aMCSusHi: Hadronic Higgs production through NLO+PS in the SM, the 2HDM, the MSSM and the NMSSM
This page contains the code to generate events for Higgs production at the LHC through gluon fusion.
NLO+PS Higgs production via gluon fusion (g g > h) in the SM with exact quark masses and in 2HDM/MSSM is built by a script. The script has to be used directly in the main folder (of the proper version) of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (MG5_aMC homepage). The matrix elements are taken from SusHi (SusHi homepage). Compiled versions of SusHi and FeynHiggs (FeynHiggs homepage) are required. These codes can be either downloaded (Note that SusHi-1.6.0 is to be used!) and installed automatically by this script or set up by the user beforehand. The script then modifies the proper MG5_aMC files and links SusHi and FeynHiggs.
More information can be found in the README.
Authors : Hendrik Mantler and Marius Wiesemann + Stefan Liebler (NMSSM)
"Hadronic Higgs production through NLO+PS in the SM, the 2HDM and the MSSM"
- Mantler and M. Wiesemann. Apr 28, 2015. 25 pp.
Published in Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) no.6, 257
e-Print: arXiv:1504.06625 [hep-ph]
"Distributions for neutral Higgs production in the NMSSM"
- Liebler, H. Mantler, M. Wiesemann. to appear.
The tar-archive must be unpacked directly inside the main folder (of the proper version) of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (MG5_aMC homepage). DISCLAIMER: You MUST use the IDENTICAL MG5_aMC and aMCSusHi version!
Download instructions and script here
Attachments (6)
(603.5 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
Instructions and Script to set up gg>h in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO with exact masses and in 2HDM/MSSM
(456.5 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
update for MG5_aMC_v2_2_1, tested with SusHi-1.4.0 and FeynHiggs-10.2.0
(450.0 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
First official version of aMCSusHi working with MG5_aMC_v2.2.3; v1.1: README updated, automatic LHAPDF usage removed from run_card.dat; misplaced character in shower_card.dat removed that caused occasionally problems
(460.0 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
First official version of aMCSusHi working with MG5_aMC_v2.3.0.beta; v1.1: README updated, automatic LHAPDF usage removed from run_card.dat; misplaced character in shower_card.dat removed that caused occasionally problems
(420.0 KB
) - added by 9 years ago.
aMCSusHi with NMSSM support, working with MG5_aMC_v2.3.3: NMSSM added, README updated, run_card.dat removed (using MG5_aMC default now), changes in MG5_aMC code minimized
(440.0 KB
) - added by 9 years ago.
aMCSusHi with NMSSM support, working with MG5_aMC_v2.4.3: NMSSM added, README updated, run_card.dat removed (using MG5_aMC default now), changes in MG5_aMC code minimized