1 | #include <iostream>
2 | #include <TMath.h>
3 | #include <TVectorD.h>
4 | #include <TVector3.h>
5 | #include <TH2.h>
6 | #include <TF1.h>
7 | #include <TGraph.h>
8 | #include <TLine.h>
9 | #include <TRandom.h>
10 | #include <TCanvas.h>
11 | #include <TStyle.h>
12 | #include <TLegend.h>
13 | #include "external/TrackCovariance/TrkUtil.h"
14 |
15 |
16 | void ExampleClCount(Int_t Nev = 1000, Double_t ang = 90., Int_t Opt=0)
17 | {
18 | //
19 | // Constants
20 | Double_t angRad = ang*TMath::Pi() / 180.; // To radians
21 | Double_t KpMass = 0.493677; // Charged Kaon mass
22 | Double_t PiMass = 0.13957018; // Charged Pion mass
23 | Double_t Bz = 2.0; // Field
24 | TVector3 x(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Track origin
25 | //
26 | Double_t pmin = 0.1; // Momentum range
27 | Double_t pmax = 50.;
28 | //
29 | // Setup chamber
30 | //
31 | TrkUtil *TU = new TrkUtil(Bz);
32 | //cout << "TU done" << endl;
33 | Double_t Rmin = 0.35;
34 | Double_t Rmax = 2.0;
35 | Double_t Zmin = -2.0;
36 | Double_t Zmax = 2.0;
37 | TU->SetDchBoundaries(Rmin, Rmax, Zmin, Zmax);
38 | TU->SetGasMix(Opt); // gas selection
39 | char title[50];
40 | Double_t y_min = 0.0;
41 | Double_t y_max = 0.0;
42 | switch (Opt)
43 | {
44 | case 0:
45 | {
46 | sprintf(title, "Helium 90 - Isobutane 10"); // He-Isobutane
47 | y_min = 1500.; y_max = 3500;
48 | break;
49 | }
50 | case 1:
51 | {
52 | sprintf(title, "Helium 100"); // pure He
53 | y_min = 400.; y_max = 1000;
54 | break;
55 | }
56 | case 2:
57 | {
58 | sprintf(title, "Argon 50 - Ethane 50"); // Argon - Ethane
59 | y_min = 6000.; y_max = 8500.;
60 | break;
61 | }
62 | case 3:
63 | {
64 | sprintf(title, "Argon 100"); // pure Argon
65 | y_min = 4000.; y_max = 6000.;
66 | break;
67 | }
68 | }
69 | //cout << "DchBoundaries set" << endl;
70 | //
71 | // Histograms
72 | //
73 | TH2F *h_kaon = new TH2F("h_kaon", "Nclusters distribution", 200, 0., 50., 50, y_min, y_max);
74 | TH2F *h_pion = new TH2F("h_pion", "Nclusters distribution", 200, 0., 50., 50, y_min, y_max);
75 | //cout << "histograms booked" << endl;
76 | //
77 | // Fill plots
78 | //
79 | for (Int_t n = 0; n < Nev; n++)
80 | {
81 | Double_t R = gRandom->Rndm();
82 | Double_t pval = pmin + R*(pmax - pmin);
83 | Double_t px = pval*TMath::Sin(angRad);
84 | Double_t pz = pval*TMath::Cos(angRad);
85 | TVector3 p(px, 0.0, pz);
86 | Double_t Q = 1.0;
87 | TVectorD Par = TrkUtil::XPtoPar(x, p, Q, Bz);
88 | //cout << "Parameters done. pval = "<< pval << endl;
89 | //
90 | Double_t Ncl = 0.0;
91 | if (TU->IonClusters(Ncl, KpMass, Par))
92 | {
93 | //cout << "Kaon extracted. pval = "<< pval << endl;
94 | h_kaon->Fill(pval, Ncl);
95 | //cout << "Kaon filled. Ncl = "<<Ncl << endl;
96 | }
97 | if (TU->IonClusters(Ncl, PiMass, Par))
98 | {
99 | //cout << "Pion extracted. pval = "<<pval << endl;
100 | h_pion->Fill(pval, Ncl);
101 | //cout << "Pion filled. Ncl = "<<Ncl << endl;
102 | }
103 | }
104 | //
105 | // graph K/pi separation
106 | //
107 | const Int_t Nint = 501;
108 | Double_t pmom[Nint];
109 | Double_t pmn = 0.2; Double_t pmx = 100.;
110 | Double_t stp = (TMath::Log(pmx) - TMath::Log(pmn)) / (Double_t)(Nint - 1);
111 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Nint; i++)pmom[i] = TMath::Exp(i * stp + TMath::Log(pmn));
112 | Double_t SigDiff[Nint];
113 | for (Int_t i = 0; i < Nint; i++)
114 | {
115 | Double_t bgK = pmom[i] / KpMass;
116 | Double_t bgP = pmom[i] / PiMass;
117 | Double_t px = pmom[i]*TMath::Sin(angRad);
118 | Double_t pz = pmom[i]*TMath::Cos(angRad);
119 | TVector3 p(px, 0.0, pz);
120 | Double_t Q = 1.0;
121 | TVectorD Par = TrkUtil::XPtoPar(x, p, Q, Bz);
122 | Double_t tLen = TU->TrkLen(Par);
123 | Double_t CluKp = TrkUtil::Nclusters(bgK,Opt)*tLen;
124 | Double_t CluKpErr = TMath::Sqrt(CluKp);
125 | Double_t CluPi = TrkUtil::Nclusters(bgP,Opt)*tLen;
126 | Double_t CluPiErr = TMath::Sqrt(CluPi);
127 | //cout << "Momentum = " << pmom[i] << ", length= " << tLen
128 | // << ", CluKp = " << CluKp << ", CluPi = " << CluPi << endl;
129 | //if (CluKp + CluPi > 0.0)SigDiff[i] = TMath::Abs(CluPi - CluKp) / TMath::Sqrt(CluKp + CluPi);
130 | if (CluKp + CluPi > 0.0)SigDiff[i] = TMath::Abs(CluPi - CluKp) / (0.5*(CluKpErr + CluPiErr));
131 | }
132 | //
133 | // Plots
134 | //
135 | TCanvas *cnv = new TCanvas("cnv", title, 50, 50, 800, 500);
136 | cnv->Divide(2, 1);
137 | cnv->cd(1);
138 | gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
139 | h_kaon->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
140 | h_kaon->SetLineColor(kRed);
141 | h_kaon->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Momentum (GeV)");
142 | h_kaon->Draw();
143 | h_pion->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
144 | h_pion->SetLineColor(kBlack);
145 | h_pion->Draw("SAME");
146 | //
147 | TLegend* lg = new TLegend(0.1, 0.9, 0.3, 0.70);
148 | TString LgTitle = "Particle type:";
149 | lg->SetHeader(LgTitle);
150 | lg->AddEntry(h_pion, "#pi", "L");
151 | lg->AddEntry(h_kaon, "#color[2]{K}", "L");
152 | lg->Draw();
153 | cnv->cd(2);
154 | gPad->SetLogx();
155 | TGraph *gr = new TGraph(Nint, pmom, SigDiff);
156 | gr->SetMinimum(0.0);
157 | gr->SetMaximum(8.0);
158 | gr->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0.,100.);
159 | gr->SetTitle("K/#pi separation in nr. of #sigma");
160 | gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Momentum (GeV)");
161 | gr->SetLineColor(kBlue);
162 | gr->Draw("APC");
163 | TLine *line = new TLine(0.0, 3.0, 100., 3.0);
164 | line->Draw("SAME");
165 | //
166 | TCanvas* cnvf = new TCanvas("cnvf", "Interpolating function", 100, 100, 800, 500);
167 | cnvf->Divide(1, 1);
168 | cnvf->cd(1);
169 | gPad->SetLogx();
170 | TF1* f_ncl = new TF1("f_ncl", TU, &TrkUtil::funcNcl, 0.5, 1000., 1);
171 | f_ncl->SetNpx(500);
172 | f_ncl->Draw();
173 | }