1 | /*
2 | ---- Delphes ----
3 | A Fast Simulator for general purpose LHC detector
4 | S. Ovyn ~~~~ severine.ovyn@uclouvain.be
5 |
6 | Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3)
7 | Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
8 | Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
9 | */
10 |
11 | /// \file Delphes.cpp
12 | /// \brief executable for the Delphes
13 |
14 | #include "TChain.h"
15 | #include "TApplication.h"
16 | #include "TStopwatch.h"
17 |
18 | #include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeReader.h"
19 | #include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeWriter.h"
20 | #include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeBranch.h"
21 |
22 | #include "interface/DataConverter.h"
23 | #include "interface/HEPEVTConverter.h"
24 | #include "interface/LHEFConverter.h"
25 | #include "interface/STDHEPConverter.h"
26 |
27 | #include "interface/SmearUtil.h"
28 | #include "interface/BFieldProp.h"
29 | #include "interface/TriggerUtil.h"
30 | #include "interface/VeryForward.h"
31 | #include "interface/JetUtils.h"
32 | #include "interface/FrogUtil.h"
33 |
34 | #include <vector>
35 | #include <iostream>
36 |
37 | using namespace std;
38 |
39 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 | void todo(string filename) {
41 | ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
42 | cout << "** TODO list ..." << endl;
43 | while(infile.good()) {
44 | string temp;
45 | getline(infile,temp);
46 | cout << "*" << temp << endl;
47 | }
48 | cout << "** done...\n";
49 | }
50 |
51 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 |
53 | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
54 | {
55 | int appargc = 2;
56 | char *appName = "Delphes";
57 | char *appargv[] = {appName, "-b"};
58 | TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv);
59 |
60 | if(argc != 4 && argc != 3 && argc != 5) {
61 | cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file output_file [detector_card] [trigger_card] " << endl;
62 | cout << " input_list - list of files in Ntpl, StdHep of LHEF format," << endl;
63 | cout << " output_file - output file." << endl;
64 | cout << " detector_card - Datacard containing resolution variables for the detector simulation (optional) "<<endl;
65 | cout << " trigger_card - Datacard containing the trigger algorithms (optional) "<<endl;
66 | exit(1);
67 | }
68 |
69 | // 1. ********** initialisation ***********
70 |
71 | srand (time (NULL)); /* Initialisation du générateur */
72 | TStopwatch globalwatch, loopwatch, triggerwatch, frogwatch;
73 | globalwatch.Start();
74 |
75 |
76 | //read the input TROOT file
77 | string inputFileList(argv[1]), outputfilename(argv[2]);
78 | if(outputfilename.find(".root") > outputfilename.length() ) {
79 | cout << "output_file should be a .root file!\n";
80 | exit(1);
81 | }
82 | //create output log-file name
83 | string forLog = outputfilename;
84 | string LogName = forLog.erase(forLog.find(".root"));
85 | LogName = LogName+"_run.log";
86 |
87 | TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // Creates the file, but should be closed just after
88 | outputFile->Close();
89 |
90 | string line;
91 | ifstream infile(inputFileList.c_str());
92 | infile >> line; // the first line determines the type of input files
93 |
94 | //read the datacard input file
95 | string DetDatacard("");
96 | if(argc>=4) DetDatacard =argv[3];
97 |
98 | //Smearing information
99 | RESOLution *DET = new RESOLution();
100 | DET->ReadDataCard(DetDatacard);
101 | DET->Logfile(LogName);
102 |
103 | //read the trigger input file
104 | string TrigDatacard("data/trigger.dat");
105 | if(argc==5) TrigDatacard =argv[4];
106 |
107 | //Trigger information
108 | TriggerTable *TRIGT = new TriggerTable();
109 | TRIGT->TriggerCardReader(TrigDatacard.c_str());
110 | TRIGT->PrintTriggerTable(LogName);
111 |
112 | //Propagation of tracks in the B field
113 | TrackPropagation *TRACP = new TrackPropagation(DetDatacard);
114 |
115 | //Jet information
116 | JetsUtil *JETRUN = new JetsUtil(DetDatacard);
117 |
118 | //VFD information
119 | VeryForward * VFD = new VeryForward(DetDatacard);
120 |
121 | // data converters
122 | DataConverter *converter=0;
123 |
124 | if(strstr(line.c_str(),".hep"))
125 | {
126 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
127 | cout<<"#********** StdHEP file format detected *************"<<endl;
128 | cout<<"#*********** Starting convertion to TRoot format **************"<<endl;
129 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
130 | converter = new STDHEPConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
131 | }
132 | else if(strstr(line.c_str(),".lhe"))
133 | {
134 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
135 | cout<<"#*********** LHEF file format detected ************"<<endl;
136 | cout<<"#*********** Starting convertion to TRoot format ************"<<endl;
137 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
138 | converter = new LHEFConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
139 | }
140 | else if(strstr(line.c_str(),".root"))
141 | {
142 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
143 | cout<<"#********** h2root file format detected *************"<<endl;
144 | cout<<"#********** Starting convertion to TRoot format *************"<<endl;
145 | cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
146 | converter = new HEPEVTConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
147 | }
148 | else { cout << "*** " << line.c_str() << "\n*** file format not identified\n*** Exiting\n"; return -1;};
149 |
150 | TChain chain("GEN");
151 | chain.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
152 | ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&chain);
153 | const TClonesArray *branchGen = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle");
154 | TIter itGen((TCollection*)branchGen);
155 |
156 | //Output file : contents of the analysis object data
157 | ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Analysis");
158 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("Jet", TRootJet::Class());
159 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchTauJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJet", TRootTauJet::Class());
160 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchElectron = treeWriter->NewBranch("Electron", TRootElectron::Class());
161 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchMuon = treeWriter->NewBranch("Muon", TRootMuon::Class());
162 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchPhoton = treeWriter->NewBranch("Photon", TRootPhoton::Class());
163 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchTracks = treeWriter->NewBranch("Tracks", TRootTracks::Class());
164 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchETmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmis", TRootETmis::Class());
165 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchCalo = treeWriter->NewBranch("CaloTower", TRootCalo::Class());
166 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchZDC = treeWriter->NewBranch("ZDChits", TRootZdcHits::Class());
167 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchRP220 = treeWriter->NewBranch("RP220hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
168 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchFP420 = treeWriter->NewBranch("FP420hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
169 |
170 | TRootGenParticle *particle;
171 | TRootETmis *elementEtmis;
172 | TRootElectron *elementElec;
173 | TRootMuon *elementMu;
174 | TRootPhoton *elementPhoton;
175 | TRootTracks *elementTracks;
176 | TRootCalo *elementCalo;
177 |
178 | TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum at the vertex
179 | TLorentzVector genMomentumBfield(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum at the exit of the tracks
180 | TLorentzVector momentumCaloSegmentation(0,0,0,0); // four-momentum in the calo, after applying the calo segmentation
181 | LorentzVector jetMomentum;
182 |
183 | vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particles;//for FastJet algorithm
184 | vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jets;
185 | vector<TLorentzVector> TrackCentral;
186 | vector<PhysicsTower> towers;
187 | vector<ParticleUtil> electron;
188 | vector<ParticleUtil> muon;
189 | vector<ParticleUtil> gamma;
190 |
191 | TSimpleArray<TRootGenParticle> NFCentralQ;
192 | float iPhi=0,iEta=0;
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 | // 2. ********** Loop over all events ***********
197 | Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries();
198 | cout << "** The input list contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl;
199 | loopwatch.Start();
200 |
201 | // loop on all events
202 | for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry)
203 | {
204 | TLorentzVector PTmis(0,0,0,0);
205 | treeReader->ReadEntry(entry);
206 | treeWriter->Clear();
207 | if((entry % 100) == 0 && entry > 0 ) cout << "** Processing element # " << entry << endl;
208 |
209 | electron.clear();
210 | muon.clear();
211 | gamma.clear();
212 | NFCentralQ.Clear();
213 |
214 | TrackCentral.clear();
215 | towers.clear();
216 | input_particles.clear();
217 |
218 | // 2.1 Loop over all particles in event
219 | itGen.Reset();
220 | while( (particle = (TRootGenParticle*) itGen.Next()) ) {
221 | int pid = abs(particle->PID);
222 |
223 |
224 | // 2.1.1********************* preparation for the b-tagging
225 | //// This subarray is needed for the B-jet algorithm
226 | // optimization for speed : put first PID condition, then ETA condition, then either pt or status
227 | if( (pid <= pB || pid == pGLUON) &&// is it a light quark or a gluon, i.e. is it one of these : u,d,c,s,b,g ?
228 | fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->CEN_max_tracker &&
229 | particle->Status != 1 &&
230 | particle->PT > DET->PT_QUARKS_MIN ) {
231 | NFCentralQ.Add(particle);
232 | }
233 |
234 | // 2.1.2 ********************* central detector: keep only visible particles
235 | // keeps only final particles, visible by the central detector, including the fiducial volume
236 | // the ordering of conditions have been optimised for speed : put first the STATUS condition
237 | if( (particle->Status == 1) &&
238 | ((pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3)) &&
239 | (fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd)
240 | )
241 | {
242 | genMomentum.SetPxPyPzE(particle->Px, particle->Py, particle->Pz, particle->E);
243 | genMomentumBfield = genMomentum;
244 |
245 | // ********************* central detector: magnetic field
246 | // genMomentumBfield is then changed with respect to the magnetic field
247 | if(DET->FLAG_bfield==1) TRACP->Propagation(particle,genMomentumBfield);
248 | float eta=fabs(genMomentumBfield.Eta());
249 |
250 |
251 | // ********************* central detector: smearing (calorimeters, muon chambers)
252 | switch(pid) {
253 |
254 | case pE: // all electrons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
255 | DET->SmearElectron(genMomentumBfield);
256 | if(genMomentumBfield.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_tracker && genMomentumBfield.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_elec){
257 | electron.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentumBfield,particle->PID));
258 | }
259 | break; // case pE
260 | case pGAMMA: // all photons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
261 | DET->SmearElectron(genMomentumBfield);
262 | if(genMomentumBfield.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_tracker && genMomentumBfield.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_gamma) {
263 | gamma.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentumBfield,particle->PID));
264 | }
265 | break; // case pGAMMA
266 | case pMU: // all muons with eta < DET->MAX_MU
267 | DET->SmearMu(genMomentumBfield);
268 | if(genMomentumBfield.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_mu && genMomentumBfield.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_muon){
269 | muon.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentumBfield,particle->PID));
270 | }
271 | break; // case pMU
272 | case pLAMBDA: // all lambdas with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
273 | case pK0S: // all K0s with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
274 | DET->SmearHadron(genMomentumBfield, 0.7);
275 | break; // case hadron
276 | default: // all other final particles with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
277 | DET->SmearHadron(genMomentumBfield, 1.0);
278 | break;
279 | } // switch (pid)
280 |
281 |
282 | // ********************* central detector: calotowers
283 | // all final particles but muons and neutrinos
284 | // for calorimetric towers and missing PT
285 | int charge=Charge(pid);
286 | if(genMomentumBfield.E() !=0 && pid != pMU) {
287 | // in case the Bfield is not simulated, checks that charged particles have enough pt to reach the calos
288 | if ( !DET->FLAG_bfield && charge!=0 && genMomentumBfield.Pt() <= DET->TRACK_ptmin ) { /* particules do not reach calos */ }
289 | else { // particles reach calos
290 | // applies the calo segmentation and returns iEta & iPhi
291 | DET->BinEtaPhi(genMomentumBfield.Phi(), genMomentumBfield.Eta(), iPhi, iEta);
292 | if(iEta != -100 && iPhi != -100) {
293 | momentumCaloSegmentation.SetPtEtaPhiE(genMomentumBfield.Pt(),iEta,iPhi,genMomentumBfield.E());
294 | elementCalo = (TRootCalo*) branchCalo->NewEntry();
295 | elementCalo->Set(momentumCaloSegmentation);
296 | PhysicsTower Tower(LorentzVector(momentumCaloSegmentation.Px(),momentumCaloSegmentation.Py(),momentumCaloSegmentation.Pz(),momentumCaloSegmentation.E()));
297 | towers.push_back(Tower);
298 | } // if iEta != -100
299 | } // else : when particles reach the calos
300 | } // calotowers
301 |
302 |
303 | // ********************* central detector: tracks
304 | // all final charged particles
305 | if(
306 | (genMomentumBfield.E()!=0) &&
307 | (fabs(genMomentumBfield.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_tracker) &&
308 | (DET->FLAG_bfield || ( !DET->FLAG_bfield && genMomentumBfield.Pt() > DET->TRACK_ptmin )) &&
309 | // if bfield not simulated, pt should be high enough to be taken into account
310 | ((rand()%100) < DET->TRACK_eff) &&
311 | (charge!=0)
312 | )
313 | {
314 | elementTracks = (TRootTracks*) branchTracks->NewEntry();
315 | elementTracks->Set(genMomentum); // fills px,py,pz,pt,e,eta,phi at vertex
316 | elementTracks->Etaout = genMomentumBfield.Eta();
317 | elementTracks->Phiout = genMomentumBfield.Phi();
318 | // TODO!!! apply a smearing on the position of the origin of the track
319 | // elementTracks->SetPosition(particle->X,particle->Y,particle->Z);
320 | // uses the output of the bfield computation : Xout=... Yout=... Zout...
321 | // TODO!!! elementTrakcs->SetPositionOut(Xout,Yout,Zout);
322 | TrackCentral.push_back(genMomentum); // tracks at vertex!
323 | } // tracks
324 |
325 | } // 2.1.2 central detector
326 |
327 | // 2.1.3 ********************* forward detectors: zdc
328 | if(DET->FLAG_vfd==1) {
329 | VFD->ZDC(treeWriter,branchZDC,particle);
330 | VFD->RomanPots(treeWriter,branchRP220,branchFP420,particle);
331 | }
332 |
333 | } // 2.1 while : loop on all particles of the event.
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 | // 2.2 ********** Output preparation & complex objects ***********
338 |
339 | // 2.2.1 ********************* sorting collections by decreasing pt
340 | DET->SortedVector(electron);
341 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < electron.size(); i++) {
342 | elementElec = (TRootElectron*) branchElectron->NewEntry();
343 | elementElec->Set(electron[i].Px(),electron[i].Py(),electron[i].Pz(),electron[i].E());
344 | elementElec->Charge = sign(electron[i].PID());
345 | elementElec->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(electron[i].Phi(),electron[i].Eta(),TrackCentral,2.0);//isolation based on tracks
346 | }
347 | DET->SortedVector(muon);
348 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < muon.size(); i++) {
349 | elementMu = (TRootMuon*) branchMuon->NewEntry();
350 | elementMu->Charge = sign(muon[i].PID());
351 | elementMu->Set(muon[i].Px(),muon[i].Py(),muon[i].Pz(),muon[i].E());
352 | elementMu->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(muon[i].Phi(),muon[i].Eta(),TrackCentral,2.0);
353 | }
354 | DET->SortedVector(gamma);
355 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < gamma.size(); i++) {
356 | elementPhoton = (TRootPhoton*) branchPhoton->NewEntry();
357 | elementPhoton->Set(gamma[i].Px(),gamma[i].Py(),gamma[i].Pz(),gamma[i].E());
358 | }
359 |
360 | // 2.2.2 ************* computes the Missing Transverse Momentum
361 | TLorentzVector Att(0.,0.,0.,0.);
362 | for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++)
363 | {
364 | Att.SetPxPyPzE(towers[i].fourVector.px, towers[i].fourVector.py, towers[i].fourVector.pz, towers[i].fourVector.E);
365 | if(fabs(Att.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd)
366 | {
367 | PTmis = PTmis + Att;
368 | // create a fastjet::PseudoJet with these components and put it onto
369 | // back of the input_particles vector
370 | input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i].fourVector.py,towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E));
371 | }
372 | }
373 | elementEtmis = (TRootETmis*) branchETmis->NewEntry();
374 | elementEtmis->ET = (PTmis).Pt();
375 | elementEtmis->Phi = (-PTmis).Phi();
376 | elementEtmis->Px = (-PTmis).Px();
377 | elementEtmis->Py = (-PTmis).Py();
378 |
379 | // 2.2.3 ************* B-tag, tau jets
380 | sorted_jets=JETRUN->RunJets(input_particles);
381 | JETRUN->RunJetBtagging(treeWriter, branchJet,sorted_jets,NFCentralQ);
382 | JETRUN->RunTauJets(treeWriter,branchTauJet,sorted_jets,towers, TrackCentral);
383 |
384 | treeWriter->Fill();
385 | } // 2. Loop over all events ('for' loop)
386 |
387 | treeWriter->Write();
388 | delete treeWriter;
389 | loopwatch.Stop();
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 | // 3. ********** Trigger & Frog ***********
394 | // 3.1 ************ running the trigger in case the FLAG trigger is put to 1 in the datacard
395 | triggerwatch.Start();
396 | if(DET->FLAG_trigger == 1)
397 | {
398 | // input
399 | TChain chainT("Analysis");
400 | chainT.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
401 | ExRootTreeReader *treeReaderT = new ExRootTreeReader(&chainT);
402 |
403 | // output
404 | TClonesArray *branchElecTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Electron");
405 | TClonesArray *branchMuonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Muon");
406 | TClonesArray *branchJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Jet");
407 | TClonesArray *branchTauJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("TauJet");
408 | TClonesArray *branchPhotonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Photon");
409 | TClonesArray *branchETmisTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("ETmis");
410 |
411 | ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriterT = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Trigger");
412 | ExRootTreeBranch *branchTrigger = treeWriterT->NewBranch("TrigResult", TRootTrigger::Class());
413 |
414 |
415 | Long64_t entryT, allEntriesT = treeReaderT->GetEntries();
416 | cout << "** Trigger: the 'Analysis' tree contains " << allEntriesT << " events" << endl;
417 | // loop on all entries
418 | for(entryT = 0; entryT < allEntriesT; ++entryT) {
419 | treeWriterT->Clear();
420 | treeReaderT->ReadEntry(entryT);
421 | TRIGT->GetGlobalResult(branchElecTrig, branchMuonTrig,branchJetTrig, branchTauJetTrig,branchPhotonTrig, branchETmisTrig,branchTrigger);
422 | treeWriterT->Fill();
423 | } // loop on all entries
424 |
425 | treeWriterT->Write();
426 | delete treeWriterT;
427 | } // trigger
428 | triggerwatch.Stop();
429 |
430 |
431 | // 3.2 ************** FROG display
432 | frogwatch.Start();
433 | if(DET->FLAG_frog == 1)
434 | {
435 | FrogDisplay *FROG = new FrogDisplay();
436 | FROG->BuidEvents(outputfilename,DET->NEvents_Frog);
437 | FROG->BuildGeom(DetDatacard);
438 | }
439 | frogwatch.Stop();
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 | // 4. ********** End & Exit ***********
445 | cout << "** Exiting..." << endl;
446 | globalwatch.Stop();
447 | cout << "** Time report for " << allEntries << " events.\n";
448 | cout << " + Time (s): \tCPU \t real"<< endl;
449 | cout << " + Global: \t" << globalwatch.CpuTime() << " \t " << globalwatch.RealTime() << endl;
450 | cout << " + Events: \t" << loopwatch.CpuTime() << " \t " << loopwatch.RealTime() << endl;
451 | if(DET->FLAG_trigger == 1)
452 | cout << " + Trigger: \t" << triggerwatch.CpuTime() << " \t " << triggerwatch.RealTime() << endl;
453 | if(DET->FLAG_frog == 1)
454 | cout << " + Frog: \t" << frogwatch.CpuTime() << " \t " << frogwatch.RealTime() << endl;
455 |
456 |
457 | delete treeReader;
458 | delete DET;
459 | delete TRIGT;
460 | delete TRACP;
461 | delete JETRUN;
462 | delete VFD;
463 | if(converter) delete converter;
464 |
465 | // todo("TODO");
466 | }