Package madgraph :: Package interface :: Module madevent_interface :: Class CheckValidForCmd
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class CheckValidForCmd

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

The Series of check routine for the MadEventCmd

Instance Methods [hide private]
check_banner_run(self, args)
check the validity of line
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check_history(self, args)
check the validity of line
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check_set(self, args)
check the validity of the line
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check_open(self, args)
check the validity of the line
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check_survey(self, args, cmd='survey')
check that the argument for survey are valid
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check_generate_events(self, args)
check that the argument for generate_events are valid
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check_calculate_decay_widths(self, args)
check that the argument for calculate_decay_widths are valid
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check_multi_run(self, args)
check that the argument for survey are valid
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check_refine(self, args)
check that the argument for survey are valid
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check_combine_events(self, arg)
Check the argument for the combine events command
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check_pythia(self, args)
Check the argument for pythia command syntax: pythia [NAME] Note that other option are already remove at this point
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check_remove(self, args)
Check that the remove command is valid
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check_plot(self, args)
Check the argument for the plot command plot run_name modes
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check_pgs(self, arg)
Check the argument for pythia command syntax: pgs [NAME] Note that other option are already remove at this point
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check_delphes(self, arg)
Check the argument for pythia command syntax: delphes [NAME] Note that other option are already remove at this point
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check_display(self, args)
check the validity of line syntax: display XXXXX
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check_import(self, args)
check the validity of line
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__