Package madgraph :: Package interface :: Module madevent_interface :: Class MadEventCmd
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class MadEventCmd

source code

              object --+            
   extended_cmd.CheckCmd --+        
              object --+   |        
                       |   |        
    extended_cmd.HelpCmd --+        
              object --+   |        
                       |   |        
extended_cmd.CompleteCmd --+        
             cmd.Cmd --+   |        
                       |   |        
   extended_cmd.BasicCmd --+        
            extended_cmd.Cmd --+    
                     CmdExtended --+
                      object --+   |
                               |   |
                       HelpToCmd --+
                  object --+       |
                           |       |
            CheckValidForCmd --+   |
                               |   |
                  CompleteForCmd --+
Known Subclasses:

The command line processor of MadGraph

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from CmdExtended: ConfigurationError, InvalidCmd

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, me_dir=None, *completekey, **stdin)
add information to the cmd
source code
split_arg(self, line, error=True)
split argument and remove run_options
source code
check_output_type(self, path)
Check that the output path is a valid madevent directory
source code
set_configuration(self, config_path=None)
assign all configuration variable from file ./Cards/mg5_configuration.txt.
source code
do_banner_run(self, line)
Make a run from the banner file
source code
do_display(self, line, output=sys.stdout)
Display current internal status
source code
do_import(self, line)
Advanced commands: Import command files
source code
do_open(self, line)
Open a text file/ eps file / html file
source code
do_set(self, line)
Set an option, which will be default for coming generations/outputs
source code
update_status(self, status, level, makehtml=True, force=True, error=False)
update the index status
source code
do_generate_events(self, line)
launch the full chain
source code
print_results_in_shell(self, data)
Have a nice results prints in the shell, data should be of type: gen_crossxhtml.OneTagResults
source code
do_calculate_decay_widths(self, line)
launch decay width calculation and automatic inclusion of calculated widths and BRs in the param_card.
source code
Collect the decay widths and calculate BRs for all particles, and put in param_card form.
source code
do_multi_run(self, line) source code
do_survey(self, line)
Advanced commands: launch survey for the current process
source code
do_refine(self, line)
Advanced commands: launch survey for the current process
source code
do_combine_events(self, line)
Advanced commands: Launch combine events
source code
do_store_events(self, line)
Advanced commands: Launch store events
source code
do_create_gridpack(self, line)
Advanced commands: Create gridpack from present run
source code
do_pythia(self, line)
launch pythia
source code
create automatically a tag
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do_remove(self, line)
Remove one/all run or only part of it
source code
do_plot(self, line)
Create the plot for a given run
source code
tar the pythia results.
source code
do_pgs(self, line)
launch pgs
source code
do_delphes(self, line)
run delphes and make associate root file/plot
source code
launch_job(self, exe, cwd=None, stdout=None, argument=[], remaining=0, run_type='', mode=None, **opt) source code
Find if Madevent is in Group mode or not
source code
monitor(self, run_type='monitor', mode=None, html=False)
monitor the progress of running job
source code
All action require before any type of run
source code
read_run_card(self, run_card) source code
set_run_name(self, name, tag=None, level='parton', reload_card=False)
define the run name, the run_tag, the banner and the results.
source code
return the model name
source code
Find the number of event in the run_card, and check that this is not too large
source code
change random number
source code
save random number in appropirate file
source code
do_quit(self, line)
exit the mainloop()
source code
do_EOF(self, line)
exit the mainloop()
source code
do_exit(self, line)
exit the mainloop()
source code
check for ckkw
source code
create_root_file(self, input='unweighted_events.lhe', output='unweighted_events.root')
create the LHE root file
source code
create_plot(self, mode='parton', event_path=None, output=None)
create the plot
source code
clean_pointless_card(self, mode)
Clean the pointless card
source code
ask_run_configuration(self, mode=None)
Ask the question when launching generate_events/multi_run
source code
ask_pythia_run_configuration(self, mode=None)
Ask the question when launching pythia
source code
ask_edit_cards(self, cards, fct_args)
Question for cards editions (used for pgs/delphes)
source code
add_card_to_run(self, name)
ensure that card name is define.
source code

Inherited from CmdExtended: add_error_log_in_html, get_history_header, nice_config_error, nice_error_handling, nice_user_error, postcmd, stop_on_keyboard_stop

Inherited from extended_cmd.Cmd: ask, check_answer_in_input_file, check_stored_line, clean_history, correct_splitting, default, define_child_cmd_interface, do_help, do_history, do_save, emptyline, exec_cmd, import_command_file, onecmd, postloop, precmd, run_cmd, store_line, write_configuration

Inherited from extended_cmd.CheckCmd: check_history, check_save

Inherited from extended_cmd.HelpCmd: help_EOF, help_display, help_help, help_history, help_quit, help_save

Inherited from extended_cmd.CompleteCmd: complete_display, complete_history, complete_save

Inherited from HelpToCmd: help_banner_run, help_calculate_decay_widths, help_combine_events, help_create_gridpack, help_delphes, help_generate_events, help_import, help_multi_run, help_open, help_pgs, help_plot, help_pythia, help_refine, help_remove, help_set, help_store_events, help_survey, run_options_help

Inherited from CompleteForCmd: complete_banner_run, complete_calculate_decay_widths, complete_combine_events, complete_create_gridpack, complete_delphes, complete_generate_events, complete_multi_run, complete_open, complete_pgs, complete_plot, complete_pythia, complete_refine, complete_remove, complete_set, complete_survey, complite_store

Inherited from CheckValidForCmd: check_banner_run, check_calculate_decay_widths, check_combine_events, check_delphes, check_display, check_generate_events, check_import, check_multi_run, check_open, check_pgs, check_plot, check_pythia, check_refine, check_remove, check_set, check_survey

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Inherited from extended_cmd.BasicCmd: complete, deal_multiple_categories, getTerminalSize, preloop, print_suggestions

Inherited from cmd.Cmd: cmdloop, columnize, complete_help, completedefault, completenames, get_names, parseline, print_topics

Static Methods [hide private]
find a valid run_name for the current job
source code
check_dir(path, default='')
check if the directory exists.
source code
detect the type of the card.
source code

Inherited from extended_cmd.Cmd: list_completion, path_completion, timed_input

Class Variables [hide private]
  _run_options = ['--cluster', '--multicore', '--nb_core=', '--n...
  _generate_options = ['-f', '--laststep=parton', '--laststep=py...
  _calculate_decay_options = ['-f', '--accuracy=0.']
  _set_options = ['stdout_level', 'fortran_compiler', 'timeout']
  _plot_mode = ['all', 'parton', 'pythia', 'pgs', 'delphes', 'ch...
  _clean_mode = ['all', 'parton', 'pythia', 'pgs', 'delphes', 'c...
  _display_opts = ['run_name', 'options', 'variable']
  _survey_options = {'accuracy': ('float', 0.1, 'Required accura...
  true = ['T', '.true.', True, 'true', 1, '1']
  web = False
  prompt = 'MGME5>'
  cluster_mode = 0
  queue = 'madgraph'
  nb_core = None
  next_possibility = {'calculate_decay_widths': ['calculate_deca...

Inherited from CmdExtended: config_debug, debug_output, error_debug, keyboard_stop_msg

Inherited from extended_cmd.Cmd: history_header

Inherited from cmd.Cmd: doc_header, doc_leader, identchars, intro, lastcmd, misc_header, nohelp, ruler, undoc_header, use_rawinput

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, me_dir=None, *completekey, **stdin)

source code 

add information to the cmd

Overrides: cmd.Cmd.__init__

split_arg(self, line, error=True)

source code 

split argument and remove run_options

Overrides: extended_cmd.Cmd.split_arg

set_configuration(self, config_path=None)

source code 

assign all configuration variable from file ./Cards/mg5_configuration.txt. assign to default if not define

do_display(self, line, output=sys.stdout)

source code 

Display current internal status

Overrides: extended_cmd.Cmd.do_display


source code 

tar the pythia results. This is done when we are quite sure that the pythia output will not be use anymore

check_dir(path, default='')
Static Method

source code 

check if the directory exists. if so return the path otherwise the default

do_quit(self, line)

source code 

exit the mainloop()

Overrides: extended_cmd.Cmd.do_quit

do_EOF(self, line)

source code 

exit the mainloop()

Overrides: extended_cmd.Cmd.do_quit

do_exit(self, line)

source code 

exit the mainloop()

Overrides: extended_cmd.Cmd.do_quit

add_card_to_run(self, name)

source code 

ensure that card name is define. If not use the default one

Static Method

source code 

detect the type of the card. Return value are banner param_card.dat run_card.dat pythia_card.dat plot_card.dat pgs_card.dat delphes_card.dat delphes_trigger.dat

Class Variable Details [hide private]


['--cluster', '--multicore', '--nb_core=', '--nb_core=2', '-c', '-m']




['all', 'parton', 'pythia', 'pgs', 'delphes', 'channel', 'banner']


['all', 'parton', 'pythia', 'pgs', 'delphes', 'channel', 'banner']


{'accuracy': ('float', 0.1, 'Required accuracy'),
 'gridpack': ('str', '.false.', 'Gridpack generation'),
 'iterations': ('int', 5, 'Number of iterations'),
 'points': ('int', 1000, 'Number of points for first iteration')}


{'calculate_decay_widths': ['calculate_decay_widths [OPTIONS]',
                            'generate_events [OPTIONS]'],
 'combine_events': ['store'],
 'delphes': ['generate_events [OPTIONS]', 'multi_run [OPTIONS]'],
 'generate_events': ['generate_events [OPTIONS]',
                     'multi_run [OPTIONS]',