2018 CERN Summer student workshop
- Interactive Flash version Note you may want to zoom in!
- Fast movie (.avi) of collision
- Guided movie (.mov) of collision
Discover the Higgs at the LHC:
- Find the best prediction for Higgs production at the LHC here.
- Find the Higgs branching ratios here.
Choose a channel and investigate signal and background:
- The 4 lepton final state: $pp \to H\to Z Z \to e+e- \mu+ \mu-$
- Signal
- Events: Parton Level Detector Level
- Plots: Parton Level Detector Level
- Background
- Events: Parton Level Detector Level
- Plots: Parton Level Detector Level
- Signal
- The 2 lepton + missing Et final state: $pp \to H\to W+ W- \to e- \bar \nu_e \mu+ \nu_\mu $
- Signal
- Events: Parton Level Detector Level
- Plots: Parton Level Detector Level
- Background
- Events: Parton Level Detector Level
- Plots: Parton Level Detector Level
- Signal
- Top associated production $pp \to t\bar tH$ with $H \to b \bar b$
- Signal + Background samples:
- Events: Parton Level Detector Level
- Plots: Parton Level Detector Level
- Signal + Background samples:
The Challenge
Three "black boxes" are given, in the form of event files in the LHC Olympics format and a series of selected plots:
- Box A : Events Plots: Parton level Detector level
- Box B : Events Plots: Parton level Detector level
- Box C : Events Plots: Parton lelve Detector level
Black boxes contain only signal events. The students are asked to pair up the boxes above with the following models and also answer to the questions:
- Model 1 : Extra Z (zp) : What its mass? Does it have Standard Model couplings to fermions?
- Model 2 : Heavy Scalar (h): What its mass? Is it a SM Higgs?
- Model 3 : Extra W (wp+ or wp-) : What its mass? Does it have Standard Model couplings to fermions?
Useful extra information:
p_T{vis} | + E_T{miss}$. |
- A SM-like Z' would decay (more or less democratically) into: jet jet (uu~,cc~,dd~,ss~,bb~), t tbar (tt~), lept+lept- (e+e-,mu+mu-,ta+ta-), neutrino anti-neutrino (ve ve~,vm vm~,vt vt~). It could also have couplings to SM W and Z, and in that case would decay in to ZZ and W+W-.
- An Higgs couple to particles with a strength which is proportional to the particle masses. A SM-like heavy H would decay in to t tbar (tt~), W+W-, ZZ.
- A SM-like W'+ would decay into: jet jet (ud~,cs~), t b (tb~), lept neutrino (e+ ve , mu+ vm, ta+ vt). It could also have couplings to SM W and Z, and in that case would decay in to ZW.
Last modified
7 years ago
Last modified on Aug 1, 2018, 3:19:14 PM
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