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source: svn/trunk/Delphes.cpp@ 178

Last change on this file since 178 was 178, checked in by Xavier Rouby, 16 years ago

Cleaning, Comments, and removing the pt cut on tracks and calotowers when bfield simulated

File size: 17.2 KB
2 ---- Delphes ----
3 A Fast Simulator for general purpose LHC detector
4 S. Ovyn ~~~~
6 Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3)
7 Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
8 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
11/// \file Delphes.cpp
12/// \brief executable for the Delphes
14#include "TChain.h"
15#include "TApplication.h"
17#include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeReader.h"
18#include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeWriter.h"
19#include "Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/ExRootTreeBranch.h"
21#include "interface/DataConverter.h"
22#include "interface/HEPEVTConverter.h"
23#include "interface/LHEFConverter.h"
24#include "interface/STDHEPConverter.h"
26#include "interface/SmearUtil.h"
[55]27#include "interface/BFieldProp.h"
28#include "interface/TriggerUtil.h"
29#include "interface/VeryForward.h"
30#include "interface/JetUtils.h"
[94]31#include "interface/FrogUtil.h"
[55]33#include <vector>
34#include <iostream>
[2]36using namespace std;
39void todo(string filename) {
40 ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
41 cout << "** TODO list ..." << endl;
42 while(infile.good()) {
[94]43 string temp;
44 getline(infile,temp);
45 cout << "*" << temp << endl;
[2]46 }
47 cout << "** done...\n";
52int main(int argc, char *argv[])
54 int appargc = 2;
[55]55 char *appName = "Delphes";
[2]56 char *appargv[] = {appName, "-b"};
57 TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv);
[71]59 if(argc != 4 && argc != 3 && argc != 5) {
[94]60 cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file output_file [detector_card] [trigger_card] " << endl;
61 cout << " input_list - list of files in Ntpl, StdHep of LHEF format," << endl;
62 cout << " output_file - output file." << endl;
63 cout << " detector_card - Datacard containing resolution variables for the detector simulation (optional) "<<endl;
64 cout << " trigger_card - Datacard containing the trigger algorithms (optional) "<<endl;
65 exit(1);
[2]66 }
[178]68// 1. ********** initialisation ***********
[2]70 srand (time (NULL)); /* Initialisation du générateur */
72 //read the input TROOT file
73 string inputFileList(argv[1]), outputfilename(argv[2]);
74 if(outputfilename.find(".root") > outputfilename.length() ) {
[94]75 cout << "output_file should be a .root file!\n";
76 exit(1);
[2]77 }
[44]78 //create output log-file name
[45]79 string forLog = outputfilename;
80 string LogName = forLog.erase(forLog.find(".root"));
[44]81 LogName = LogName+"_run.log";
[2]83 TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // Creates the file, but should be closed just after
84 outputFile->Close();
[2]86 string line;
87 ifstream infile(inputFileList.c_str());
88 infile >> line; // the first line determines the type of input files
[44]90 //read the datacard input file
91 string DetDatacard("");
[94]92 if(argc>=4) DetDatacard =argv[3];
[55]94 //Smearing information
[44]95 RESOLution *DET = new RESOLution();
96 DET->ReadDataCard(DetDatacard);
97 DET->Logfile(LogName);
[79]99 //read the trigger input file
[80]100 string TrigDatacard("data/trigger.dat");
[79]101 if(argc==5) TrigDatacard =argv[4];
[55]103 //Trigger information
[72]104 TriggerTable *TRIGT = new TriggerTable();
[80]105 TRIGT->TriggerCardReader(TrigDatacard.c_str());
[72]106 TRIGT->PrintTriggerTable(LogName);
[55]108 //Propagation of tracks in the B field
[100]109 TrackPropagation *TRACP = new TrackPropagation(DetDatacard);
[55]111 //Jet information
[100]112 JetsUtil *JETRUN = new JetsUtil(DetDatacard);
[55]114 //VFD information
[100]115 VeryForward * VFD = new VeryForward(DetDatacard);
117 // data converters
[2]118 DataConverter *converter=0;
[2]120 if(strstr(line.c_str(),".hep"))
121 {
[44]122 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
123 cout<<"#********** StdHEP file format detected *************"<<endl;
124 cout<<"#*********** Starting convertion to TRoot format **************"<<endl;
125 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
[2]126 converter = new STDHEPConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
127 }
128 else if(strstr(line.c_str(),".lhe"))
129 {
[44]130 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
131 cout<<"#*********** LHEF file format detected ************"<<endl;
132 cout<<"#*********** Starting convertion to TRoot format ************"<<endl;
133 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
[2]134 converter = new LHEFConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
135 }
136 else if(strstr(line.c_str(),".root"))
137 {
[44]138 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
139 cout<<"#********** h2root file format detected *************"<<endl;
140 cout<<"#********** Starting convertion to TRoot format *************"<<endl;
141 cout<<"#**********************************************************************"<<endl;
[2]142 converter = new HEPEVTConverter(inputFileList,outputfilename);//case ntpl file in input list
143 }
144 else { cout << "*** " << line.c_str() << "\n*** file format not identified\n*** Exiting\n"; return -1;};
[2]146 TChain chain("GEN");
147 chain.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
148 ExRootTreeReader *treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&chain);
149 const TClonesArray *branchGen = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle");
150 TIter itGen((TCollection*)branchGen);
[178]152 //Output file : contents of the analysis object data
[2]153 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Analysis");
154 ExRootTreeBranch *branchJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("Jet", TRootJet::Class());
155 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTauJet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJet", TRootTauJet::Class());
156 ExRootTreeBranch *branchElectron = treeWriter->NewBranch("Electron", TRootElectron::Class());
157 ExRootTreeBranch *branchMuon = treeWriter->NewBranch("Muon", TRootMuon::Class());
158 ExRootTreeBranch *branchPhoton = treeWriter->NewBranch("Photon", TRootPhoton::Class());
159 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTracks = treeWriter->NewBranch("Tracks", TRootTracks::Class());
160 ExRootTreeBranch *branchETmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmis", TRootETmis::Class());
161 ExRootTreeBranch *branchCalo = treeWriter->NewBranch("CaloTower", TRootCalo::Class());
162 ExRootTreeBranch *branchZDC = treeWriter->NewBranch("ZDChits", TRootZdcHits::Class());
163 ExRootTreeBranch *branchRP220 = treeWriter->NewBranch("RP220hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
164 ExRootTreeBranch *branchFP420 = treeWriter->NewBranch("FP420hits", TRootRomanPotHits::Class());
[2]166 TRootGenParticle *particle;
167 TRootETmis *elementEtmis;
168 TRootElectron *elementElec;
169 TRootMuon *elementMu;
170 TRootPhoton *elementPhoton;
171 TRootTracks *elementTracks;
172 TRootCalo *elementCalo;
174 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0);
[38]175 TLorentzVector genMomentumCalo(0,0,0,0);
[2]176 LorentzVector jetMomentum;
[55]178 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particles;//for FastJet algorithm
179 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jets;
[2]180 vector<TLorentzVector> TrackCentral;
181 vector<PhysicsTower> towers;
[73]182 vector<ParticleUtil> electron;
183 vector<ParticleUtil> muon;
[74]184 vector<ParticleUtil> gamma;
[30]186 TSimpleArray<TRootGenParticle> NFCentralQ;
[100]187 float iPhi=0,iEta=0;
191// 2. ********** Loop over all events ***********
[2]192 Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries();
[178]193 cout << "** The input list contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl;
195 // loop on all events
196 for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry)
[2]197 {
198 TLorentzVector PTmis(0,0,0,0);
199 treeReader->ReadEntry(entry);
200 treeWriter->Clear();
201 if((entry % 100) == 0 && entry > 0 ) cout << "** Processing element # " << entry << endl;
[30]203 electron.clear();
204 muon.clear();
[74]205 gamma.clear();
[30]206 NFCentralQ.Clear();
[2]208 TrackCentral.clear();
209 towers.clear();
[11]210 input_particles.clear();
[178]212 // 2.1 Loop over all particles in event
[74]213 itGen.Reset();
[178]214 while( (particle = (TRootGenParticle*) itGen.Next()) ) {
[55]215 int pid = abs(particle->PID);
218 // 2.1.1********************* preparation for the b-tagging
[94]219 //// This subarray is needed for the B-jet algorithm
[2]220 // optimization for speed : put first PID condition, then ETA condition, then either pt or status
221 if( (pid <= pB || pid == pGLUON) &&// is it a light quark or a gluon, i.e. is it one of these : u,d,c,s,b,g ?
[94]222 fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->CEN_max_tracker &&
[2]223 particle->Status != 1 &&
224 particle->PT > DET->PT_QUARKS_MIN ) {
225 NFCentralQ.Add(particle);
226 }
[178]228 // 2.1.2 ********************* central detector: keep only visible particles
[2]229 // keeps only final particles, visible by the central detector, including the fiducial volume
230 // the ordering of conditions have been optimised for speed : put first the STATUS condition
231 if( (particle->Status == 1) &&
[59]232 ((pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3)) &&
[94]233 (fabs(particle->Eta) < DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd)
234 )
[59]235 {
[94]236 genMomentum.SetPxPyPzE(particle->Px, particle->Py, particle->Pz, particle->E);
238 // ********************* central detector: magnetic field
239 // genMomentum is then changed with respect to the magnetic field
240 //if(DET->FLAG_bfield==1) genMomentum = TRACP->Propagation(particle);
241 if(DET->FLAG_bfield==1) TRACP->Propagation(particle,genMomentum);
[94]242 float eta=fabs(genMomentum.Eta());
245 // ********************* central detector: smearing (calorimeters, muon chambers)
[94]246 switch(pid) {
[94]248 case pE: // all electrons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
249 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum);
250 if(genMomentum.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_tracker && genMomentum.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_elec){
251 electron.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentum,particle->PID));
252 }
253 break; // case pE
254 case pGAMMA: // all photons with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
255 DET->SmearElectron(genMomentum);
256 if(genMomentum.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_tracker && genMomentum.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_gamma) {
257 gamma.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentum,particle->PID));
258 }
259 break; // case pGAMMA
260 case pMU: // all muons with eta < DET->MAX_MU
261 DET->SmearMu(genMomentum);
262 if(genMomentum.E()!=0 && eta < DET->CEN_max_mu && genMomentum.Pt() > DET->PTCUT_muon){
263 muon.push_back(ParticleUtil(genMomentum,particle->PID));
264 }
265 break; // case pMU
266 case pLAMBDA: // all lambdas with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
267 case pK0S: // all K0s with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
268 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 0.7);
269 break; // case hadron
270 default: // all other final particles with eta < DET->MAX_CALO_FWD
271 DET->SmearHadron(genMomentum, 1.0);
272 break;
[178]273 } // switch (pid)
276 // ********************* central detector: calotowers
[94]277 // all final particles but muons and neutrinos
[100]278 // for calorimetric towers and missing PT
[94]279 int charge=Charge(pid);
280 if(genMomentum.E() !=0 && pid != pMU) {
[178]281 // in case the Bfield is not simulated, checks that charged particles have enough pt to reach the calos
282 if ( !DET->FLAG_bfield && charge!=0 && genMomentum.Pt() <= DET->TRACK_ptmin ) { /* particules do not reach calos */ }
283 else { // particles reach calos
284 // applies the calo segmentation and returns iEta & iPhi
285 DET->BinEtaPhi(genMomentum.Phi(), genMomentum.Eta(), iPhi, iEta);
286 if(iEta != -100 && iPhi != -100) {
[100]287 genMomentumCalo.SetPtEtaPhiE(genMomentum.Pt(),iEta,iPhi,genMomentum.E());
288 elementCalo = (TRootCalo*) branchCalo->NewEntry();
289 elementCalo->Set(genMomentumCalo);
[178]290 PhysicsTower Tower(LorentzVector(genMomentumCalo.Px(),genMomentumCalo.Py(),genMomentumCalo.Pz(),genMomentumCalo.E()));
[100]291 towers.push_back(Tower);
[178]292 } // if iEta != -100
293 } // else : when particles reach the calos
294 } // calotowers
297 // ********************* central detector: tracks
[94]298 // all final charged particles
299 if(
300 (genMomentum.E()!=0) &&
301 (fabs(genMomentum.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_tracker) &&
[178]302 (DET->FLAG_bfield || ( !DET->FLAG_bfield && genMomentum.Pt() > DET->TRACK_ptmin )) &&
303 // if bfield not simulated, pt should be high enough to be taken into account
[94]304 ((rand()%100) < DET->TRACK_eff) &&
305 (charge!=0)
306 )
307 {
308 elementTracks = (TRootTracks*) branchTracks->NewEntry();
309 elementTracks->Set(genMomentum);
310 TrackCentral.push_back(genMomentum);
[178]311 } // tracks
[178]313 } // 2.1.2 central detector
[178]315 // 2.1.3 ********************* forward detectors: zdc
316 if(DET->FLAG_vfd==1) {
[100]317 VFD->ZDC(treeWriter,branchZDC,particle);
318 VFD->RomanPots(treeWriter,branchRP220,branchFP420,particle);
[178]319 }
[178]321 } // 2.1 while : loop on all particles of the event.
325 // 2.2 ********** Output preparation & complex objects ***********
327 // 2.2.1 ********************* sorting collections by decreasing pt
[74]328 DET->SortedVector(electron);
329 for(unsigned int i=0; i < electron.size(); i++) {
330 elementElec = (TRootElectron*) branchElectron->NewEntry();
331 elementElec->Set(electron[i].Px(),electron[i].Py(),electron[i].Pz(),electron[i].E());
332 elementElec->Charge = sign(electron[i].PID());
333 elementElec->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(electron[i].Phi(),electron[i].Eta(),TrackCentral,2.0);
[30]334 }
[74]335 DET->SortedVector(muon);
[30]336 for(unsigned int i=0; i < muon.size(); i++) {
[74]337 elementMu = (TRootMuon*) branchMuon->NewEntry();
338 elementMu->Charge = sign(muon[i].PID());
339 elementMu->Set(muon[i].Px(),muon[i].Py(),muon[i].Pz(),muon[i].E());
340 elementMu->IsolFlag = DET->Isolation(muon[i].Phi(),muon[i].Eta(),TrackCentral,2.0);
[30]341 }
[74]342 DET->SortedVector(gamma);
343 for(unsigned int i=0; i < gamma.size(); i++) {
344 elementPhoton = (TRootPhoton*) branchPhoton->NewEntry();
345 elementPhoton->Set(gamma[i].Px(),gamma[i].Py(),gamma[i].Pz(),gamma[i].E());
346 }
[178]348 // 2.2.2 ************* computes the Missing Transverse Momentum
[71]349 TLorentzVector Att(0.,0.,0.,0.);
350 for(unsigned int i=0; i < towers.size(); i++)
351 {
[107]352 Att.SetPxPyPzE(towers[i].fourVector.px, towers[i], towers[i].fourVector.pz, towers[i].fourVector.E);
353 if(fabs(Att.Eta()) < DET->CEN_max_calo_fwd)
354 {
355 PTmis = PTmis + Att;
356 // create a fastjet::PseudoJet with these components and put it onto
357 // back of the input_particles vector
358 input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(towers[i].fourVector.px,towers[i],towers[i].fourVector.pz,towers[i].fourVector.E));
359 }
[71]360 }
361 elementEtmis = (TRootETmis*) branchETmis->NewEntry();
362 elementEtmis->ET = (PTmis).Pt();
363 elementEtmis->Phi = (-PTmis).Phi();
364 elementEtmis->Px = (-PTmis).Px();
365 elementEtmis->Py = (-PTmis).Py();
[178]367 // 2.2.3 ************* B-tag, tau jets
[55]368 sorted_jets=JETRUN->RunJets(input_particles);
369 JETRUN->RunJetBtagging(treeWriter, branchJet,sorted_jets,NFCentralQ);
370 JETRUN->RunTauJets(treeWriter,branchTauJet,sorted_jets,towers, TrackCentral);
[72]372 treeWriter->Fill();
[178]373 } // 2. Loop over all events ('for' loop)
[2]375 treeWriter->Write();
[77]376 delete treeWriter;
380// 3. ********** Trigger & Frog ***********
381 // 3.1 ************ running the trigger in case the FLAG trigger is put to 1 in the datacard
[94]382 if(DET->FLAG_trigger == 1)
[72]383 {
[178]384 // input
[72]385 TChain chainT("Analysis");
386 chainT.Add(outputfilename.c_str());
387 ExRootTreeReader *treeReaderT = new ExRootTreeReader(&chainT);
[178]389 // output
[72]390 TClonesArray *branchElecTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Electron");
391 TClonesArray *branchMuonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Muon");
392 TClonesArray *branchJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Jet");
393 TClonesArray *branchTauJetTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("TauJet");
394 TClonesArray *branchPhotonTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("Photon");
395 TClonesArray *branchETmisTrig = treeReaderT->UseBranch("ETmis");
[72]397 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriterT = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Trigger");
398 ExRootTreeBranch *branchTrigger = treeWriterT->NewBranch("TrigResult", TRootTrigger::Class());
[72]401 Long64_t entryT, allEntriesT = treeReaderT->GetEntries();
[178]402 cout << "** Trigger: the 'Analysis' tree contains " << allEntriesT << " events" << endl;
403 // loop on all entries
404 for(entryT = 0; entryT < allEntriesT; ++entryT) {
[72]405 treeWriterT->Clear();
406 treeReaderT->ReadEntry(entryT);
407 TRIGT->GetGlobalResult(branchElecTrig, branchMuonTrig,branchJetTrig, branchTauJetTrig,branchPhotonTrig, branchETmisTrig,branchTrigger);
408 treeWriterT->Fill();
[178]409 } // loop on all entries
[72]411 treeWriterT->Write();
412 delete treeWriterT;
[178]413 } // trigger
416 // 3.2 ************** FROG display
[94]417 if(DET->FLAG_frog == 1)
418 {
419 FrogDisplay *FROG = new FrogDisplay();
420 FROG->BuidEvents(outputfilename,DET->NEvents_Frog);
[98]421 FROG->BuildGeom(DetDatacard);
[94]422 }
427// 4. ********** End & Exit ***********
[2]428 cout << "** Exiting..." << endl;
430 delete treeReader;
431 delete DET;
[74]432 delete TRIGT;
433 delete TRACP;
434 delete JETRUN;
435 delete VFD;
[2]436 if(converter) delete converter;
[2]438 todo("TODO");
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