Chiara Arina

Research project coordinator


Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

+32 10 473229


UCL member card
Research directions:
Cosmology and General Relativity
Phenomenology of elementary particles

Active projects
Complementarity of dark matter searches in simplified models
Chiara Arina, Fabio Maltoni

Study of the complementarity between dark matter relic abundance, direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches applied to the dark matter simplified models. These models consider a dark matter candidate communicating to the quark (especially top) sector of the standard model via a bosonic or vectorial mediator.

External collaborators: Eric Conte (GPRHE), Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE), Jun Guo (Chinese Academy of Science), Jan Heisig (RWTH), Kentarou Mawatari (LPSC Grenoble), Michael Kraemer (RWTH), Mathieu Pellen (University of Wuerzburg).
Dark matter and neutrino masses in SUSY models
Chiara Arina, Michele Lucente

We study supersymmetric models in which modifications of the neutrino sector, to include a mass term, are connected to the dark matter sector. We analyse if the dark matter particles can be good dark matter candidates by considering cosmological and astrophysical constraints, as well as if the new neutrino sector can accommodate neutrino data.

External collaborators: Suchitat Kulkarni (OAW Wien).
SUSY phenomenology at LHC
Chiara Arina

Study of the supersymmetric phenomenology at LHC connected to the leptonic experimental searches to go beyond the simplified model spectra approach.

External collaborators: Michael Chala (Desy), Victor Martin Lozano (IFT Madrid), Germano Nardini (ITP Bern).
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire

Number of publications as IRMP member: 23
Last 5 publications


IRMP-CP3-25-03: CosmiXs: Improved spectra for dark matter indirect detection
Chiara Arina, Mattia Di Mauro, Nicolao Fornengo, Jan Heisig, Adil Jueid, Roberto Ruiz de Austri

[Local file]
To appear in the proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2024), Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 7-13 July, 2024.
Contribution to proceedings. January 22.


IRMP-CP3-23-72: CosmiXs: Cosmic messenger spectra for indirect dark matter searches
Arina, Chiara and Di Mauro, Mattia and Fornengo, Nicolao and Heisig, Jan and Jueid, Adil and de Austri, Roberto Ruiz

[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. December 6.
IRMP-CP3-23-71: Phenomenology of superheavy decaying dark matter from string theory
Rouzbeh Allahverdi, Chiara Arina, Marco Chianese, Michele Cicoli, Fabio Maltoni, Daniele Massaro and Jacek K. Osinski

[Local file]
Refereed paper. November 30.
IRMP-CP3-23-39: A comprehensive exploration of t-channel simplified models of dark matter
Arina, Chiara and Fuks, Benjamin and Heisig, Jan and Kr\"amer, Michael and Mantani, Luca and Panizzi, Luca

[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. July 30.
IRMP-CP3-23-21: Dark matter at the Higgs resonance
Mattia di Mauro, Chiara Arina, Nicolao Fornengo, Jan Heisig and Daniele Massaro

[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Submitted to Phys Rev D
Refereed paper. May 19.

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