1 | #include <iostream>
2 |
3 | #include <TString.h>
4 | #include <TMath.h>
5 | #include <TMatrixD.h>
6 | #include <TMatrixDSym.h>
7 | #include <TDecompChol.h>
8 | #include <TMatrixDSymEigen.h>
9 |
10 | #include "SolGeom.h"
11 | #include "SolTrack.h"
12 |
13 | using namespace std;
14 |
15 | SolTrack::SolTrack(Double_t *x, Double_t *p, SolGeom *G)
16 | {
17 | fG = G;
18 | // Store momentum
19 | fp[0] = p[0]; fp[1] = p[1]; fp[2] = p[2];
20 | Double_t px = p[0]; Double_t py = p[1]; Double_t pz = p[2];
21 | fx[0] = x[0]; fx[1] = x[1]; fx[2] = x[2];
22 | Double_t xx = x[0]; Double_t yy = x[1]; Double_t zz = x[2];
23 | // Store parameters
24 | Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(px*px + py*py);
25 | Double_t Charge = 1.0; // Don't worry about charge for now
26 | Double_t a = -Charge*G->B()*0.2998; // Normalized speed of light
27 | Double_t C = a / (2 * pt); // pt in GeV, B in Tesla, C in meters
28 | Double_t r2 = xx*xx + yy*yy;
29 | Double_t cross = xx*py - yy*px;
30 | Double_t T = TMath::Sqrt(pt*pt - 2 * a*cross + a*a*r2);
31 | Double_t phi0 = TMath::ATan2((py - a*xx) / T, (px + a*yy) / T);
32 | Double_t D;
33 | if (pt < 10.0) D = (T - pt) / a;
34 | else D = (-2 * cross + a*r2) / (T + pt);
35 | Double_t B = C*TMath::Sqrt((r2 - D*D) / (1 + 2 * C*D));
36 | Double_t st = TMath::ASin(B) / C;
37 | Double_t ct = pz / pt;
38 | Double_t z0 = zz - ct*st;
39 | fpar[0] = D;
40 | fpar[1] = phi0;
41 | fpar[2] = C;
42 | fpar[3] = z0;
43 | fpar[4] = ct;
44 | // Init covariances
45 | fCov.ResizeTo(5, 5);
46 | }
47 | SolTrack::SolTrack(TVector3 x, TVector3 p, SolGeom* G)
48 | {
49 | fG = G;
50 | // Store momentum
51 | fp[0] = p(0); fp[1] = p(1); fp[2] = p(2);
52 | Double_t px = p(0); Double_t py = p(1); Double_t pz = p(2);
53 | fx[0] = x(0); fx[1] = x(1); fx[2] = x(2);
54 | Double_t xx = x(0); Double_t yy = x(1); Double_t zz = x(2);
55 | // Store parameters
56 | Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(px * px + py * py);
57 | Double_t Charge = 1.0; // Don't worry about charge for now
58 | Double_t a = -Charge * G->B() * 0.2998; // Normalized speed of light
59 | Double_t C = a / (2 * pt); // pt in GeV, B in Tesla, C in meters
60 | Double_t r2 = xx * xx + yy * yy;
61 | Double_t cross = xx * py - yy * px;
62 | Double_t T = TMath::Sqrt(pt * pt - 2 * a * cross + a * a * r2);
63 | Double_t phi0 = TMath::ATan2((py - a * xx) / T, (px + a * yy) / T);
64 | Double_t D;
65 | if (pt < 10.0) D = (T - pt) / a;
66 | else D = (-2 * cross + a * r2) / (T + pt);
67 | Double_t B = C * TMath::Sqrt((r2 - D * D) / (1 + 2 * C * D));
68 | Double_t st = TMath::ASin(B) / C;
69 | Double_t ct = pz / pt;
70 | Double_t z0 = zz - ct * st;
71 | fpar[0] = D;
72 | fpar[1] = phi0;
73 | fpar[2] = C;
74 | fpar[3] = z0;
75 | fpar[4] = ct;
76 | //cout << "SolTrack:: C = " << C << ", fpar[2] = " << fpar[2] << endl;
77 | //
78 | // Init covariances
79 | //
80 | fCov.ResizeTo(5, 5);
81 | }
82 |
83 | SolTrack::SolTrack(Double_t D, Double_t phi0, Double_t C, Double_t z0, Double_t ct, SolGeom *G)
84 | {
85 | fG = G;
86 | // Store parameters
87 | fpar[0] = D;
88 | fpar[1] = phi0;
89 | fpar[2] = C;
90 | fpar[3] = z0;
91 | fpar[4] = ct;
92 | // Store momentum
93 | Double_t pt = G->B()*0.2998 / TMath::Abs(2 * C);
94 | Double_t px = pt*TMath::Cos(phi0);
95 | Double_t py = pt*TMath::Sin(phi0);
96 | Double_t pz = pt*ct;
97 |
98 | fp[0] = px; fp[1] = py; fp[2] = pz;
99 | fx[0] = -D*TMath::Sin(phi0); fx[1] = D*TMath::Cos(phi0); fx[2] = z0;
100 | // Init covariances
101 | fCov.ResizeTo(5, 5);
102 | }
103 | // Destructor
104 | SolTrack::~SolTrack()
105 | {
106 | delete[] & fp;
107 | delete[] & fpar;
108 | fCov.Clear();
109 | }
110 | // Calculate intersection with given layer
111 | Bool_t SolTrack::HitLayer(Int_t il, Double_t &R, Double_t &phi, Double_t &zz)
112 | {
113 | Double_t Di = D();
114 | Double_t phi0i = phi0();
115 | Double_t Ci = C();
116 | Double_t z0i = z0();
117 | Double_t cti = ct();
118 |
119 | R = 0; phi = 0; zz = 0;
120 |
121 | Bool_t val = kFALSE;
122 | if (fG->lTyp(il) == 1) // Cylinder: layer at constant R
123 | {
124 | R = fG->lPos(il);
125 | Double_t argph = (Ci*R + (1 + Ci*Di)*Di / R) / (1. + 2.*Ci*Di);
126 | if (TMath::Abs(argph) < 1.0)
127 | {
128 | Double_t argz = Ci*TMath::Sqrt((R*R - Di*Di) / (1 + 2 * Ci*Di));
129 | if (TMath::Abs(argz) < 1.0)
130 | {
131 | zz = z0i + cti*TMath::ASin(argz) / Ci;
132 | if (zz > fG->lxMin(il) && zz < fG->lxMax(il))
133 | {
134 | phi = phi0i + TMath::ASin(argph);
135 | val = kTRUE;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 | else if (fG->lTyp(il) == 2) // disk: layer at constant z
141 | {
142 | zz = fG->lPos(il);
143 | Double_t arg = Ci*(zz - z0i) / cti;
144 | if (TMath::Abs(arg) < 1.0 && (zz - z0i) / cti > 0)
145 | {
146 | R = TMath::Sqrt(Di*Di + (1. + 2.*Ci*Di)*pow(TMath::Sin(arg), 2) / (Ci*Ci));
147 | if (R > fG->lxMin(il) && R < fG->lxMax(il))
148 | {
149 | Double_t arg1 = (Ci*R + (1 + Ci*Di)*Di / R) / (1. + 2.*Ci*Di);
150 | if (TMath::Abs(arg1) < 1.0)
151 | {
152 | phi = phi0i + TMath::ASin(arg1);
153 | val = kTRUE;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | }
157 | }
158 | //
159 | return val;
160 | }
161 | // # of layers hit
162 | Int_t SolTrack::nHit()
163 | {
164 | Int_t kh = 0;
165 | Double_t R; Double_t phi; Double_t zz;
166 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < fG->Nl(); i++)
167 | if (HitLayer(i, R, phi, zz))kh++;
168 |
169 | return kh;
170 | }
171 |
172 | // # of measurement layers hit
173 | Int_t SolTrack::nmHit()
174 | {
175 | Int_t kmh = 0;
176 | Double_t R; Double_t phi; Double_t zz;
177 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < fG->Nl(); i++)
178 | if (HitLayer(i, R, phi, zz))if (fG->isMeasure(i))kmh++;
179 | //
180 | return kmh;
181 | }
182 | //
183 |
184 |
185 | // List of layers hit with intersections
186 | Int_t SolTrack::HitList(Int_t *&ihh, Double_t *&rhh, Double_t *&zhh)
187 | {
188 | // Return lists of hits associated to a track including all scattering layers.
189 | // Return value is the total number of measurement hits
190 | // kmh = total number of measurement layers hit for given type
191 | // ihh = pointer to layer number
192 | // rhh = radius of hit
193 | // zhh = z of hit
194 |
195 | // ***** NB: double layers with stereo on lower layer not included
196 |
197 | Int_t kh = 0; // Number of layers hit
198 | Int_t kmh = 0; // Number of measurement layers of given type
199 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < fG->Nl(); i++)
200 | {
201 | Double_t R; Double_t phi; Double_t zz;
202 | if (HitLayer(i, R, phi, zz)) // Only barrel type layers
203 | {
204 | zhh[kh] = zz;
205 | rhh[kh] = R;
206 | ihh[kh] = i;
207 | if (fG->isMeasure(i))kmh++;
208 | kh++;
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | return kmh;
213 | }
214 |
215 | // List of XYZ measurements without any error
216 | Int_t SolTrack::HitListXYZ(Int_t *&ihh, Double_t *&Xh, Double_t *&Yh, Double_t *&Zh)
217 | {
218 | //
219 | // Return lists of hits associated to a track for all measurement layers.
220 | // Return value is the total number of measurement hits
221 | // kmh = total number of measurement layers hit for given type
222 | // ihh = pointer to layer number
223 | // Xh, Yh, Zh = X, Y, Z of hit - No measurement error - No multiple scattering
224 | //
225 | //
226 | Int_t kmh = 0; // Number of measurement layers hit
227 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < fG->Nl(); i++)
228 | {
229 | Double_t R; Double_t phi; Double_t zz;
230 | if (HitLayer(i, R, phi, zz)) // Only barrel type layers
231 | {
232 | if (fG->isMeasure(i))
233 | {
234 | ihh[kmh] = i;
235 | Xh[kmh] = R*cos(phi);
236 | Yh[kmh] = R*sin(phi);
237 | Zh[kmh] = zz;
238 | kmh++;
239 | }
240 | }
241 | }
242 | //
243 | return kmh;
244 | }
245 | //
246 | // Covariance matrix estimation
247 | //
248 | void SolTrack::CovCalc(Bool_t Res, Bool_t MS)
249 | {
250 | //
251 | //
252 | // Input flags:
253 | // Res = .TRUE. turn on resolution effects/Use standard resolutions
254 | // .FALSE. set all resolutions to 0
255 | // MS = .TRUE. include Multiple Scattering
256 | //
257 | // Assumptions:
258 | // 1. Measurement layers can do one or two measurements
259 | // 2. On disks at constant z:
260 | // - Upper side measurement is phi
261 | // - Lower side measurement is R
262 | //
263 | // Fill list of layers hit
264 | //
265 | Int_t ntry = 0;
266 | Int_t ntrymax = 0;
267 | Int_t Nhit = nHit(); // Total number of layers hit
268 | Double_t *zhh = new Double_t[Nhit]; // z of hit
269 | Double_t *rhh = new Double_t[Nhit]; // r of hit
270 | Double_t *dhh = new Double_t[Nhit]; // distance of hit from origin
271 | Int_t *ihh = new Int_t[Nhit]; // true index of layer
272 | Int_t kmh; // Number of measurement layers hit
273 | //
274 | kmh = HitList(ihh, rhh, zhh); // hit layer list
275 | Int_t mTot = 0; // Total number of measurements
276 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Nhit; i++)
277 | {
278 | dhh[i] = TMath::Sqrt(rhh[i] * rhh[i] + zhh[i] * zhh[i]);
279 | if (fG->isMeasure(ihh[i])) mTot += fG->lND(ihh[i]); // Count number of measurements
280 | }
281 | //
282 | // Order hit list by increasing distance from origin
283 | //
284 | Int_t *hord = new Int_t[Nhit]; // hit order by increasing distance from origin
285 | TMath::Sort(Nhit, dhh, hord, kFALSE); // Order by increasing distance from origin
286 | Double_t *zh = new Double_t[Nhit]; // d-ordered z of hit
287 | Double_t *rh = new Double_t[Nhit]; // d-ordered r of hit
288 | Int_t *ih = new Int_t[Nhit]; // d-ordered true index of layer
289 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Nhit; i++)
290 | {
291 | Int_t il = hord[i]; // Hit layer numbering
292 | zh[i] = zhh[il];
293 | rh[i] = rhh[il];
294 | ih[i] = ihh[il];
295 | }
296 | //
297 | // Store interdistances and multiple scattering angles
298 | //
299 | Double_t sn2t = 1.0 / (1 + ct()*ct()); //sin^2 theta of track
300 | Double_t cs2t = 1.0 - sn2t; //cos^2 theta
301 | Double_t snt = TMath::Sqrt(sn2t); // sin theta
302 | Double_t cst = TMath::Sqrt(cs2t); // cos theta
303 | Double_t px0 = pt() * TMath::Cos(phi0()); // Momentum at minimum approach
304 | Double_t py0 = pt() * TMath::Sin(phi0());
305 | Double_t pz0 = pt() * ct();
306 | //
307 | TMatrixDSym dik(Nhit); dik.Zero(); // Distances between layers
308 | Double_t *thms = new Double_t[Nhit]; // Scattering angles/plane
309 | Double_t *cs = new Double_t[Nhit]; // Cosine of angle with layer normal
310 | for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < Nhit; ii++) // Hit layer loop
311 | {
312 | Int_t i = ih[ii]; // Get true layer number
313 | Double_t B = C()*TMath::Sqrt((rh[ii] * rh[ii] - D()*D()) / (1 + 2 * C()*D()));
314 | Double_t pxi = px0*(1-2*B*B)-2*py0*B*TMath::Sqrt(1-B*B); // Momentum at scattering layer
315 | Double_t pyi = py0*(1-2*B*B)+2*px0*B*TMath::Sqrt(1-B*B);
316 | Double_t pzi = pz0;
317 | Double_t ArgRp = (rh[ii]*C() + (1 + C() * D())*D() / rh[ii]) / (1 + 2 * C()*D());
318 | Double_t phi = phi0() + TMath::ASin(ArgRp);
319 | Double_t nx = TMath::Cos(phi); // Barrel layer normal
320 | Double_t ny = TMath::Sin(phi);
321 | Double_t nz = 0.0;
322 | if (fG->lTyp(i) == 2) // this is Z layer
323 | {
324 | nx = 0.0;
325 | ny = 0.0;
326 | nz = 1.0;
327 | }
328 | Double_t corr = (pxi*nx + pyi * ny + pzi * nz) / p();
329 | cs[ii] = corr;
330 | Double_t Rlf = fG->lTh(i) / (corr*fG->lX0(i)); // Rad. length fraction
331 | thms[ii] = 0.0136*TMath::Sqrt(Rlf)*(1.0 + 0.038*TMath::Log(Rlf)) / p(); // MS angle
332 | if (!MS)thms[ii] = 0;
333 | //
334 | for (Int_t kk = 0; kk < ii; kk++) // Fill distances between layers
335 | {
336 | //dik(ii, kk) = TMath::Sqrt(pow(rh[ii] - rh[kk], 2) + pow(zh[ii] - zh[kk], 2));
337 | Double_t Ci = C();
338 | dik(ii, kk) = (TMath::ASin(Ci*rh[ii])-TMath::ASin(Ci*rh[kk]))/(Ci*snt);
339 | dik(kk, ii) = dik(ii, kk);
340 | }
341 | //
342 | // Store momentum components for resolution correction cosines
343 | //
344 | Double_t *pRi = new Double_t[Nhit];
345 | pRi[ii] = TMath::Abs(pxi * TMath::Cos(phi) + pyi * TMath::Sin(phi)); // Radial component
346 | Double_t *pPhi = new Double_t[Nhit];
347 | pPhi[ii] = TMath::Abs(pxi * TMath::Sin(phi) - pyi * TMath::Cos(phi)); // Phi component
348 | }
349 | //
350 | // Fill measurement covariance
351 | //
352 | Int_t *mTl = new Int_t[mTot]; // Pointer from measurement number to true layer number
353 | TMatrixDSym Sm(mTot); Sm.Zero(); // Measurement covariance
354 | TMatrixD Rm(mTot, 5); // Derivative matrix
355 | Int_t im = 0;
356 | //
357 | // Fill derivatives and error matrix with MS
358 | //
359 | Double_t AngMax = 90.; Double_t AngMx = AngMax * TMath::Pi() / 180.;
360 | Double_t csMin = TMath::Cos(AngMx); // Set maximum angle wrt normal
361 | //
362 | for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < Nhit; ii++)
363 | {
364 | Int_t i = ih[ii]; // True layer number
365 | Int_t ityp = fG->lTyp(i); // Layer type Barrel or Z
366 | Int_t nmeai = fG->lND(i); // # measurements in layer
367 | if (fG->isMeasure(i) && nmeai >0 && cs[ii] > csMin)
368 | {
369 | Double_t Di = D(); // Get true track parameters
370 | Double_t phi0i = phi0();
371 | Double_t Ci = C();
372 | Double_t z0i = z0();
373 | Double_t cti = ct();
374 | //
375 | Double_t Ri = rh[ii];
376 | Double_t ArgRp = (Ri*Ci + (1 + Ci * Di)*Di / Ri) / (1 + 2 * Ci*Di);
377 | Double_t ArgRz = Ci * TMath::Sqrt((Ri*Ri - Di * Di) / (1 + 2 * Ci*Di));
378 | TVectorD dRphi(5); dRphi.Zero(); // R-phi derivatives @ const. R
379 | TVectorD dRz(5); dRz.Zero(); // z derivatives @ const. R
380 | //
381 | // Derivative overflow protection
382 | Double_t dMin = 0.8;
383 | dRphi(0) = (1 - 2 * Ci*Ci*Ri*Ri) /
384 | TMath::Max(dMin,TMath::Sqrt(1 - ArgRp * ArgRp)); // D derivative
385 | dRphi(1) = Ri; // phi0 derivative
386 | dRphi(2) = Ri * Ri /
387 | TMath::Max(dMin,TMath::Sqrt(1 - ArgRp * ArgRp)); // C derivative
388 | dRphi(3) = 0.0; // z0 derivative
389 | dRphi(4) = 0.0; // cot(theta) derivative
390 | //
391 | dRz(0) = -cti * Di /
392 | (Ri*TMath::Max(dMin,TMath::Sqrt(1 - Ci * Ci*Ri*Ri))); // D
393 | dRz(1) = 0.0; // Phi0
394 | dRz(2) = cti * (Ri*Ci / TMath::Sqrt(1-Ri*Ri*Ci*Ci) - // C
395 | TMath::ASin(Ri*Ci)) / (Ci*Ci);
396 | dRz(3) = 1.0; // Z0
397 | dRz(4) = TMath::ASin(ArgRz) / Ci; // Cot(theta)
398 | //
399 | for (Int_t nmi = 0; nmi < nmeai; nmi++)
400 | {
401 | mTl[im] = i;
402 | Double_t stri = 0;
403 | Double_t sig = 0;
404 | if (nmi + 1 == 1) // Upper layer measurements
405 | {
406 | stri = fG->lStU(i); // Stereo angle
407 | Double_t csa = TMath::Cos(stri);
408 | Double_t ssa = TMath::Sin(stri);
409 | sig = fG->lSgU(i); // Resolution
410 | if (ityp == 1) // Barrel type layer (Measure R-phi, stereo or z at const. R)
411 | {
412 | //
413 | // Almost exact solution (CD<<1, D<<R)
414 | Rm(im, 0) = csa * dRphi(0) - ssa * dRz(0); // D derivative
415 | Rm(im, 1) = csa * dRphi(1) - ssa * dRz(1); // phi0 derivative
416 | Rm(im, 2) = csa * dRphi(2) - ssa * dRz(2); // C derivative
417 | Rm(im, 3) = csa * dRphi(3) - ssa * dRz(3); // z0 derivative
418 | Rm(im, 4) = csa * dRphi(4) - ssa * dRz(4); // cot(theta) derivative
419 | }
420 | if (ityp == 2) // Z type layer (Measure phi at const. Z)
421 | {
422 | Rm(im, 0) = 1.0; // D derivative
423 | Rm(im, 1) = rh[ii]; // phi0 derivative
424 | Rm(im, 2) = rh[ii] * rh[ii]; // C derivative
425 | Rm(im, 3) = 0; // z0 derivative
426 | Rm(im, 4) = 0; // cot(theta) derivative
427 | }
428 | }
429 | if (nmi + 1 == 2) // Lower layer measurements
430 | {
431 | stri = fG->lStL(i); // Stereo angle
432 | Double_t csa = TMath::Cos(stri);
433 | Double_t ssa = TMath::Sin(stri);
434 | sig = fG->lSgL(i); // Resolution
435 | if (ityp == 1) // Barrel type layer (measure R-phi, stereo or z at const. R)
436 | {
437 | //
438 | // Almost exact solution (CD<<1, D<<R)
439 | Rm(im, 0) = csa * dRphi(0) - ssa * dRz(0); // D derivative
440 | Rm(im, 1) = csa * dRphi(1) - ssa * dRz(1); // phi0 derivative
441 | Rm(im, 2) = csa * dRphi(2) - ssa * dRz(2); // C derivative
442 | Rm(im, 3) = csa * dRphi(3) - ssa * dRz(3); // z0 derivative
443 | Rm(im, 4) = csa * dRphi(4) - ssa * dRz(4); // cot(theta) derivative
444 | }
445 | if (ityp == 2) // Z type layer (Measure R at const. z)
446 | {
447 | Rm(im, 0) = 0; // D derivative
448 | Rm(im, 1) = 0; // phi0 derivative
449 | Rm(im, 2) = 0; // C derivative
450 | Rm(im, 3) = -1.0 / ct(); // z0 derivative
451 | Rm(im, 4) = -rh[ii] / ct(); // cot(theta) derivative
452 | }
453 | }
454 | // Derivative calculation completed
455 | //
456 | // Now calculate measurement error matrix
457 | //
458 | Int_t km = 0;
459 | for (Int_t kk = 0; kk <= ii; kk++)
460 | {
461 | Int_t k = ih[kk]; // True layer number
462 | Int_t ktyp = fG->lTyp(k); // Layer type Barrel or
463 | Int_t nmeak = fG->lND(k); // # measurements in layer
464 | if (fG->isMeasure(k) && nmeak > 0 &&cs[kk] > csMin)
465 | {
466 | for (Int_t nmk = 0; nmk < nmeak; nmk++)
467 | {
468 | Double_t strk = 0;
469 | if (nmk + 1 == 1) strk = fG->lStU(k); // Stereo angle
470 | if (nmk + 1 == 2) strk = fG->lStL(k); // Stereo angle
471 | if (im == km && Res) Sm(im, km) += sig*sig; // Detector resolution on diagonal
472 | //
473 | // Loop on all layers below for MS contributions
474 | for (Int_t jj = 0; jj < kk; jj++)
475 | {
476 | Double_t di = dik(ii, jj);
477 | Double_t dk = dik(kk, jj);
478 | Double_t ms = thms[jj];
479 | Double_t msk = ms; Double_t msi = ms;
480 | if (ityp == 1) msi = ms / snt; // Barrel
481 | else if (ityp == 2) msi = ms / cst; // Disk
482 | if (ktyp == 1) msk = ms / snt; // Barrel
483 | else if (ktyp == 2) msk = ms / cst; // Disk
484 | Double_t ci = TMath::Cos(stri); Double_t si = TMath::Sin(stri);
485 | Double_t ck = TMath::Cos(strk); Double_t sk = TMath::Sin(strk);
486 | Sm(im, km) += di*dk*(ci*ck*ms*ms + si*sk*msi*msk); // Ms contribution
487 | }
488 | //
489 | Sm(km, im) = Sm(im, km);
490 | km++;
491 | }
492 | }
493 | }
494 | im++; mTot = im;
495 | }
496 | }
497 | }
498 | Sm.ResizeTo(mTot, mTot);
499 | Rm.ResizeTo(mTot, 5);
500 | //
501 | //**********************************************************************
502 | // Calculate covariance from derivatives and measurement error matrix *
503 | //**********************************************************************
504 | //
505 | TMatrixDSym DSmInv(mTot); DSmInv.Zero();
506 | for (Int_t id = 0; id < mTot; id++) DSmInv(id, id) = 1.0 / TMath::Sqrt(Sm(id, id));
507 | TMatrixDSym SmN = Sm.Similarity(DSmInv); // Normalize diagonal to 1
508 | //SmN.Invert();
509 | //
510 | // Protected matrix inversions
511 | //
512 | TDecompChol Chl(SmN);
513 | TMatrixDSym SmNinv = SmN;
514 | if (Chl.Decompose())
515 | {
516 | Bool_t OK;
517 | SmNinv = Chl.Invert(OK);
518 | }
519 | else
520 | {
521 | cout << "SolTrack::CovCalc: Error matrix not positive definite. Recovering ...." << endl;
522 | if (ntry < ntrymax)
523 | {
524 | SmNinv.Print();
525 | ntry++;
526 | }
527 | TMatrixDSym rSmN = MakePosDef(SmN); SmN = rSmN;
528 | TDecompChol rChl(SmN);
529 | SmNinv = SmN;
530 | Bool_t OK = rChl.Decompose();
531 | SmNinv = rChl.Invert(OK);
532 | }
533 | Sm = SmNinv.Similarity(DSmInv); // Error matrix inverted
534 | TMatrixDSym H = Sm.SimilarityT(Rm); // Calculate half Hessian
535 | // Normalize before inversion
536 | const Int_t Npar = 5;
537 | TMatrixDSym DHinv(Npar); DHinv.Zero();
538 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Npar; i++)DHinv(i, i) = 1.0 / TMath::Sqrt(H(i, i));
539 | TMatrixDSym Hnrm = H.Similarity(DHinv);
540 | // Invert and restore
541 | Hnrm.Invert();
542 | fCov = Hnrm.Similarity(DHinv);
543 | }
544 |
545 | // Force positive definitness in normalized matrix
546 | TMatrixDSym SolTrack::MakePosDef(TMatrixDSym NormMat)
547 | {
548 | //
549 | // Input: symmetric matrix with 1's on diagonal
550 | // Output: positive definite matrix with 1's on diagonal
551 | //
552 | // Default return value
553 | TMatrixDSym rMatN = NormMat;
554 | // Check the diagonal
555 | Bool_t Check = kFALSE;
556 | Int_t Size = NormMat.GetNcols();
557 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Size; i++)if (TMath::Abs(NormMat(i, i) - 1.0)>1.0E-15)Check = kTRUE;
558 | if (Check)
559 | {
560 | cout << "SolTrack::MakePosDef: input matrix doesn ot have 1 on diagonal. Abort." << endl;
561 | return rMatN;
562 | }
563 | //
564 | // Diagonalize matrix
565 | TMatrixDSymEigen Eign(NormMat);
566 | TMatrixD U = Eign.GetEigenVectors();
567 | TVectorD lambda = Eign.GetEigenValues();
568 | // Reset negative eigenvalues to small positive value
569 | TMatrixDSym D(Size); D.Zero(); Double_t eps = 1.0e-13;
570 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Size; i++)
571 | {
572 | D(i, i) = lambda(i);
573 | if (lambda(i) <= 0) D(i, i) = eps;
574 | }
575 | //Rebuild matrix
576 | TMatrixD Ut(TMatrixD::kTransposed, U);
577 | TMatrixD rMat = (U*D)*Ut; // Now it is positive defite
578 | // Restore all ones on diagonal
579 | for (Int_t i1 = 0; i1 < Size; i1++)
580 | {
581 | Double_t rn1 = TMath::Sqrt(rMat(i1, i1));
582 | for (Int_t i2 = 0; i2 <= i1; i2++)
583 | {
584 | Double_t rn2 = TMath::Sqrt(rMat(i2, i2));
585 | rMatN(i1, i2) = 0.5*(rMat(i1, i2) + rMat(i2, i1)) / (rn1*rn2);
586 | rMatN(i2, i1) = rMatN(i1, i2);
587 | }
588 | }
589 | return rMatN;
590 | }