Eleni Vryonidou
Former member
Member from October 2013
Member from October 2013
Research directions:
Active projects
Active projects
Complementarity of dark matter searches in simplified models
Chiara Arina, Fabio Maltoni
Study of the complementarity between dark matter relic abundance, direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches applied to the dark matter simplified models. These models consider a dark matter candidate communicating to the quark (especially top) sector of the standard model via a bosonic or vectorial mediator.
External collaborators: Eric Conte (GPRHE), Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE), Jun Guo (Chinese Academy of Science), Jan Heisig (RWTH), Kentarou Mawatari (LPSC Grenoble), Michael Kraemer (RWTH), Mathieu Pellen (University of Wuerzburg).
Study of the complementarity between dark matter relic abundance, direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches applied to the dark matter simplified models. These models consider a dark matter candidate communicating to the quark (especially top) sector of the standard model via a bosonic or vectorial mediator.
External collaborators: Eric Conte (GPRHE), Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE), Jun Guo (Chinese Academy of Science), Jan Heisig (RWTH), Kentarou Mawatari (LPSC Grenoble), Michael Kraemer (RWTH), Mathieu Pellen (University of Wuerzburg).
CĂ©line Degrande, Fabio Maltoni
Implementation of the SMEFT at NLO in QCD in the Feynrules MadGraph5_aMC@NLO chain and phenomenological studies
External collaborators: Cen Zhang, Celine Degrande.
Implementation of the SMEFT at NLO in QCD in the Feynrules MadGraph5_aMC@NLO chain and phenomenological studies
External collaborators: Cen Zhang, Celine Degrande.
Loop-induced processes in the SM and Beyond
Fabio Maltoni, Olivier Mattelaer
Automation within MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and phenomenological studies of loop-induced processes for the LHC
Automation within MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and phenomenological studies of loop-induced processes for the LHC
Precision Phenomenology at the LHC
Higher order corrections to key processes at the LHC (Higgs,...) are computed to higher orders in perturbation theory.
External collaborators: Babis Anastasiou (ETH Zurich) Vittorio Del Duca (ETH Zurich & INFN Frascati) Falko Dulat (SLAC) Elisabetta Furlan (ETH Zurich) Thomas Gehrmann (Universität Zurich) Franz Herzog (Nikhef) Achilleas Lazopoulos (ETH Zurich) Bernhard Mistlberger (CERN).
External collaborators: Babis Anastasiou (ETH Zurich) Vittorio Del Duca (ETH Zurich & INFN Frascati) Falko Dulat (SLAC) Elisabetta Furlan (ETH Zurich) Thomas Gehrmann (Universität Zurich) Franz Herzog (Nikhef) Achilleas Lazopoulos (ETH Zurich) Bernhard Mistlberger (CERN).
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 10
Last 5 publications
More publications
Number of publications as IRMP member: 10
Last 5 publications
CP3-16-11: Mass effects in Higgs plus jets production
R. Frederix, S. Frixione, E. Vryonidou and M. Wiesemann
to be submitted to JHEP
Refereed paper. April 4.
to be submitted to JHEP
Refereed paper. April 4.
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