Luigi Cimmino

Former member
Research directions:
Detector commissioning, operation and data processing
Research and development of new detectors

Experiments and collaborations:

Active projects
Imaging with cosmic-ray muons
Abhishek Chauhan, Eduardo Cortina Gil, Pavel Demin, Khalil El Achi, Andrea Giammanco, Sumaira Ikram, Maxime Lagrange, Nicolas Szilasi, Ayman Youssef, Zahraa Zaher

The general goal of this project is to develop muon-based radiography or tomography (“muography”), an innovative multidisciplinary approach to study large-scale natural or man-made structures, establishing a strong synergy between particle physics and other disciplines, such as geology and archaeology.
Muography is an imaging technique that relies on the measurement of the absorption of muons produced by the interactions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere.
Applications span from geophysics (the study of the interior of mountains and the remote quasi-online monitoring of active volcanoes) to archaeology and mining.

We are using the local facilities at CP3 for the development of high-resolution portable detectors based on Resistive Plate Chambers.

We also participate to the MURAVES collaboration through simulations (including the coordination of the Monte Carlo group), data-analysis developments (an example of the latter is the implementation and in-situ calibration of time-of-flight capabilities), and development of a new database.

We are part of the H2020-RIA project SilentBorder, which aims at developing new muon scanners at border controls. Our role in this project is to develop a parametric simulation and a ML-based detector optimization procedure.

We are also part of the H2020-MSCA-RISE network INTENSE where we coordinate the Muography work package, which brings together particle physicists, geophysicists, archaeologists, civil engineers and private companies for the development and exploitation of this imaging method.

External collaborators: UGent; Kyushu University; INTENSE Research & Innovation Staff Exchange network (Japan, Switzerland, Italy, France, Hungary); SilentBorder network (Estonia, Germany, Finland, Turkey, Italy, UK); MURAVES Collaboration including INFN, INGV, universities of Florence and Federico II Naples, UGent, VUB.
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire

Number of publications as IRMP member: 2


CP3-22-11: The MURAVES experiment: study of the Vesuvius Great Cone with Muon Radiography
D'Errico, M. and others

[Abstract] [PDF]
Proceedings of the Muography'21 workshop, submitted to JAIS
Contribution to proceedings. February 28.


CP3-21-57: End-to-end simulations of the MUon RAdiography of VESuvius experiment
Samalan, A. and others

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal]
Proceedings of the iWoRID 2021 conference.
Contribution to proceedings. September 30.