Higgs Trilinear self-coupling determination through one-loop effects
Authors : Xiaoran Zhao email and Ambresh Shivaji email
Proposals have been made to access information on the Higgs self-coupling by accurately measuring cross sections and distributions using single-Higgs processes, see for instance arXiv:1607.04251.
This page contains the codes for generating events in processes p p > VH, VBF, tHj and ttH and H > 4l including the effect of trilinear Higgs self coupling at one-loop.
Please cite: Fabio Maltoni, Davide Pagani, Ambresh Shivaji and Xiaoran ZhaoarXiv:1709.08649
trilinear-FF (The Form-factor code to run VH, VBF and Hto4l) FF
In this folder we provide:
a) 'loop_hvv' : the UFO model folder with modified VVH vertices due to trilinear couplings at one-loop
b) "hvvcoef.cpp": C++ implementation of form factors
c) "Makefile" : to generate static library (libhvvcoef.a) which is used during event generation
d) "ReadMe.txt" : explains how to use the code step by step and benchmarking for HZ process
trilinear-RW (The Reweighting code to run VH, VBF, tHj and ttH) RW
In this folder we provide:
a) 'hhh-model': the UFO model file to be used
b) "gevirt.sh": auxiliary script to generate virtual EW subprocesses
c) "vvh-loop_diagram_generation.py" : to select right set of one-loop diagrams in VH, VBF and tHj
d) "tth-loop_diagram_generation.py" : to select right set of one-loop diagrams in ttH
e) "check_OLP.f": reweighting code
f) "makefile" : makefile for reweighting code
g) "ReadMe.txt" : explains how to use the code step by step and benchmarking for HZ process
h) we also provide 'example_hz' folder which contains a simple script to build the reweighting code for HZ as an example
(All calculations are done in G_\mu scheme and benchmarking is done with MG5_aMC_v2_5_5)
ZH diagrams at one-loop due to trilinear coupling
ttH diagrams at one-loop due to trilinear coupling
(Not all diagrams are included here.)
Attachments (4)
- loop_k3_hz.png (11.9 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- loop_k3_tth.png (17.9 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
(125.5 KB
) - added by 8 years ago.
(608.9 KB
) - added by 8 years ago.
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