1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 |
3 | import sys
4 | import math
5 | import os
6 | from array import array
7 | import pandas as pd
8 | import ROOT
9 |
10 | try:
11 | input = raw_input
12 | except:
13 | pass
14 |
15 | if len(sys.argv) < 2:
16 | print(" Usage: Jet_constituent.py input_file")
17 | sys.exit(1)
18 |
19 | ROOT.gSystem.Load("libDelphes")
20 |
21 | try:
22 | ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"')
23 | ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"')
24 | ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootResult.h"')
25 | except:
26 | pass
27 |
28 | inputFile = sys.argv[1]
29 |
30 | # Create chain of root trees
31 | chain = ROOT.TChain("Delphes")
32 | chain.Add(inputFile)
33 |
34 | # Create object of class ExRootTreeReader
35 | treeReader = ROOT.ExRootTreeReader(chain)
36 | #numberOfEntries = treeReader.GetEntries()
37 | numberOfEntries = 1 # debug
38 |
39 | # Get pointers to branches used in this analysis
40 | branchJet = treeReader.UseBranch("Jet")
41 |
42 | event_jet = pd.DataFrame()
43 |
44 | # Loop over all events
45 | for entry in range(0, numberOfEntries):
46 | # Load selected branches with data from jet event
47 | treeReader.ReadEntry(entry)
48 |
49 | for jetentry in range (0, branchJet.GetEntriesFast()):
50 | jet = branchJet.At(jetentry)
51 |
52 | for constit in range (0, jet.Constituents.GetEntriesFast()):
53 | obj = jet.Constituents.At(constit)
54 | # print(jet.Constituents)
55 | print(obj.IsA())
56 | # print(constit)
57 | # print(obj)
58 | # event_jet = event_jet.append({'Event' : entry,
59 | # 'jet number': jetentry,
60 | # 'jet constituent pT': obj.PT,
61 | # 'jet constituent Eta': obj.Eta,
62 | # 'jet constituent Phi': obj.Phi}, ignore_index=True)
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 | input("Press Enter to continue...")