1 | /*
2 | * Delphes: a framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment
3 | * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
4 | *
5 | * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 | * (at your option) any later version.
9 | *
10 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 | *
15 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 | * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 | */
18 |
19 |
20 | /** \class FastJetFinder
21 | *
22 | * Finds jets using FastJet library.
23 | *
24 | * \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
25 | *
26 | */
27 |
28 | #include "modules/FastJetFinder.h"
29 |
30 | #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
31 | #include "classes/DelphesFactory.h"
32 | #include "classes/DelphesFormula.h"
33 |
34 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h"
35 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootFilter.h"
36 | #include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClassifier.h"
37 |
38 | #include "TMath.h"
39 | #include "TString.h"
40 | #include "TFormula.h"
41 | #include "TRandom3.h"
42 | #include "TObjArray.h"
43 | #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
44 | #include "TLorentzVector.h"
45 |
46 | #include <algorithm>
47 | #include <stdexcept>
48 | #include <iostream>
49 | #include <sstream>
50 | #include <vector>
51 |
52 | #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
53 | #include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
54 | #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
55 | #include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
56 | #include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceArea.hh"
57 | #include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
58 |
59 | #include "fastjet/plugins/SISCone/fastjet/SISConePlugin.hh"
60 | #include "fastjet/plugins/CDFCones/fastjet/CDFMidPointPlugin.hh"
61 | #include "fastjet/plugins/CDFCones/fastjet/CDFJetCluPlugin.hh"
62 |
63 | #include "fastjet/contribs/Nsubjettiness/Nsubjettiness.hh"
64 | #include "fastjet/contribs/Nsubjettiness/Njettiness.hh"
65 | #include "fastjet/contribs/Nsubjettiness/NjettinessPlugin.hh"
66 | #include "fastjet/contribs/Nsubjettiness/ExtraRecombiners.hh"
67 |
68 | #include "fastjet/contribs/ValenciaPlugin/ValenciaPlugin.hh"
69 |
70 | #include "fastjet/tools/Filter.hh"
71 | #include "fastjet/tools/Pruner.hh"
72 | #include "fastjet/contribs/RecursiveTools/SoftDrop.hh"
73 |
74 | using namespace std;
75 | using namespace fastjet;
76 | using namespace fastjet::contrib;
77 |
78 |
79 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 |
81 | FastJetFinder::FastJetFinder() :
82 | fPlugin(0), fRecomb(0), fAxesDef(0), fMeasureDef(0), fNjettinessPlugin(0),
83 | fDefinition(0), fAreaDefinition(0), fItInputArray(0), fValenciaPlugin(0)
84 | {
85 |
86 | }
87 |
88 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 |
90 | FastJetFinder::~FastJetFinder()
91 | {
92 |
93 | }
94 |
95 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 |
97 | void FastJetFinder::Init()
98 | {
99 | JetDefinition::Plugin *plugin = 0;
100 | JetDefinition::Recombiner *recomb = 0;
101 | ExRootConfParam param;
102 | Long_t i, size;
103 | Double_t etaMin, etaMax;
104 | TEstimatorStruct estimatorStruct;
105 |
106 | // define algorithm
107 |
108 | fJetAlgorithm = GetInt("JetAlgorithm", 6);
109 | fParameterR = GetDouble("ParameterR", 0.5);
110 |
111 | fConeRadius = GetDouble("ConeRadius", 0.5);
112 | fSeedThreshold = GetDouble("SeedThreshold", 1.0);
113 | fConeAreaFraction = GetDouble("ConeAreaFraction", 1.0);
114 | fMaxIterations = GetInt("MaxIterations", 100);
115 | fMaxPairSize = GetInt("MaxPairSize", 2);
116 | fIratch = GetInt("Iratch", 1);
117 | fAdjacencyCut = GetInt("AdjacencyCut", 2);
118 | fOverlapThreshold = GetDouble("OverlapThreshold", 0.75);
119 |
120 | fJetPTMin = GetDouble("JetPTMin", 10.0);
121 |
122 |
123 | //-- N(sub)jettiness parameters --
124 |
125 | fComputeNsubjettiness = GetBool("ComputeNsubjettiness", false);
126 | fBeta = GetDouble("Beta", 1.0);
127 | fAxisMode = GetInt("AxisMode", 1);
128 | fRcutOff = GetDouble("RcutOff", 0.8); // used only if Njettiness is used as jet clustering algo (case 8)
129 | fN = GetInt("N", 2); // used only if Njettiness is used as jet clustering algo (case 8)
130 |
131 | //-- Exclusive clustering for e+e- collisions --
132 |
133 | fNJets = GetInt("NJets",2);
134 | fExclusiveClustering = GetBool("ExclusiveClustering", false);
135 |
136 | //-- Valencia Linear Collider algorithm
137 | fGamma = GetDouble("Gamma", 1.0);
138 | //fBeta parameter see above
139 |
140 | fMeasureDef = new NormalizedMeasure(fBeta, fParameterR);
141 |
142 | switch(fAxisMode)
143 | {
144 | default:
145 | case 1:
146 | fAxesDef = new WTA_KT_Axes();
147 | break;
148 | case 2:
149 | fAxesDef = new OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes();
150 | break;
151 | case 3:
152 | fAxesDef = new KT_Axes();
153 | break;
154 | case 4:
155 | fAxesDef = new OnePass_KT_Axes();
156 | }
157 |
158 | //-- Trimming parameters --
159 |
160 | fComputeTrimming = GetBool("ComputeTrimming", false);
161 | fRTrim = GetDouble("RTrim", 0.2);
162 | fPtFracTrim = GetDouble("PtFracTrim", 0.05);
163 |
164 |
165 | //-- Pruning parameters --
166 |
167 | fComputePruning = GetBool("ComputePruning", false);
168 | fZcutPrun = GetDouble("ZcutPrun", 0.1);
169 | fRcutPrun = GetDouble("RcutPrun", 0.5);
170 | fRPrun = GetDouble("RPrun", 0.8);
171 |
172 | //-- SoftDrop parameters --
173 |
174 | fComputeSoftDrop = GetBool("ComputeSoftDrop", false);
175 | fBetaSoftDrop = GetDouble("BetaSoftDrop", 0.0);
176 | fSymmetryCutSoftDrop = GetDouble("SymmetryCutSoftDrop", 0.1);
177 | fR0SoftDrop= GetDouble("R0SoftDrop=", 0.8);
178 |
179 |
180 | // --- Jet Area Parameters ---
181 | fAreaAlgorithm = GetInt("AreaAlgorithm", 0);
182 | fComputeRho = GetBool("ComputeRho", false);
183 |
184 | // - ghost based areas -
185 | fGhostEtaMax = GetDouble("GhostEtaMax", 5.0);
186 | fRepeat = GetInt("Repeat", 1);
187 | fGhostArea = GetDouble("GhostArea", 0.01);
188 | fGridScatter = GetDouble("GridScatter", 1.0);
189 | fPtScatter = GetDouble("PtScatter", 0.1);
190 | fMeanGhostPt = GetDouble("MeanGhostPt", 1.0E-100);
191 |
192 | // - voronoi based areas -
193 | fEffectiveRfact = GetDouble("EffectiveRfact", 1.0);
194 |
195 | switch(fAreaAlgorithm)
196 | {
197 | case 1:
198 | fAreaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(active_area_explicit_ghosts, GhostedAreaSpec(fGhostEtaMax, fRepeat, fGhostArea, fGridScatter, fPtScatter, fMeanGhostPt));
199 | break;
200 | case 2:
201 | fAreaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(one_ghost_passive_area, GhostedAreaSpec(fGhostEtaMax, fRepeat, fGhostArea, fGridScatter, fPtScatter, fMeanGhostPt));
202 | break;
203 | case 3:
204 | fAreaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(passive_area, GhostedAreaSpec(fGhostEtaMax, fRepeat, fGhostArea, fGridScatter, fPtScatter, fMeanGhostPt));
205 | break;
206 | case 4:
207 | fAreaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(VoronoiAreaSpec(fEffectiveRfact));
208 | break;
209 | case 5:
210 | fAreaDefinition = new AreaDefinition(active_area, GhostedAreaSpec(fGhostEtaMax, fRepeat, fGhostArea, fGridScatter, fPtScatter, fMeanGhostPt));
211 | break;
212 | default:
213 | case 0:
214 | fAreaDefinition = 0;
215 | break;
216 | }
217 |
218 | switch(fJetAlgorithm)
219 | {
220 | case 1:
221 | plugin = new CDFJetCluPlugin(fSeedThreshold, fConeRadius, fAdjacencyCut, fMaxIterations, fIratch, fOverlapThreshold);
222 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(plugin);
223 | break;
224 | case 2:
225 | plugin = new CDFMidPointPlugin(fSeedThreshold, fConeRadius, fConeAreaFraction, fMaxPairSize, fMaxIterations, fOverlapThreshold);
226 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(plugin);
227 | break;
228 | case 3:
229 | plugin = new SISConePlugin(fConeRadius, fOverlapThreshold, fMaxIterations, fJetPTMin);
230 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(plugin);
231 | break;
232 | case 4:
233 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(kt_algorithm, fParameterR);
234 | break;
235 | case 5:
236 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(cambridge_algorithm, fParameterR);
237 | break;
238 | default:
239 | case 6:
240 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(antikt_algorithm, fParameterR);
241 | break;
242 | case 7:
243 | recomb = new WinnerTakeAllRecombiner();
244 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(antikt_algorithm, fParameterR, recomb, Best);
245 | break;
246 | case 8:
247 | fNjettinessPlugin = new NjettinessPlugin(fN, Njettiness::wta_kt_axes, Njettiness::unnormalized_cutoff_measure, fBeta, fRcutOff);
248 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(fNjettinessPlugin);
249 | break;
250 | case 9:
251 | fValenciaPlugin = new ValenciaPlugin(fParameterR, fBeta, fGamma);
252 | fDefinition = new JetDefinition(fValenciaPlugin);
253 | break;
254 |
255 | }
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 | fPlugin = plugin;
260 | fRecomb = recomb;
261 |
262 | ClusterSequence::print_banner();
263 |
264 | if(fComputeRho && fAreaDefinition)
265 | {
266 | // read eta ranges
267 |
268 | param = GetParam("RhoEtaRange");
269 | size = param.GetSize();
270 |
271 | fEstimators.clear();
272 | for(i = 0; i < size/2; ++i)
273 | {
274 | etaMin = param[i*2].GetDouble();
275 | etaMax = param[i*2 + 1].GetDouble();
276 | estimatorStruct.estimator = new JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(SelectorRapRange(etaMin, etaMax), *fDefinition, *fAreaDefinition);
277 | estimatorStruct.etaMin = etaMin;
278 | estimatorStruct.etaMax = etaMax;
279 | fEstimators.push_back(estimatorStruct);
280 | }
281 | }
282 |
283 | // import input array
284 |
285 | fInputArray = ImportArray(GetString("InputArray", "Calorimeter/towers"));
286 | fItInputArray = fInputArray->MakeIterator();
287 |
288 | // create output arrays
289 |
290 | fOutputArray = ExportArray(GetString("OutputArray", "jets"));
291 | fRhoOutputArray = ExportArray(GetString("RhoOutputArray", "rho"));
292 | }
293 |
294 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 |
296 | void FastJetFinder::Finish()
297 | {
298 | vector< TEstimatorStruct >::iterator itEstimators;
299 |
300 | for(itEstimators = fEstimators.begin(); itEstimators != fEstimators.end(); ++itEstimators)
301 | {
302 | if(itEstimators->estimator) delete itEstimators->estimator;
303 | }
304 |
305 | if(fItInputArray) delete fItInputArray;
306 | if(fDefinition) delete fDefinition;
307 | if(fAreaDefinition) delete fAreaDefinition;
308 | if(fPlugin) delete static_cast<JetDefinition::Plugin*>(fPlugin);
309 | if(fRecomb) delete static_cast<JetDefinition::Recombiner*>(fRecomb);
310 | if(fNjettinessPlugin) delete static_cast<JetDefinition::Plugin*>(fNjettinessPlugin);
311 | if(fAxesDef) delete fAxesDef;
312 | if(fMeasureDef) delete fMeasureDef;
313 | if(fValenciaPlugin) delete static_cast<JetDefinition::Plugin*>(fValenciaPlugin);
314 |
315 | }
316 |
317 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 |
319 | void FastJetFinder::Process()
320 | {
321 | Candidate *candidate, *constituent;
322 | TLorentzVector momentum;
323 |
324 | Double_t deta, dphi, detaMax, dphiMax;
325 | Double_t time, timeWeight;
326 | Int_t number, ncharged, nneutrals;
327 | Int_t charge;
328 | Double_t rho = 0.0;
329 | PseudoJet jet, area;
330 | ClusterSequence *sequence;
331 | vector< PseudoJet > inputList, outputList, subjets;
332 | vector< PseudoJet >::iterator itInputList, itOutputList;
333 | vector< TEstimatorStruct >::iterator itEstimators;
334 |
335 | DelphesFactory *factory = GetFactory();
336 |
337 | inputList.clear();
338 |
339 | // loop over input objects
340 | fItInputArray->Reset();
341 | number = 0;
342 | while((candidate = static_cast<Candidate*>(fItInputArray->Next())))
343 | {
344 | momentum = candidate->Momentum;
345 | jet = PseudoJet(momentum.Px(), momentum.Py(), momentum.Pz(), momentum.E());
346 | jet.set_user_index(number);
347 | inputList.push_back(jet);
348 | ++number;
349 | }
350 |
351 | // construct jets
352 | if(fAreaDefinition)
353 | {
354 | sequence = new ClusterSequenceArea(inputList, *fDefinition, *fAreaDefinition);
355 | }
356 | else
357 | {
358 | sequence = new ClusterSequence(inputList, *fDefinition);
359 | }
360 |
361 | // compute rho and store it
362 | if(fComputeRho && fAreaDefinition)
363 | {
364 | for(itEstimators = fEstimators.begin(); itEstimators != fEstimators.end(); ++itEstimators)
365 | {
366 | itEstimators->estimator->set_particles(inputList);
367 | rho = itEstimators->estimator->rho();
368 |
369 | candidate = factory->NewCandidate();
370 | candidate->Momentum.SetPtEtaPhiE(rho, 0.0, 0.0, rho);
371 | candidate->Edges[0] = itEstimators->etaMin;
372 | candidate->Edges[1] = itEstimators->etaMax;
373 | fRhoOutputArray->Add(candidate);
374 | }
375 | }
376 |
377 | outputList.clear();
378 |
379 | if(fExclusiveClustering)
380 | {
381 | //not neccessary to sort
382 | outputList = sequence->exclusive_jets( fNJets );
383 | }
384 | else
385 | {
386 | outputList = sorted_by_pt(sequence->inclusive_jets(fJetPTMin));
387 | }
388 |
389 | // loop over all jets and export them
390 | detaMax = 0.0;
391 | dphiMax = 0.0;
392 |
393 | for(itOutputList = outputList.begin(); itOutputList != outputList.end(); ++itOutputList)
394 | {
395 | jet = *itOutputList;
396 | if(fJetAlgorithm == 7) jet = join(jet.constituents());
397 |
398 | momentum.SetPxPyPzE(jet.px(), jet.py(), jet.pz(), jet.E());
399 |
400 | area.reset(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
401 | if(fAreaDefinition) area = itOutputList->area_4vector();
402 |
403 | candidate = factory->NewCandidate();
404 |
405 | time = 0.0;
406 | timeWeight = 0.0;
407 |
408 | charge = 0;
409 |
410 | ncharged = 0;
411 | nneutrals = 0;
412 |
413 | inputList.clear();
414 | inputList = sequence->constituents(*itOutputList);
415 |
416 | for(itInputList = inputList.begin(); itInputList != inputList.end(); ++itInputList)
417 | {
418 | if(itInputList->user_index() < 0) continue;
419 | constituent = static_cast<Candidate*>(fInputArray->At(itInputList->user_index()));
420 |
421 | deta = TMath::Abs(momentum.Eta() - constituent->Momentum.Eta());
422 | dphi = TMath::Abs(momentum.DeltaPhi(constituent->Momentum));
423 | if(deta > detaMax) detaMax = deta;
424 | if(dphi > dphiMax) dphiMax = dphi;
425 |
426 | if(constituent->Charge == 0) nneutrals++;
427 | else ncharged++;
428 |
429 | time += TMath::Sqrt(constituent->Momentum.E())*(constituent->Position.T());
430 | timeWeight += TMath::Sqrt(constituent->Momentum.E());
431 |
432 | charge += constituent->Charge;
433 |
434 | candidate->AddCandidate(constituent);
435 | }
436 |
437 | candidate->Momentum = momentum;
438 | candidate->Position.SetT(time/timeWeight);
439 | candidate->Area.SetPxPyPzE(area.px(), area.py(), area.pz(), area.E());
440 |
441 | candidate->DeltaEta = detaMax;
442 | candidate->DeltaPhi = dphiMax;
443 | candidate->Charge = charge;
444 | candidate->NNeutrals = nneutrals;
445 | candidate->NCharged = ncharged;
446 |
447 | //------------------------------------
448 | // Trimming
449 | //------------------------------------
450 |
451 | if(fComputeTrimming)
452 | {
453 |
454 | fastjet::Filter trimmer(fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm,fRTrim),fastjet::SelectorPtFractionMin(fPtFracTrim));
455 | fastjet::PseudoJet trimmed_jet = trimmer(*itOutputList);
456 |
457 | trimmed_jet = join(trimmed_jet.constituents());
458 |
459 | candidate->TrimmedP4[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(trimmed_jet.pt(), trimmed_jet.eta(), trimmed_jet.phi(), trimmed_jet.m());
460 |
461 | // four hardest subjets
462 | subjets.clear();
463 | subjets = trimmed_jet.pieces();
464 | subjets = sorted_by_pt(subjets);
465 |
466 | candidate->NSubJetsTrimmed = subjets.size();
467 |
468 | for (size_t i = 0; i < subjets.size() and i < 4; i++)
469 | {
470 | if(subjets.at(i).pt() < 0) continue ;
471 | candidate->TrimmedP4[i+1].SetPtEtaPhiM(subjets.at(i).pt(), subjets.at(i).eta(), subjets.at(i).phi(), subjets.at(i).m());
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 |
476 | //------------------------------------
477 | // Pruning
478 | //------------------------------------
479 |
480 |
481 | if(fComputePruning)
482 | {
483 |
484 | fastjet::Pruner pruner(fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,fRPrun),fZcutPrun,fRcutPrun);
485 | fastjet::PseudoJet pruned_jet = pruner(*itOutputList);
486 |
487 | candidate->PrunedP4[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(pruned_jet.pt(), pruned_jet.eta(), pruned_jet.phi(), pruned_jet.m());
488 |
489 | // four hardest subjet
490 | subjets.clear();
491 | subjets = pruned_jet.pieces();
492 | subjets = sorted_by_pt(subjets);
493 |
494 | candidate->NSubJetsPruned = subjets.size();
495 |
496 | for (size_t i = 0; i < subjets.size() and i < 4; i++)
497 | {
498 | if(subjets.at(i).pt() < 0) continue ;
499 | candidate->PrunedP4[i+1].SetPtEtaPhiM(subjets.at(i).pt(), subjets.at(i).eta(), subjets.at(i).phi(), subjets.at(i).m());
500 | }
501 |
502 | }
503 |
504 | //------------------------------------
505 | // SoftDrop
506 | //------------------------------------
507 |
508 | if(fComputeSoftDrop)
509 | {
510 |
511 | contrib::SoftDrop softDrop(fBetaSoftDrop,fSymmetryCutSoftDrop,fR0SoftDrop);
512 | fastjet::PseudoJet softdrop_jet = softDrop(*itOutputList);
513 |
514 | candidate->SoftDroppedP4[0].SetPtEtaPhiM(softdrop_jet.pt(), softdrop_jet.eta(), softdrop_jet.phi(), softdrop_jet.m());
515 |
516 | // four hardest subjet
517 |
518 | subjets.clear();
519 | subjets = softdrop_jet.pieces();
520 | subjets = sorted_by_pt(subjets);
521 | candidate->NSubJetsSoftDropped = softdrop_jet.pieces().size();
522 |
523 | for (size_t i = 0; i < subjets.size() and i < 4; i++)
524 | {
525 | if(subjets.at(i).pt() < 0) continue ;
526 | candidate->SoftDroppedP4[i+1].SetPtEtaPhiM(subjets.at(i).pt(), subjets.at(i).eta(), subjets.at(i).phi(), subjets.at(i).m());
527 | }
528 | }
529 |
530 | // --- compute N-subjettiness with N = 1,2,3,4,5 ----
531 |
532 | if(fComputeNsubjettiness)
533 | {
534 |
535 | Nsubjettiness nSub1(1, *fAxesDef, *fMeasureDef);
536 | Nsubjettiness nSub2(2, *fAxesDef, *fMeasureDef);
537 | Nsubjettiness nSub3(3, *fAxesDef, *fMeasureDef);
538 | Nsubjettiness nSub4(4, *fAxesDef, *fMeasureDef);
539 | Nsubjettiness nSub5(5, *fAxesDef, *fMeasureDef);
540 |
541 | candidate->Tau[0] = nSub1(*itOutputList);
542 | candidate->Tau[1] = nSub2(*itOutputList);
543 | candidate->Tau[2] = nSub3(*itOutputList);
544 | candidate->Tau[3] = nSub4(*itOutputList);
545 | candidate->Tau[4] = nSub5(*itOutputList);
546 |
547 | }
548 |
549 | fOutputArray->Add(candidate);
550 | }
551 | delete sequence;
552 | }