1 | import ROOT
2 | import libPyROOT as _root
3 | ROOT.gSystem.Load("libDelphes")
4 |
5 | #####################################################
6 | ### Definition of the string conversion methods ###
7 | #####################################################
8 |
9 | def _Event__str__( self ):
10 | theString = "Event number %i\n" % self.Number
11 | theString += "Read in %f and processed in %f.\n" % (self.ReadTime, self.ProcTime)
12 | return theString
13 |
14 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Event" ).__str__ = _Event__str__
15 |
16 | def _LHCOEvent__str__( self ):
17 | theString = "Trigger word: %b\n" % self.Trigger
18 | return theString
19 |
20 | _root.MakeRootClass( "LHCOEvent" ).__str__ = _LHCOEvent__str__
21 |
22 | def _LHEFEvent__str__( self ):
23 | hepmcstr = "Process ID: %i\n" % self.ProcessID
24 | hepmcstr += "ScalePDF = %f\n" % self.ScalePDF
25 | hepmcstr += "Alpha QED = %f\n" % self.AlphaQED
26 | hepmcstr += "Alpha DCQ = %f\n" % self.AlphaQCD
27 | hepmcstr += "Event weight = %f\n" % self.Weight
28 | return hepmcstr
29 |
30 | _root.MakeRootClass( "LHEFEvent" ).__str__ = _LHEFEvent__str__
31 |
32 | def _HepMCEvent__str__( self ):
33 | hepmcstr = "Process ID: %i\n" % self.ProcessID
34 | hepmcstr += "Energy scale: %f\n" % self.Scale
35 | hepmcstr += "Alpha QED = %f\n" % self.AlphaQED
36 | hepmcstr += "Alpha QCD = %f\n" % self.AlphaQCD
37 | hepmcstr += "Number of multi parton interactions: %f\n" % self.MPI
38 | hepmcstr += """Q-scale used in evaluation of PDFs (in GeV): %f\n""" % self.ScalePDF
39 | hepmcstr += """Fraction of beam momentum carried by %i parton ("beam side"): %f\n""" % (self.ID1,self.X1)
40 | hepmcstr += """Fraction of beam momentum carried by %i parton ("target side"): %f\n""" % (self.ID2,self.X2)
41 | hepmcstr += "PDF (id1, x1, Q) = %f\n" % self.PDF1
42 | hepmcstr += "PDF (id2, x2, Q) = %f\n" % self.PDF2
43 | return hepmcstr
44 |
45 | _root.MakeRootClass( "HepMCEvent" ).__str__ = _HepMCEvent__str__
46 |
47 | def _GenParticle__str__( self ):
48 | thestring = "Particle HEP ID number = %d\n" % self.PID
49 | thestring += "Particle status: %d\n" % self.Status
50 | if self.IsPU: thestring += "That particle is from PU.\n"
51 | thestring += "Particle 1st mother: %d\n" % self.M1
52 | thestring += "Particle 2nd mother: %d\n" % self.M2
53 | thestring += "Particle 1st daughter: %d\n" % self.D1
54 | thestring += "Particle last daughter: %d\n" % self.D2
55 | thestring += "(Px,Py,Pz,E) = (%f,%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.Px,self.Py,self.Pz,self.E)
56 | thestring += "(Pt,Eta,Phi) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
57 | thestring += "Rapidity = %f\n" % self.Rapidity
58 | thestring += "Charge: %d\n" % self.Charge
59 | thestring += "Mass: %f\n" % self.Mass
60 | thestring += "Vertex position: (x,y,z,t) = (%f,%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.X,self.Y,self.Z,self.T)
61 | return thestring
62 |
63 | _root.MakeRootClass( "GenParticle" ).__str__ = _GenParticle__str__
64 |
65 | def _GenParticle_printDecay( self, db, particles, pre="" ):
66 | thestring = "%s (%f,%f,%f,%f) (status %d)\n" % (db.GetParticle(self.PID).GetName(),self.Px,self.Py,self.Pz,self.E, self.Status)
67 | for daughter in range(self.D1,self.D2+1):
68 | if daughter==-1: break
69 | if daughter<self.D2 : thestring += "%s+->%s" % (pre,particles.At(daughter).printDecay(db,particles,pre+"| "))
70 | else: thestring += "%s+->%s" % (pre,particles.At(daughter).printDecay(db,particles,pre+" "))
71 | return thestring
72 |
73 | _root.MakeRootClass( "GenParticle" ).printDecay = _GenParticle_printDecay
74 |
75 | def _MissingET__str__( self ):
76 | thestring = "Mising transverse energy: %f\n" % self.MET
77 | thestring += "Mising energy azimuthal angle: %f\n" % self.Phi
78 | return thestring
79 |
80 | _root.MakeRootClass( "MissingET" ).__str__ = _MissingET__str__
81 |
82 | def _ScalarHT__str__( self ):
83 | thestring = "Scalar sum of transverse momenta: %f\n" %self.HT
84 |
85 | _root.MakeRootClass( "ScalarHT" ).__str__ = _ScalarHT__str__
86 |
87 | def _Photon__str__( self ):
88 | thestring = "(Pt,Eta,Phi) =(%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
89 | return thestring
90 |
91 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Photon" ).__str__ = _Photon__str__
92 |
93 | def _Electron__str__( self ):
94 | thestring = "(Pt,Eta,Phi) =(%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
95 | thestring += "charge: %d\n" % self.Charge
96 | return thestring
97 |
98 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Electron" ).__str__ = _Electron__str__
99 |
100 | def _Muon__str__( self ):
101 | thestring = "(Pt,Eta,Phi) =(%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
102 | thestring += "charge: %d\n" % self.Charge
103 | return thestring
104 |
105 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Muon" ).__str__ = _Muon__str__
106 |
107 | def _Jet__str__( self ):
108 | thestring = "(Pt,Eta,Phi) =(%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
109 | thestring += "Charge: %d\n" % self.Charge
110 | thestring += "Mass: %f\n" % self.Mass
111 | if self.BTag: thestring += "This jet is b-tagged.\n"
112 | if self.TauTag: thestring += "This jet is tagged as a tau-jet.\n"
113 | thestring += "Jet radius in (eta,phi) = (%f,%f)\n" % (self.DeltaEta,self.DeltaPhi)
114 | thestring += "Number of constituents: %d\n" % self.Constituents.GetEntries()
115 | thestring += "H/E ratio in the calorimeters: %f\n" % self.EhadOverEem
116 | nch = 0
117 | ech = 0.
118 | for constit in self.Constituents:
119 | if constit.Charge != 0:
120 | fourvector = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
121 | fourvector.SetPtEtaPhiM(constit.PT,constit.Eta,constit.Phi,0.)
122 | nch += 1
123 | ech += fourvector.E()
124 | thestring += "Charged Energy fraction: %f\n" % (ech/self.P4().E())
125 | thestring += "Charged Multiplicity: %d\n" % nch
126 | return thestring
127 |
128 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Jet" ).__str__ = _Jet__str__
129 |
130 | def _Track__str__( self ):
131 | thestring = "Particle HEP ID number = %d\n" % self.PID
132 | thestring += "(Pt,Eta,Phi) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.Eta,self.Phi)
133 | thestring += "Charge: %d\n" % self.Charge
134 | thestring += "At calorimeter surface: (Pt,Eta,Phi) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.PT,self.EtaOuter,self.PhiOuter)
135 | thestring += "Vertex position: (x,y,z) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.X,self.Y,self.Z)
136 | thestring += "Position at calorimer surface: (x,y,z) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.XOuter,self.YOuter,self.ZOuter)
137 | return thestring
138 |
139 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Track" ).__str__ = _Track__str__
140 |
141 | def _Tower__str__( self):
142 | thestring = "(Et,Eta,Phi) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.ET,self.Eta,self.Phi)
143 | thestring += "(E,Eem,Ehad) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (tower.E,tower.Eem,tower.Ehad)
144 | thestring += "Edges: %f, %f, %f, %f\n" % (tower.Edges[0],tower.Edges[1],tower.Edges[2],tower.Edges[3])
145 | return thestring
146 |
147 | _root.MakeRootClass( "Tower" ).__str__ = _Tower__str__
148 |
149 | #####################################################
150 | ### Definition of additional ROOT methods ###
151 | #####################################################
152 |
153 | def _lorentzVector__str__( self ):
154 | theString = "(pt, eta, phi) = (%f,%f,%f)\n" % (self.Pt(), self.Eta(), self.Phi())
155 | theString += "mass = %f, p = %f, mt = %f\n" % (self.M(), self.P(), self.Mt())
156 | return theString
157 |
158 | _root.MakeRootClass( "TLorentzVector" ).__str__ = _lorentzVector__str__
159 |
160 |