1 | #include <TVector3.h>
2 | #include "AcceptanceClx.h"
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | //
5 | // Pt splitting routine
6 | //
7 | void AcceptanceClx::VecInsert(Int_t i, Float_t x, TVectorF& Vec)
8 | {
9 | // Insert a new element x in location i+1 of vector Vec
10 | //
11 | Int_t N = Vec.GetNrows(); // Get vector nitial size
12 | Vec.ResizeTo(N + 1); // Increase size
13 | for (Int_t j = N - 1; j > i; j--)Vec(j + 1) = Vec(j); // Shift all elements above i
14 | Vec(i+1) = x;
15 | }
16 | //
17 | void AcceptanceClx::SplitPt(Int_t i, TVectorF &AccPt)
18 | {
19 | Int_t Nrows = fAcc.GetNrows();
20 | Int_t Ncols = fAcc.GetNcols();
21 | TMatrixF AccMod(Nrows + 1, Ncols); // Size output matrix
22 | for (Int_t ith = 0; ith < Ncols; ith++)
23 | {
24 | AccMod(i + 1, ith) = AccPt(ith);
25 | for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt <= i; ipt++) AccMod(ipt, ith) = fAcc(ipt, ith);
26 | for (Int_t ipt = i + 1; ipt < Nrows; ipt++) AccMod(ipt + 1, ith) = fAcc(ipt, ith);
27 | }
28 | //
29 | fAcc.ResizeTo(Nrows + 1, Ncols);
30 | fAcc = AccMod;
31 | }
32 | //
33 | // Theta splitting routine
34 | void AcceptanceClx::SplitTh(Int_t i, TVectorF &AccTh)
35 | {
36 | Int_t Nrows = fAcc.GetNrows();
37 | Int_t Ncols = fAcc.GetNcols();
38 | TMatrixF AccMod(Nrows, Ncols + 1); // Size output matrix
39 | for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < Nrows; ipt++)
40 | {
41 | AccMod(ipt, i + 1) = AccTh(ipt);
42 | for (Int_t ith = 0; ith <= i; ith++) AccMod(ipt, ith) = fAcc(ipt, ith);
43 | for (Int_t ith = i + 1; ith < Ncols; ith++) AccMod(ipt, ith + 1) = fAcc(ipt, ith);
44 | }
45 | //
46 | fAcc.ResizeTo(Nrows, Ncols + 1);
47 | fAcc = AccMod;
48 | }
49 | //
50 | // Constructors
51 | //
52 | AcceptanceClx::AcceptanceClx(TString InFile)
53 | {
54 | ReadAcceptance(InFile);
55 | }
56 | //
57 | AcceptanceClx::AcceptanceClx(SolGeom* InGeo)
58 | {
59 | // Initializations
60 | //
61 | //std::cout << "Entered constructor of AccpeptanceClx" << std::endl;
62 | // Setup grid
63 | // Start grid parameters
64 | //
65 | // Pt nodes
66 | const Int_t NpPtInp = 5;
67 | Float_t PtInit[NpPtInp] = { 0., 1., 10., 100., 250. };
68 | TVectorF Pta(NpPtInp, PtInit);
69 | Int_t NpPt = Pta.GetNrows(); // Nr. of starting pt points
70 | // Theta nodes
71 | const Int_t NpThInp = 15;
72 | Float_t ThInit[NpThInp] = { 0.,5.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,90.,
73 | 130.,140.,150.,160.,170.,175., 180. };
74 | TVectorF Tha(NpThInp, ThInit);
75 | Int_t NpTh = Tha.GetNrows(); // Nr. of starting theta points
76 | //std::cout << "AcceptanceClv:: Pta and Tha arrays defined" << std::endl;
77 | //
78 | // Grid splitting parameters
79 | Float_t dPtMin = 0.2; // Grid Pt resolution (GeV)
80 | Float_t dThMin = 2.0; // Grid Theta resolution (degrees)
81 | Float_t dAmin = 1.0; // Minimum # hits step
82 | //
83 | fAcc.ResizeTo(NpPt, NpTh);
84 | //
85 | //
86 | // Event loop: fill matrix starting nodes
87 | //
88 | TVector3 xv(0., 0., 0.);
89 | for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < NpPt; ipt++) // Scan pt bins
90 | {
91 | // Momentum in GeV
92 | Double_t pt = Pta(ipt);
93 | //
94 | for (Int_t ith = 0; ith < NpTh; ith++) // Scan theta bins
95 | {
96 | //
97 | // Theta in from degrees to radians
98 | Double_t th = TMath::Pi() * Tha(ith) / 180.;
99 | Double_t pz = pt / TMath::Tan(th);
100 | TVector3 tp(pt, 0., pz);
101 | //
102 | // Get number of measurement hits
103 | //
104 | SolTrack* gTrk = new SolTrack(xv, tp, InGeo); // Generated track
105 | Int_t Mhits = gTrk->nmHit(); // Nr. Measurement hits
106 | fAcc(ipt, ith) = (Float_t)Mhits;
107 | }
108 | }
109 | //
110 | // Scan nodes and split if needed
111 | //
112 | Int_t Nsplits = 1; // Number of split per iteration
113 | Int_t Ncycles = 0; // Number of iterations
114 | Int_t MaxSplits = 200; // Maximum number of splits
115 | Int_t NsplitCnt = 0;
116 | //
117 | while (Nsplits > 0)
118 | {
119 | Nsplits = 0;
120 | // Scan nodes
121 | for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < NpPt - 1; ipt++) // Scan pt bins
122 | {
123 | for (Int_t ith = 0; ith < NpTh - 1; ith++) // Scan theta bins
124 | {
125 | Float_t dAp = TMath::Abs(fAcc(ipt + 1, ith) - fAcc(ipt, ith));
126 | Float_t dPt = TMath::Abs(Pta(ipt + 1) - Pta(ipt));
127 | //
128 | // Pt split
129 | if (dPt > dPtMin && dAp > dAmin && Nsplits < MaxSplits) {
130 | //std::cout << "Pt(" << ipt << ") = " << Pta(ipt) << ", dAp = " << dAp << std::endl;
131 | NsplitCnt++; // Total splits counter
132 | Nsplits++; // Increase splits/cycle
133 | NpPt++; // Increase #pt points
134 | //std::cout << "New pt split: dAp = " << dAp << ", dPt = " << dPt <<
135 | // ", Nsplits = " << Nsplits << ", NpPt = " << NpPt << std::endl;
136 | Float_t newPt = 0.5 * (Pta(ipt + 1) + Pta(ipt));
137 | VecInsert(ipt, newPt, Pta);
138 | TVectorF AccPt(NpTh);
139 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < NpTh; i++)
140 | {
141 | Double_t pt = newPt;
142 | Double_t th = TMath::Pi() * Tha[i] / 180.;
143 | Double_t pz = pt / TMath::Tan(th);
144 | TVector3 tp(pt, 0., pz);
145 | SolTrack* gTrk = new SolTrack(xv, tp, InGeo); // Generated track
146 | Int_t Mhits = gTrk->nmHit(); // Nr. Measurement hits
147 | AccPt(i) = (Float_t)Mhits;
148 | }
149 | SplitPt(ipt, AccPt);
150 | // Completed Pt split
151 | }
152 | //
153 | Float_t dAt = TMath::Abs(fAcc(ipt, ith + 1) - fAcc(ipt, ith));
154 | Float_t dTh = TMath::Abs(Tha(ith + 1) - Tha(ith));
155 | //
156 | // Theta split
157 | if (dTh > dThMin && dAt > dAmin && Nsplits < MaxSplits) {
158 | //std::cout << "Th(" << ith << ") = " << Tha(ith) << ", dAt = " << dAt << std::endl;
159 | NsplitCnt++; // Total splits counter
160 | Nsplits++; // Increase splits
161 | NpTh++; // Increase #pt points
162 | //std::cout << "New th split: dAt = " << dAt << ", dTh = " << dTh <<
163 | // ", Nsplits = " << Nsplits << ", NpTh = " << NpTh << std::endl;
164 | Float_t newTh = 0.5 * (Tha(ith + 1) + Tha(ith));
165 | VecInsert(ith, newTh, Tha);
166 | TVectorF AccTh(NpPt);
167 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < NpPt; i++)
168 | {
169 | Double_t pt = Pta(i);
170 | Double_t th = TMath::Pi() * newTh / 180.;
171 | Double_t pz = pt / TMath::Tan(th);
172 | TVector3 tp(pt, 0., pz);
173 | SolTrack* gTrk = new SolTrack(xv, tp, InGeo); // Generated track
174 | Int_t Mhits = gTrk->nmHit(); // Nr. Measurement hits
175 | AccTh(i) = (Float_t)Mhits;
176 | }
177 | SplitTh(ith, AccTh);
178 | // Theta splits completed
179 | }
180 | } // End loop on theta nodes
181 | } // End loop on pt nodes
182 | Ncycles++;
183 | } // End loop on iteration
184 | //
185 | std::cout<<"AcceptanceClx:: Acceptance generation completed after "<<Ncycles<<" cycles"
186 | <<" and a total number of "<<NsplitCnt<< " splits"<<std::endl;
187 | //
188 | // Store final variables and parameters
189 | //
190 | fNPtNodes = NpPt;
191 | Int_t PtCk = Pta.GetNrows();
192 | if (PtCk != NpPt)
193 | std::cout << "AcceptanceClx:: Error in grid generation NpPt=" << NpPt << ", Pta size= " << PtCk << std::endl;
194 | fPtArray.ResizeTo(NpPt);
195 | fPtArray = Pta; // Array of Pt nodes
196 | //
197 | fNThNodes = NpTh;
198 | Int_t ThCk = Tha.GetNrows();
199 | if (ThCk != NpTh)
200 | std::cout << "AcceptanceClx:: Error in grid generation NpTh=" << NpTh << ", Tha size= " << ThCk << std::endl;
201 | fThArray.ResizeTo(NpTh);
202 | fThArray = Tha; // Array of Theta nodes
203 | //
204 | std::cout << "AcceptanceClx:: Acceptance encoding with " << fNPtNodes
205 | <<" pt nodes and "<< fNThNodes <<" theta nodes"<< std::endl;
206 | Int_t Nrows = fAcc.GetNrows();
207 | Int_t Ncols = fAcc.GetNcols();
208 | //std::cout<<"AcceptanceClx:: fAcc rows: "<<Nrows<<", cols: "<<Ncols<<std::endl;
209 | //std::cout<<"AcceptanceClx:: Pta size: "<<Pta.GetNrows()<<", Tha size: "<<Tha.GetNrows()<<std::endl;;
210 | //std::cout<<"AcceptanceClx:: pt nodes"<<std::endl; fPtArray.Print();
211 | //std::cout<<"AcceptanceClx:: th nodes"<<std::endl; fThArray.Print();
212 | }
213 |
214 | // Destructor
215 | AcceptanceClx::~AcceptanceClx()
216 | {
217 | fNPtNodes = 0;
218 | fNThNodes = 0;
219 | fAcc.Clear();
220 | fPtArray.Clear();
221 | fThArray.Clear();
222 | }
223 | //
224 | void AcceptanceClx::WriteAcceptance(TFile *fout)
225 | {
226 | //
227 | // Write out data
228 | TTree* tree = new TTree("treeAcc", "Acceptance tree");
229 | TMatrixF* pntMatF = &fAcc;
230 | TVectorF* pntVecP = &fPtArray;
231 | TVectorF* pntVecT = &fThArray;
232 | tree->Branch("AcceptanceMatrix", "TMatrixF", &pntMatF, 64000, 0);
233 | tree->Branch("AcceptancePtVec", "TVectorF", &pntVecP, 64000, 0);
234 | tree->Branch("AcceptanceThVec", "TVectorF", &pntVecT, 64000, 0);
235 | tree->Fill();
236 | fout->Write();
237 | }
238 | //
239 | void AcceptanceClx::WriteAcceptance(TString OutFile)
240 | {
241 | //
242 | // Write out data
243 | TFile* fout = new TFile(OutFile,"RECREATE");
244 | WriteAcceptance(fout);
245 | fout->Close();
246 | delete fout;
247 | }
248 | //
249 | void AcceptanceClx::ReadAcceptance(TString InFile)
250 | {
251 | //
252 | // Read in data
253 | TFile* f = new TFile(InFile, "READ");
254 | //
255 | // Import TTree
256 | TTree* T = (TTree*)f->Get("treeAcc");
257 | //
258 | // Get matrix
259 | TMatrixF* pAcc = new TMatrixF();
260 | T->SetBranchAddress("AcceptanceMatrix", &pAcc);
261 | T->GetEntry(0);
262 | //
263 | fNPtNodes = pAcc->GetNrows();
264 | fNThNodes = pAcc->GetNcols();
265 | fAcc.ResizeTo(fNPtNodes, fNThNodes);
266 | fAcc = *pAcc;
267 | //
268 | // Get Pt grid
269 | TVectorF* pPtArray = new TVectorF();
270 | T->SetBranchAddress("AcceptancePtVec", &pPtArray);
271 | T->GetEntry(0);
272 | fPtArray.ResizeTo(fNPtNodes);
273 | fPtArray = *pPtArray;
274 | //
275 | // Get Theta array
276 | TVectorF* pThArray = new TVectorF();
277 | T->SetBranchAddress("AcceptanceThVec", &pThArray);
278 | T->GetEntry(0);
279 | fThArray.ResizeTo(fNThNodes);
280 | fThArray = *pThArray;
281 | //
282 | std::cout << "AcceptanceClx::Read complete: Npt= " << fNPtNodes << ", Nth= " << fNThNodes << std::endl;
283 | //
284 | f->Close();
285 | delete f;
286 | }
287 | //
288 | Double_t AcceptanceClx::HitNumber(Double_t pt, Double_t theta)
289 | {
290 | //
291 | // Protect against values out of range
292 | //std::cout << "AcceptanceClx::HitNumber: just in pt= " << pt << ", theta = " << theta << std::endl;
293 | //std::cout << "AcceptanceClx::HitNumber: ptArr(0)= " << fPtArray(0) << ", thArr(0) = " << fThArray(0) << std::endl;
294 | //std::cout << "AcceptanceClx::HitNumber: ptArr(E)= " << fPtArray(fNPtNodes - 1)
295 | // << ", thArr(E) = " << fThArray(fNThNodes - 1) << std::endl;
296 | Float_t eps = 1.0e-4;
297 | Float_t pt0 = (Float_t)pt;
298 | if (pt0 <= fPtArray(0)) pt0 = fPtArray(0) + eps;
299 | else if (pt0 >= fPtArray(fNPtNodes-1)) pt0 = fPtArray(fNPtNodes-1) - eps;
300 | Float_t th0 = (Float_t)theta;
301 | if (th0 <= fThArray(0)) th0 = fThArray(0) + eps;
302 | else if (th0 >= fThArray(fNThNodes - 1)) th0 = fThArray(fNThNodes - 1) - eps;
303 | //
304 | // Find cell
305 | Float_t* parray = fPtArray.GetMatrixArray();
306 | Int_t ip = TMath::BinarySearch(fNPtNodes, parray, pt0);
307 | Float_t* tarray = fThArray.GetMatrixArray();
308 | Int_t it = TMath::BinarySearch(fNThNodes, tarray, th0);
309 | //
310 | if (ip<0 || ip >fNPtNodes - 2)
311 | {
312 | std::cout << "Search error: (ip, pt) = (" << ip << ", " << pt << "), pt0 = " << pt0 << std::endl;
313 | std::cout << "Search error: pt nodes = " << fNPtNodes
314 | << " , last value = " << fPtArray(fNPtNodes - 1) << std::endl;
315 | }
316 | if (it<0 || ip >fNThNodes - 2)
317 | {
318 | std::cout << "Search error: (it, th) = (" << it << ", " << theta << "), th0 = " << th0 << std::endl;
319 | std::cout << "Search error: th nodes = " << fNThNodes
320 | << " , last value = " << fThArray(fNThNodes - 1) << std::endl;
321 | }
322 | //
323 | // Bilinear interpolation
324 | //
325 | Double_t spt = (pt0 - fPtArray(ip)) / (fPtArray(ip + 1) - fPtArray(ip));
326 | Double_t sth = (th0 - fThArray(it)) / (fThArray(it + 1) - fThArray(it));
327 | Double_t A11 = fAcc(ip, it);
328 | Double_t A12 = fAcc(ip, it+1);
329 | Double_t A21 = fAcc(ip+1, it);
330 | Double_t A22 = fAcc(ip+1, it+1);
331 | Double_t A = A11 * (1 - spt) * (1 - sth) + A12 * (1 - spt) * sth +
332 | A21 * spt * (1 - sth) + A22 * spt * sth;
333 | //
334 | return A;
335 | }
336 | //
337 | Double_t AcceptanceClx::HitNum(Double_t *x, Double_t *p) // Theta in degrees
338 | {
339 | Double_t pt = x[0];
340 | Double_t th = x[1];
341 | //
342 | return HitNumber(pt, th);
343 | }
344 | //