1 | #! /usr/bin/env python
2 | import ROOT
3 | from CPconfig import configuration
4 |
5 | def getArgSet(controlplots):
6 | assert isinstance(controlplots,list)
7 | merged = ROOT.RooArgSet()
8 | for ctrlplot in controlplots:
9 | merged.add(ctrlplot._obsSet)
10 | return merged
11 |
12 | def runTest(path='../testfiles/', controlPlots=None):
13 | # these modules are only needed in that function, used for debugging.
14 | # so we only import them here.
15 | import Delphes
16 | import os
17 | import AnalysisEvent
18 | import EventSelection
19 | assert isinstance(controlPlots, BaseControlPlots)
20 | if os.path.isdir(path):
21 | dirList=os.listdir(path)
22 | files=[]
23 | for fname in dirList:
24 | files.append(path+fname)
25 | elif os.path.isfile(path):
26 | files=[path]
27 | else:
28 | files=[]
29 | events = AnalysisEvent.AnalysisEvent(files)
30 | EventSelection.prepareAnalysisEvent(events)
31 | controlPlots.beginJob()
32 | i = 0
33 | for event in events:
34 | if i%100==0 : print "Processing... event ", i
35 | controlPlots.processEvent(event)
36 | i += 1
37 | controlPlots.endJob()
38 |
39 | class BaseControlPlots:
40 | """A class to create control plots"""
41 |
42 | def __init__(self, dir=None, purpose="generic", dataset=None, mode="plots"):
43 | """Initialize the ControlPlots, creating output file if needed. If no file is given, it means it is delegated."""
44 | self._mode = mode
45 | self._purpose = purpose
46 | # for plots
47 | if self._mode=="plots":
48 | # create output file if needed. If no file is given, it means it is delegated
49 | if dir is None:
50 | self._f = ROOT.TFile(configuration.defaultFilename+".root", "RECREATE")
51 | self._dir = self._f.mkdir(purpose)
52 | else :
53 | self._f = None
54 | self._dir = dir
55 | self._h_vector = { }
56 | # for ntuples
57 | if self._mode=="dataset":
58 | self._obsSet = ROOT.RooArgSet()
59 | if dataset is None:
60 | self._rds = ROOT.RooDataSet(configuration.RDSname, configuration.RDSname, self._obsSet)
61 | self._ownedRDS = True
62 | else:
63 | self._rds = dataset
64 | self._ownedRDS = False
65 | self._rrv_vector = { }
66 | self._rooCategories = { }
67 |
68 | def beginJob(self):
69 | """Declare histograms, and for derived classes instantiate handles. Must be overloaded."""
70 | raise NotImplementedError
71 |
72 | def defineCategories(self, categories):
73 | """Define the categories, given a list of names. Only works for datasets"""
74 | if self._mode!="dataset": return
75 | for i, name in enumerate(categories):
76 | rc = ROOT.RooCategory("rc_"+self._purpose+"_"+str(i),name.split('/')[-1])
77 | rc.defineType("not_acc",0)
78 | rc.defineType("acc",1)
79 | self._rooCategories[i] = rc
80 | self._rds.addColumn(rc)
81 | self._obsSet.add(rc)
82 |
83 | def addHisto(self,*args):
84 | """Add one histograms to the list of products. Arguments are as for TH1F."""
85 | # this fills a distionnary name <-> histogram
86 | self._dir.cd()
87 | self._h_vector[args[0]] = ROOT.TH1F(*args)
88 |
89 | def addVariable(self,*args):
90 | """Add one variable to the list of products. Arguments are as for RooRealVar."""
91 | # this fills a distionnary name <-> RooRealVar
92 | self._rrv_vector[args[0]] = ROOT.RooRealVar(self._purpose+args[0],*(args[1:]))
93 | self._obsSet.add(self._rrv_vector[args[0]])
94 | self._rds.addColumn(self._rrv_vector[args[0]])
95 |
96 | def add(self, *args):
97 | """Add one item to the list of products. Arguments are as for TH1F."""
98 | if self._mode=="plots":
99 | self.addHisto(*args)
100 | else:
101 | self.addVariable(*[args[i] for i in [0,1,3,4]])
102 |
103 | def processEvent(self, event, weight = 1.):
104 | """process event and fill histograms"""
105 | self.fill(self.process(event),weight)
106 |
107 | def process(self, event):
108 | """Process event data to extract histogrammables. Must be overloaded."""
109 | raise NotImplementedError
110 | # this is just an example, we never get there
111 | # that method must return a dictionnary name <-> value that matches self._h_vector
112 | result = { }
113 | result["var1"] = 1.
114 | result["var2"] = 2.3
115 | result["var3"] = 5.711
116 | return result
117 |
118 | def setCategories(self, categories):
119 | """Set the categories, given a list of booleans. Only works for datasets"""
120 | if self._mode!="dataset": return
121 | for c, flag in enumerate(categories):
122 | if flag: self._rooCategories[c].setIndex(1)
123 | else: self._rooCategories[c].setIndex(0)
124 |
125 | def fillPlots(self, data, weight = 1.):
126 | """Fills histograms with the data provided as input."""
127 | for name,value in data.items():
128 | if isinstance(value,list):
129 | for val in value: self._h_vector[name].Fill(val,weight)
130 | else:
131 | self._h_vector[name].Fill(value,weight)
132 |
133 | def fillRDS(self, data):
134 | """Fills roodataset with the data provided as input."""
135 | for rrv in self._rrv_vector:
136 | # data is not guaranteed to contain all variables,
137 | # so if we don't do this, these variables will keep the old value
138 | self._rrv_vector[rrv].setVal(-1000)
139 | for name,value in data.items():
140 | if isinstance(value,list):
141 | #for now, we only store scalars, not vectors
142 | pass
143 | else:
144 | self._rrv_vector[name].setVal(value)
145 | if self._ownedRDS:
146 | self._rds.add(self._obsSet)
147 |
148 | def fill(self, data, weight = 1.):
149 | """Fills whatever must be filled in"""
150 | if self._mode=="plots":
151 | self.fillPlots(data, weight)
152 | else:
153 | self.fillRDS(data)
154 |
155 | def endJob(self):
156 | """Save and close."""
157 | if self._mode=="plots":
158 | self._dir.cd()
159 | self._dir.Write()
160 | if not self._f is None:
161 | self._f.Close()
162 | else:
163 | if self._ownedRDS:
164 | ws = ROOT.RooWorkspace(self._purpose,self._purpose)
165 | getattr(ws,'import')(self._rds)
166 | ws.writeToFile(configuration.defaultFilename+"_"+self._purpose+".root")