1 | Note on the implementation of the CMS Iterative Plugin
2 |
3 | The code is initially the CMSSW implementation in
4 | CMSIterativeConeAlgorithm.cc in /CMSSW/RecoJets/JetAlgorithms
5 | (more precisely, Revision 14 of the cc file)
6 |
7 | To avoid importing too many files from CMSSW, we did a couple of
8 | modifications starting from the CMSIterativeConeAlgorithm file:
9 |
10 | - directly used the FastJet PseudoJet instead of the InputItem
11 | present initially. Note that access to the info then has to be done
12 | using . instead of -> which implies a few small modifications here
13 | and there.
14 |
15 | - added a small piece of code to compute Et. That peice of code is
16 | the same as tracked down in the CMS code. It comes from the Root
17 | Lorentzvector, more precisely, the PxPyPzE4D implementation.
18 |
19 | - The ordering in Et, NumericSafeGreaterByEt, is imported from
20 | EtComparator.h in PhysicsTools/Utilities/
21 |
22 | - The DeltaR2 computation is imported from DeltaR.cc and DeltaPhi.cc
23 | in CMSSW/DataFormats/Math
24 |
25 | - finally, instead of the ProtoJet construction, we use the
26 | ClusterSequence-compatible clustering. That one follows the line of
27 | what is done in the SISCone plugin. Note that ve've checked in the
28 | CMSSZ code that the protojet is indeed reconstructed using E-scheme
29 | recombination (while the stability test is done using Et-scheme)
30 |
31 | Finally, we want to thank Andreas Oehler for pointing us to the CMS
32 | code.