This package uses: **
10** ------------------ **
11** ROOT: Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. A389 (1997) 81-86 **
12** FastJet algorithm: Phys. Lett. B641 (2006) [hep-ph/0512210] **
13** Hector: JINST 2:P09005 (2007) [physics.acc-ph:0707.1198v2] **
14** FROG: [hep-ex/0901.2718v1] **
15** HepMC: Comput. Phys. Commun.134 (2001) 41 **
16** **
17** ------------------------------------------------------------------ **
18** **
19** Main authors: **
20** ------------- **
21** **
22** Severine Ovyn Xavier Rouby **
23** xavier.rouby@cern **
24** **
25** Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) **
26** Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) **
27** Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium **
28** **
29** Copyright (C) 2008-2009, **
30** All rights reserved. **
31** **
34/// \file Delphes.cpp
35/// \brief Executable for Delphes
37#include "TChain.h"
38#include "TApplication.h"
39#include "TStopwatch.h"
40#include "TFile.h"
42#include "ExRootTreeReader.h"
43#include "ExRootTreeWriter.h"
44#include "ExRootTreeBranch.h"
45#include "ExRootProgressBar.h"
47#include "DataConverter.h"
48#include "LHEFConverter.h"
49#include "HepMCConverter.h"
50#include "HEPEVTConverter.h"
51#include "STDHEPConverter.h"
52#include "LHCOConverter.h"
53#include "DelphesRootConverter.h"
55#include "SmearUtil.h"
56#include "CaloUtil.h"
57#include "BFieldProp.h"
58#include "TriggerUtil.h"
59#include "VeryForward.h"
60#include "JetsUtil.h"
61#include "FrogUtil.h"
63#include <vector>
64#include <iostream>
66using namespace std;
69void todo(string filename) {
70 ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
71 cout << "** TODO list ..." << endl;
72 while(infile.good()) {
73 string temp;
74 getline(infile,temp);
75 cout << "*" << temp << endl;
76 }
77 cout << "** done...\n";
82int main(int argc, char *argv[])
85 int appargc = 2;
86 char *appName= new char[20];
87 char *appOpt= new char[20];
88 sprintf(appName,"Delphes");
89 sprintf(appOpt,"-b");
90 char *appargv[] = {appName,appOpt};
91 TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv);
92 delete [] appName;
93 delete [] appOpt;
95 if(argc != 3 && argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
96 cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file output_file [detector_card] [trigger_card] " << endl;
97 cout << " input_list - list of files in Ntpl, StdHep, HepMC or LHEF format," << endl;
98 cout << " output_file - output file." << endl;
99 cout << " detector_card - Datacard containing resolution variables for the detector simulation (optional) "<<endl;
100 cout << " trigger_card - Datacard containing the trigger algorithms (optional) "<<endl;
101 exit(1);
102 }
104 print_header();
106 // 1. ********** initialisation ***********
108 srand (time (NULL)); /* Initialisation du générateur */
109 TStopwatch globalwatch, loopwatch, triggerwatch, frogwatch, lhcowatch;
110 globalwatch.Start();
113 //read the output TROOT file
114 string inputFileList(argv[1]), outputfilename(argv[2]);
115 if(outputfilename.find(".root") > outputfilename.length()) {
116 cout <<"** ERROR: 'output_file' should be a .root file. Exiting... **"<< endl;
117 exit(1);
118 }
119 //create output log-file name
120 string forLog = outputfilename;
121 string LogName = forLog.erase(forLog.find(".root"));
122 LogName = LogName+"_run.log";
124 TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // Creates the file, but should be closed just after
125 outputFile->Close();
127 string line;
128 ifstream infile(inputFileList.c_str());
129 if(!infile.good()) {
130 cout << "** ERROR: Input list (" << left << setw(13) << inputFileList << ") not found. Exiting... **"<< endl;
131 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
132 exit(1);
133 }
134 infile >> line; // the first line determines the type of input files
136 //read the datacard input file
137 string DetDatacard("data/DetectorCard.dat"); //for detector smearing parameters
138 string TrigDatacard("data/TriggerCard.dat"); //for trigger selection
140 string lineCard1,lineCard2;
141 bool detecCard=false,trigCard=false;
142 if(argv[3])
143 {
144 ifstream infile1(argv[3]);
145 infile1 >> lineCard1; // the first line determines the type of input files
146 if(strstr(lineCard1.c_str(),"DETECTOR") && detecCard==true)
147 cerr <<"** ERROR: A DETECTOR card has already been loaded **"<< endl;
148 else if(strstr(lineCard1.c_str(),"DETECTOR") && detecCard==false){DetDatacard =argv[3]; detecCard=true;}
149 else if(strstr(lineCard1.c_str(),"TRIGGER") && trigCard==true)
150 cerr <<"** ERROR: A TRIGGER card has already been loaded **"<< endl;
151 else if(strstr(lineCard1.c_str(),"TRIGGER") && trigCard==false){TrigDatacard =argv[3]; trigCard=true;}
152 }
153 if(argv[4])
154 {
155 ifstream infile2(argv[4]);
156 infile2 >> lineCard2; // the first line determines the type of input files
157 if(strstr(lineCard2.c_str(),"DETECTOR") && detecCard==true)
158 cerr <<"** ERROR: A DETECTOR card has already been loaded **"<< endl;
159 else if(strstr(lineCard2.c_str(),"DETECTOR") && detecCard==false){DetDatacard =argv[4]; detecCard=true;}
160 else if(strstr(lineCard2.c_str(),"TRIGGER") && trigCard==true)
161 cerr <<"** ERROR: A TRIGGER card has already been loaded **"<< endl;
162 else if(strstr(lineCard2.c_str(),"TRIGGER") && trigCard==false){TrigDatacard =argv[4]; trigCard=true;}
163 }
165 //Smearing information
166 RESOLution *DET = new RESOLution();
168 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
169 cout <<"** ####### Start reading DETECTOR parameters ####### **"<< endl;
170 cout << left << setw(40) <<"** Opening configuration card: "<<""
171 << left << setw(27) << DetDatacard <<""
172 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<""<<endl;
173 DET->ReadDataCard(DetDatacard);
174 cout << left << setw(40) <<"** Parameters summarised in: "<<""
175 << left << setw(27) << LogName <<""
176 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<""<<endl;
177 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
178 DET->ReadParticleDataGroupTable();
179 // DET->PDGtable.print();
181 //Trigger information
182 cout <<"** ########### Start reading TRIGGER card ########## **"<< endl;
183 if(trigCard==false)
184 {
185 cout <<"** WARNING: Datacard not found, use default card **" << endl;
186 TrigDatacard="data/TriggerCard.dat";
187 }
188 TriggerTable *TRIGT = new TriggerTable();
189 TRIGT->TriggerCardReader(TrigDatacard.c_str());
190 TRIGT->PrintTriggerTable(LogName);
191 if(DET->FLAG_trigger == 1)
192 {
193 cout << left << setw(40) <<"** Opening configuration card: "<<""
194 << left << setw(27) << TrigDatacard <<""
195 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<""<<endl;
196 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
197 }
199 // Logfile
200 DET->setNames(inputFileList,DetDatacard,TrigDatacard);
201 DET->Logfile(LogName);
203 //Propagation of tracks in the B field
204 TrackPropagation *TRACP = new TrackPropagation(DET);
206 //Jet information
207 JetsUtil *JETRUN = new JetsUtil(DET);
209 //VFD information
210 VeryForward * VFD = new VeryForward(DET);
212 // data converters
213 cout <<"** **"<<endl;
214 cout <<"** ####### Start conversion to TRoot format ######## **"<< endl;
216 if(line.rfind(".hepmc") < line.length())
217 {
218 cout <<"** HepMC ASCII file format detected **"<<endl;
219 cout <<"** This can take several minutes **"<< endl;
220 HepMCConverter converter(inputFileList,outputfilename,DET->PDGtable,DET->NEvents);
221 }
222 else if(line.rfind(".hep") < line.length())
223 {
224 cout <<"** StdHEP file format detected **"<<endl;
225 cout <<"** This can take several minutes **"<< endl;
226 STDHEPConverter converter(inputFileList,outputfilename,DET->PDGtable,DET->NEvents);
227 }
228 else if(line.rfind(".lhe") < line.length())
229 {
230 cout <<"** LHEF file format detected **"<<endl;
231 cout <<"** This can take several minutes **"<< endl;
232 LHEFConverter converter(inputFileList,outputfilename,DET->PDGtable,DET->NEvents);
233 }
234 else if(line.rfind(".root") < line.length())
235 // can be either a root file from h2root (i.e. with "h101" tree)
236 // or a root file from Delphes (i.e. with "GEN" tree)
237 {
238 TFile f(line.c_str());
239 if (f.FindKey("GEN")) {
240 cout <<"** Delphes ROOT file format detected **"<<endl;
241 cout <<"** This can take several minutes **"<< endl;
242 DelphesRootConverter converter(inputFileList,outputfilename,DET->NEvents);
243 }
244 else
245 if (f.FindKey("h101")) {
246 cout <<"** h2root file format detected **"<<endl;
247 cout <<"** This can take several minutes **"<< endl;
248 HEPEVTConverter converter(inputFileList,outputfilename,DET->PDGtable,DET->NEvents);
249 }
250 else {
251 cerr << left << setw(4) <<"** "<<""
252 << left << setw(63) << line.c_str() <<""
253 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<endl;
254 cerr <<"** ERROR: File format not identified -- Exiting... **"<< endl;
255 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
256 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
257 return -1;
258 } // not found any interesting input tree
259 f.Close();
260 } // .root file
261 else {
262 cerr << left << setw(4) <<"** "<<""
263 << left << setw(63) << line.c_str() <<""
264 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<endl;
265 cerr <<"** ERROR: File format not identified -- Exiting... **"<< endl;
266 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
267 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
268 return -1;};
269 cout <<"** Exiting conversion... **"<< endl;
271 TChain chain("GEN");
272 chain.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
273 ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&chain);
274 const TClonesArray *branchGen = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle");
276 TIter itGen((TCollection*)branchGen);
278 //Output file : contents of the analysis object data
279 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Analysis");
280 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTauJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJet", TRootTauJet::Class());
281 ExRootTreeBranch *branchJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("Jet", TRootJet::Class());
282 ExRootTreeBranch *branchElectron = treeWriter->NewBranch("Electron", TRootElectron::Class());
283 ExRootTreeBranch *branchMuon = treeWriter->NewBranch("Muon", TRootMuon::Class());
284 ExRootTreeBranch *branchPhoton = treeWriter->NewBranch("Photon", TRootPhoton::Class());
285 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTrack = treeWriter->NewBranch("Tracks", TRootTracks::Class());
286 ExRootTreeBranch *branchETmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmis", TRootETmis::Class());
287 ExRootTreeBranch *branchCalo = treeWriter->NewBranch("CaloTower", TRootCalo::Class());
288 ExRootTreeBranch *branchZDC = treeWriter->NewBranch("ZDChits", TRootZdcHits::Class());
289 ExRootTreeBranch *branchRP220 = treeWriter->NewBranch("RP220hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
290 //ExRootTreeBranch *branchFP420 = treeWriter->NewBranch("FP420hits", TRootForwardTaggerHits::Class());
291 ExRootTreeBranch *branchFP420 = treeWriter->NewBranch("FP420hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
293 TRootETmis *elementEtmis;
294 TRootElectron *elementElec;
295 TRootMuon *elementMu;
296 TRootPhoton *elementPhoton;
297 TRootTracks * elementTrack;
298 TRootCalo *elementCalo;
300 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum at the vertex
301 TLorentzVector genMomentumBfield(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum at the exit of the tracks
302 TLorentzVector momentumCaloSegmentation(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum in the calo, after applying the calo segmentation
303 LorentzVector jetMomentum;
305 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particles;//for FastJet algorithm
306 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jets;
307 vector<TRootTracks> TrackCentral;
308 vector<PhysicsTower> towers;
309 vector<D_Particle> electron;
310 vector<D_Particle> muon;
311 vector<D_Particle> gamma;
313 vector<int> NTrackJet;
315 TSimpleArray<TRootC::GenParticle> NFCentralQ;
317 D_CaloList list_of_calorimeters;
318 D_CaloElement CentralCalo("centralcalo",
319 -DET->CEN_max_calo_cen, DET->CEN_max_calo_cen,
320 DET->ELG_Ccen, DET->ELG_Ncen, DET->ELG_Scen,
321 DET->HAD_Chcal, DET->HAD_Nhcal, DET->HAD_Shcal);
322 D_CaloElement ForwardCalo("forwardcalo",
323 DET->CEN_max_calo_cen, DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd,
324 DET->ELG_Cfwd, DET->ELG_Nfwd, DET->ELG_Sfwd,
325 DET->HAD_Chf, DET->HAD_Nhf, DET->HAD_Shf );
326 D_CaloElement BackwardCalo("backwardcalo",
327 -DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd, -DET->CEN_max_calo_cen,
328 DET->ELG_Cfwd, DET->ELG_Nfwd, DET->ELG_Sfwd,
329 DET->HAD_Chf, DET->HAD_Nhf, DET->HAD_Shf );
330 //D_CaloElement CastorCalo("castor",5.5,6.6,1,0,0,1,0,0);
331 list_of_calorimeters.addElement(CentralCalo);
332 list_of_calorimeters.addElement(ForwardCalo);
333 list_of_calorimeters.addElement(BackwardCalo);
334 //list_of_calorimeters.addElement(CastorCalo);
335 list_of_calorimeters.sortElements();
338 // 2. ********** Loop over all events ***********
339 Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries();
340 cout <<"** **"<<endl;
341 cout <<"** ####### Start fast detector simulation ######## **"<< endl;
342 cout << left << setw(52) <<"** Total number of events to run: "<<""
343 << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<""
344 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<endl;
346 ExRootProgressBar *Progress = new ExRootProgressBar(allEntries);
348 loopwatch.Start();
350 // loop on all events
351 for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry)
352 {
353 Progress->Update(entry);
354 TLorentzVector PTmis(0,0,0,0);
355 treeReader->ReadEntry(entry);
356 treeWriter->Clear();
358 electron.clear();
359 muon.clear();
360 gamma.clear();
361 NFCentralQ.Clear();
363 TrackCentral.clear();
364 towers.clear();
365 input_particles.clear();
366 NTrackJet.clear();
368 // 'list_of_active_towers' contains the exact list of calorimetric towers which have some deposits inside (E>0).
369 // The towers of this list will be smeared according to the calo resolution, afterwards
370 D_CaloTowerList list_of_active_towers;
372 // 'list_of_towers_with_photon' and 'list_of_centowers_with_neutrals' are list of towers, whose energy is **not** computed.
373 // They are only used to store the eta/phi of some towers, in order to search later inside 'list_of_active_towers'.
374 // 'list_of_towers_with_photon' contains the towers hit by photons only
375 // 'list_of_centowers_with_neutrals' is used to the jet-E-flow calculation: contains the towers with eta < CEN_max_tracker,
376 // i.e. towers behind the tracker.
377 D_CaloTowerList list_of_towers_with_photon; // to speed up the code: will only look in interesting towers for gamma candidates
379 D_CaloTowerList list_of_centowers_with_neutrals; // list of towers with neutral particles : for jet E-flow
380 float etamax_calocoverage_behindtracker = DET->CEN_max_tracker; // finds the extension in eta of the furthest
381 for (unsigned int i=1; i< DET->TOWER_number+1; i++) { // cell (at least) partially behind the tracker
382 if(DET->TOWER_eta_edges[i] > DET->CEN_max_tracker) break;
383 etamax_calocoverage_behindtracker = DET->TOWER_eta_edges[i];
384 }
385 // 2.1a Loop over all particles in event, to fill the towers
386 itGen.Reset();
387 TRootC::GenParticle *particleG;
388 while( (particleG = (TRootC::GenParticle*) itGen.Next()) )
389 {
390 TRootGenParticle *particle = new TRootGenParticle(particleG);
391 PdgParticle pdg_part = DET->PDGtable[particle->PID];
392 particle->Charge = pdg_part.charge();
393 particle->M = pdg_part.mass();
394 //particle->Charge=ChargeVal(particle->PID);
395 particle->setFractions(); // init
396 int pid = abs(particle->PID);
398 // 2.1a.1********************* preparation for the b-tagging
399 //// This subarray is needed for the B-jet algorithm
400 // optimization for speed : put first PID condition, then ETA condition, then either pt or status
401 if( (pid <= pB || pid == pGLUON) &&// is it a light quark or a gluon, i.e. is it one of these : u,d,c,s,b,g ?
402 fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->CEN_max_tracker &&
403 particle->Status != 1 &&
404 particle->PT > DET->PT_QUARKS_MIN )
405 {
406 NFCentralQ.Add(particleG);
407 }
409 // 2.1a.2********************* visible particles only
410 if( (particle->Status == 1) && (pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3) )
411 {
412 // 2.1a.2.1 Central solenoidal magnetic field
413 TRACP->bfield(particle); // fills in particle->EtaCalo et particle->PhiCalo
414 // 2.1a.2.2 Filling the calorimetric towers -- includes also forward detectors ?
415 // first checks if the charged particles reach the calo!
416 if( DET->FLAG_bfield ||
417 particle->Charge==0 ||
418 (!DET->FLAG_bfield && particle->Charge!=0 && particle->PT > DET->TRACK_ptmin))
419 if(
420 (particle->EtaCalo > list_of_calorimeters.getEtamin() ) &&
421 (particle->EtaCalo < list_of_calorimeters.getEtamax() )
422 )
423 {
424 float iEta=UNDEFINED, iPhi=UNDEFINED;
425 DET->BinEtaPhi(particle->PhiCalo,particle->EtaCalo,iPhi,iEta); // fills in iPhi and iEta
426 if (iEta != UNDEFINED && iPhi != UNDEFINED)
427 {
428 D_CaloTower tower(iEta,iPhi); // new tower
429 tower.Set_Eem_Ehad_E_ET(particle->E*particle->getFem() , particle->E*particle->getFhad() );
430 list_of_active_towers.addTower(tower);
431 // this list may contain several times the same calotower, as several particles
432 // may leave some energy in the same calotower
433 // After the loop on particles, identical cells in the list should be merged
434 } // iEta and iPhi must be defined
435 }
437 // 2.1a.2.3 charged particles in tracker: energy flow
438 // if bfield not simulated, pt should be high enough to be taken into account
439 // it is supposed here that DET->MAX_calo > DET->CEN_max_tracker > DET->CEN_max_mu > 0
440 if( particle->Charge !=0 &&
441 fabs(particle->EtaCalo)< DET->CEN_max_tracker && // stays in the tracker -> track available
442 ( DET->FLAG_bfield ||
443 (!DET->FLAG_bfield && particle->PT > DET->TRACK_ptmin)
444 )
445 )
446 {
447 // 2.1a.2.3.1 Filling the particle properties + smearing
448 // Hypothesis: the final eta/phi are the ones from the generator, thanks to the track reconstruction
449 // This is the EnergyFlow hypothesis
450 particle->SetEtaPhi(particle->Eta,particle->Phi);
451 float sET=UNDEFINED; // smeared ET, computed from the smeared E -> needed for the tracks
453 // 2.1a.2.3.2 Muons
454 if (pid == pMU && fabs(particle->EtaCalo)< DET->CEN_max_mu)
455 {
456 TLorentzVector p;
457 float sPT = gRandom->Gaus(particle->PT, DET->MU_SmearPt*particle->PT );
458 if (sPT > 0 && sPT > DET->PTCUT_muon)
459 {
460 p.SetPtEtaPhiE(sPT,particle->Eta,particle->Phi,sPT*cosh(particle->Eta));
461 muon.push_back(D_Particle(p,particle->PID,particle->EtaCalo,particle->PhiCalo));
462 }
463 sET = (sPT >0)? sPT : 0;
464 }
465 // 2.1a.2.3.3 Electrons
466 else if (pid == pE)
467 {
468 // Finds in which calorimeter the particle has gone, to know its resolution
470 D_CaloElement currentCalo = list_of_calorimeters.getElement(particle->EtaCalo);
471 if(currentCalo.getName() == dummyCalo.getName())
472 {
473 cout << "** Warning: the calo coverage behind the tracker is not complete! **" << endl;
474 }
476 // final smeared EM energy // electromagnetic fraction F_em =1 for electrons;
477 float sE = currentCalo.getElectromagneticResolution().Smear(particle->E);
478 if (sE>0)
479 {
480 sET = sE/cosh(particle->Eta);
481 // NB: ET is found via the calorimetry and not via the track curvature
483 TLorentzVector p;
484 p.SetPtEtaPhiE(sET,particle->Eta,particle->Phi,sE);
485 if (sET > DET->PTCUT_elec)
486 electron.push_back(D_Particle(p,particle->PID,particle->EtaCalo,particle->PhiCalo));
487 //if(DET->JET_Eflow) input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p.Px(),p.Py(),p.Pz(),p.E()));
488 }
489 else { sET=0;} // if negative smeared energy -- needed for the tracks
490 }
491 // 2.1a.2.3.4 Other charged particles : smear them for the tracks!
492 else
493 { //other particles
494 D_CaloElement currentCalo = list_of_calorimeters.getElement(particle->EtaCalo);
495 float sEem = currentCalo.getElectromagneticResolution().Smear(particle->E * particle->getFem());
496 float sEhad = currentCalo.getHadronicResolution().Smear(particle->E * particle->getFhad());
497 float sE = ( (sEem>0)? sEem : 0 ) + ( (sEhad>0)? sEhad : 0 );
498 sET = sE/cosh(particle->EtaCalo);
499 }
501 // 2.1a.2.3.5 Tracks
502 if( (rand()%100) < DET->TRACK_eff && sET!=0)
503 {
504 elementTrack = (TRootTracks*) branchTrack->NewEntry();
505 elementTrack->Set(particle->Eta, particle->Phi, particle->EtaCalo, particle->PhiCalo, sET, particle->Charge);
506 TrackCentral.push_back(*elementTrack); // tracks at vertex!
507 if(DET->JET_Eflow)
508 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(particle->Px,particle->Py,particle->Pz,particle->E));
509 // TODO!!! apply a smearing on the position of the origin of the track
510 // TODO!!! elementTracks->SetPositionOut(Xout,Yout,Zout);
511 }
512 } // 2.1a.2.3 : if tracker/energy-flow
513 // 2.1a.2.4 Photons
514 // stays in the tracker -> track available -> gamma ID
515 else if( (pid == pGAMMA) && fabs(particle->EtaCalo)< DET->CEN_max_tracker )
516 {
517 float iEta=UNDEFINED, iPhi=UNDEFINED;
518 DET->BinEtaPhi(particle->PhiCalo,particle->EtaCalo,iPhi,iEta); // fills in iPhi and iEta
519 D_CaloTower tower(iEta,iPhi);
520 // stores the list of towers where to apply the photon ID algorithm. Just a trick for a faster search
521 list_of_towers_with_photon.addTower(tower);
522 }
523 // 2.1a.2.5 Neutrals within tracker -- for jet energy flow
524 else if( particle->Charge ==0 && fabs(particle->EtaCalo)< etamax_calocoverage_behindtracker)
525 {
526 float iEta=UNDEFINED, iPhi=UNDEFINED;
527 DET->BinEtaPhi(particle->PhiCalo,particle->EtaCalo,iPhi,iEta); // fills in iPhi and iEta
528 D_CaloTower tower(iEta,iPhi);
529 list_of_centowers_with_neutrals.addTower(tower);
530 }
531 // 2.1a.2.6 : very forward detectors
532 else
533 {
534 if (DET->FLAG_RP==1)
535 {
536 // for the moment, only protons are transported
537 // BUT !!! could be a beam of other particles! (heavy ions?)
538 // BUT ALSO !!! if very forward muons, or others!
539 VFD->RomanPots(treeWriter,branchRP220,branchFP420,particle);
540 }
541 // 2.1a.2.6: Zero degree calorimeter
542 if(DET->FLAG_vfd==1)
543 {
544 VFD->ZDC(treeWriter,branchZDC,particle);
545 }
546 }
548 } // 2.1a.2 : if visible particle
549 delete particle;
550 }// loop on all particles 2.1a
552 // 2.1b loop on all (activated) towers
553 // at this stage, list_of_active_towers may contain several times the same tower
554 // first step is to merge identical towers, by matching their (iEta,iPhi)
556 list_of_active_towers.sortElements();
557 list_of_active_towers.mergeDuplicates();
559 // Calotower smearing
560 list_of_active_towers.smearTowers(list_of_calorimeters);
562 for(unsigned int i=0; i<list_of_active_towers.size(); i++)
563 {
564 float iEta = list_of_active_towers[i].getEta();
565 float iPhi = list_of_active_towers[i].getPhi();
566 float e = list_of_active_towers[i].getE();
567 if(iEta != UNDEFINED && iPhi != UNDEFINED && e!=0)
568 {
569 elementCalo = (TRootCalo*) branchCalo->NewEntry();
570 elementCalo->set(list_of_active_towers[i]);
571 // not beautiful : should be improved!
572 TLorentzVector p;
573 p.SetPtEtaPhiE(list_of_active_towers[i].getET(), iEta, iPhi, e );
574 PhysicsTower Tower(LorentzVector(p.Px(),p.Py(),p.Pz(),p.E()));
575 towers.push_back(Tower);
576 }
577 } // loop on towers
579 // 2.1c photon ID
580 // list_of_towers_with_photon is the list of towers with photon candidates
581 // already smeared !
582 // sorts the vector and smears duplicates
583 list_of_towers_with_photon.mergeDuplicates();
584 for(unsigned int i=0; i<list_of_towers_with_photon.size(); i++) {
585 float eta = list_of_towers_with_photon[i].getEta();
586 float phi = list_of_towers_with_photon[i].getPhi();
587 D_CaloTower cal(list_of_active_towers.getElement(eta,phi)); //// <---------- buh???????
588 if(cal.getEta() != UNDEFINED && cal.getPhi() != UNDEFINED && cal.getE() > 0)
589 {
590 TLorentzVector p;
591 p.SetPtEtaPhiE(cal.getET(), eta,phi,cal.getE() );
592 if (cal.getET() > DET->PTCUT_gamma) { gamma.push_back(D_Particle(p,pGAMMA,p.Eta(),p.Phi())); }
593 }
594 } // for -- list of photons
596 // 2.1d jet-E-flow -- taking into account the neutrals within tracker
597 if(DET->JET_Eflow) {
598 list_of_centowers_with_neutrals.mergeDuplicates();
599 for(unsigned int i=0; i<list_of_centowers_with_neutrals.size(); i++) {
600 float eta = list_of_centowers_with_neutrals[i].getEta();
601 float phi = list_of_centowers_with_neutrals[i].getPhi();
602 D_CaloTower cal(list_of_active_towers.getElement(eta,phi));
603 if(cal.getEta() != UNDEFINED && cal.getPhi() != UNDEFINED && cal.getE() > 0)
604 {
605 TLorentzVector p;
606 p.SetPtEtaPhiE(cal.getET(), eta,phi,cal.getE() );
607 //cout << "**************list: " << p.Px() << " " << p.Py() << " " << p.Pz() << " " << p.E() << endl;
608 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p.Px(),p.Py(),p.Pz(),p.E()));
609 }
610 } // for - list_of_centowers
611 } // JET_Eflow
613 // 2.2 ********** Output preparation & complex objects ***********
614 // 2.2.1 ********************* sorting collections by decreasing pt
615 DET->SortedVector(electron);
616 float iPhiEl=0,iEtaEl=0,ptisoEl=0;
617 for(unsigned int i=0; i < electron.size(); i++)
618 {
619 elementElec = (TRootElectron*) branchElectron->NewEntry();
620 elementElec->Set(electron[i].Px(),electron[i].Py(),electron[i].Pz(),electron[i].E());
621 elementElec->EtaCalo = electron[i].EtaCalo();
622 elementElec->PhiCalo = electron[i].PhiCalo();
623 elementElec->Charge = sign(electron[i].PID());
624 elementElec->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(electron[i],TrackCentral,DET->ISOL_PT,DET->ISOL_Cone,ptisoEl);
625 elementElec->IsolPt = ptisoEl;
626 DET->BinEtaPhi(elementElec->PhiCalo,elementElec->EtaCalo,iPhiEl,iEtaEl);
627 D_CaloTower calElec(list_of_active_towers.getElement(iEtaEl,iPhiEl));
628 elementElec->EHoverEE = calElec.getEhad()/calElec.getEem();
629 }
631 DET->SortedVector(muon);
632 float iPhiMu=0,iEtaMu=0,ptisoMu=0;
633 for(unsigned int i=0; i < muon.size(); i++)
634 {
635 elementMu = (TRootMuon*) branchMuon->NewEntry();
636 elementMu->Charge = sign(muon[i].PID());
637 elementMu->Set(muon[i].Px(),muon[i].Py(),muon[i].Pz(),muon[i].E());
638 elementMu->EtaCalo = muon[i].EtaCalo();
639 elementMu->PhiCalo = muon[i].PhiCalo();
640 elementMu->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(muon[i],TrackCentral,DET->ISOL_PT,DET->ISOL_Cone,ptisoMu);
641 elementMu->IsolPt = ptisoMu;
642 DET->BinEtaPhi(elementMu->PhiCalo,elementMu->EtaCalo,iPhiMu,iEtaMu);
643 D_CaloTower calMuon(list_of_active_towers.getElement(iEtaMu,iPhiMu));
644 if( calMuon.getEem() !=0 ) elementMu->EHoverEE = calMuon.getEhad()/calMuon.getEem();
645 else elementMu->EHoverEE = UNDEFINED;
646 elementMu->EtRatio = DET->CaloIsolation(muon[i], list_of_active_towers,iPhiMu,iEtaMu);
647 }
649 DET->SortedVector(gamma);
650 for(unsigned int i=0; i < gamma.size(); i++)
651 {
652 elementPhoton = (TRootPhoton*) branchPhoton->NewEntry();
653 elementPhoton->Set(gamma[i].Px(),gamma[i].Py(),gamma[i].Pz(),gamma[i].E());
654 D_CaloTower calGamma(list_of_active_towers.getElement(gamma[i].EtaCalo(),gamma[i].PhiCalo()));
655 elementPhoton->EHoverEE = calGamma.getEhad()/calGamma.getEem();
656 }
658 // 2.2.2 ************* computes the Missing Transverse Momentum
659 TLorentzVector Att(0.,0.,0.,0.);
660 for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++)
661 {
662 Att.SetPxPyPzE(towers[i].fourVector.px, towers[i], towers[i].fourVector.pz, towers[i].fourVector.E);
663 if(fabs(Att.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd)
664 {
665 PTmis = PTmis + Att;
666 // create a fastjet::PseudoJet with these components and put it onto
667 // back of the input_particles vector
668 if(!DET->JET_Eflow)
669 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i],towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E));
670 else { if(fabs(Att.Eta()) > DET->CEN_max_tracker)
671 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i],towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E));
672 }
673 }
674 }
675 elementEtmis = (TRootETmis*) branchETmis->NewEntry();
676 elementEtmis->ET = (PTmis).Pt();
677 elementEtmis->Phi = (-PTmis).Phi();
678 elementEtmis->Px = (-PTmis).Px();
679 elementEtmis->Py = (-PTmis).Py();
681 // 2.2.3 ************* jets, B-tag, tau jets
682 vector<int> NTrackJet; //for number of tracks
683 vector<float> EHADEEM; //for energyHad over energyEm
684 sorted_jets=JETRUN->RunJets(input_particles, TrackCentral,NTrackJet,EHADEEM,list_of_active_towers);
685 JETRUN->RunJetBtagging(treeWriter, branchJet,sorted_jets,NFCentralQ,NTrackJet,EHADEEM);
686 JETRUN->RunTauJets(treeWriter,branchTauJet,sorted_jets,towers, TrackCentral,NTrackJet,EHADEEM);
688 treeWriter->Fill();
689 } // 2. Loop over all events ('for' loop)
691 cout <<"** Exiting detector simulation... **"<< endl;
694 treeWriter->Write();
695 delete treeWriter;
696 loopwatch.Stop();
700 // 3. ********** Trigger & Frog ***********
701 // 3.1 ************ running the trigger in case the FLAG trigger is put to 1 in the datacard
702 triggerwatch.Start();
703 if(DET->FLAG_trigger == 1)
704 {
705 cout <<"** **"<<endl;
706 cout <<"** ########### Start Trigger selection ########### **"<< endl;
708 // input
709 TChain chainT("Analysis");
710 chainT.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
711 ExRootTreeReader *treeReaderT = new ExRootTreeReader(&chainT);
713 // output
714 TClonesArray *branchElecTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Electron");
715 TClonesArray *branchMuonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Muon");
716 TClonesArray *branchJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Jet");
717 TClonesArray *branchTauJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("TauJet");
718 TClonesArray *branchPhotonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Photon");
719 TClonesArray *branchETmisTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("ETmis");
721 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriterT = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Trigger");
722 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTrigger = treeWriterT->NewBranch("TrigResult", TRootTrigger::Class());
725 Long64_t entryT, allEntriesT = treeReaderT->GetEntries();
726 // loop on all entries
727 for(entryT = 0; entryT < allEntriesT; ++entryT) {
728 treeWriterT->Clear();
729 treeReaderT->ReadEntry(entryT);
730 TRIGT->GetGlobalResult(branchElecTrig, branchMuonTrig,branchJetTrig, branchTauJetTrig,branchPhotonTrig, branchETmisTrig,branchTrigger);
731 treeWriterT->Fill();
732 } // loop on all entries
733 cout <<"** Exiting trigger simulation... **"<< endl;
735 treeWriterT->Write();
736 delete treeWriterT;
737 delete treeReaderT;
738 } // trigger
739 triggerwatch.Stop();
742 // 3.2 ************** FROG display
743 frogwatch.Start();
744 if(DET->FLAG_frog == 1) {
745 cout <<"** **"<<endl;
746 cout <<"** ################## Start FROG ################# **"<< endl;
748 FrogDisplay *FROG = new FrogDisplay(DET);
749 FROG->BuildEvents(outputfilename);
750 FROG->BuildGeom();
751 delete FROG;
752 cout <<"** Exiting FROG preparation... **"<< endl;
753 }
754 frogwatch.Stop();
756 // 3.3 *************** LHCO output
757 lhcowatch.Start();
758 if(DET->FLAG_lhco == 1){
759 cout <<"** **"<<endl;
760 cout <<"** ############ Start LHCO conversion ############ **"<< endl;
762 //LHCOConverter *LHCO = new LHCOConverter(outputfilename,LogNameLHCO);
763 LHCOConverter *LHCO = new LHCOConverter(outputfilename,"");
764 LHCO->CopyRunLogFile();
765 LHCO->ConvertExRootAnalysisToLHCO();
766 delete LHCO;
767 cout <<"** Exiting LHCO conversion... **"<< endl;
768 }
769 lhcowatch.Stop();
773 // 4. ********** End & Exit ***********
775 globalwatch.Stop();
776 time_report(globalwatch,loopwatch,triggerwatch,frogwatch,lhcowatch,DET->FLAG_frog,DET->FLAG_trigger,DET->FLAG_lhco,LogName,allEntries);
778 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
779 cout <<"** Exiting Delphes ... **"<< endl;
780 cout <<"** **"<< endl;
781 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
782 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl;
784 delete treeReader;
785 delete DET;
786 delete TRIGT;
787 delete TRACP;
788 delete JETRUN;
789 delete VFD;
791 // todo("TODO");
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