1 | /*
2 | Example of using vertex fitter class to fit primary vertex
3 | assumed to be generated with Pythia8/ee_zh_smr-shf.cmn
4 | */
5 |
6 | #ifdef __CLING__
7 | R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libDelphes)
8 |
9 | #include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
10 | #include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"
11 | #include "modules/TrackCovariance.h"
12 | #include "external/TrackCovariance/TrkUtil.h"
13 | #include "external/TrackCovariance/VertexFit.h"
14 |
15 | #endif
16 |
17 |
18 | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 |
20 | void ExamplePVtxFind(const char* inputFile, Int_t Nevent = 5)
21 | {
22 | // Create chain of root trees
23 | TChain chain("Delphes");
24 | chain.Add(inputFile);
25 |
26 | // Create object of class ExRootTreeReader
27 | ExRootTreeReader* treeReader = new ExRootTreeReader(&chain);
28 | Long64_t numberOfEntries = treeReader->GetEntries();
29 |
30 | // Get pointers to branches used in this analysis
31 | TClonesArray* branchGenPart = treeReader->UseBranch("Particle");
32 | TClonesArray* branchTrack = treeReader->UseBranch("Track");
33 |
34 | // Book histograms
35 | // Vertex fit pulls
36 | Int_t Nbin = 100;
37 | TH1D* hXpull = new TH1D("hXpull", "Pull X vertex component", Nbin, -10., 10.);
38 | TH1D* hYpull = new TH1D("hYpull", "Pull Y vertex component", Nbin, -10., 10.);
39 | TH1D* hZpull = new TH1D("hZpull", "Pull Z vertex component", Nbin, -10., 10.);
40 | TH1D* hChi2 = new TH1D("hChi2", "Vertex #chi^{2}/N_{dof}", Nbin, 0., 10.);
41 | // Track vertex associations
42 | TH1D* hTrPrim = new TH1D("hTrPrim", "Available primary tracks", 41, -0.5, 40.5);
43 | TH1D* hTrFound = new TH1D("hTrFound", "Found primary tracks", 41, -0.5, 40.5);
44 | TH1D* hTrFoundG = new TH1D("hTrFoundG", "Found GOOD primary tracks", 41, -0.5, 40.5);
45 | TH1D* hTrFoundB = new TH1D("hTrFoundB", "Found BAD primary tracks", 41, -0.5, 40.5);
46 | TH1D* hTrDiff = new TH1D("hTrDiff", "Found - available tracks", 21, -10.5, 10.5);
47 | //
48 | // Loop over all events
49 | Int_t Nev = TMath::Min(Nevent, (Int_t)numberOfEntries);
50 | for (Int_t entry = 0; entry < Nev; ++entry)
51 | {
52 | // Load selected branches with data from specified event
53 | treeReader->ReadEntry(entry);
54 | Int_t NtrG = branchTrack->GetEntries();
55 | if(entry%500 ==0)std::cout << "Event "<<entry<<" opened containing " << NtrG << " tracks" << std::endl;
56 | TVectorD** pr = new TVectorD * [NtrG];
57 | TMatrixDSym** cv = new TMatrixDSym * [NtrG];
58 | //
59 | // test Particle branch
60 | Int_t Ngen = branchGenPart->GetEntries();
61 | //std::cout << "Nr. of generated particles: " << Ngen << std::endl;
62 | // If event contains at least 1 track
63 | //
64 | Double_t Nprim = 0.0;
65 | Double_t xpv = 0.0; // Init true primary vertex position
66 | Double_t ypv = 0.0;
67 | Double_t zpv = 0.0;
68 | if (branchTrack->GetEntries() > 0)
69 | {
70 | // Loop on tracks
71 | for (Int_t it = 0; it < branchTrack->GetEntries(); it++)
72 | {
73 | Track* trk = (Track*)branchTrack->At(it);
74 | //
75 | // Start fitting all available tracks
76 | //
77 | // Reconstructed track parameters
78 | Double_t obsD0 = trk->D0;
79 | Double_t obsPhi = trk->Phi;
80 | Double_t obsC = trk->C;
81 | Double_t obsZ0 = trk->DZ;
82 | Double_t obsCtg = trk->CtgTheta;
83 | //std::cout << "Got track parameters for track " << it << std::endl;
84 | //
85 | // Load all tracks for vertex fit
86 | Double_t oPar[5] = { obsD0, obsPhi, obsC, obsZ0, obsCtg };
87 | TVectorD obsPar(5, oPar); // Fill observed parameters
88 | pr[it] = new TVectorD(obsPar);
89 | cv[it] = new TMatrixDSym(trk->CovarianceMatrix());
90 | // Check covariance
91 | /*
92 | TMatrixDSymEigen Eign(*cv[it]);
93 | TVectorD lambda = Eign.GetEigenValues();
94 | Bool_t good = kTRUE;
95 | for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) if(lambda(i)<0.0) good = kFALSE;
96 | if(!good){
97 | std::cout<<"Cov["<<it<<"]"<<" eigenvalues: "
98 | <<lambda(0)<<", "<<lambda(1)<<", "<<lambda(2)<<", "
99 | <<lambda(3)<<", "<<lambda(4)<<std::endl;
100 | TMatrixDSym Ctmp = *cv[it];
101 | std::cout<<"Error D (dir - cov) "<<trk->ErrorD0
102 | <<" - "<<TMath::Sqrt(Ctmp(0,0))<<std::endl;
103 | }
104 | */
105 | //std::cout << "Track loaded it= " << it << std::endl;
106 | //
107 | // Find true primary vertex
108 | GenParticle* gp = (GenParticle*)trk->Particle.GetObject();
109 | //std::cout << "GenParticle pointer "<<gp << std::endl;
110 | //
111 | // Position of origin in mm
112 | Double_t x = gp->X;
113 | Double_t y = gp->Y;
114 | Double_t z = gp->Z;
115 | Bool_t prim = kTRUE; // Is primary?
116 | Int_t mp = gp->M1; // Mother
117 | while (mp > 0) {
118 | GenParticle* gm =
119 | (GenParticle*)branchGenPart->At(mp);
120 | Double_t xm = gm->X;
121 | Double_t ym = gm->Y;
122 | Double_t zm = gm->Z;
123 | if (x != xm || y != ym || z != zm) {
124 | prim = kFALSE;
125 | break;
126 | }
127 | else mp = gm->M1;
128 | }
129 | if (prim) { // It's a primary track
130 | Nprim++;
131 | xpv = x; // Store true primary
132 | ypv = y;
133 | zpv = z;
134 | }
135 |
136 | } // End loop on tracks
137 | }
138 | std::cout<<"PVtxFind true vertex: Nprim= "<<Nprim<<", x,y,z= "<<xpv<<", "<<ypv<<", "<<zpv<<std::endl;
139 | //
140 | // Find primary vertex
141 | //
142 | //Beam constraint
143 | TVectorD xpvc(3);
144 | xpvc(0) = 1.0;
145 | xpvc(1) = -2.0;
146 | xpvc(2) = 10.0;
147 | TMatrixDSym covpvc(3); covpvc.Zero();
148 | covpvc(0, 0) = 0.0097 * 0.0097;
149 | covpvc(1, 1) = 2.55e-05 * 2.55e-05;
150 | covpvc(2, 2) = 0.64 * 0.64;
151 | if(Nprim == 0){
152 | xpv = xpvc(0);
153 | ypv = xpvc(1);
154 | zpv = xpvc(2);
155 | }
156 | //
157 | //
158 | // Skim tracks
159 | Int_t nSkim = 0;
160 | Int_t* nSkimmed = new Int_t[NtrG];
161 | TVectorD** PrSk = new TVectorD * [1];
162 | TMatrixDSym** CvSk = new TMatrixDSym * [1];
163 | Double_t MaxChi2 = 2.0+3*2.;
164 | for (Int_t n = 0; n < NtrG; n++) {
165 | PrSk[0] = new TVectorD(*pr[n]);
166 | CvSk[0] = new TMatrixDSym(*cv[n]);
167 | VertexFit* Vskim = new VertexFit(1,PrSk, CvSk);
168 | Vskim->AddVtxConstraint(xpvc, covpvc);
169 | Double_t Chi2One = Vskim->GetVtxChi2();
170 | //std::cout<<"Track "<<n<<", Chi2 = "<<Chi2One<<std::endl;
171 | if (Chi2One < MaxChi2) {
172 | nSkimmed[nSkim] = n;
173 | //std::cout << "nSkimmed[" << nSkim << "] = " << n << std::endl;
174 | nSkim++;
175 | }
176 | // Cleanup
177 | delete Vskim;
178 | }
179 | delete PrSk[0];
180 | delete CvSk[0];
181 | delete[] PrSk;
182 | delete[] CvSk;
183 | //
184 | // Load tracks for primary fit
185 | Int_t MinTrk = 1; // Minumum # tracks for vertex fit
186 | if (nSkim >= MinTrk) {
187 | TVectorD** PrFit = new TVectorD * [nSkim];
188 | TMatrixDSym** CvFit = new TMatrixDSym * [nSkim];
189 | for (Int_t n = 0; n < nSkim; n++) {
190 | PrFit[n] = new TVectorD(*pr[nSkimmed[n]]);
191 | CvFit[n] = new TMatrixDSym(*cv[nSkimmed[n]]);
192 | }
193 | delete[] nSkimmed;
194 | Int_t Nfound = nSkim;
195 | if(entry%500 ==0)std::cout << "Found tracks "<<Nfound << std::endl;
196 | const Int_t MaxFound = 100; Double_t Chi2LL[MaxFound]; Double_t *Chi2L = Chi2LL;
197 | VertexFit* Vtx = new VertexFit(nSkim, PrFit, CvFit);
198 | //std::cout << "Vertex fit created " << std::endl;
199 | Vtx->AddVtxConstraint(xpvc, covpvc);
200 | //
201 | // Remove tracks with large chi2
202 | Double_t MaxChi2Fit = 4.5;
203 | Bool_t Done = kFALSE;
204 | while (!Done) {
205 | //std::cout << "After while " << std::endl;
206 | // Find largest Chi2 contribution
207 | TVectorD Chi2List = Vtx->GetVtxChi2List(); // Get contributions to Chi2
208 | //std::cout << "After Chi2List. " << std::endl; Chi2List.Print();
209 | //Double_t* Chi2L = new Double_t[Nfound];
210 | Chi2L = Chi2List.GetMatrixArray();
211 | Int_t iMax = TMath::LocMax(Nfound, Chi2L);
212 | //std::cout << "iMax = "<<iMax << std::endl;
213 | Double_t Chi2Mx = Chi2L[iMax];
214 | //std::cout << "Chi2Mx "<<Chi2Mx << std::endl;
215 | if (Chi2Mx > MaxChi2Fit && Nfound > 1) {
216 | //std::cout << "Before remove. Nfound = "<<Nfound << std::endl;
217 | Vtx->RemoveTrk(iMax);
218 | //std::cout << "After remove." << std::endl;
219 | Nfound--;
220 | }
221 | else {
222 | Done = kTRUE;
223 | }
224 | }
225 | //
226 | //std::cout << "Before getting vertex " << std::endl;
227 | //
228 | // Require minimum number of tracks in vertex
229 | Int_t Nmin = 1;
230 | if (Nfound >= Nmin) {
231 | TVectorD xvtx = Vtx->GetVtx();
232 | std::cout << "Found vertex " << xvtx(0)<<", "<<xvtx(1)<<", "<<xvtx(2) << std::endl;
233 | TMatrixDSym covX = Vtx->GetVtxCov();
234 | Double_t Chi2 = Vtx->GetVtxChi2();
235 | Double_t Ndof = 2 * (Double_t)Nfound;
236 | Double_t PullX = (xvtx(0) - xpv) / TMath::Sqrt(covX(0, 0));
237 | Double_t PullY = (xvtx(1) - ypv) / TMath::Sqrt(covX(1, 1));
238 | Double_t PullZ = (xvtx(2) - zpv) / TMath::Sqrt(covX(2, 2));
239 | //
240 | // Fill histograms
241 | hXpull->Fill(PullX);
242 | hYpull->Fill(PullY);
243 | hZpull->Fill(PullZ);
244 | hChi2->Fill(Chi2 / Ndof);
245 | //
246 | hTrPrim->Fill(Nprim);
247 | hTrFound->Fill((Double_t)Nfound);
248 | hTrDiff->Fill((Double_t)Nfound-Nprim);
249 | //std::cout << "Histograms filled " << std::endl;
250 | }
251 | //
252 | // Clean
253 | delete Vtx;
254 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < nSkim; i++) delete PrFit[i];
255 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < nSkim; i++) delete CvFit[i];
256 | delete[] PrFit;
257 | delete[] CvFit;
258 | }
259 |
260 | //std::cout << "Vertex chi2/Ndof = " << Chi2 / Ndof << std::endl;
261 | //
262 | // Cleanup
263 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < NtrG; i++) delete pr[i];
264 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < NtrG; i++) delete cv[i];
265 | delete[] pr;
266 | delete[] cv;
267 | }
268 | //
269 | // Show resulting histograms
270 | //
271 | TCanvas* Cnv = new TCanvas("Cnv", "Delphes primary vertex pulls", 50, 50, 900, 500);
272 | Cnv->Divide(2, 2);
273 | Cnv->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
274 | hXpull->Fit("gaus"); hXpull->Draw();
275 | Cnv->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
276 | hYpull->Fit("gaus"); hYpull->Draw();
277 | Cnv->cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
278 | hZpull->Fit("gaus"); hZpull->Draw();
279 | Cnv->cd(4); hChi2->Draw();
280 | //
281 | TCanvas* CnvN = new TCanvas("CnvN", "Primary tracks found", 100, 100, 900, 500);
282 | CnvN->Divide(2, 2);
283 | CnvN->cd(1);
284 | hTrPrim->Draw();
285 | CnvN->cd(2);
286 | hTrFound->SetLineColor(kRed);
287 | hTrFound->Draw();
288 | CnvN->cd(3);
289 | hTrDiff->Draw();
290 | }