1 | #include "puppiCleanContainer.hh"
2 | #include "Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h"
3 | #include "Math/ProbFunc.h"
4 | #include "TH2F.h"
5 | #include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
6 |
7 | #include <algorithm>
8 |
9 | #include "TMath.h"
10 | #include "Math/QuantFuncMathCore.h"
11 | #include "Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h"
12 | #include "Math/ProbFunc.h"
13 |
14 | using namespace std;
15 |
16 | // ------------- Constructor
17 | puppiCleanContainer::puppiCleanContainer(std::vector<RecoObj> inParticles,
18 | std::vector<puppiAlgoBin> puppiAlgo,
19 | float minPuppiWeight,
20 | bool fUseExp){
21 |
22 | // take the input particles
23 | fRecoParticles_.clear();
24 | fRecoParticles_ = inParticles;
25 |
26 | // puppi algo
27 | puppiAlgo_.clear();
28 | puppiAlgo_ = puppiAlgo;
29 |
30 | // min puppi weight
31 | fMinPuppiWeight_ = minPuppiWeight;
32 |
33 | //Clear everything
34 | fPFParticles_.clear();
35 | fPFchsParticles_.clear();
36 | fChargedPV_.clear();
37 | fChargedNoPV_.clear();
38 | fPuppiWeights_.clear();
39 |
40 | fNPV_ = 1 ;
41 | fPVFrac_ = 0.;
42 | fUseExp_ = fUseExp;
43 |
44 | //Link to the RecoObjects --> loop on the input particles
45 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fRecoParticles_.size(); i++){
46 | fastjet::PseudoJet curPseudoJet;
47 | curPseudoJet.reset_PtYPhiM (fRecoParticles_[i].pt,fRecoParticles_[i].eta,fRecoParticles_[i].phi,fRecoParticles_[i].m);
48 | curPseudoJet.set_user_index(fRecoParticles_[i].id);
49 | // fill vector of pseudojets for internal references
50 | fPFParticles_.push_back(curPseudoJet);
51 | if(fRecoParticles_[i].id <= 1) fPFchsParticles_.push_back(curPseudoJet); //Remove Charged particles associated to other vertex
52 | if(fRecoParticles_[i].id == 1) fChargedPV_.push_back(curPseudoJet); //Take Charged particles associated to PV
53 | if(fRecoParticles_[i].id == 2) fChargedNoPV_.push_back(curPseudoJet);
54 | if(fRecoParticles_[i].id >= 0) fPVFrac_++ ;
55 | if(fNPV_ < fRecoParticles_[i].vtxId) fNPV_ = fRecoParticles_[i].vtxId;
56 |
57 | }
58 |
59 | fPVFrac_ = double(fChargedPV_.size())/fPVFrac_;
60 | }
61 |
62 | // ------------- De-Constructor
63 | puppiCleanContainer::~puppiCleanContainer(){}
64 |
65 | // main function to compute puppi Event
66 | std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> puppiCleanContainer::puppiEvent(){
67 |
68 | // output particles
69 | std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particles;
70 | particles.clear();
71 |
72 | std::vector<int> pPupId ;
73 | std::vector<puppiParticle> partTmp ; // temp puppi particle vector; make a clone of the same particle for all the algo in which it is contained
74 |
75 | // calculate puppi metric, RMS and mean value for all the algorithms
76 | for(size_t iPuppiAlgo = 0; iPuppiAlgo < puppiAlgo_.size(); iPuppiAlgo++){
77 | getRMSAvg(iPuppiAlgo,fPFParticles_,fChargedPV_); // give all the particles in the event and the charged one
78 | }
79 |
80 | int npart = 0;
81 |
82 | // Loop on all the incoming particles
83 | for(size_t iPart = 0; iPart < fPFParticles_.size(); iPart++) {
84 |
85 | float pWeight = 1; // default weight
86 | pPupId.clear();
87 | pPupId = getPuppiId(fPFParticles_[iPart].pt(),fPFParticles_[iPart].eta(),puppiAlgo_); // take into account only algo eta
88 |
89 | //////////////////////////////////////////
90 | // acceptance check of the puppi algorithm
91 | //////////////////////////////////////////
92 |
93 | if(pPupId.empty()) { // out acceptance... no algorithm found
94 | fPuppiWeights_.push_back(pWeight); // take the particle as it is
95 | fastjet::PseudoJet curjet(pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].px(),pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].py(),pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].pz(),pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].e());
96 | curjet.set_user_index(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index());
97 | particles.push_back(curjet); // fill the output collection
98 | continue; //go to the next particle
99 | }
100 |
101 | ///////////////
102 | // PT check //
103 | ///////////////
104 | for(size_t iAlgo = 0; iAlgo < pPupId.size(); iAlgo++){ // loop on all the available algo for that region
105 | if(fPFParticles_.at(iPart).pt() < puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPtMin_){ // low momentum particles should be cut by puppi method
106 | pWeight = 0; // if this particle is under the pT threshold of one the algorithm, put the weight as zero
107 | break;
108 | }
109 | }
110 |
111 | if(pWeight == 0){
112 | fPuppiWeights_.push_back(0); // puppi weight is zero
113 | continue;
114 | }
115 |
116 | /////////////////////////////////////
117 | // fill the p-values for Z-vertex //
118 | /////////////////////////////////////
119 |
120 | double pChi2 = 0;
121 | if(fUseExp_){ // use vertex-z resolution
122 | //Compute an Experimental Puppi Weight with delta Z info (very simple example)
123 | if(iPart <= fRecoParticles_.size() and fRecoParticles_[iPart].id == fPFParticles_.at(iPart).user_index()){
124 | pChi2 = getChi2FromdZ(fRecoParticles_[iPart].dZ); // get the probability fiven the dZ of the particle wrt the leading vertex
125 | if(fRecoParticles_[iPart].pfType > 3) pChi2 = 0; // not use this info for neutrals
126 | }
127 | }
128 |
129 |
130 | /////////////////////////////////////
131 | // found the particle in all the algorithm
132 | /////////////////////////////////////
133 | partTmp.clear();
134 | for(size_t iAlgo = 0; iAlgo < pPupId.size(); iAlgo++){ // loop on all the algo found
135 |
136 | int found = 0; // found index
137 | if(fabs(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index()) <= 1 and puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fUseCharged_){ // charged or neutral from PV
138 | for(size_t puppiIt = 0 ; puppiIt < puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPV_.size(); puppiIt++){ // Loop on PV particles
139 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPV_.at(puppiIt).fPosition_ == int(iPart)){
140 | partTmp.push_back(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPV_.at(puppiIt)); // take the puppi particle
141 | found = 1 ;
142 | break;
143 | }
144 | }
145 | }
146 | else if ((fabs(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index()) <= 1 and !puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fUseCharged_) or fabs(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index()) >= 2){
147 | for(size_t puppiIt = 0; puppiIt < puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size(); puppiIt++){
148 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(puppiIt).fPosition_ == int(iPart)){
149 | partTmp.push_back(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(puppiIt));
150 | found = 1;
151 | break;
152 | }
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | /////////////////////////////////////
157 | // means that is inside the NULL vector for some reasons
158 | /////////////////////////////////////
159 |
160 | if(found == 0){
161 | for(size_t puppiIt = 0; puppiIt < puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesNULL_.size(); puppiIt++){
162 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesNULL_.at(puppiIt).fPosition_ == int(iPart)){
163 | partTmp.push_back(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesNULL_.at(puppiIt));
164 | found = 1 ;
165 | break;
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 | }
170 |
171 | if(partTmp.size() != pPupId.size()){ // not found the particle in one of the algorithms
172 | pWeight = 1 ;
173 | fPuppiWeights_.push_back(pWeight);
174 | fastjet::PseudoJet curjet( pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].px(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].py(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].pz(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].e());
175 | curjet.set_user_index(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index());
176 | particles.push_back(curjet); // by default is one, so 4V is not chaged
177 | continue;
178 | }
179 |
180 | /////////////////////////////////////
181 | //Check the Pval
182 | /////////////////////////////////////
183 |
184 | bool badPVal = false ;
185 | for(size_t iPuppi = 0; iPuppi < partTmp.size() ; iPuppi++){
186 | if(partTmp.at(iPuppi).fPval_ == -999){ // if the default is found as PVal, leave the particle as it is in the output
187 | pWeight = 1 ;
188 | badPVal = true ;
189 | }
190 | }
191 |
192 | if(badPVal){
193 | fPuppiWeights_.push_back(pWeight);
194 | fastjet::PseudoJet curjet( pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].px(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].py(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].pz(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].e());
195 | curjet.set_user_index(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index());
196 | particles.push_back(curjet);
197 | continue;
198 |
199 | }
200 |
201 |
202 | // compute combining the weight for all the algorithm
203 | pWeight = compute(pChi2,partTmp,puppiAlgo_,pPupId);
204 |
205 | //Basic Weight Checks
206 | if( std::isinf(pWeight) || std::isnan(pWeight)){
207 | //std::cerr << "====> Weight is nan : pt " << fPFParticles_[iPart].pt() << " -- eta : " << fPFParticles_[iPart].eta() << " -- id : " << fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index() << std::endl;
208 | pWeight = 1; // set the default to avoid problems
209 | }
210 |
211 | //Basic Cuts
212 | if(pWeight < fMinPuppiWeight_) pWeight = 0; //==> Elminate the low Weight stuff
213 |
214 | //threshold cut on the neutral Pt
215 | for(size_t iPuppi = 0; iPuppi < pPupId.size(); iPuppi++){
216 | if(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index() == 1 && puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iPuppi)).fApplyCHS_ ) pWeight = 1; // charged from LV
217 | if(fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index() == 2 && puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iPuppi)).fApplyCHS_ ) pWeight = 0; // charged from PU
218 | if(pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].pt() < getNeutralPtCut(puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iPuppi)).fNeutralMinE_,puppiAlgo_.at(pPupId.at(iPuppi)).fNeutralPtSlope_,fNPV_) && fPFParticles_[iPart].user_index() == 0 ) // if don't pass one of the algo neutral pt condition the particle is cut
219 | pWeight = 0;
220 | }
221 |
222 | fPuppiWeights_.push_back(pWeight); // push back the weight
223 |
224 | //Now get rid of the thrown out weights for the particle collection
225 | if(pWeight == 0) continue; // if zero don't fill the particle in the output
226 | npart++;
227 |
228 | //Produce
229 | fastjet::PseudoJet curjet( pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].px(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].py(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].pz(), pWeight*fPFParticles_[iPart].e());
230 | curjet.set_user_index(iPart);
231 | particles.push_back(curjet);
232 |
233 | }
234 |
235 | return particles;
236 |
237 | }
238 |
239 | // compute puppi metric, RMS and median for PU particle for each algo
240 | void puppiCleanContainer::getRMSAvg(const int & iPuppiAlgo, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & particlesAll, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> &chargedPV) {
241 |
242 | std::vector<puppiParticle> puppiParticles; // puppi particles to be set for a specific algo
243 | puppiParticles.clear();
244 |
245 | // Loop on all the particles of the event
246 |
247 | for(size_t iPart = 0; iPart < particlesAll.size(); iPart++ ) {
248 |
249 | float pVal = -999;
250 | bool pPupId = isGoodPuppiId(particlesAll[iPart].pt(),particlesAll[iPart].eta(),puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo)); // get the puppi id algo asaf of eta and phi of the particle
251 | // does not exsist and algorithm for this particle, store -999 as pVal
252 | if(pPupId == false) continue;
253 | // apply CHS in puppi metric computation -> use only LV hadrons to compute the metric for each particle
254 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fUseCharged_)
255 | pVal = goodVar(particlesAll[iPart], chargedPV, puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fMetricId_,puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fConeSize_);
256 | else if(!puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fUseCharged_)
257 | pVal = goodVar(particlesAll[iPart], particlesAll, puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fMetricId_,puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).fConeSize_);
258 |
259 | // fill the value
260 | if(std::isnan(pVal) || std::isinf(pVal)) std::cout << "====> Value is Nan " << pVal << " == " << particlesAll[iPart].pt() << " -- " << particlesAll[iPart].eta() << std::endl;
261 | if(std::isnan(pVal) || std::isinf(pVal)) continue;
262 |
263 | puppiParticles.push_back(puppiParticle(particlesAll.at(iPart).pt(),particlesAll.at(iPart).eta(),pVal,particlesAll.at(iPart).user_index(),iPart));
264 | }
265 |
266 | // set the puppi particles for the algorithm
267 | puppiAlgo_.at(iPuppiAlgo).setPuppiParticles(puppiParticles);
268 | // compute RMS, median and mean value
269 | computeMedRMS(iPuppiAlgo);
270 |
271 | }
272 |
273 |
274 | float puppiCleanContainer::goodVar(const fastjet::PseudoJet & particle, const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & particleAll, const int & pPupId, const float & coneSize) {
275 | float lPup = 0;
276 | lPup = var_within_R(pPupId,particleAll,particle,coneSize);
277 | return lPup;
278 | }
279 |
280 | float puppiCleanContainer::var_within_R(const int & pPupId, const vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & particles, const fastjet::PseudoJet& centre, const float & R){
281 |
282 | if(pPupId == -1) return 1;
283 | fastjet::Selector sel = fastjet::SelectorCircle(R);
284 | sel.set_reference(centre);
285 | std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> near_particles = sel(particles);
286 | float var = 0;
287 |
288 | for(size_t iPart = 0; iPart < near_particles.size(); iPart++){
289 |
290 | double pDEta = near_particles[iPart].eta()-centre.eta();
291 | double pDPhi = fabs(near_particles[iPart].phi()-centre.phi());
292 | if(pDPhi > 2.*3.14159265-pDPhi) pDPhi = 2.*3.14159265-pDPhi;
293 | double pDR = sqrt(pDEta*pDEta+pDPhi*pDPhi);
294 |
295 | if(pDR < 0.0001) continue;
296 | if(pDR == 0) continue;
297 |
298 | if(pPupId == 0) var += (near_particles[iPart].pt()/(pDR*pDR));
299 | if(pPupId == 1) var += near_particles[iPart].pt();
300 | if(pPupId == 2) var += (1./pDR)*(1./pDR);
301 | if(pPupId == 3) var += (1./pDR)*(1./pDR);
302 | if(pPupId == 4) var += near_particles[iPart].pt();
303 | if(pPupId == 5) var += (near_particles[iPart].pt()/pDR)*(near_particles[iPart].pt()/pDR);
304 | }
305 |
306 | if(pPupId == 0 && var != 0) var = log(var);
307 | if(pPupId == 3 && var != 0) var = log(var);
308 | if(pPupId == 5 && var != 0) var = log(var);
309 | return var;
310 |
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | float puppiCleanContainer::pt_within_R(const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & particles, const fastjet::PseudoJet & centre, const float & R){
315 |
316 | fastjet::Selector sel = fastjet::SelectorCircle(R);
317 | sel.set_reference(centre);
318 | std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> near_particles = sel(particles);
319 | double answer = 0.0;
320 | for(size_t iPart = 0; iPart<near_particles.size(); iPart++){
321 | answer += near_particles[iPart].pt();
322 | }
323 |
324 | return answer;
325 | }
326 |
327 | fastjet::PseudoJet puppiCleanContainer::flow_within_R(const vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> & particles, const fastjet::PseudoJet& centre, const float & R){
328 |
329 | fastjet::Selector sel = fastjet::SelectorCircle(R);
330 | sel.set_reference(centre);
331 | std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> near_particles = sel(particles);
332 | fastjet::PseudoJet flow;
333 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<near_particles.size(); i++){
334 | flow += near_particles[i];
335 | }
336 | return flow;
337 |
338 | }
339 |
340 | // compute median, mean value and RMS for puppi
341 | void puppiCleanContainer::computeMedRMS(const int & puppiAlgo) {
342 |
343 | if(puppiAlgo > int(puppiAlgo_.size()) ) return;
344 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size() == 0) return;
345 |
346 | // sort in pVal increasing order
347 | std::sort(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.begin(),puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.end(),puppiValSort());
348 |
349 | // if apply correction
350 | float lCorr = 1.;
351 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fApplyLowPUCorr_) lCorr *= 1.-fPVFrac_;
352 |
353 | // count the position of the last particle with pval zero coming from PU
354 | int lNum0 = 0;
355 | for(size_t i0 = 0; i0 < puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size(); i0++) {
356 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_[i0].fPval_ == 0) lNum0 = i0;
357 | }
358 |
359 | // take the median value on PU particles
360 | int lNHalfway = lNum0 + int(float(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size()-lNum0)*0.50*lCorr);
361 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fMedian_ = puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(lNHalfway).fPval_;
362 | float lMed = puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fMedian_; //Just to make the readability easier
363 |
364 | // take the RMS
365 | int lNRMS = 0;
366 | for(size_t i0 = 0; i0 < puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size(); i0++) {
367 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fMean_ += puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(i0).fPval_;
368 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(i0).fPval_ == 0) continue;
369 | if(!puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fUseCharged_ && puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fApplyLowPUCorr_ && puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(i0).fPval_ > lMed) continue;
370 | lNRMS++;
371 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_ += (puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(i0).fPval_-lMed)*( puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.at(i0).fPval_-lMed);
372 | }
373 |
374 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fMean_ /= puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size();
375 | if(lNRMS > 0) puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_/=lNRMS;
376 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_ == 0) puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_ = 1e-5;
377 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_ = sqrt(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_);
378 | puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_ *= puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMSScaleFactor_;
379 |
380 | if(!puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fApplyLowPUCorr_) return;
381 |
382 | //Adjust the p-value to correspond to the median
383 | std::sort(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPV_.begin(),puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPV_.end(),puppiValSort());
384 | int lNPV = 0;
385 | for(size_t i0 = 0; i0 < puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPV_.size(); i0++){
386 | if(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPV_[i0].fPval_ <= lMed ) lNPV++;
387 | }
388 |
389 | // it helps in puppi the median value close to the mean one when a lot of pval 0 are present
390 | float lAdjust = 1.5*float(lNPV)/float(puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPV_.size()+puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size());
391 | if(lAdjust > 0) puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fMedian_ -= sqrt(ROOT::Math::chisquared_quantile(lAdjust,1.)*puppiAlgo_.at(puppiAlgo).fRMS_);
392 |
393 | }
394 |
395 | float puppiCleanContainer::getNeutralPtCut(const float & fNeutralMinE, const float & fNeutralPtSlope, const int & fNPV) {
396 | return fNeutralMinE + fNPV * fNeutralPtSlope;
397 | }
398 |
399 | // take the type of algorithm : return a vector since more than one algo can be defined for the same eta region
400 | std::vector<int> puppiCleanContainer::getPuppiId(const float & pt, const float & eta, const std::vector<puppiAlgoBin> & puppiAlgos){
401 | std::vector<int> PuppiId ;
402 | for(size_t iPuppiAlgo = 0; iPuppiAlgo < puppiAlgos.size() ; iPuppiAlgo++){
403 | if(fabs(eta) <= puppiAlgos[iPuppiAlgo].fEtaMin_) continue;
404 | if(fabs(eta) > puppiAlgos[iPuppiAlgo].fEtaMax_) continue;
405 | PuppiId.push_back(int(iPuppiAlgo));
406 | }
407 | return PuppiId;
408 | }
409 |
410 | //check if a particle is good for an Algo definition
411 | bool puppiCleanContainer::isGoodPuppiId(const float & pt, const float & eta, const puppiAlgoBin & puppiAlgo){
412 | if(fabs(eta) <= puppiAlgo.fEtaMin_) return false;
413 | if(fabs(eta) > puppiAlgo.fEtaMax_) return false;
414 | return true;
415 |
416 | }
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 | // ----------------------
421 | float puppiCleanContainer::compute(const float & chi2, const std::vector<puppiParticle> & particles, const std::vector<puppiAlgoBin> & puppiAlgos, const std::vector<int> & pPupId) {
422 |
423 | if(particles.size() != pPupId.size() ) return 0; // default check
424 |
425 | float lVal = 0.;
426 | float lPVal = 1.;
427 | int lNDOF = 0;
428 |
429 | for( size_t iAlgo = 0; iAlgo < pPupId.size(); iAlgo++){
430 |
431 | if(puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPU_.size() + puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fPuppiParticlesPV_.size() == 0) return 1;
432 |
433 | if(iAlgo > 0 ){
434 | float pPVal = ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf(lVal,lNDOF); // take a chi2 value since the should be multiplied (multiply weight and not summing chi2)
435 | lPVal *= pPVal;
436 | lNDOF = 0;
437 | lVal = 0;
438 | }
439 |
440 | if(puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMetricId_ == -1) continue;
441 |
442 | float pVal = particles.at(iAlgo).fPval_ ;
443 |
444 | if(puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMetricId_ == 0 && pVal == 0) pVal = puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMedian_;
445 | if(puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMetricId_ == 3 && pVal == 0) pVal = puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMedian_;
446 | if(puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMetricId_ == 5 && pVal == 0) pVal = puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMedian_;
447 |
448 | lVal += (pVal-puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMedian_)*(fabs(pVal-puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fMedian_))/puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fRMS_/puppiAlgos.at(pPupId.at(iAlgo)).fRMS_;
449 | lNDOF++;
450 | if(chi2 != 0) lNDOF++;
451 | if(chi2 != 0) lVal+=chi2; //Add external Chi2 to first element
452 | }
453 |
454 | lPVal *= ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf(lVal,lNDOF);
455 | return lPVal;
456 |
457 | }
458 |
459 | float puppiCleanContainer::getChi2FromdZ(float iDZ) {
460 | //We need to obtain prob of PU + (1-Prob of LV)
461 | // Prob(LV) = Gaus(dZ,sigma) where sigma = 1.5mm (its really more like 1mm)
462 | //double lProbLV = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(fabs(iDZ),0.2)*2.; //*2 is to do it double sided
463 | //Take iDZ to be corrected by sigma already
464 | double lProbLV = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(fabs(iDZ),1.)*2.; //*2 is to do it double sided
465 | double lProbPU = 1-lProbLV;
466 | if(lProbPU <= 0) lProbPU = 1e-16; //Quick Trick to through out infs
467 | if(lProbPU >= 0) lProbPU = 1-1e-16; //Ditto
468 | double lChi2PU = TMath::ChisquareQuantile(lProbPU,1);
469 | lChi2PU*=lChi2PU;
470 | return lChi2PU;
471 | }