1 | #include <set>
2 | #include <map>
3 | #include <utility>
4 | #include <vector>
5 | #include <algorithm>
6 | #include <sstream>
7 | #include <exception>
8 | #include "TGeoManager.h"
9 | #include "TGeoVolume.h"
10 | #include "TGeoMedium.h"
11 | #include "TGeoNode.h"
12 | #include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
13 | #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
14 | #include "TGeoTube.h"
15 | #include "TGeoCone.h"
16 | #include "TGeoArb8.h"
17 | //#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootConfReader.h"
18 | //#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"
19 | //#include "display/DelphesCaloData.h"
20 | //#include "display/DelphesDisplay.h"
21 | //#include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
22 | #include "TF2.h"
23 | #include "TH1F.h"
24 | #include "TChain.h"
25 | #include "TEveElement.h"
26 | #include "TEveJetCone.h"
27 | #include "TEveTrack.h"
28 | #include "TEveTrackPropagator.h"
29 | #include "TEveCalo.h"
30 | #include "TMath.h"
31 | #include "TSystem.h"
32 | #include "TEveManager.h"
33 | #include "TEveGeoNode.h"
34 | #include "TEveTrans.h"
35 | #include "TEveViewer.h"
36 | #include "TEveBrowser.h"
37 | #include "TRootBrowser.h"
38 | #include "TGLViewer.h"
39 | #include "TGButton.h"
40 | #include "TCollection.h"
41 | #include "TClonesArray.h"
42 | #include "TGLClip.h"
43 | #include "TEveArrow.h"
44 |
45 | /*
46 | * assembly.C: sauvegarde as shape-extract -> implement in the geometry class (read/write)
47 | * histobrowser.C: intégration d'histogrammes dans le display (on pourrait avoir Pt, eta, phi pour les principales collections)
48 | * also from alice_esd: summary html table
49 | *
50 | */
51 | using namespace std;
52 |
53 | // Forward declarations.
54 | class Delphes3DGeometry;
55 | class ExRootTreeReader;
56 | class DelphesCaloData;
57 | class DelphesDisplay;
58 | class DelphesBranchBase;
59 | template<typename EveContainer> class DelphesBranchElement;
60 | void make_gui();
61 | void load_event();
62 | void delphes_read();
63 | void readConfig(const char *configFile, const Delphes3DGeometry& det3D, std::vector<DelphesBranchBase*>& elements, std::vector<TClonesArray*>& arrays);
64 |
65 | // Configuration and global variables.
66 | Int_t event_id = 0; // Current event id.
67 | Double_t gRadius = 1.29;
68 | Double_t gTotRadius = 2.0;
69 | Double_t gHalfLength = 3.0;
70 | Double_t gBz = 3.8;
71 |
72 | TAxis *gEtaAxis = 0;
73 | TAxis *gPhiAxis = 0;
74 |
75 | TChain gChain("Delphes");
76 |
77 | ExRootTreeReader *gTreeReader = 0;
78 |
79 | TClonesArray *gBranchTower = 0;
80 | TClonesArray *gBranchTrack = 0;
81 | TClonesArray *gBranchEle = 0;
82 | TClonesArray *gBranchMuon = 0;
83 | TClonesArray *gBranchPhoton = 0;
84 | TClonesArray *gBranchJet = 0;
85 | TClonesArray *gBranchGenJet = 0;
86 | TClonesArray *gBranchMet = 0;
87 |
88 | DelphesCaloData *gCaloData = 0;
89 | TEveElementList *gJetList = 0;
90 | TEveElementList *gGenJetList = 0;
91 | TEveElementList *gMetList = 0;
92 | TEveTrackList *gTrackList = 0;
93 | TEveTrackList *gElectronList = 0;
94 | TEveTrackList *gMuonList = 0;
95 | TEveTrackList *gPhotonList = 0;
96 |
97 | DelphesDisplay *gDelphesDisplay = 0;
98 |
99 | /******************************************************************************/
100 | // Construction of the geometry
101 | /******************************************************************************/
102 |
103 | // TODO: asymmetric detector
104 |
105 | class Delphes3DGeometry {
106 | public:
107 | Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom = NULL);
108 | ~Delphes3DGeometry() {}
109 |
110 | void readFile(const char* filename, const char* ParticlePropagator="ParticlePropagator",
111 | const char* TrackingEfficiency="ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency",
112 | const char* MuonEfficiency="MuonEfficiency",
113 | const char* Calorimeters="Calorimeter");
114 |
115 | void loadFromFile(const char* filename, const char* name="DelphesGeometry");
116 | void save(const char* filename, const char* name="DelphesGeometry");
117 |
118 | void setContingency(Double_t contingency) { contingency_ = contingency; }
119 | void setCaloBarrelThickness(Double_t thickness) { calo_barrel_thickness_ = thickness; }
120 | void setCaloEndcapThickness(Double_t thickness) { calo_endcap_thickness_ = thickness; }
121 | void setMuonSystemThickness(Double_t thickness) { muonSystem_thickn_ = thickness; }
122 |
123 | TGeoVolume* getDetector(bool withTowers = true);
124 |
125 | Double_t getTrackerRadius() const { return tk_radius_; }
126 | Double_t getDetectorRadius() const { return muonSystem_radius_; }
127 | Double_t getTrackerHalfLength() const { return tk_length_; }
128 | Double_t getDetectorHalfLength() const { return muonSystem_length_; }
129 | Double_t getBField() const { return tk_Bz_; }
130 | std::pair<TAxis*, TAxis*> getCaloAxes() { return std::make_pair(etaAxis_,phiAxis_); }
131 |
132 | private:
133 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> addTracker(TGeoVolume *top);
134 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> addCalorimeter(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name, Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength, set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >& caloBinning);
135 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> addMuonDets(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name, Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength);
136 | void addCaloTowers(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name, Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength, set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >& caloBinning);
137 |
138 | private:
139 |
140 | TGeoManager *geom_;
141 |
142 | TGeoMedium *vacuum_;
143 | TGeoMedium *tkmed_;
144 | TGeoMedium *calomed_;
145 | TGeoMedium *mudetmed_;
146 |
147 | TAxis* etaAxis_;
148 | TAxis* phiAxis_;
149 |
150 | Double_t contingency_;
151 | Double_t calo_barrel_thickness_;
152 | Double_t calo_endcap_thickness_;
153 | Double_t muonSystem_thickn_;
154 | Double_t muonSystem_radius_;
155 | Double_t muonSystem_length_;
156 | Double_t tk_radius_;
157 | Double_t tk_length_;
158 | Double_t tk_etamax_;
159 | Double_t tk_Bz_;
160 |
161 | std::vector<std::string> calorimeters_;
162 | std::vector<std::string> muondets_;
163 |
164 | std::map<std::string, Double_t> muonSystem_etamax_;
165 | std::map<std::string, set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> > > caloBinning_;
166 |
167 | };
168 |
169 | Delphes3DGeometry::Delphes3DGeometry(TGeoManager *geom) {
170 |
171 | //--- the geometry manager
172 | geom_ = geom==NULL? gGeoManager : geom;
173 | //gGeoManager->DefaultColors();
174 |
175 | //--- define some materials
176 | TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0);
177 | TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7); // placeholder
178 | //TODO: create different materials for different subdetectors???
179 | matVacuum->SetTransparency(85); //TODO: tune
180 | matAl->SetTransparency(85); //TODO: tune
181 |
182 | //--- define some media
183 | TGeoMedium *Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1, matVacuum);
184 | TGeoMedium *Al = new TGeoMedium("Root Material",2, matAl);
185 | vacuum_ = Vacuum;
186 | tkmed_ = Vacuum; // placeholder
187 | calomed_ = Al; // placeholder
188 | mudetmed_ = Al; // placeholder
189 |
190 | // custom parameters
191 | contingency_ = 10.;
192 | calo_barrel_thickness_ = 50.;
193 | calo_endcap_thickness_ = 75.;
194 | muonSystem_thickn_ = 10.;
195 |
196 | // read these parameters from the Delphes Card (with default values)
197 | etaAxis_ = NULL;
198 | phiAxis_ = NULL;
199 | tk_radius_ = 120.;
200 | tk_length_ = 150.;
201 | tk_etamax_ = 3.0;
202 | tk_Bz_ = 1.;
203 | muonSystem_radius_ = 200.;
204 | }
205 |
206 | void Delphes3DGeometry::readFile(const char *configFile,
207 | const char* ParticlePropagator, const char* TrackingEfficiency,
208 | const char* MuonEfficiency, const char* Calorimeters) {
209 |
210 | ExRootConfReader *confReader = new ExRootConfReader;
211 | confReader->ReadFile(configFile);
212 |
213 | tk_radius_ = confReader->GetDouble(Form("%s::Radius",ParticlePropagator), 1.0)*100.; // tk_radius
214 | tk_length_ = confReader->GetDouble(Form("%s::HalfLength",ParticlePropagator), 3.0)*100.; // tk_length
215 | tk_Bz_ = confReader->GetDouble("ParticlePropagator::Bz", 0.0); // tk_Bz
216 |
217 | {
218 | TString tkEffFormula = confReader->GetString(Form("%s::EfficiencyFormula",TrackingEfficiency),"abs(eta)<3.0");
219 | tkEffFormula.ReplaceAll("pt","x");
220 | tkEffFormula.ReplaceAll("eta","y");
221 | tkEffFormula.ReplaceAll("phi","0.");
222 | TF2* tkEffFunction = new TF2("tkEff",tkEffFormula,0,1000,-10,10);
223 | TH1F etaHisto("eta","eta",100,5.,-5.);
224 | Double_t pt,eta;
225 | for(int i=0;i<1000;++i) {
226 | tkEffFunction->GetRandom2(pt,eta);
227 | etaHisto.Fill(eta);
228 | }
229 | Int_t bin = -1;
230 | bin = etaHisto.FindFirstBinAbove(0.5);
231 | Double_t etamin = (bin>-1) ? etaHisto.GetBinLowEdge(bin) : -10.;
232 | bin = etaHisto.FindLastBinAbove(0.5);
233 | Double_t etamax = (bin>-1) ? etaHisto.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1) : -10.;
234 | tk_etamax_ = TMath::Max(fabs(etamin),fabs(etamax)); // tk_etamax
235 | delete tkEffFunction;
236 | }
237 |
238 | {
239 | muondets_.push_back("muons");
240 | TString muonEffFormula = confReader->GetString(Form("%s::EfficiencyFormula",MuonEfficiency),"abs(eta)<2.0");
241 | muonEffFormula.ReplaceAll("pt","x");
242 | muonEffFormula.ReplaceAll("eta","y");
243 | muonEffFormula.ReplaceAll("phi","0.");
244 | TF2* muEffFunction = new TF2("muEff",muonEffFormula,0,1000,-10,10);
245 | TH1F etaHisto("eta2","eta2",100,5.,-5.);
246 | Double_t pt,eta;
247 | for(int i=0;i<1000;++i) {
248 | muEffFunction->GetRandom2(pt,eta);
249 | etaHisto.Fill(eta);
250 | }
251 | Int_t bin = -1;
252 | bin = etaHisto.FindFirstBinAbove(0.5);
253 | Double_t etamin = (bin>-1) ? etaHisto.GetBinLowEdge(bin) : -10.;
254 | bin = etaHisto.FindLastBinAbove(0.5);
255 | Double_t etamax = (bin>-1) ? etaHisto.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1) : -10.;
256 | muonSystem_etamax_["muons"] = TMath::Max(fabs(etamin),fabs(etamax)); // muonSystem_etamax
257 | delete muEffFunction;
258 | }
259 |
260 | std::string s(Calorimeters);
261 | std::replace( s.begin(), s.end(), ',', ' ' );
262 | std::istringstream stream( s );
263 | std::string word;
264 | while (stream >> word) calorimeters_.push_back(word);
265 |
266 | caloBinning_.clear(); // calo binning
267 | for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator calo=calorimeters_.begin();calo!=calorimeters_.end(); ++calo) {
268 | set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> > caloBinning;
269 | ExRootConfParam paramEtaBins, paramPhiBins;
270 | ExRootConfParam param = confReader->GetParam(Form("%s::EtaPhiBins",calo->c_str()));
271 | Int_t size = param.GetSize();
272 | for(int i = 0; i < size/2; ++i) {
273 | paramEtaBins = param[i*2];
274 | paramPhiBins = param[i*2+1];
275 | assert(paramEtaBins.GetSize()==1);
276 | caloBinning.insert(std::make_pair(paramEtaBins[0].GetDouble(),paramPhiBins.GetSize()-1));
277 | }
278 | caloBinning_[*calo] = caloBinning;
279 | }
280 |
281 | set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> > caloBinning = caloBinning_[*calorimeters_.begin()];
282 | Double_t *etaBins = new Double_t[caloBinning.size()]; // note that this is the eta binning of the first calo
283 | unsigned int ii = 0;
284 | for(set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >::const_iterator itEtaSet = caloBinning.begin(); itEtaSet != caloBinning.end(); ++itEtaSet) {
285 | etaBins[ii++] = itEtaSet->first;
286 | }
287 | etaAxis_ = new TAxis(caloBinning.size() - 1, etaBins);
288 | phiAxis_ = new TAxis(72, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()); // note that this is fixed while #phibins could vary, also with eta, which doesn't seem possible in ROOT
289 |
290 | muonSystem_radius_ = tk_radius_ + contingency_ + (contingency_+calo_barrel_thickness_)*calorimeters_.size() + muonSystem_thickn_;
291 | muonSystem_length_ = tk_length_ + contingency_ + (contingency_+calo_endcap_thickness_)*calorimeters_.size() + muonSystem_thickn_;
292 |
293 | delete confReader;
294 |
295 | }
296 |
297 | TGeoVolume* Delphes3DGeometry::getDetector(bool withTowers) {
298 | // compute the envelope
299 | Double_t system_radius = tk_radius_+calo_barrel_thickness_+3*contingency_;
300 | Double_t system_length = tk_length_+contingency_+(contingency_+calo_endcap_thickness_)*calorimeters_.size()+contingency_;
301 | // the detector volume
302 | TGeoVolume *top = geom_->MakeBox("Delphes3DGeometry", vacuum_, system_radius, system_radius, system_length);
303 | // build the detector
304 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> limits = addTracker(top);
305 | Double_t radius = limits.first;
306 | Double_t length = limits.second;
307 | for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator calo = calorimeters_.begin(); calo != calorimeters_.end(); ++calo) {
308 | limits = addCalorimeter(top,calo->c_str(),radius,length,caloBinning_[*calo]);
309 | if (withTowers) {
310 | addCaloTowers(top,calo->c_str(),radius,length,caloBinning_[*calo]);
311 | }
312 | radius = limits.first;
313 | length = limits.second;
314 | }
315 | for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator muon = muondets_.begin(); muon != muondets_.end(); ++muon) {
316 | limits = addMuonDets(top, muon->c_str(), radius, length);
317 | radius = limits.first;
318 | length = limits.second;
319 | }
320 | // return the result
321 | return top;
322 | }
323 |
324 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> Delphes3DGeometry::addTracker(TGeoVolume *top) {
325 | // tracker: a cylinder with two cones substracted
326 | new TGeoCone("forwardTkAcceptance",(tk_length_/2.+0.05),0.,tk_radius_,(tk_length_)*2.*exp(-tk_etamax_)/(1-exp(-2.*tk_etamax_)),tk_radius_);
327 | TGeoTranslation *tr1 = new TGeoTranslation("tkacc1",0., 0., tk_length_/2.);
328 | tr1->RegisterYourself();
329 | TGeoRotation *negz = new TGeoRotation("tknegz",0,180,0);
330 | negz->RegisterYourself();
331 | TGeoCombiTrans *tr2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tkacc2",0.,0.,-tk_length_/2.,negz);
332 | tr2->RegisterYourself();
333 | TGeoCompositeShape* tracker_cs = new TGeoCompositeShape("tracker_cs","forwardTkAcceptance:tkacc1+forwardTkAcceptance:tkacc2");
334 | TGeoVolume *tracker = new TGeoVolume("tracker",tracker_cs,tkmed_);
335 | tracker->SetLineColor(kYellow);
336 | top->AddNode(tracker,1);
337 | return std::make_pair(tk_radius_,tk_length_);
338 | }
339 |
340 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> Delphes3DGeometry::addCalorimeter(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name,
341 | Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength, set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >& caloBinning) {
342 | // parameters derived from the inputs
343 | Double_t calo_endcap_etamax = TMath::Max(fabs(caloBinning.begin()->first),fabs(caloBinning.rbegin()->first));
344 | Double_t calo_barrel_innerRadius = innerBarrelRadius+contingency_;
345 | Double_t calo_barrel_length = innerBarrelLength + calo_barrel_thickness_;
346 | Double_t calo_endcap_etamin = -log(innerBarrelRadius/(2*innerBarrelLength));
347 | Double_t calo_endcap_innerRadius1 = innerBarrelLength*2.*exp(-calo_endcap_etamax)/(1-exp(-2.*calo_endcap_etamax));
348 | Double_t calo_endcap_innerRadius2 = (innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_thickness_)*2.*exp(-calo_endcap_etamax)/(1-exp(-2.*calo_endcap_etamax));
349 | Double_t calo_endcap_outerRadius1 = innerBarrelRadius;
350 | Double_t calo_endcap_outerRadius2 = innerBarrelRadius+calo_barrel_thickness_;
351 | Double_t calo_endcap_coneThickness = TMath::Min(calo_barrel_thickness_ * (1-exp(-2.*calo_endcap_etamin)) / (2.*exp(-calo_endcap_etamin)), calo_endcap_thickness_);
352 | Double_t calo_endcap_diskThickness = TMath::Max(0.,calo_endcap_thickness_-calo_endcap_coneThickness);
353 |
354 | // calorimeters: tube truncated in eta + cones
355 | new TGeoTube(Form("%s_barrel_cylinder",name),calo_barrel_innerRadius,calo_barrel_innerRadius+calo_barrel_thickness_,calo_barrel_length);
356 | new TGeoCone(Form("%s_endcap_cone",name),calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.,calo_endcap_innerRadius1,calo_endcap_outerRadius1,calo_endcap_innerRadius2,calo_endcap_outerRadius2);
357 | new TGeoTube(Form("%s_endcap_disk",name),calo_endcap_innerRadius2,tk_radius_+calo_barrel_thickness_,calo_endcap_diskThickness/2.);
358 | TGeoTranslation *tr1 = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%s_tr1",name),0., 0., (calo_endcap_coneThickness+calo_endcap_diskThickness)/2.);
359 | tr1->RegisterYourself();
360 | TGeoCompositeShape *calo_endcap_cs = new TGeoCompositeShape(Form("%s_endcap_cs",name),Form("%s_endcap_cone+%s_endcap_disk:%s_tr1",name,name,name));
361 | TGeoTranslation *trc1 = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%s_endcap1_position",name),0.,0., innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.);
362 | trc1->RegisterYourself();
363 | TGeoRotation *negz = new TGeoRotation(Form("%s_negz",name),0,180,0);
364 | TGeoCombiTrans *trc2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(Form("%s_endcap2_position",name),0.,0.,-(innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.),negz);
365 | trc2->RegisterYourself();
366 | TGeoTranslation *trc1c = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%s_endcap1_position_cont",name),0.,0., innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.+contingency_);
367 | trc1c->RegisterYourself();
368 | TGeoCombiTrans *trc2c = new TGeoCombiTrans(Form("%s_endcap2_position_cont",name),0.,0.,-(innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.)-contingency_,negz);
369 | trc2c->RegisterYourself();
370 | TGeoVolume *calo_endcap = new TGeoVolume(Form("%s_endcap",name),calo_endcap_cs,calomed_);
371 | TGeoCompositeShape *calo_barrel_cs = new TGeoCompositeShape(Form("%s_barrel_cs",name),
372 | Form("%s_barrel_cylinder-%s_endcap_cs:%s_endcap1_position-%s_endcap_cs:%s_endcap2_position",name,name,name,name,name));
373 | TGeoVolume *calo_barrel = new TGeoVolume(Form("%s_barrel",name),calo_barrel_cs,calomed_);
374 | calo_endcap->SetLineColor(kViolet);
375 | calo_endcap->SetFillColor(kViolet);
376 | calo_barrel->SetLineColor(kRed);
377 | top->AddNode(calo_endcap,1,trc1c);
378 | top->AddNode(calo_endcap,2,trc2c);
379 | top->AddNode(calo_barrel,1);
380 | return std::make_pair(calo_barrel_innerRadius+calo_barrel_thickness_,innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_thickness_+contingency_);
381 | }
382 |
383 | std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> Delphes3DGeometry::addMuonDets(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name, Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength) {
384 | // muon system: tube + disks
385 | Double_t muonSystem_radius = innerBarrelRadius + contingency_;
386 | Double_t muonSystem_length = innerBarrelLength + contingency_;
387 | Double_t muonSystem_rmin = muonSystem_length*2.*exp(-muonSystem_etamax_[name])/(1-exp(-2.*muonSystem_etamax_[name]));
388 | TGeoVolume *muon_barrel = geom_->MakeTube(Form("%s_barrel",name),mudetmed_,muonSystem_radius,muonSystem_radius+muonSystem_thickn_,muonSystem_length);
389 | muon_barrel->SetLineColor(kBlue);
390 | top->AddNode(muon_barrel,1);
391 | TGeoVolume *muon_endcap = geom_->MakeTube(Form("%s_endcap",name),mudetmed_,muonSystem_rmin,muonSystem_radius+muonSystem_thickn_,muonSystem_thickn_/2.);
392 | muon_endcap->SetLineColor(kBlue);
393 | TGeoTranslation *trm1 = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%sEndcap1_position",name),0.,0.,muonSystem_length);
394 | trm1->RegisterYourself();
395 | TGeoTranslation *trm2 = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%sEndcap2_position",name),0.,0.,-muonSystem_length);
396 | trm1->RegisterYourself();
397 | top->AddNode(muon_endcap,1,trm1);
398 | top->AddNode(muon_endcap,2,trm2);
399 | return std::make_pair(muonSystem_radius,muonSystem_length);
400 | }
401 |
402 | void Delphes3DGeometry::addCaloTowers(TGeoVolume *top, const char* name,
403 | Double_t innerBarrelRadius, Double_t innerBarrelLength, set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >& caloBinning) {
404 |
405 | TGeoVolume* calo_endcap = top->GetNode(Form("%s_endcap_1",name))->GetVolume();
406 | TGeoVolume* calo_barrel = top->GetNode(Form("%s_barrel_1",name))->GetVolume();
407 | Double_t calo_endcap_etamin = -log(innerBarrelRadius/(2*innerBarrelLength));
408 | Double_t calo_endcap_coneThickness = TMath::Min(calo_barrel_thickness_ * (1-exp(-2.*calo_endcap_etamin)) / (2.*exp(-calo_endcap_etamin)), calo_endcap_thickness_);
409 |
410 | // calo towers in the barrel
411 | Double_t vertices[16] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; // summit of the pyramid
412 | Double_t R = tk_radius_ + contingency_+(contingency_+calo_barrel_thickness_)*calorimeters_.size(); // radius of the muons system = height of the pyramid
413 | Int_t nEtaBins = caloBinning.size();
414 | // this rotation is to make the tower point "up"
415 | TGeoRotation* initTowerRot = new TGeoRotation(Form("%s_initTowerRot",name),0.,90.,0.);
416 | TGeoCombiTrans* initTower = new TGeoCombiTrans(Form("%s_initTower",name),0.,-R/2.,0.,initTowerRot);
417 | initTower->RegisterYourself();
418 | // eta bins... we build one pyramid per eta slice and then translate it nphi times.
419 | // phi bins represented by rotations around z
420 | Double_t *y = new Double_t[nEtaBins];
421 | Double_t *dx = new Double_t[nEtaBins];
422 | Int_t *nphi = new Int_t[nEtaBins];
423 | Int_t etaslice = 0;
424 | std::map<std::pair<int,int>, TGeoRotation*> phirotations;
425 | for(set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >::const_iterator bin=caloBinning.begin(); bin!=caloBinning.end();++bin) {
426 | if(abs(bin->first)>calo_endcap_etamin) continue; // only in the barrel
427 | nphi[etaslice] = bin->second;
428 | y[etaslice] = 0.5*R*(1-exp(-2*bin->first))/exp(-bin->first);
429 | Double_t phiRotationAngle = 360./nphi[etaslice];
430 | dx[etaslice] = R*tan(TMath::Pi()*phiRotationAngle/360.);
431 | for(int phislice=0;phislice<nphi[etaslice];++phislice) {
432 | phirotations[make_pair(etaslice,phislice)] = new TGeoRotation(Form("%s_phi%d_%d",name,etaslice,phislice),phiRotationAngle*phislice,0.,0.);
433 | phirotations[make_pair(etaslice,phislice)]->RegisterYourself();
434 | }
435 | ++etaslice;
436 | }
437 | nEtaBins = etaslice;
438 | for(int i=0;i<nEtaBins-1;++i) { // loop on the eta slices
439 | vertices[8] = -dx[i]; vertices[9] = y[i];
440 | vertices[10] = -dx[i]; vertices[11] = y[i+1];
441 | vertices[12] = dx[i]; vertices[13] = y[i+1];
442 | vertices[14] = dx[i]; vertices[15] = y[i];
443 | new TGeoArb8(Form("%s_tower%d",name,i),R/2., vertices); // tower in the proper eta slice, at phi=0
444 | // intersection between the tower and the calo_barrel
445 | TGeoCompositeShape *finaltower_cs = new TGeoCompositeShape(Form("%s_ftower%d_cs",name,i),Form("%s_tower%d:%s_initTower*%s_barrel_cs",name,i,name,name));
446 | TGeoVolume *finaltower = new TGeoVolume(Form("%s_ftower%d",name,i),finaltower_cs,calomed_);
447 | finaltower->SetLineColor(kRed);
448 | for(int j=0;j<nphi[i];++j) { // loop on the phi slices
449 | calo_barrel->AddNode(finaltower,j,phirotations[make_pair(i,j)]);
450 | }
451 | }
452 | delete[] y;
453 | delete[] dx;
454 | delete[] nphi;
455 | //the towers in the forward region
456 | R = tk_length_+contingency_+(contingency_+calo_endcap_thickness_)*calorimeters_.size(); // Z of the muons system = height of the pyramid
457 | nEtaBins = caloBinning.size();
458 | // translation to bring the origin of the tower to (0,0,0) (well, not really as the endcap is not yet in place)
459 | TGeoTranslation* towerdz = new TGeoTranslation(Form("%s_towerdz",name),0.,0.,R/2.-(innerBarrelLength+calo_endcap_coneThickness/2.));
460 | towerdz->RegisterYourself();
461 | // eta bins... we build one pyramid per eta slice and then translate it nphi times.
462 | Double_t *r = new Double_t[nEtaBins];
463 | nphi = new Int_t[nEtaBins];
464 | etaslice = 0;
465 | phirotations.clear();
466 | for(set< pair<Double_t, Int_t> >::const_iterator bin=caloBinning.begin(); bin!=caloBinning.end();++bin) {
467 | if(bin->first<calo_endcap_etamin) continue; // only in the + endcap
468 | r[etaslice] = R*2*exp(-bin->first)/(1-exp(-2*bin->first));
469 | nphi[etaslice] = bin->second;
470 | Double_t phiRotationAngle = 360./nphi[etaslice];
471 | for(int phislice=0;phislice<nphi[etaslice];++phislice) {
472 | phirotations[make_pair(etaslice,phislice)] = new TGeoRotation(Form("%s_forward_phi%d_%d",name,etaslice,phislice),phiRotationAngle*phislice,0.,0.);
473 | phirotations[make_pair(etaslice,phislice)]->RegisterYourself();
474 | }
475 | ++etaslice;
476 | }
477 | nEtaBins = etaslice;
478 | for(int i=0;i<nEtaBins-1;++i) { // loop on the eta slices
479 | vertices[8] = -r[i+1]*sin(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]); vertices[9] = r[i+1]*cos(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]);
480 | vertices[10] = -r[i]*sin(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]); vertices[11] = r[i]*cos(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]);
481 | vertices[12] = r[i]*sin(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]); vertices[13] = r[i]*cos(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]);
482 | vertices[14] = r[i+1]*sin(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]); vertices[15] = r[i+1]*cos(TMath::Pi()/nphi[i]);
483 | new TGeoArb8(Form("%sfwdtower%d",name,i),R/2., vertices); // tower in the proper eta slice, at phi=0
484 | // intersection between the tower and the calo_endcap
485 | TGeoCompositeShape *finalfwdtower_cs = new TGeoCompositeShape(Form("%sffwdtower%d_cs",name,i),Form("%sfwdtower%d:%s_towerdz*%s_endcap_cs",name,i,name,name));
486 | TGeoVolume *finalfwdtower = new TGeoVolume(Form("%sffwdtower%d",name,i),finalfwdtower_cs,calomed_);
487 | finalfwdtower->SetLineColor(kViolet);
488 | for(int j=0;j<nphi[i];++j) { // loop on the phi slices
489 | calo_endcap->AddNode(finalfwdtower,j,phirotations[make_pair(i,j)]);
490 | }
491 | }
492 | delete[] r;
493 | delete[] nphi;
494 | }
495 |
496 | /******************************************************************************/
497 | // Initialization and steering functions
498 | /******************************************************************************/
499 |
500 | void delphes_event_display(const char *configFile, const char *inputFile, Delphes3DGeometry& det3D)
501 | {
502 |
503 | // initialize the application
504 | TEveManager::Create(kTRUE, "IV");
505 | TGeoManager* geom = gGeoManager;
506 |
507 | // build the detector
508 | gRadius = det3D.getTrackerRadius();
509 | gTotRadius = det3D.getDetectorRadius();
510 | gHalfLength = det3D.getTrackerHalfLength();
511 | gBz = det3D.getBField();
512 | gEtaAxis = det3D.getCaloAxes().first;
513 | gPhiAxis = det3D.getCaloAxes().second;
514 |
515 | TGeoVolume* top = det3D.getDetector(false);
516 | geom->SetTopVolume(top);
517 | TEveElementList *geometry = new TEveElementList("Geometry");
518 | TEveGeoTopNode* trk = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("tracker_1"));
519 | trk->SetVisLevel(6);
520 | geometry->AddElement(trk);
521 | TEveGeoTopNode* calo = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("Calorimeter_barrel_1"));
522 | calo->SetVisLevel(3);
523 | geometry->AddElement(calo);
524 | calo = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("Calorimeter_endcap_1"));
525 | calo->SetVisLevel(3);
526 | calo->UseNodeTrans();
527 | geometry->AddElement(calo);
528 | calo = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("Calorimeter_endcap_2"));
529 | calo->SetVisLevel(3);
530 | calo->UseNodeTrans();
531 | geometry->AddElement(calo);
532 | TEveGeoTopNode* muon = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("muons_barrel_1"));
533 | muon->SetVisLevel(4);
534 | geometry->AddElement(muon);
535 | muon = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("muons_endcap_1"));
536 | muon->SetVisLevel(4);
537 | muon->UseNodeTrans();
538 | geometry->AddElement(muon);
539 | muon = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeoManager, top->FindNode("muons_endcap_2"));
540 | muon->SetVisLevel(4);
541 | muon->UseNodeTrans();
542 | geometry->AddElement(muon);
543 | //gGeoManager->DefaultColors();
544 |
545 | // Create chain of root trees
546 | gChain.Add(inputFile);
547 |
548 | // Create object of class ExRootTreeReader
549 | printf("*** Opening Delphes data file ***\n");
550 | gTreeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&gChain);
551 |
552 | // prepare data collections
553 | std::vector<DelphesBranchBase*> elements;
554 | std::vector<TClonesArray*> arrays;
555 | //readConfig(configFile, det3D, elements, arrays);
556 | // Get pointers to branches
557 | //TODO make it configurable, for more objects (or can we guess from the config?)
558 | gBranchTower = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Tower");
559 | gBranchTrack = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Track");
560 | gBranchEle = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Electron");
561 | gBranchMuon = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Muon");
562 | gBranchPhoton = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Photon");
563 | gBranchJet = gTreeReader->UseBranch("Jet");
564 | gBranchGenJet = gTreeReader->UseBranch("GenJet");
565 | gBranchMet = gTreeReader->UseBranch("MissingET");
566 |
567 | // data
568 | gCaloData = new DelphesCaloData(2);
569 | gCaloData->RefSliceInfo(0).Setup("ECAL", 0.1, kRed);
570 | gCaloData->RefSliceInfo(1).Setup("HCAL", 0.1, kBlue);
571 | gCaloData->SetEtaBins(gEtaAxis);
572 | gCaloData->SetPhiBins(gPhiAxis);
573 | gCaloData->IncDenyDestroy();
574 |
575 | gJetList = new TEveElementList("Jets");
576 | gJetList->SetMainColor(kYellow);
577 | gEve->AddElement(gJetList);
578 |
579 | gGenJetList = new TEveElementList("GenJets");
580 | gGenJetList->SetMainColor(kCyan);
581 | gGenJetList->SetRnrSelf(false);
582 | gGenJetList->SetRnrChildren(false);
583 | gEve->AddElement(gGenJetList);
584 |
585 | gMetList = new TEveElementList("Missing Et");
586 | gMetList->SetMainColor(kViolet);
587 | gEve->AddElement(gMetList);
588 | // gMet = new TEveArrow(1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
589 | // gMet->SetMainColor(kViolet);
590 | // gMet->SetTubeR(0.02);
591 | // gMet->SetPickable(kTRUE);
592 | // gMet->SetName("Missing Et");
593 | // gEve->GetCurrentEvent()->AddElement(gMet);
594 |
595 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp;
596 |
597 | gElectronList = new TEveTrackList("Electrons");
598 | gElectronList->SetMainColor(kRed);
599 | gElectronList->SetMarkerColor(kViolet);
600 | gElectronList->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
601 | gElectronList->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
602 | gEve->AddElement(gElectronList);
603 | trkProp = gElectronList->GetPropagator();
604 | trkProp->SetMagField(0.0, 0.0, -gBz);
605 | trkProp->SetMaxR(gRadius);
606 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(gHalfLength);
607 |
608 | gMuonList = new TEveTrackList("Muons");
609 | gMuonList->SetMainColor(kGreen);
610 | gMuonList->SetMarkerColor(kViolet);
611 | gMuonList->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
612 | gMuonList->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
613 | gEve->AddElement(gMuonList);
614 | trkProp = gMuonList->GetPropagator();
615 | trkProp->SetMagField(0.0, 0.0, -gBz);
616 | trkProp->SetMaxR(gTotRadius);
617 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(gHalfLength);
618 |
619 | gTrackList = new TEveTrackList("Tracks");
620 | gTrackList->SetMainColor(kBlue);
621 | gTrackList->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
622 | gTrackList->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
623 | gTrackList->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
624 | gEve->AddElement(gTrackList);
625 | trkProp = gTrackList->GetPropagator();
626 | trkProp->SetMagField(0.0, 0.0, -gBz);
627 | trkProp->SetMaxR(gRadius);
628 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(gHalfLength);
629 |
630 | gPhotonList= new TEveTrackList("Photons");
631 | gPhotonList->SetMainColor(kYellow);
632 | gPhotonList->SetLineStyle(7);
633 | gPhotonList->SetMarkerColor(kViolet);
634 | gPhotonList->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
635 | gPhotonList->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
636 | gEve->AddElement(gPhotonList);
637 | trkProp = gPhotonList->GetPropagator();
638 | trkProp->SetMagField(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
639 | trkProp->SetMaxR(gRadius);
640 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(gHalfLength);
641 |
642 | // viewers and scenes
643 |
644 | TEveCalo3D *calo3d = new TEveCalo3D(gCaloData);
645 | calo3d->SetBarrelRadius(gRadius);
646 | calo3d->SetEndCapPos(gHalfLength);
647 |
648 | //gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0);
649 | TEveCaloLego *lego = new TEveCaloLego(gCaloData);
650 | lego->InitMainTrans();
651 | lego->RefMainTrans().SetScale(TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::TwoPi(), TMath::Pi());
652 | lego->SetAutoRebin(kFALSE);
653 | lego->Set2DMode(TEveCaloLego::kValSizeOutline);
654 |
655 | gDelphesDisplay = new DelphesDisplay;
656 | gEve->AddGlobalElement(geometry);
657 | gEve->AddGlobalElement(calo3d);
658 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportGeomRPhi(geometry);
659 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportCaloRPhi(calo3d);
660 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportGeomRhoZ(geometry);
661 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportCaloRhoZ(calo3d);
662 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportCaloLego(lego);
663 | gEve->Redraw3D(kTRUE);
664 |
665 | }
666 |
667 | //______________________________________________________________________________
668 | void load_event()
669 | {
670 | // Load event specified in global event_id.
671 | // The contents of previous event are removed.
672 |
673 | printf("Loading event %d.\n", event_id);
674 |
675 | gEve->GetViewers()->DeleteAnnotations();
676 |
677 | if(gCaloData) gCaloData->ClearTowers();
678 | if(gJetList) gJetList->DestroyElements();
679 | if(gMetList) gMetList->DestroyElements();
680 | if(gGenJetList) gGenJetList->DestroyElements();
681 | if(gTrackList) gTrackList->DestroyElements();
682 | if(gElectronList) gElectronList->DestroyElements();
683 | if(gMuonList) gMuonList->DestroyElements();
684 | if(gPhotonList) gPhotonList->DestroyElements();
685 |
686 | delphes_read();
687 |
688 | TEveElement* top = (TEveElement*)gEve->GetCurrentEvent();
689 | gDelphesDisplay->DestroyEventRPhi();
690 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportEventRPhi(top);
691 | gDelphesDisplay->DestroyEventRhoZ();
692 | gDelphesDisplay->ImportEventRhoZ(top);
693 |
694 | //update_html_summary();
695 |
696 | gEve->Redraw3D(kFALSE, kTRUE);
697 | }
698 |
699 | void delphes_read()
700 | {
701 |
702 | TIter itTower(gBranchTower);
703 | TIter itTrack(gBranchTrack);
704 | TIter itElectron(gBranchEle);
705 | TIter itPhoton(gBranchPhoton);
706 | TIter itMuon(gBranchMuon);
707 | TIter itJet(gBranchJet);
708 | TIter itGenJet(gBranchGenJet);
709 | TIter itMet(gBranchMet);
710 |
711 | Tower *tower;
712 | Track *track;
713 | Electron *electron;
714 | Muon *muon;
715 | Photon *photon;
716 | Jet *jet;
717 | MissingET *MET;
718 |
719 | TEveJetCone *eveJetCone;
720 | TEveTrack *eveTrack;
721 | TEveArrow *eveMet;
722 |
723 | Int_t counter;
724 | Float_t maxPt = 0.;
725 |
726 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = gTrackList->GetPropagator();
727 | TEveTrackPropagator *photProp = gPhotonList->GetPropagator();
728 | if(event_id >= gTreeReader->GetEntries()) return;
729 |
730 | // Load selected branches with data from specified event
731 | gTreeReader->ReadEntry(event_id);
732 |
733 | // Loop over all towers
734 | itTower.Reset();
735 | while((tower = (Tower *) itTower.Next()))
736 | {
737 | gCaloData->AddTower(tower->Edges[0], tower->Edges[1], tower->Edges[2], tower->Edges[3]);
738 | gCaloData->FillSlice(0, tower->Eem);
739 | gCaloData->FillSlice(1, tower->Ehad);
740 | }
741 | gCaloData->DataChanged();
742 |
743 | // Loop over all tracks
744 | itTrack.Reset();
745 | counter = 0;
746 | while((track = (Track *) itTrack.Next())) {
747 | TParticle pb(track->PID, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
748 | track->P4().Px(), track->P4().Py(),
749 | track->P4().Pz(), track->P4().E(),
750 | track->X, track->Y, track->Z, 0.0);
751 |
752 | eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
753 | eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
754 | eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
755 | eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(gTrackList);
756 | gTrackList->AddElement(eveTrack);
757 | eveTrack->SetLineColor(kBlue);
758 | eveTrack->MakeTrack();
759 | maxPt = maxPt > track->PT ? maxPt : track->PT;
760 | }
761 |
762 | // Loop over all electrons
763 | itElectron.Reset();
764 | counter = 0;
765 | while((electron = (Electron *) itElectron.Next())) {
766 | TParticle pb(electron->Charge<0?11:-11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
767 | electron->P4().Px(), electron->P4().Py(),
768 | electron->P4().Pz(), electron->P4().E(),
769 | 0., 0., 0., 0.);
770 |
771 | eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
772 | eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
773 | eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
774 | eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(gElectronList);
775 | gElectronList->AddElement(eveTrack);
776 | eveTrack->SetLineColor(kRed);
777 | eveTrack->MakeTrack();
778 | maxPt = maxPt > electron->PT ? maxPt : electron->PT;
779 | }
780 |
781 | // Loop over all photons
782 | itPhoton.Reset();
783 | counter = 0;
784 | while((photon = (Photon *) itPhoton.Next())) {
785 | TParticle pb(22, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
786 | photon->P4().Px(), photon->P4().Py(),
787 | photon->P4().Pz(), photon->P4().E(),
788 | 0., 0., 0., 0.);
789 |
790 | eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, photProp);
791 | eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
792 | eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
793 | eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(gPhotonList);
794 | gPhotonList->AddElement(eveTrack);
795 | eveTrack->SetLineColor(kYellow);
796 | eveTrack->MakeTrack();
797 | maxPt = maxPt > photon->PT ? maxPt : photon->PT;
798 | }
799 |
800 | // Loop over all muons
801 | itMuon.Reset();
802 | counter = 0;
803 | while((muon = (Muon *) itMuon.Next())) {
804 | TParticle pb(muon->Charge<0?13:-13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
805 | muon->P4().Px(), muon->P4().Py(),
806 | muon->P4().Pz(), muon->P4().E(),
807 | 0., 0., 0., 0.);
808 |
809 | eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
810 | eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
811 | eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
812 | eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(gMuonList);
813 | gMuonList->AddElement(eveTrack);
814 | eveTrack->SetLineColor(kGreen);
815 | eveTrack->MakeTrack();
816 | maxPt = maxPt > muon->PT ? maxPt : muon->PT;
817 | }
818 |
819 | // Loop over all jets
820 | itJet.Reset();
821 | counter = 0;
822 | while((jet = (Jet *) itJet.Next()))
823 | {
824 | eveJetCone = new TEveJetCone();
825 | eveJetCone->SetTitle(Form("jet [%d]: Pt=%f, Eta=%f, \nPhi=%f, M=%f",counter,jet->PT, jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->Mass));
826 | eveJetCone->SetName(Form("jet [%d]", counter++));
827 | eveJetCone->SetMainTransparency(60);
828 | eveJetCone->SetLineColor(kYellow);
829 | eveJetCone->SetFillColor(kYellow);
830 | eveJetCone->SetCylinder(gRadius - 10, gHalfLength - 10);
831 | eveJetCone->SetPickable(kTRUE);
832 | eveJetCone->AddEllipticCone(jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->DeltaEta, jet->DeltaPhi);
833 | gJetList->AddElement(eveJetCone);
834 | maxPt = maxPt > jet->PT ? maxPt : jet->PT;
835 | }
836 |
837 | // Loop over all genjets
838 | itJet.Reset();
839 | counter = 0;
840 | while((jet = (Jet *) itGenJet.Next()))
841 | {
842 | eveJetCone = new TEveJetCone();
843 | eveJetCone->SetTitle(Form("jet [%d]: Pt=%f, Eta=%f, \nPhi=%f, M=%f",counter,jet->PT, jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->Mass));
844 | eveJetCone->SetName(Form("jet [%d]", counter++));
845 | eveJetCone->SetMainTransparency(60);
846 | eveJetCone->SetLineColor(kCyan);
847 | eveJetCone->SetFillColor(kCyan);
848 | eveJetCone->SetCylinder(gRadius - 10, gHalfLength - 10);
849 | eveJetCone->SetPickable(kTRUE);
850 | eveJetCone->AddEllipticCone(jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->DeltaEta, jet->DeltaPhi);
851 | gGenJetList->AddElement(eveJetCone);
852 | }
853 |
854 | // Missing Et
855 | // recipe: gRadius * MET/maxpt(tracks, jets)
856 | itMet.Reset();
857 | while((MET = (MissingET*) itMet.Next())) {
858 | eveMet = new TEveArrow((gRadius * MET->MET/maxPt)*cos(MET->Phi), (gRadius * MET->MET/maxPt)*sin(MET->Phi), 0., 0., 0., 0.);
859 | eveMet->SetMainColor(kViolet);
860 | eveMet->SetTubeR(0.04);
861 | eveMet->SetConeR(0.08);
862 | eveMet->SetConeL(0.10);
863 | eveMet->SetPickable(kTRUE);
864 | eveMet->SetName("Missing Et");
865 | eveMet->SetTitle(Form("Missing Et (%.1f GeV)",MET->MET));
866 | gMetList->AddElement(eveMet);
867 | }
868 | }
869 |
870 |
871 | /******************************************************************************/
872 | // GUI
873 | /******************************************************************************/
874 |
875 | //______________________________________________________________________________
876 | //
877 | // EvNavHandler class is needed to connect GUI signals.
878 |
879 | class EvNavHandler
880 | {
881 | public:
882 | void Fwd()
883 | {
884 | if (event_id < gTreeReader->GetEntries() - 1) {
885 | ++event_id;
886 | load_event();
887 | } else {
888 | printf("Already at last event.\n");
889 | }
890 | }
891 | void Bck()
892 | {
893 | if (event_id > 0) {
894 | --event_id;
895 | load_event();
896 | } else {
897 | printf("Already at first event.\n");
898 | }
899 | }
900 | };
901 |
902 | //______________________________________________________________________________
903 | void make_gui()
904 | {
905 | // Create minimal GUI for event navigation.
906 | // TODO: better GUI could be made based on the ch15 of the manual (Writing a GUI)
907 |
908 | // add a tab on the left
909 | TEveBrowser* browser = gEve->GetBrowser();
910 | browser->StartEmbedding(TRootBrowser::kLeft);
911 |
912 | // set the main title
913 | TGMainFrame* frmMain = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 1000, 600);
914 | frmMain->SetWindowName("Delphes Event Display");
915 | frmMain->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup);
916 |
917 | // build the navigation menu
918 | TGHorizontalFrame* hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(frmMain);
919 | {
920 | TString icondir;
921 | if(gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"))
922 | icondir = Form("%s/icons/", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"));
923 | if(!gSystem->OpenDirectory(icondir))
924 | icondir = Form("%s/icons/", (const char*)gSystem->GetFromPipe("root-config --etcdir") );
925 | TGPictureButton* b = 0;
926 | EvNavHandler *fh = new EvNavHandler;
927 |
928 | b = new TGPictureButton(hf, gClient->GetPicture(icondir+"GoBack.gif"));
929 | hf->AddFrame(b);
930 | b->Connect("Clicked()", "EvNavHandler", fh, "Bck()");
931 |
932 | b = new TGPictureButton(hf, gClient->GetPicture(icondir+"GoForward.gif"));
933 | hf->AddFrame(b);
934 | b->Connect("Clicked()", "EvNavHandler", fh, "Fwd()");
935 | }
936 | frmMain->AddFrame(hf);
937 | frmMain->MapSubwindows();
938 | frmMain->Resize();
939 | frmMain->MapWindow();
940 | browser->StopEmbedding();
941 | browser->SetTabTitle("Event Control", 0);
942 | }
943 |
944 | /******************************************************************************/
945 | // MAIN
946 | /******************************************************************************/
947 |
948 | void geometry(const char* filename = "delphes_card_CMS.tcl", const char* ParticlePropagator="ParticlePropagator",
949 | const char* TrackingEfficiency="ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency",
950 | const char* MuonEfficiency="MuonEfficiency",
951 | const char* Calorimeters="Calorimeter")
952 | {
953 |
954 | // load the libraries
955 | gSystem->Load("libGeom");
956 | gSystem->Load("../libDelphes");
957 | gSystem->Load("../libDelphesDisplay");
958 |
959 | // create the detector representation
960 | Delphes3DGeometry det3D(new TGeoManager("delphes", "Delphes geometry"));
961 | det3D.readFile(filename, ParticlePropagator, TrackingEfficiency, MuonEfficiency, Calorimeters);
962 |
963 | // create the application items
964 | delphes_event_display("delphes_card_CMS.tcl", "../delphes_output.root", det3D);
965 | make_gui();
966 | load_event();
967 | gEve->Redraw3D(kTRUE); // Reset camera after the first event has been shown.
968 |
969 | // EClipType not exported to CINT (see TGLUtil.h):
970 | // 0 - no clip, 1 - clip plane, 2 - clip box
971 | TGLViewer *v = gEve->GetDefaultGLViewer();
972 | //Double_t plane[4] = { 0., 1., 0., 0. };
973 | //v->GetClipSet()->SetClipState(1,plane);
974 | //v->GetClipSet()->SetClipType(1);
975 | //v->ColorSet().Background().SetColor(kMagenta+4);
976 | //v->SetGuideState(TGLUtil::kAxesEdge, kTRUE, kFALSE, 0);
977 | v->RefreshPadEditor(v);
978 | v->CurrentCamera().RotateRad(-1.2, 0.5);
979 | v->DoDraw();
980 |
981 | }
982 |
983 | // virtual class to represent objects from a Delphes-tree branch
984 | class DelphesBranchBase
985 | {
986 | public:
987 | DelphesBranchBase(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):name_(name),type_(type),color_(color) {}
988 | virtual ~DelphesBranchBase() {};
989 | const char* GetName() const { return (const char*)name_; }
990 | const char* GetType() const { return (const char*)type_; }
991 | enum EColor GetColor() const { return color_; }
992 | virtual const char* GetClassName() = 0;
993 | virtual void Reset() = 0;
994 |
995 | private:
996 | TString name_;
997 | TString type_; // needed for parsing the branch later on
998 | const enum EColor color_;
999 | };
1000 | // concrete implementations. EveContainer can be a TrackList, ElementList or CaloData.
1001 | template<typename EveContainer> class DelphesBranchElement: public DelphesBranchBase
1002 | {
1003 | public:
1004 | DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
1005 | throw std::exception();
1006 | }
1007 |
1008 | // destructor
1009 | virtual ~DelphesBranchElement() {
1010 | delete data_;
1011 | }
1012 |
1013 | // get the container (ElementList, TrackList, or CaloData)
1014 | EveContainer* GetContainer() { return data_; }
1015 |
1016 | // resets the collection (before moving to the next event)
1017 | // making it pure virtual implies that only the specializations below will compile
1018 | virtual void Reset() {};
1019 |
1020 | // template class name
1021 | virtual const char* GetClassName() { return data_->ClassName(); }
1022 |
1023 | private:
1024 | EveContainer* data_;
1025 | };
1026 | // special case for calo towers
1027 | template<> DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
1028 | if(TString(type)=="tower") {
1029 | data_ = new DelphesCaloData(2);
1030 | data_->RefSliceInfo(0).Setup("ECAL", 0.1, kRed);
1031 | data_->RefSliceInfo(1).Setup("HCAL", 0.1, kBlue);
1032 | data_->IncDenyDestroy();
1033 | } else {
1034 | throw std::exception();
1035 | }
1036 | }
1037 | template<> void DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::Reset() { data_->ClearTowers(); }
1038 | // special case for element lists
1039 | template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
1040 | if(TString(type)=="vector" || TString(type)=="jet") {
1041 | data_ = new TEveElementList(name);
1042 | data_->SetMainColor(color_);
1043 | } else {
1044 | throw std::exception();
1045 | }
1046 | }
1047 | template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::Reset() { data_->DestroyElements(); }
1048 | // special case for track lists
1049 | template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
1050 | if(TString(type)=="track") {
1051 | data_ = new TEveTrackList(name);
1052 | data_->SetMainColor(color_);
1053 | data_->SetMarkerColor(color_);
1054 | data_->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
1055 | data_->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
1056 | } else if(TString(type)=="photon") {
1057 | data_ = new TEveTrackList(name);
1058 | data_->SetMainColor(color_);
1059 | data_->SetMarkerColor(color_);
1060 | data_->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
1061 | data_->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
1062 | } else {
1063 | throw std::exception();
1064 | }
1065 | }
1066 | template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::Reset() { data_->DestroyElements(); }
1067 |
1068 | // function that parses the config to extract the branches of interest and prepare containers
1069 | void readConfig(const char *configFile, Delphes3DGeometry& det3D, std::vector<DelphesBranchBase*>& elements, std::vector<TClonesArray*>& arrays) {
1070 | ExRootConfReader *confReader = new ExRootConfReader;
1071 | confReader->ReadFile(configFile);
1072 | Double_t tk_radius = det3D.getTrackerRadius();
1073 | Double_t tk_length = det3D.getTrackerHalfLength();
1074 | Double_t tk_Bz = det3D.getBField();
1075 | Double_t mu_radius = det3D.getDetectorRadius();
1076 | Double_t mu_length = det3D.getDetectorHalfLength();
1077 | TAxis* etaAxis = det3D.getCaloAxes().first;
1078 | TAxis* phiAxis = det3D.getCaloAxes().second;
1079 | ExRootConfParam branches = confReader->GetParam("TreeWriter::Branch");
1080 | Int_t nBranches = branches.GetSize()/3;
1081 | for(Int_t b = 0; b<nBranches; ++b) {
1082 | TString input = branches[b*3].GetString();
1083 | TString name = branches[b*3+1].GetString();
1084 | TString className = branches[b*3+2].GetString();
1085 | if(className=="Track") {
1086 | if(input.Contains("eflow",TString::kIgnoreCase) || name.Contains("eflow",TString::kIgnoreCase)) continue; //no eflow
1087 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>(name,"track",kBlue);
1088 | elements.push_back(list);
1089 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = list->GetContainer()->GetPropagator();
1090 | trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz);
1091 | trkProp->SetMaxR(tk_radius);
1092 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(tk_length);
1093 | } else if(className=="Tower") {
1094 | if(input.Contains("eflow",TString::kIgnoreCase) || name.Contains("eflow",TString::kIgnoreCase)) continue; //no eflow
1095 | DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>(name,"tower",kBlack);
1096 | list->GetContainer()->SetEtaBins(etaAxis);
1097 | list->GetContainer()->SetPhiBins(phiAxis);
1098 | elements.push_back(list);
1099 | } else if(className=="Jet") {
1100 | if(input.Contains("GenJetFinder")) {
1101 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>(name,"jet",kCyan);
1102 | list->GetContainer()->SetRnrSelf(false);
1103 | list->GetContainer()->SetRnrChildren(false);
1104 | elements.push_back(list);
1105 | } else {
1106 | elements.push_back(new DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>(name,"jet",kYellow));
1107 | }
1108 | } else if(className=="Electron") {
1109 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>(name,"track",kRed);
1110 | elements.push_back(list);
1111 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = list->GetContainer()->GetPropagator();
1112 | trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz);
1113 | trkProp->SetMaxR(tk_radius);
1114 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(tk_length);
1115 | } else if(className=="Photon") {
1116 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>(name,"photon",kYellow);
1117 | elements.push_back(list);
1118 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = list->GetContainer()->GetPropagator();
1119 | trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., 0.);
1120 | trkProp->SetMaxR(tk_radius);
1121 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(tk_length);
1122 | } else if(className=="Muon") {
1123 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>(name,"track",kGreen);
1124 | elements.push_back(list);
1125 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = list->GetContainer()->GetPropagator();
1126 | trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz);
1127 | trkProp->SetMaxR(mu_radius);
1128 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(mu_length);
1129 | } else if(className=="MissingET") {
1130 | elements.push_back(new DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>(name,"vector",kViolet));
1131 | } else if(className=="GenParticle") {
1132 | DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>* list = new DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>(name,"track",kCyan);
1133 | elements.push_back(list);
1134 | list->GetContainer()->SetRnrSelf(false);
1135 | list->GetContainer()->SetRnrChildren(false);
1136 | TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = list->GetContainer()->GetPropagator();
1137 | trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz);
1138 | trkProp->SetMaxR(tk_radius);
1139 | trkProp->SetMaxZ(tk_length);
1140 | }
1141 | arrays.push_back(gTreeReader->UseBranch(name));
1142 | }
1143 | }